Tuesday, July 25, 2023

In the mandated hospital protocols and the drug selected by Anthony Fauci to treat all Covid-19 Americans who were infected, I knew what I called then would be Anthony Fauci's genocide.  It was going to be how Anthony was going to kill hundreds of thousands if not millions of Americans treated in hospitals around the country and I have not gotten off of this ever since.  So the truth is in the memo that Anthony Foundry stated was that there was one drug and one drug only that was found to be effective in a viral trial against Ebola virus a year earlier and this experimental antiviral drug called remdesivir that at that time had never been FDA approved he said it was proven safe and effective against the Ebola virus but now we're going to use it in America as the only treatment of all hospitalized covid-19 SARS covid 2 virus infected people and so I had never heard of from Death severe so I selected the actual hyperlink on the nih.gov's website the National Institutes of Health

https://myfreedoctor.com/.  The best parts of this presentation come after the 18-minute mark.  


Dose for adults with Covid-19 in hospitals.  0.2 to 0.6 milligrams for every 2.2 pounds of body weight for 5 days.  This is another Indian vendor.  

https://www.alldaychemist.com/. From that site, All Day Chemist, I received this reply to "Where are you located?" 

you can place order and within 30-40 days it would be delivered. We ship through postal service and your order can be tracked. Order will be shipped from India, Singapore.

B-Complex is vital to repair and rebuild the muscle tissue of the heart.

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