Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Edward Jenner promised that his smallpox vaccine would deliver lifetime immunity . . . then revised to 14 Years . . . then to 7 Years . . . then to 5 . . . then to 2

Does that sound familiar?  It should.  

Fauci, Walensky, Rachel Maddow (not a scientist or a doctor or anything really), and Bill Gates said you have "long-lasting immunity."  But they all lied.  They knew they lied.  This vaccine, nor any before it, is not the first rodeo, nor will it be the last.  Time will lapse.  People will forget or diminish the death and devastation the vaccines wrought.

The speaker's name is Barbara Loe Fisher.  Find her Twitter page here.

Her other books include, 

A Shot in the Dark, Harris L. Coulter and Barbara Loe Fisher, 1991.

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