Monday, July 17, 2023

Weaponization of Healthcare by the Global Supranational Crime Cartel

Population control is an explicit view of government policy that has been in place since the 1970s.  It has been presented as an international policy, so the U.S. was running around the world and telling foreign governments to control their population size, but, in fact, the same policy was implemented domestically.  And vaccinations, in general, and all vaccines, including traditional vaccines are systematic poisoning to ensure that the population remains under certain numbers.  So this is not a conspiracy theory; it's a conspiracy, but it's not a theory.  And we should all understand that this is what's going on.  Governments all over the world are driving population control agenda because they must, and the people telling them that they must are the private owners.

So what has happened in the U.S. and globally as far as COVID goes, is they had all these population control strategies in place, but someone was not satisfied.  So COVID was implemented as a much higher gear of this agenda, and it became visible because of that.  It became very visible because of that.  So this is a global military, and Katherine Watt, my friend, calls this "Kill Box."  "Kill Box" is a military term, and it means a three-dimensional area that enables attacks.  

U.S. DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms:

A "Kill Box" is a three-dimensional area reference that enables timely, effective coordination and control, and facilitates rapid attacks. 

Find that definition on Page 131 here.  Find the Construction of the "Kill Box" here.  Slide show of Kill Box with diagrams.

So the military will set it up using the GPS coordinates, using whatever satellites, whatever technology they have, and designate an area as a "Kill Box" and then the military operation happens here.  Ah, well, the entire world is the "Kill Box."  

COVID-19 is a global military operation via a Kill Box.  Manufactured fear of viral pandemics > Intentionally bad policies in lockstep > Weaponization of Healthcare > Weapons: Poisonous Shots that give recipient cancer in the short-term > Gaslighting of Deaths and Injuries

And what is happening, the strategy of this is, first they manufacture fear.  They pre-manufacture it. a long time before this happens through media, entertainment especially, games, movies, Hollywood shows, everything.  They predictively program people to recognize certain keywords as fear, such as "viruses."  And if you notice, if you think back several years before this happened, how many shows and movies and entertainment games were about pandemics [this site lists 91. So if you've been watching, you've been mind played].  Specifically, because they were predictively programming you to the point that when these news topics come on TV and the media, everyone reacts with fear because they have been programmed to do so.  And, of course, they've implemented all of these bad policies under the guise of public health in lockstep all governments of the world.  That should have clued everyone in right away.  So, how do you do that?  Who controls that?  Definitely, those were not sovereign nations acting in the interests of their populations and public health.  Then, of course, with the weaponization of healthcare, they made the weapons these so-called "vaccines."  They're really bioweapons.  And the word, "bioweapon," also the people misunderstand.  It's just a chemical poison of a certain kind that's been injected.  And then, of course, gaslighting of the injured and continued cycles of this fear-mongering and propaganda.  And it just continues, and this is what the "Kill Box" is.  And you have to learn what this is in order to get out of it. 

I started my investigation from the batch analysis.  I talked about it extensively.  I published on it.  I early on corroborated with Craig Paardekooper and his site, How Bad Is My Batch?  [Find his summary here.]  I  contributed a lot of my materials to that website.  Craig is a wonderful person.  He's a great analyst.  He's very diligent.  He's built an amazing website.  If you don't know about it, you should visit it.  But over time, it became one of the best red-pilling tools for everyone.  The first analysis that I looked at was the end of 2021.  The first year of adverse events and deaths.  While I don't recommend any vaccines to anyone, it looks like at the time that flu vaccines were manufactured according to GMPs.  And so the variability was very low and close to zero and consistently the same despite being numerous manufacturers.

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