Sunday, July 30, 2023

Obama simply followed all of Bush's policies and when it came time for re-election 2012 he pivoted and said "I'm for gay marriage"

They like you fighting on issues like abortion. I'm not saying abortion isn't a very important issue, but us fighting about abortion doesn't scare anyone at the Federal Reserve.  It doesn't scare anyone in the CIA.  They don't care if you fight about that issue.  Love you fighting over transgender.  They love you fighting over transgender bathrooms.   -- Dave Smith

You almost feel like the left just controls the broader culture but this was actually not the case immediately following 9/11. The culture had a very right wing mood to it it was very much about like patriotism and hierarchy and military and "Go America," which was a natural response to being attacked.  Highest approval ratings.  The American people gave George Bush a blank check to fight this war on terrorism.  You have whatever war you want, whatever action you want, whatever policy you want . . . if you want to grope us at the airport.  If you want to torture people, you want to open Guantanamo Bay, the PATRIOT Act, you want to create the Department of Homeland Security, whatever you want.  And he spent this blank check on two Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that led to the death of over a million people and what we got for it in return was are bravest Young men blowing their brains out at the tens of thousands at the price tag of trillions of dollars and the region completely destabilized anyway just nocremembr show for it if you look at Washington DC the zip codes with the highest incomes is the city with the most people making over $200,000. And they're all making over $200,000 because they're all kind of some connected to the military industrial complex including New York in LA and Newport Beach Miami DC is number one most.

Just to my point, so this is what we get out of George Bush's blank check.  On top of that, his presidency ends with the worst financial crash in 100 years.  It was so obvious that this is why Barack Obama was elected, because he was the most anti-George W. Bush thing that people could think of.  But then Obama comes in and continues all of the Bush policies after running on "I'm going to repeal all of these policies." Then there was a pivot.  It was right around when Obama was running for re-election in 2012.  What did Obama come out and say for his re-election campaign?  Did he come out and say, "Hey, look, remember I told you I was going to close Guantanamo Bay?  And I did it."  No, he couldn't say that.  Did he say I ended the war in Iraq?  No.  He couldn't say that either.  Did he say we're not torturing people anymore?  Did he say we're not dropping anymore drones over Yemen or Pakistan?  No.  In fact, by this time in 2012, not only had Obama continued the war Did he say I ended the war in Iraq?  No, he couldn't say that either.  Not only had Obama continued the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, he had also launched a stupid regime-change war in Libya.  He was starting to fund a civil war in Syria.  And he had the drone campaigns in Yemen and Pakistan.  So, what did he say?  He's got this base of liberals for whom he hasn't done anything that he promised.  So what did he say?  "I'm for gay marriage.  I'm the first president who's ever been for gay marriage."  And they put the White House up with the pride flag colors.  

This was a concerted effort from the top.  If you go look at these Nexus charts, you can map out words in major publications.  I'm not talking about Mom and Pop news outlets, I'm talking about the New York Times, The Washington Post, like the big dogs.  Go track how many times the word "racism" was mentioned.  Around 2012, it shot up.  "Social Justice" shoots up.  "Transgenderism" shoots up. "White Privilege" shoots up.  This was forced on the American people.  Why are we having these conversations now?  The American people did not wake up one day and decide we want to have a national conversation about chicks with dicks.  It didn't happen.  This wasn't an organic movement.  All of the most powerful people decided this is what we're going to talk about.  And why was that?  Because it's the perfect . . . look when you're failing on policy, you pivot to a culture war.  You pit people against each other so they are fighting each other.  We had in this country, we had an Occupy Wall Street, 2011, we're leftists were standing outside of big Banks screaming we are the 99% right-wingers had a populist movement called the Tea Party they were outraged about bank bailouts, unsustainable debt, unsustainable spending.  They don't like that.  That's not what the powers would be like.  You're getting too close.  They like you fighting on issues like abortion. I'm not saying abortion isn't a very important issue, but us fighting about abortion doesn't scare anyone at the Federal Reserve.  It doesn't scare anyone in the CIA.  They don't care if you fight about that issue.  Love you fighting over transgender.  They love you fighting over transgender bathrooms.  And you can see this everyday.  They are stoking this culture war because they have to distract you from the fact that they've completely failed on everything else in the 20th century.  For America, politically speaking has been a disaster.  Did they distract you with the submarine?  They love stories like that.  CNN loves an airplane crash.  They love stories that get clicks and no powerful people will be upset about it.  If they actually loved real stories that just got clicks, there's a lot of stories that get clicks that they've been passing them up for years.  It's part of the reason why shows like this and Joe Rogan have have taken off, because they can run stories . . . .  Hey, do you think people getting vaccine injured is not a story that would generate a lot of views for CNN, the vaccine that the government just mandated has hurt all these people.  That's a huge story.  And why don't they run it?  Because all their commercials are run by pharmaceutical companies.  They don't want to piss off powerful interests.  So they're not in the game of that.  So they have to create something for you to be afraid of, like, "white supremacist terrorism is everywhere."

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