Bill Gates has enjoyed something of a free pass in corporate media. But considering the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has given over $300 million worth of donations to various media outlets, it’s pretty easy to see why the media won’t bite the hand that feeds them.
— James Melville (@JamesMelville) November 30, 2022
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
With Over $319 Million in Donations to Corporate Media, "it’s pretty easy to see why the media won’t bite the hand that feeds them"
Newborn Baby Boy, Alexander, Dies Days After Receiving Unauthorised Vaccinated Blood Transfusion
Newborn Baby Boy, Alexander, Dies Days After Receiving Unauthorised Vaccinated Blood Transfusion
— Kirsty Miller (@NurseNoMore777) November 30, 2022
Baby Alexander developed thrombophlebitis, The clot traveled throughout his body towards his heart and eventually he died.
So how do we fix the stagnant blood?
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Cows need 4 stomachs + hours of chewing
Cows need 4 stomachs + hours of chewing and regurgitation just to be able to digest grass properly.
— Carnivore Sapien 🥩 (@CarnivoreSapien) November 29, 2022
Tell me again how your body will handle that spinach and kale salad just fine??
DR. ROBERT MALONE: “I have historically worked with people who have been truly Deep State intelligence community. I have decades of experience in biodefense."
Is Dr. Malone merely protecting himself and his new career transition from the man who “invented mRNA vaccines”4 — one of the worst disasters in human history — to the man who is leading the health freedom fight on a worldwide level? Or is Malone’s mass psychosis concept being further developed and used by others, such as the Department of Defense or the intelligence community? Malone has boasted about this Deep State background:5
“I have historically worked with people who have been truly Deep State intelligence community. I have decades of experience in biodefense. I have been deep in the belly of the beast. I have won literally billions of dollars for my clients in grants and contracts. I have managed hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and contracts in the vaccine space.”
Malone has stated that these Deep State connections have been severed and no longer have influence over him.
My girlfriend has . . . gone off her blood pressure meds because of carnivore.
Carnivore is great for ankylosing spondylitis
— Dr Shawn Baker 🥩 (@SBakerMD) November 29, 2022
What is ankylosing spondylitis? Arthritis of the spine.
Know, too, that beef is more than just protein. Thanks to Wejolyn for the nutritional chart.— Wejolyn 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 (@Wejolyn) November 29, 2022
Monday, November 28, 2022
BREAKING: The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, Der Speigel, and El Pais demand that DoJ drop all charges against Julian Assange
The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, Der Speigel, and El Pais demand that DoJ drop all charges against Julian Assange. Finally.
— John Kiriakou (@JohnKiriakou) November 28, 2022
Ron Gould of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors was told he would be arrested if he did not certify the election.
This isn’t the America you and I grew up in, folks.
— Kari Lake (@KariLake) November 29, 2022
Plea Deal on One Count w/the Feds Tricked Defendant. Feds Add Terrorism Charge, Turn 6-Month Sentence Into 5 Years
DVR ALERT! Set DVRs now to record “Shame of a Nation” (Sun 11p ET on @NEWSMAX or watch live on the NEWSMAX original documentary featuring stories of Americans whose lives & families were crushed by the media representations & government prosecutions of J6
— Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) November 25, 2022
LEBANON: local currency has lost more than 95% of its value, pensions are worthless, banks shutdown, and ATMs are out of cash
In Lebanon, the local currency has lost more than 95% of its value, pensions are worthless, banks shutdown, and ATMs are out of cash.
— Documenting Bitcoin 📄 (@DocumentingBTC) November 27, 2022
People are surviving with #bitcoin
"You cannot certify this election! I saw VOTERS were DISENFRANCHISED! You are the butt of our jokes. Be the hero for once."
🔥🔥Watch this poll worker from Arizona tell the board, "You cannot certify this election! I saw VOTERS were DISENFRANCHISED! You are the butt of our jokes. Be the hero for once." #Arizona #MaricopaCounty #2022midterms
— Ryan Ragnar 🇺🇸 (@ryanahlberg) November 28, 2022
BOMBSHELL: Poll Observer Testifies that a machine was NOT working the night before the election during a test-run & was STILL USED the next day
The speaker is Janelle Weaver of Goodyear, Arizona.
BOMBSHELL: Poll Observer Testifies that a machine was NOT working the night before the election during a test-run & was STILL USED the next day
— Kari Lake (@KariLake) November 28, 2022
This is vote-trafficking at its finest.
Here’s another one the people need to see!! 🔥🔥
— Jayson (@Jayson14097397) November 28, 2022
. . . the only thing you'll be certifying is your corruption
If this election is certified, the only parties benefiting from this are the cartels. They've taken over Mexico, and sadly they've taken over many politicians in America.
🚨 STOP what you are doing and WATCH this. This is the BEST explanation of Maricopa County Election-Day Disaster you will ever watch. 🚨
— Kari Lake (@KariLake) November 28, 2022
Decrease in nitric oxide(NO) with aging is associated with cardiovascular disease, loss of immune and neural function
Decrease in nitric oxide(NO) with aging is associated with
— Robert Lufkin MD (@robertlufkinmd) November 27, 2022
cardiovascular disease, loss of immune and neural function.
There are approved drugs to safely increase NO levels.
Why are they primarily used to increase
blood flow to only one sexual organ in males?
Why hasn't WEF penetration of cabinets around the world triggered a national security alert?
AUSTRALIA - Queensland senator demands to know why WEF penetration of cabinets around the world hasn’t triggered a national security alert.
— Bernie's Tweets (@BernieSpofforth) November 22, 2022
It’s clear to see the coordination of nations as they roll out The Great Reset.
The one no one voted for!
Sunday, November 27, 2022
Excellent Results from a Carnivore Diet
I don't know who needs to hear this but only protein and fat is essential in the human diet. #Carnivore
— Carnivore Me (@RKhalil47608038) November 23, 2022
4.5 years carnivore with a total of 168# gone. Too many things to list as better. #carnivore it’s a matter of consistency and discipline. @SBakerMD @KenDBerryMD
— GrammyGnome (@GrammyGnome) November 27, 2022
65 years young
— David Diamond (@LDLSkeptic) November 28, 2022
25 years since my doc urged me to go on a statin (I refused) and the last 15 years with no meds and largely carnivore #LCHF
on vacation at W Palm Beach, FL -
if you're here check out a great little French Cafe:
"prescribing anticoagulant Apixaban did not help patients recovering from moderate & severe Covid.. 29% of people given the drug ended up back in hospital or died, compared with 30.8% receiving standard care.”
And what were the results for CoQ10, Nattokinase, Lipoic Acid, Carnitine, Serrapeptase, Lumbrokinase, prebiotics/probiotics, Systemic Enzymes, proteolytic enzymes and so forth.
— DCGreenZone1 🐭 (@DCGreenZone) November 27, 2022
Eating wild game meats over farmed meats is better
Eating wild game meats over farmed meats is better:
— Magnesium Girl - Yin solutions in a yang world (@LocalRachel) October 24, 2021
🦌No artificial insemination
🦌Free feeding
🦌Natural environment with trees
🦌More peaceful life
🦌Less stressed animals
🦌Less mechical processing
🦌More nutritionally dense meat
🦌Less transportation
🦌More sustainable
Melatonin reduces lipid peroxidation and membrane viscosity
This is something.
Melatonin reduces lipid peroxidation and membrane viscosity
— Kelly DNP🩺 Faith & Truth (@kacdnp91) November 27, 2022
the migration into Europe, and that allowed by Biden into the United States, [has] been motivated by free benefits, not by opportunities to work.
Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.
Greens & the Socialists have taken control of Germany and in the process, the strongest economy of the EU has taken a decisive directional change here in 2022 that will not merely set in motion the decline and fall of Germany, but that of the European Union as well. Once again, the Berlin Senate will discuss the issue of Bürgergeld (citizen’s allowance), which is to replace the current social benefit program Hartz IV.
The new Government has proposed reforming the support for the long-term unemployed – currently known as “unemployment benefit II” (Arbeitslosengeld II) or Hartz IV. The proposed new system scheduled to roll out in early 2023, will be called Bürgergeld, or “citizen’s allowance.” This will increase in the basic monthly benefit from €449 to €502. Additionally, the Bürgergeld will reduce sanctions for those who are avoiding employment and training meetings, which appears to have emerged since the COVID lockdowns around the world. Many appear to have enjoyed free money to stay home under COVID restrictions and have been reluctant to return to any employment. After the first six months, the benefit can be reduced by up to 30% if they refuse to take courses or work.
Clearly, COVID has altered the labor market worldwide. In Germany, the employment profile differs from that of the early 2000s, when there was mass unemployment from the 2007-2009 Economic Crisis. That is when Germany drafted Hartz IV. Germany is facing labor shortages much as we see around the world leaving many unfilled jobs. In Germany, the estimates are about 1.8 million in the third quarter of 2022 of still unfilled jobs.
Strangely, the current situation regarding the arrival of refugees in Berlin is also a serious topic. The accommodation of the refugees is becoming an increasingly difficult crisis in itself. This has only added to energy security in Berlin. Tensions are quietly rising between the Germany population v the refugees. Unlike the mass migration of Europeans that set sail to America, there were no social programs so the migration was for a better life and America was viewed as the “land of opportunity” whereas the migration into Europe and that being allowed by Biden in the United States, have been motivated by free benefits – not opportunities to work.
Our model has targeted that the German elections and the rise of the the Greens and Socialists are not concerned about the industrial production of Germany, which has been the backbone of the entire EU economy. They are far more concerned about ending the Industrial Revolution for climate change and that is fundamentally undermining the very foundation of the entire Germany economic model from post-World War II that created Germany. We must understand that Germany’s economic policy was that of the old Mercantile system meaning that they focused on producing products to sell to other countries.
Kohl denied the German people the right to vote on even joining the Euro. He insisted that there would be no consolidation of debt for that would be seen as a bailout for the irresponsible Greek, Italian, and Spanish governments. The entire German foundation was built on hard work and conservatism. But they never sought to build a domestic consumer base. They wanted to sell to the rest of Europe, which was the entire purpose behind the Euro to eliminate foreign exchange risk that would expand German production for export.
The move to end Climate Change is fundamentally driving a stake through the very heart of the German economy. The mercantile economic model will continue to collapse under Climate Change. The Greens and Socialists are moving forward blindly without even understanding the very core rise of the Germany economy and in the end, this will further reduce the economic footprint of the EU in the post-2024
Saturday, November 26, 2022
BIDENECONOMICS: “A notable 57% of beauty salons said they couldn’t make rent as well as 45% of gyms, 44% of retail and 44% of restaurants.”
This is devastating. Owning a small business is the American dream and they are being destroyed by our government leader’s bad decisions.
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 (@RepMTG) November 26, 2022
“A notable 57% of beauty salons said they couldn’t make rent as well as 45% of gyms, 44% of retail and 44% of restaurants.”
Did you take your multivitamins today?
You had your multivitamin, I mean steak, today right?
— Equip Foods (@EquipFoods) November 26, 2022
Graphene Strips in Disposable Napkins?
Watch the video 👇
— Swifty (@Swifty_s) November 26, 2022
If Republicans Don't Have a Plan B going into Election Day, It Means They've Learned Nothing . . . I mean election fraud has a long, long history
At least a lawsuit has been filed.
.@KariLake: "Knowing that our supporters in our great movement that we had here in Arizona, running against a basement candidate who hid out and didn’t even campaign. They knew that our people we’re going to show up on Election Day and they threw every wrench in the machine."
— Kari Lake War Room (@KariLakeWarRoom) November 26, 2022
No wonder people don't like politics.
Here is Kari Lake explaining in less than 45 seconds what she and her ticket have been facing in Arizona.Here is the recording of the exchange between Maricopa County attorney, Tom Liddy, and Kari Lake campaign attorney, Tim La Sota. Newsweek explains,.@KariLake: "When we started asking pointed questions they went silent.. So we’re asking the courts to help force them to give us that information."
— Kari Lake War Room (@KariLakeWarRoom) November 26, 2022
Liddy told Newsweek that he initially spoke with Tim La Sota, a Lake campaign attorney, who asked questions about the Election Day voting returns: "How many voters checked into to Maricopa County vote centers?; how many provisional ballots outstanding?"
"There was nothing unusual about the questions. After I was satisfied that I clearly understood their questions, another voice came on the phone—not LaSota's," Liddy said of the RNC lawyer he accused of threatening him. "The voice said something to the effect of 'it is very important that we get the answers to these questions quickly. There are a lot of irate people out there who want to take to the streets and we can't control them. I want to be able to tell them that Tom Liddy has been cooperative. Right now I cannot tell them that.'"
Here is the video, er, audio:
15 seconds
15 seconds
another Crohn’s case put into remission via a carnivore diet!
Great job, yet another Crohn’s case put into remission via a carnivore diet!
— Dr Shawn Baker 🥩 (@SBakerMD) November 24, 2022
1 - Lionel Messi is now both the youngest (18y 357d vs Serbia in 2006) and the oldest (35y 155d vs Mexico today) player to both score and assist in a single World Cup game since the start of the 1966 tournament. Longevity.
— OptaJoe (@OptaJoe) November 26, 2022
Each year, heat kills half a million people but cold kills 4.5 million people — 𝟵𝘅 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 Yet, most reporting focuses on heat deaths, because it fits the climate narrative
𝗖𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘀 𝗺𝘂𝗰𝗵 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝘁
— Bjorn Lomborg (@BjornLomborg) November 26, 2022
Each year, heat kills half a million people
but cold kills 4.5 million people — 𝟵𝘅 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲
Yet, most reporting focus on heat deaths, because it fits the climate narrative.
“The CDC Director was working with the Chinese Communist Party’s People’s Liberation Army…the whole time…” says the questionable, Dr. Naomi Wolf
Alex (Sasha) Krainer's warning,
This woman is perpetually misdirecting. Caveat emptor!
— Alex (Sasha) Krainer (@NakedHedgie) November 26, 2022
Please heed Krainer's warning. She is not a serious researcher or historian or the Joan of Arc of the third wave of feminism. But I have to say that I got caught up in this presentation of hers about China's involvement in the production of LNPs for the vaccines. And because she offers no docuementation, no reference to any journals or authors, it leaves me mainly with questions.
Alex added that
Run up to 2020 elections, produced alarmist videos about the threat of totalitarianism in the US - identifying Trump and MAGA republicans as source of that threat.
— Alex (Sasha) Krainer (@NakedHedgie) November 26, 2022
So I checked further, and Wikipedia delivered. On the accuracy of facts and details in her 1991 book, The Beauty Myth, Wikipedia states that
Christina Hoff Sommers [who does good work as an anti-feminist but has gone off the rails at times] criticized Wolf for publishing the estimate that 150,000 women were dying every year from anorexia. Sommers said she traced the source to the American Anorexia and Bulimia Association, who stated that they were misquoted; the figure refers to sufferers, not fatalities. Wolf's citation came from a book by Brumberg, who referred to an American Anorexia and Bulimia Association newsletter and misquoted the newsletter. Wolf accepted the error and changed it in future editions. Sommers gave an estimate for the number of fatalities in 1990 as 100–400.[39][40] The annual anorexia casualties in the US were estimated to be around 50 to 60 per year in the mid-1990s.[41] In 1995, for an article in The Independent on Sunday, British journalist Joan Smith recalled asking Wolf to explain her unsourced assertion in The Beauty Myth that the UK "has 3.5 million anorexics or bulimics (95 per cent of them female), with 6,000 new cases yearly". Wolf replied, according to Smith, that she had calculated the statistics from patients with eating disorders at one clinic.[32]
Caspar Schoemaker of the Netherlands Trimbos Institute published a paper in the academic journal Eating Disorders demonstrating that of the 23 statistics cited by Wolf in Beauty Myth, 18 were incorrect, with Wolf citing numbers that average out to 8 times the number in the source she was citing.[42]
This is not the work of a serious journalist or researchers. But it doesn't end there. While the accuracy of her book and arguments were found questionable, the reception of her book as an argument to advance women's strength failed too. Wikipedia again,
However, Camille Paglia, whose Sexual Personae was published in the same year as The Beauty Myth, derided Wolf as unable to perform "historical analysis", and called her education "completely removed from reality."[45] Her comments touched off a series of debates between Wolf and Paglia in the pages of The New Republic.[46][47][48]
Caryn James in The New York Times stated:
"No other work has so forcefully confronted the anti-feminism that emerged during the conservative, yuppified 1980's, or so honestly depicted the confusion of accomplished women who feel emotionally and physically tortured by the need to look like movie stars. Even by the standards of pop-cultural feminist studies, The Beauty Myth is a mess, but that doesn't mean it's wrong."[49]
James also wrote that the book's "claims of an intensified anti-feminism are plausible, but Ms. Wolf doesn't begin to prove them because her logic is so lame, her evidence so easily knocked down."[49] Marilyn Yalom in The Washington Post called the book "persuasive" and praised its "accumulated evidence".[50]
Revisiting Beauty Myth in 2019 for The New Republic, literary critic Maris Kreizman recalls that reading it as an undergraduate made her "world burst open". However, as she matured, Kreizman saw Wolf's books as "poorly argued tracts" with Wolf making "wilder and wilder assertions" over time. Kreizman "began to write (Wolf) off as a fringe character" despite the fact that she had "once informed my own feminism so deeply."[11]
So by her very work, she discredits herself. Which begs the question: is Naomi Wolf a serious researcher and can her work be credible? What I have not liked about her presentations is that she is all over the map, offers little to no documentation, reference to journals or articles, but leaves it up to the viewer to do the research to confirm what she's saying. Not good. But I liked what she said here on Bannon's War Room, but it only left me with questions.
Well guess what? It's China and not only is China a company called WuXi pharmaceuticals in Shanghai producing the Wuxi Biologics (thank you) producing the lipid nanoparticles, but Karen Kingston pointed out that the CDC had their trials for the vaccines. Nine of the trial locations and trial oversights in 2020 were in China and one of them was believe it or not overseen by the People's Liberation Army of China.
I'm going to say that again, our CDC, our Rachel Walensky, when they were running the trials for this mRNA injection that everyone was forced to get mandated to get, nine of the sites, nine of the oversight of what was happening, were in China. One was overseen by the military of China. I'm going to remind you that I keep saying this is a bioweapon.
This is a bioweapon. I'm going to move on. WuXi Biologics of Shanghai doesn't just manufacture the lipid nanoparticles that are in all of these mRNA injections, they actually bought a chunk of Pfizer. They bought a Pfizer production plant in China, so they bought a part of the company of Pfizer. Remember I reported that there was a memorandum of understanding.
Well, they are actually now a Chinese company meaning a CCP managed company as everything is in China owns a chunk of Pfizer. Not only that, in this past month, September of 2022 our FDA, that complicit FDA that signed off on all of the atrocities and mass murders and disabilities and horrors and poisoning of women and babies in the Pfizer documents, our FDA and European Medicines Association which is their FDA signed off on an agreement, they okayed WuXi to produce drugs and injections for Europe and America. And then WuXi opened plants in Germany, Switzerland and now in Worcester, Mass (Massachusetts) to manufacture Pfizer injections and other drugs. That’s the third plant owned by China.
But the Chinese never approved the Biontech or Moderna mRNA LNP for their own peope. Have a look at this thread.
— RefugeOfSinners (ROS) (@RefugeOfSinner5) November 25, 2022
"Fed is shrinking its balance sheet by $95bn a month" --Holger Zschaepitz. "And they say it couldn’t be done" --Tom Luongo
Ever so quietly in the background.
— Danielle DiMartino Booth (@DiMartinoBooth) November 26, 2022
Friday, November 25, 2022
there has been a 389% increase in children receiving mastectomies from 2016 through 2019 . . . the consequence of this radical agenda that is being pushed on our kids
According to a research paper that was recently published to the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics, show that there has been a 389% increase in children receiving mastectomies from 2016 through 2019. I want to say that again, children receiving mastectomies. The UCLA School of Laws, Williams Institute, published a study that found the number of transgender youth in America has doubled in just the past five years. When you look at these statistics, you got to realize that this is not an accident. This didn't just happen. This is very intentional, and it's the consequence of this radical agenda that is being pushed on our kids. They're rejecting the existence of objective reality by rejecting this most fundamental truth of the differences between a biological male and female. Now, even as there are no long term studies on the effects of these dangerous treatments on our kids, those in power in government and so-called medical professionals continue to push them. Many of the standard protocols that they are pushing include puberty blockers and hormones, some of which were just recently flagged by the FDA because of their plausible link to serious brain disorder, cognitive problems. Now, that hasn't stopped President Biden from going and telling parents that, "Affirming your child's identity is one of the most powerful things you can do to keep them safe."Important message from Tulsi Gabbard
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) November 25, 2022
Florida has a Dengue Virus problem!! The solution may be modified mosquitos. Just kidding. It's a vaccine
Florida has a Dengue Virus problem!! The solution may be modified mosquitos. Just kidding.
— Brook Jackson 💜 (@IamBrookJackson) November 24, 2022
It's a vaccine; granted priority review by FDA.
“California needs a Lyme disease vaccine; it’s an emergency”, declares big, scary, red chart. Pfizer to the rescue, of course.
“California needs a Lyme disease vaccine; it’s an emergency”, declares big, scary, red chart. Pfizer to the rescue, of course.
— Brook Jackson 💜 (@IamBrookJackson) November 25, 2022
Mosquitoes vs Ticks: the vaccine race is on!
Operation Warp Speed Part Deux
"Day 14, I got spontaneous bruising, including a black eye, which apparently just happens when you have a coffee with friends."
Pfizer [has] said “You are claiming we violated all these regulations but we don’t have to follow them as it is a prototype."
I am so happy to find you here (thanks to a reTweet from @SongbirdPsalm) of this video. I am glad to have the full context of this great work - Thank You! (Dovetails perfectly with @TrialsiteN Sasha Latypova)
— GDW (@FundPoliceNow) November 25, 2022
The show is titled, Refuge of Sinners. Still trying to find the name of the host. Her first name is Elizabeth, but it looks like that could be a pseudonym, and she certainly isn't providing her last name anywhere that I've looked. No one identifies themselves anymore.
Liz Mann: "Day 14, I got spontaneous bruising, including a black eye, which apparently just happens when you have a coffee with friends. And then Day 41, I wake up with stroke-like symptoms."
The panel members are top row, left-to-right are Dr. Ryan Cole and Craig Kelly. Bottom row, left-to-right is Liz Mann, Warner Mendenhall, the lawyer who represents Brook Jackson in her lawsuit against Pfizer, and Senator Gerard Rennick, Senator for Queensland since July 2019. He is a member of the Liberal National Party (LNP).
Dr Ryan Cole is a pathologist, board-certified in clinical and anatomic pathology, and is the CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics.
Warner Mendenhall is a lawyer of 24 years and the Principal of the Mendenhall Law Group, in Ohio, USA. He has a lot of experience representing whistle-blowers in the past and is part of the legal team representing Brooke Jackson in the current case against Pfizer, regarding fraud in the COVID-19 clinical trial.
Craig Kelly is the leader of the United Australia Party (UAP), the party with the largest number of members in Australia.
Senator Gerard Rennick is an Australian politician who has been Senator for Queensland since July 2019. He is a member of the Liberal National Party (LNP).
Liz Mann was the Organic Development Officer for Australian Consolidated Milk, working with organic dairy farmers in Victoria. She sits on 2 agricultural boards and is the executive officer of 2 industry bodies. She holds a Bachelor of Agricultural Science degree. Liz suffered adverse effects from the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination.
In this episode, we discuss the following:
Liz Mann tells her story. She had her first (and only) COVID-19 vaccination on November 23, 2021. Liz was coerced by her employer Australian Consolidated Milk. Liz details the coercion and the communication between herself and her employer. Liz has both heart and neurological damage.
Liz’s Pfizer batch has been revealed as having only 64.5% RNA integrity as per a Freedom of Information (FOI) request that was raised to the TGA (Therapeutics and Goods Administration). Dr Cole comments on the ramifications of truncated RNA in the vaccines and batch purity issues.
Warner Mendenhall is one of the lawyers representing Brooke Jackson in the upcoming Pfizer trial. Warner reads from the Pfizer defense filing to reveal that Pfizer has a “PROTOTYPE agreement” to supply vaccines, not a standard federal procurement contract.
Pfizer has said, “You are claiming we violated all these regulations but we don’t have to follow them as it is a prototype."
Warner relayed the following information from a manufacturing whistle-blower from a Pfizer manufacturing plant. The soup story. There is an issue with manufacturing the mRNA vaccine on scale. In the big Vats, the LNP (fat) separates and rises to the top. It cannot be stirred aggressively, or the mRNA will break. Hence there is not a consistent product in the vials, vials from the bottom contain little or no mRNA, and vials from the top contain far too much. They are issuing an adulterated product.
Senator Rennick had produced information from an FOI raised by one of his constituents (FOI 295). It states that the TGA does not set integrity and purity requirements for mRNA vaccines. The sponsor does.
Senator Rennick also confirmed that many Australians had approached him and logged their information on his webpage regarding coercion for a second shot after injury from the first, like Liz Mann.
Dr Ryan Cole discusses the danger of the spike protein and the LNP and recommends that this platform for vaccines should be ceased indefinitely.
Craig Kelly discusses the legislation he tried to put through to ban the vaccine mandates.
Craig Kelly discusses a new manufacturing plant proposed for Australia.
"Not a lot of change past 6K yrs. Mostly small up & down . . . ." Al Gore, call your office
Just in case you thought sea level was rising rapidly today, here is the graph of the sea level rise during the past 20K yrs since the most recent glacial maximum. Not a lot of change past 6K yrs. Mostly small up & down. Was about 1-2 m higher during Roman Warm Period 2K yrs ago.
— Patrick Moore (@EcoSenseNow) November 24, 2022
“San Francisco police propose allowing robots to kill in 'rare and exceptional' circumstances”
What about all the progressive programs that liberated San Francisco from historical racism? You know, the ones that the taxpayer has had to fund . . . boondoggle after boondoggle.
“San Francisco police propose allowing robots to kill in 'rare and exceptional' circumstances” - Fox News
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 25, 2022
Remember when abortion was going to be “safe, legal, and rare?”
Thursday, November 24, 2022
— Nickita Dmitriy Mityul (@NickitaDMityul) November 25, 2022
21 code federal regulations Sections 50.23 and 243. Are you interested in doing a civil violation of the law? And if they say "Yes," they're cool with that, then say "Are you willing to violate 18 Code U.S. 223?
they're going to fight it out to the death . . . and we in the Global South are going to be doing our thing
The Fed has its own plan for the Great Reset!
— Mark Moss (@1MarkMoss) November 21, 2022
I sat down with @TFL1728 to discuss:
- Fed v Davos and WEF
- Geo-Politics and Multi-Polar 🌏
- CBDCs and #Bitcoin
- Elon Musk / Twitter
- so much more
Watch it here 👉
Why does the Fed want to give up control over money to the ECB?
Or why do commercial banks want to give up power over money to the Fed or the central banks?
Or why does any central bank want to give up control over money to the IMF?
That's basically the argument. Look, I'm a Bitcoin guy, I love Bitcoin. I love the idea of all of this stuff, but I think there's a particular order of operation that has to happen. We live in a fallen world. We live in a world where some are literal Bond villains [Klaus Schwab] who think they're going to make us eat bugs and live in pods and allow assisted suicide to be a better growth industry than oil exploration, and that's just the way we're going to have to accept that and they don't think there's going to be any pushback from any of the other factions who've also gotten fat and happy on the system that's currently in the process of failing. Everybody has their idea about they can get out of this, and Klaus Schwab has his ideas, and Jerome Powell and Jaime Dimon have their ideas, and they're going to fight it out, and they're going to fight it out to the death, guys. The British Crown has their ideas. And the Russians and the Chinese are saying, "You know what, we don't have to play these games any more. You guys fight it out amongst yourselves, call us when you're done having a cat fight in the backyard. If somebody's bloodied and battered, we still have gas, we still oil, we still have cheap Chinese crap we're willing to sell you. And we in the Global South are going to be doing our thing."
Jerome Powell has been what he's prepared to do with interest rates, and everybody says he's going to pivot. Paraphrasing Powell, "We're raising interest rates until we break something." Meaning the European Central Bank? He's going to break the levered offshore dollar loan markets. What we like to know is what we call the Euro Dollar markets, and we've already gotten our big shot across the bow with the U.K. pension system collapse which happened a few weeks ago and brought Rishi Sunak to power, Liz Truss was thrown out and there was a coup, a central bank coup over this for the purposes of betraying Brexit and bringing back the UK into the European fold. The battle lines are really clearly drawn once you see this stuff, and it's clear the United States is very powerful forces, and they're saying, "No, we're not doing this."
5:35 Moss. Let's break down that Euro thing for a minute. Truss was going to frac. They wanted to bring oil production back online from the North Slope. of which the Prudhoe Bay Oil Field belongs. It was a big deal, a big statement of British independence. And 45 days later, she was forced to step down. That's a no-no.
There's no way back to austerity without massive amounts of pain. So she was trying to do some austerity trying to balance the budget, lower taxes, get the economy going again, bring energy back,
No, no. It's German austerity, the kind the IMF always imparts on the people they want to colonize and take over. And what they do is raise taxes, raise regulations, and they cut spending. The cut spending part is the one that we Austro-Libertarians love, "Yeah, cut spending. Government waste is terrible," but raising taxes at the same and we're expecting that GDP is not going to continue to contract? It's always about protecting the bondholders, protecting the bond market and the credit rating of a country. That's more important than the lives and welfare of the people. What Truss was going to do was similar to what Donald Trump did in many ways did do. Yeah, he raised some spending, and he cut taxes, and he was cutting regulations dramatically across multiple vectors as much as he was allowed to that would free up capital.
Nina Jankowicz, who sang Mary Poppins on TikTok . . . has now registered as a foreign agent.
Nina Jankowicz, who sang Mary Poppins on TikTok and was going to be in charge of monitoring disinformation and censoring US citizens, has now registered as a foreign agent.
— Maxwell Meyer (@mualphaxi) November 23, 2022
Mike Pence's self-congratulatory filiopietism has always been insufferable
Mike Pence's self-congratulatory filiopietism has always been insufferable but his new book is really too much. Here's some of the flavor.
— Jeffrey A Tucker (@jeffreyatucker) November 24, 2022
Deglobalization bringing mfg jobs to US will have sharp supply side issues until normalized, then boon
I don't see it bc 2 major forces already in play:
— DataFox (@datafox21) November 23, 2022
1) Deglobalization bringing mfg jobs to US will have sharp supply side issues until normalized, then boon
2) Energy Crisis (created) coming to roost. Not a gentle slide.
>Locations w/ sun AND mfg already will see exponential gains
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
See any images of grain harvesting?
Grain has been a part of human recorded history beginning ~12,000 yrs ago.
— Robert Lufkin MD (@robertlufkinmd) November 23, 2022
For the remainder of the 180,000 years of human history prior to that,
grains were not a significant part of the human diet.
For a number of reasons, I exclude them from my diet.
DR. MIKE YEADON: “The kind of planning and thinking it takes to have done what has happened, are people who would worship Satan”
Dr Mike Yeadon ~ “The kind of planning and thinking it takes to have done what has happened, are people who would worship Satan”
— Janey (@_Janey_J) November 11, 2022
Aaron Kheriaty's New Book, The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State, has been banned by all CA public libraries
California public libraries embrace book banning. Apparently, expert bioethicist, @akheriaty's ideas are too dangerous for the general public. It would be a shame if people were to read the book anyway, wouldn't it?
— Jay Bhattacharya (@DrJBhattacharya) November 23, 2022
Get it here:
The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State, November 1, 2022.
Check out all the benefits of a cold plunge
Thanks to Wejolyn alerting me to this.
When I started this literature review in 2019, I thought it was crazy to think that cold water could have all these benefits
— Thomas P Seager, PhD (@seagertp) November 23, 2022
Now I realize I was just scratching the surface
Metabolism = life
Benefits of cold water, cold baths, cold showers, dips into icy waters anywhere.
Red Meat is delicious. Red Meat does not cause cancer. Red Meat will help you lose weight.
Red Meat is delicious.
— Sollozzo 🥩⚡️ (@MrSollozzo) November 23, 2022
Red Meat does not cause cancer.
Red Meat will help you lose weight.
Red Meat will get you metabolically healthy.
Red Meat is good for the environment.
- My love story about Red Meat
Red meat is excellent for mental health thanks to the all the B12, a proven nerve regenerator.
If you need cholesterol in your body, eat some shrimp. Great source of it.
".. were statistically controlled. Stepwise linear regression selected meat intake, not carbohydrate crops, as one of the significant predictors of life expectancy. In contrast, carbohydrate crops showed weak & negative correlation with life expectancy."
— Magnesium Girl - Yin solutions in a yang world (@LocalRachel) November 23, 2022
MAGNESIUM SUPPLEMENTATION HELPS QUIT SMOKING? "Our data show that patients that received magnesium therapy showed a significant decrease in the number of cigarettes smoked"
Mg for smoking
— Magnesium Girl - Yin solutions in a yang world (@LocalRachel) November 23, 2022
Magnesium deficiency made worse by smoking. Yet magnesium supplementation may make quitting smoking easier!
"Our data show that patients that received magnesium therapy showed a significant decrease in the number of cigarettes smoked"
"Melatonin has repeatedly been shown to reduce endothelial damage . . . ," the main point of injury from many of the vaccines . . . And A certain type of Quercetin, EMIQ, protects mice 100% from Ebola death.
A certain type of Quercetin protects mice 100% from Ebola death. 😯 (The type of quercetin is called "EMIQ" & it's effective for Covid too! -studies show.)
— Natural Immunity FTW (@NaturallyFTW) November 23, 2022
🧵 4/6
High doses of vitamin A "dramatically reduced the duration of measles & cut the death rate by more than half"
High doses of vitamin A "dramatically reduced the duration of measles & cut the death rate by more than half" 😯
— Natural Immunity FTW (@NaturallyFTW) November 23, 2022
🧵 2/6
Ice Cube Sacrifices $9 Million But Not His Body
Ice Cube said no to an unproven therapy, that’s been associated with a 40% rise in deaths in 2021 (ages 18-64).
— Dr. Urso (@richardursomd) November 23, 2022
Does anyone have a problem with that??
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Overview of False Claims Case against Pfizer
Overview of False Claims Case against Pfizer - full video
— Brook Jackson 💜 (@IamBrookJackson) November 23, 2022
So what happens when you file a False Claims Act is you're a whistleblower who has seen the American people scammed and you file a claim in court under the False Claims Act, the federal law, and on behalf of the people that they've been scammed. Now, what the law allows is for the U.S. government to take over the case if they want, and in that aim if the government takes over the case and they say, "Oh this is a credible case, there's a legal grounds here, we need time to investigate in secret, and so we don't want the defendant to know that we're investigating. So Judge, seal everything." Now critics have pointed out that one of the great dangers of this is that the government, particularly in cases where they may be culpable and complicit themselves, government bureaucrats, officials, and agents themselves in the corruption that's being exposed, to use the seal process to hide from the public the information the whistleblower has. What happened here is that Brook Jackson filed her claim, fall of 2020, before all the vaccines start rolling out and hitting everybody around the globe. The government comes in, Justice Department says, "Oh, this is a serious case. Judge, you need to seal all this. We need time to investigate in secret." They do this for more than a year. Supposedly they're investigating during this time frame. Then the government decides we're not going to intervene in the case. We'll let Brooke Jackson's lawyers take lead. So Pfizer comes in and says, "Judge please, please, please, don't allow any discovery." And after the judge says, "Oh, I'm not going along with that. I'm going to allow discovery," Pfizer then comes back and begs again, complains about Barnes making statements in the court of public opinion about what's going on and about Brooke Jackson making public statements, and all of a sudden the judge says, "Oh, we got to shut this down, this discovery, for the time being." But despite that, okay, it is what it is, the judge says he's only going to rule on the merits. I take him at his word. Pfizer files a motion to dismiss. We file our response. Their whole argument was that the government would have given us the $2 billion bucks anyway. It doesn't matter if we broke every clinical trial rule in the book even though these rules and regulations are about making sure that this drug is safe, effective, and an actual vaccine that inoculates against the transmission of a disease. 2:26. What Brook Jackson witnessed was that the clinical trials were a joke, one big fat fraud. Pfizer didn't abide any of the core principles for safety, efficacy, or the drug being a vaccine. So she had information that was explosive, that the world was involved in this mass medical experiment according to former President, Barack Obama's own words, were entitled to know. But she wasn't allowed to discuss the case because the U.S. government had sealed it under the pretext that they were investigating because they thought it was a legitimate case. So we file our opposition to their motion to dismiss and say "Look, the whole purpose why the government wrote a $2 billion dollar check to Pfizer was because they believed Pfizer had complied with all the rules and regulations that are the metric to measure whether the drug is safe, whether it's effective, and whether it's actually a vaccine that inoculates against disease. So, saying that they would have written the check for an unsafe, dangerous, ineffective drug that doesn't actually work as a vaccine is ludicrous, but that's Pfizer's defense. Apparently, somebody in the government got nervous, that we were going to win our off-miss and finally get discovery that Pfizer has been busy hiding from the world. What happens? At the last minute, the government files something that I've never seen in a Qui Tam case, meaning False Claims Case, in history. The government comes in and says "Oh, we agree with Pfizer. There's no legal grounds for this case." So either the government was lying to the court, making the court complicit in cover-up and fraud, on a massive global scale, or there's been a sudden shift in the Biden Administration from where the case started out. Now apparently, the local District Attorney that's on this case has a personal relationship with or knows the judge. So that has a whole set of other issues being implicated. But clearly, Pfizer pulled out all the stops. Biden Administration pulled out all the stops. They are begging the court to not allow this case to proceed to discovery, not allow this case to proceed to trial, which they would never had done if they thought that Pfizer was actually legally right. And they're implicitly, and it suggests, the U.S. government, the Justice Department, or the Biden Administration was misleading the court, misleading Brook Jackson, in saying they were investigating this case, because if they really believe it never had legal merits, they should never have requested that the case be sealed. And it appears what they were really trying to do is that the Biden Administration at the top levels wanted to hide this information, misuse and abuse its power to request sealing. 5:10. Make the court complicit in that by granting the sealing order. The court's relying on the government's honesty and sincerity, which is now in serious doubt, so the world didn't know what Brook Jackson knew. So it raises major questions about what the government and Biden Administration have been up to. Did the Biden Administration know about how dangerous this drug was? How unsafe and ineffective it was? About how it wasn't even a vaccine at all because it doesn't inoculate against anything really as the evidence continues to mount while they're trying to force this on young children as we speak? Was the Biden Administration complicit in this massive fraud on the world? But clearly, there's a lot of nervous Nellies in the Biden Administration. They're terrified that if this case gets to discovery it will likely implicate high-ranking members of the Biden Administration in covering up one of the worst public health disasters in American, in world, history.
6:11. Government says seal it, we're going to investigate. The idea there being if Pfizer did, in fact, lie, or if the government said, "We're going to throw Pfizer under the bus now, they lied to us. Give us back the $2 billion and we're going to go after you," that would be the smart way of covering their tracks unless the investigation would necessarily implicate government and government officials, in which case they would say "We've investigated ourselves. We would have given the $2 billion to Pfizer regardless."
6:39. They're not even saying that. They're saying "Judge, this is not a legal grounds to complain." They're saying "It doesn't matter whether Pfizer complied with rules or regulations but as a matter of law, this is not a False Claims Act," which makes no sense. Why did you seal the proceedings then? Why did you say that you were investigating it then? If this on its face was legally, could not suffice to ever be a plausible claim, then you were lying to Brooke Jackson, you were lying to the court, and lying to the world to cover up Pfizer's corruption. You just didn't want people to know at the time it mattered most how dangerous this drug was.
7:17. What happens now? Let's say hypothetically, well we know now, the government says
"Please dismiss, please dismiss, please dismiss. Don't allow any investigation to happen."
7:32. If they dismiss . . . if they dismiss, I mean Brooke Jackson has already gone public with her findings. What has she not been allowed to publicly disclose iver the last tear?
7:38. It was the time. She wasn't allowed to talk about the case at the time they were rolling out this vaccine. It looks like the government deliberately misused and abused its power to seal to cover up a major scandal involving the government and involving Pfizer, involving this so-called vaccine that is not, in fact, a vaccine. It doesn't inoculate. I mean the data keeps accumulating. The vaccine is more dangerous to most people than COVID-19 is. Period. And now that they know that . . . but thet didn't want people to know that then. How many people would be alive today? How many people would not be disabled today had they known the information that Brook Jackson had and that she'd brought the case?
Michael Jordan ate steak before every game
Michael Jordan ate steak before every game
— Dr Shawn Baker 🥩 (@SBakerMD) November 23, 2022
Wayne Gretzky ate steak before every game
Astronauts ate steak the morning of every launch
Eat steak if you want to be excellent!!
Eggs, red meat, cured meats, fish, high-quality dairy products, lard, tallow & organ meats do not cause heart disease, obesity, or diabetes. They are the most important foods in a healthy diet
Eggs, red meat, cured meats, fish, high-quality dairy products, lard, tallow & organ meats do not cause heart disease, obesity, or diabetes. They are the most important foods in a healthy diet. Fire your doctor if he/she disagrees with this. #LCHPMF
— Dr. Jay Wrigley (@hormonedietdoc) November 22, 2022
Winter used to mean my mental health tanked. In 2016 I switched to a ketogenic paleo diet. Winter became a beautiful season for me. And I’m grateful.
— Ally Houston (@AllyTransforms) November 22, 2022