Showing posts with label Peter Breggin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peter Breggin. Show all posts

Saturday, July 15, 2023

The Defense Department Controls COVID-19

The vials themselves are the property of the DoD.  On the CDC website, they've disclosed the terms of the contracts with the vaccination centers.  And that's one of the terms.  It explains that these vials are the property of the U.S. government but they're actually property of the Department of Defense.  That's because DoD orders them from the pharma, and buys them, and distributes them.  So they own it from the point when it comes out of the factory to the point when it is injected into the person.  And that's another huge flag and essentially a violation of our consumer protection rights because we have a licensed pharmacy distribution network for a reason.  They're also highly regulated.  So pharmaceutical manufacturers are regulated.  Pharmaceutical distributors are also highly regulated.  So they take ownership or possession of the product.  They're supposed to maintain it and trace it, and if there are any reports or any issues, then you can retrace them through the distribution network.  For example, remove vials from the shelf, and remove a batch from the shelf.  Yeah, so the Department of Defense owns these things, so they do not allow any 3rd-party testing, which is not an odd thing.  I worked in the pharma and medical device industry and would constantly buy competitor's products that are approved.  Once the product is approved and then a licensed distribution chain, well, you can order it from a distributor.  And you can buy competitor's products and you can do testing and compare their studies with your own products, and everybody does it, obviously, because you want to know how you perform against others.

Now, in this case, the vials are the property of the U.S. government, and if you read the contract of vaccinators, you will see that they say that "If you do anything like this, don't you dare, because we'll accuse of stealing federal property."  Even the vaccine cards, the stupid cards from the CDC, the paper cards, they're also the property of the U.S. government.  You're not allowed to divert them either.  That's in the U.S.  Outside the U.S., it's handled a little differently.  Nonetheless, despite all of this, many, many people, I know some of them who have done 3rd-party testing.  And it's very difficult because you have to have access to very sophisticated equipment.  Most of the people I know just do simply microscopy, you know, just looking at these things under a microscope

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

DR. ROBERT MALONE: “I have historically worked with people who have been truly Deep State intelligence community. I have decades of experience in biodefense."

A big percentage of people originate to totalitarianism, that it comes out of the group, the mob, the people.  Right away there's a problem because there were no groups, mobs, or people during COVID-19 is the time that he's addressing the acute period of time.  People were actually isolated, the very opposite of what he's describing.  

The problem doesn't start with the people, it starts with the bullies in the group--the Hitlers, the Mussolinis, the Xi Xepings, who is heading China now, and China is an exact example of a totalitarian state.  In the creation of that state, China killed somewhere between 60 and 100 million of its own people to achieve a totalitarian state.  How in the world would being murdered, being responsible for Mao?  It's a bizarre idea but it protects the elite.  It protects the people in power, and that I believe is the goal of Desmet and Malone.  It's a very serious accusation.  They want to blind us.  Now, there's another part of it that's so bad in the beginning that I was so glad to see that Malone not follow this, but then he did.  In the book, Desmet says that the people who are thinking about planning and organization and mal intention or any kind of badness or strategizing, causing the 

People should be aware that Dr. Robert Malone was a deep state actor, and probably still is.  I get that folks become inured by all the phrasing, critiquing, and criticism, but Malone was, and in my opinion, still is a deep state actor.  

Is Dr. Malone merely protecting himself and his new career transition from the man who “invented mRNA vaccines”4 — one of the worst disasters in human history — to the man who is leading the health freedom fight on a worldwide level? Or is Malone’s mass psychosis concept being further developed and used by others, such as the Department of Defense or the intelligence community? Malone has boasted about this Deep State background:5

“I have historically worked with people who have been truly Deep State intelligence community. I have decades of experience in biodefense. I have been deep in the belly of the beast. I have won literally billions of dollars for my clients in grants and contracts. I have managed hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and contracts in the vaccine space.”

Malone has stated that these Deep State connections have been severed and no longer have influence over him.    

Friday, October 7, 2022

Moderna and the U.S. government wrote the patent on [SARS-CoV-2] a long time ago.

This interview and one other are probably the reason why Twitter banned Peter McCullough for, what, his second or third or fourth time?  

When the Republicans come into power in the House, they'll start to have real strong subpoena power, investigation power.  Senator Ron Johnson posted over 40 senatorial letters, which are basically placeholders for investigations.  I think the FDA Commissioner is in deep trouble, uh, NIH division directors in deep trouble, CDC Director.  They're going to have nowhere to hide.  The publications make it clear: it was a government operation that created SARS-CoV-2 and the spike protein.  It's the U.S. government that did it, and they were working on the threat and working on the response which was various forms of antigens to be injected or monoclonal antibodies.  But it's clear, it was a U.S. government operation.  The work was done in China and there was Chinese collaboration.  You know Moderna's CEO, Stefan Bainsel, he was the CEO of Biomeru and he built the Wuhan bio-security lab with the Chinese when he was leading the French company.  He built that lab, then he leaves in 2015 and he joins Moderna.  And then Moderna co-writes the patent with the National Institutes of Health, NIH.  You probably heard recently that Moderna is suing Pfizer over the patent . . . yeah, people ask my opinion.  Yeah, Crissy, people ask my opinion, and I say, yes.  This will all come to light.  It takes a long time to write a patent and pass a prosecution . . . it takes a long time.  Moderna and the U.S. government wrote the patent on the product a long time ago.  And we knew this because when the crisis was announced in the United States, three days later Moderna announces they have a product.  How can they have a product in 3 days?  You can't invent something in 3 days.  This was planned.  this was all planned, and Peter Breggin's whom you mentioned, The Global Predators, book Peter Breggin says, he puts this in his timeline, 36 pandemic preparedness events since 2012.  Thirty-six!!!  25 of which generated documents, and then 

If you hadn't heard, McCullough was banned from Twitter this morning. 
Here is the full interview. The interviewer is Kristi Leigh.  Here is her Twitter feed.

We are in a Twilight Zone, no regulatory traction at all, it's wide open malfeasance, it's wide open corruption, sweeping through our regulatory agencies.  Money flows from Big Pharma to the FDA. [I could have told him that.]  And the biggest sources of conflict of interest is that the officials at the FDA they get their next jobs with Big Pharma and with venture capital firms.  This discordance between the agencies, worldwide and inside the United States, will become a source of investigation.  It will.  

You probably heard recently, Moderna is suing Pfizer over the patent.   . . . yeah, people ask my opinion.  Yeah, Crissy, people ask my opinion, and I say, yes.  This will all come to light.  It takes a long time to write a patent and pass a prosecution . . . it takes a long time.  Moderna and the U.S. government wrote the patent on the product a long time ago.  And we knew this because when the crisis was announced in the United States, three days later Moderna announces they have a product.  How can they have a product in 3 days?  You can't invent something in 3 days.  This was planned. 

My hypothesis is that 85% of people are getting relatively degraded material in those lots meaning they're not very potent.  [I disagree here.  85% is a high percentage of unfazed recipients.  Too many people have been injured or died.]  While 15% are getting locked and loaded, potent, well-manufactured genetic material, and that's installing the spike protein and it is failed.  

John Link and I took a year off to write the book.  John is from Dallas