Tuesday, July 18, 2023


This was from 2019.

WARNING:  Your Romaine Lettuce could be deadly.  The CDC urged consumers to throw away any Romaine grown in California's Salinas Valley, including package mixes, and then sanitize the refrigerator.  67 people in 19 States have now been sickened in this latest outbreak.  This one pissed me off.  So for the last 5 years or so, America has been having an undercover E coli outbreak, and you guessed it, in ours and Canada's Romaine lettuce.  Investigators still don't know what is causing the contamination with a toxic strain of E coli bacteria.  A similar outbreak last year led to a ban on all Romaine.  So not only are fast food spots selling E coli lettuce, Walmart's in over 20 states have helped to spread E coli to thousands of us.  Class action lawsuits are rising by the days.  Not only are folks getting sick, they're dying as well.  At first, the CDC said, "Don't eat Romaine lettuce.  Now they're saying that the outbreak is over.  Wonder where I heard that before.  

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