Showing posts with label Wejolyn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wejolyn. Show all posts

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Thank you to Wejolyn.   

Where does this idea come about that seed oils and Omega 6s are harmful? 

This is Walter Willett.  He's an MD from Harvard, and I will answer this question.  I think it starts to come from the multiple

Sydney Diet Heart Study, 1966-1973.  

Minnesota Coronary Experiment, 1968-1973 showed that seed oils lead to increased death to people over the age of 65 despite the lowering of LDL.  

Trials like the "Rose Corn Oil Experiment," reviewed in the "Corn Oil in Treatment of Ischemic Heart Disease," 1965, June, showed that replacing saturated fats with corn oil leads to increased rates of cardiovascular disease.
The patients receiving the key treatment (corn oil) fared worse than those in the other two groups: two years from the start of treatment, infarction or death had occurred in one-quarter more of the corn oil than in the control group.

And though there are randomized controlled trials in humans that show that seed oils a negligible effect in human health, these trials almost all have major issues with the way they were conducted that leads to pretty fatal flaws in the study design, and I think that they are not a very valid indicators of whether seed oils are healthy for humans. 

Let's go on and see what Walter Willett has to say next.

I know dozens of studies that show that Omega 6 fatty acids are not pro-inflammatory.  There are a number of the studies that actually say they are anti-inflammatory.

There is very clear evidence that seed oils are pro-inflammatory in humans.  If you look at markers like hetes and hodes which are called oxlams, those are very clearly increased when you eat more seed oils and decreased when you eat less of these.  There are also multiple control trials in humans showing that seed oils increase oxidized LDL, LPa, and LP-PLA2, that's lipoprotein phospholipase A2, that also has been shown to decrease the testosterone in males in the setting of a low-fat diet.  And when the levels of linoleic acid are looked at in the colostrum of mothers who have recently given birth, the more linoleic acid, the more of this Omega-6 fatty acid found in the colostrum of mothers, the worse the outcomes of their children at 2 and 3 years in terms of motor and cognitive outcomes.  There's a lot of evidence that seed oils are harmful that he just seems to be ignoring here.  


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Wejolyn on Topical Magnesium, Beef Tallow, and Emu Oil

Wejolyn argues that 

The BEST way to absorb Magnesium is to take it transdermally. Through the skin. There is no comparison. Why? I’m going to get into the Liver & its Phase 2 detox pathway today & why you cannot detoxify at all if you are not mag efficient. Mandatory! 

GolliAir asks, 

So Magnesium soak baths are effective? I have been looking into these. 

To which Wejolyn replies, 

Hugely. I mix mag sulfate (Epsom) with Mag Chloride - all together at least 6 cups in a full bath. Once you bring in your water, do not add to the water (fill only once), take it as hot as you can - it makes a colloid- and you need 20 to 30 minutes minimum for assimilation. 

The preferable form of magnesium is magnesium chloride.  The best forms of magnesium for absorption, Wejolyn says, are Glycinate, Taurate, and Malate.

Mag citrate is (for me as a practitioner) the only one I use for bowel movements - NOT absorption - similar to oxide. Glycinate, taurate and malate are best for absorption - or transdermally through the skin. Dr. Carolyn Dean has a great liquid mag called ReMag.

Magnesium Chloride topical cream.

Organic Emu Oil.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Pharma industry pays 66% of the US congress, it pays presidents, it funds medical schools, universities, social media platforms, charities, scientific journals, doctors, major medical organizations, hospitals, & much of the news. They fund the FDA. They own the entire pipeline

Thanks to Wejolyn

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

When coconut oil was fed to pigs in the US after World War II, the intention was to fatten them up. But it actually made them leaner. This discovery led to soybeans and seed oils being added to their feed, which made the pigs unhealthy but fat.

Thank you to Wejolyn.   

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Cancer is a metabolic disease, not a genetic disease

Thank you to Wejolyn for the above tweet. 

So cancer is not the result of genetic mutations but about metabolic disease.  Sounds promising to me.  If it's metabolic, changing one's metabolism and diet seems the best route.  

Find some of Seyfried's articles here.  Find his YouTube channel here.

A New Way to Fight Cancer: Stave It!!!  He says that we don't always have to CURE cancer, but we have to learn how to live with it.  

3:58. And that has to do largely with the misunderstanding of what the nature underlying mechanism is for the disease.  And as I said, it's a metabolic disease that's driven by two fuels: the sugar glucose and the amino acid, glutamine.  And these two fuels are the ones that drive the dysregulated cell growth, which is ultimately the definition of cancer.  So when people say, "What is cancer?"  It's dysregulated cell growth, cell division out of control.  
What is it driven by?  It's driven by a form of energy that doesn't require oxygen.  Oh yeah, well, what doesn't require oxygen? Fermentation mechanisms don't require oxygen.  What are these fuels?  These fuels are the sugar glucose, glutamine.  Well, that seems simple.  How come nobody's targeting these fuels to manage cancer? Because they think it's a genetic disease not a metabolic disease.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

VICHY FRANCE, REDUX? “It will not tolerate any criticism of the therapeutic treatments which will be recommended or made obligatory by the state. Any person who dares to openly criticize these therapies will be liable to fines and imprisonment.”

Thank you to Wejolyn.   

Friday, December 29, 2023

"Back in the 70s, we used to make a wallpaper glue using flour and water. That is exactly what pasta, bread, and breakfast cereals are: sticky and gummy. Lots of constipation and backed up bowels" --Wejolyn

Wejolyn is a Functional Nutritionist, FDN, CNC, Weston A Price chapleader, and ADAPT Functional Health Coach.

Dr. Jensen's Guide to Better Bowel Care: A Complete Program for Tissue Cleansing through Bowel Management, Dr. Bernard Jensen, 1998.  Original publication date, 1981.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Acheta powder is ground crickets! Choose foods that do not need labels!

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Was Sonny, the cuckoo bird of Coco Puffs fame, trying to gaslight us into developing long-range, even addictive relationships, with him?

Parents have so many corporate forces to fight against to protect their children.  It's not an easy battle.  On the contrary, the psychological manipulation on their kids that goes on under the radar of parents is kind of frightening.  

But some of the propaganda techniques also reach adults, so none of us are immune.  For this reason, we've got to pay attention to all messages, to all aspects of messages, and to all permutations of what the message means.  

Does this mean that Sonny, the cuckoo bird of Coco Puffs fame, was trying to gaslight us into developing long-range, dare I say, addictive relationships with him, or his cereal, that would only leave us hollowed out health-wise?  'fraid so.  So Sonny was a real psychopath?  

Kids enjoyed the plastic toys, trinkets, or puzzles in cereals of old to help quietly build brand loyalty.  But something more hidden is afoot in their marketing techniques.  It's clever.  And effective.

Thanks to Wejolyn for her post that caused me to search for the above video.  She references a Dr. Peter Osborne.  I am not familiar with him, but his work looks interesting.  Check out his YouTube channel.  

Doesn't hurt to recall that the founder of Kellogg's cereals created his bran to stop young men from masturbating.  Well, it seems that he's achieved that, since so much of the grains are doused in glyphosate and perfect for sterilization.  
Kellogg's corn flakes were originally invented in the late 19th century to prevent masturbation. Their creator, John Harvey Kellogg, believed sex and masturbation was an 'abominable crime'

He also adopted his children rather than impregnating his partner. 

Wow, compare his attitude with today's Herbert Marcuse's post-modern. 

Friday, August 4, 2023

"Vilhjalmur Stefansson documented the fact that the Inuit diet was about 90% meat and fish

Watch out for that cholesterol.  It might be the very thing that keeps you healthy, strong, and alive. 

From All Things Carnivore.

Stefansson wrote for Harper’s Monthly Magazine’s November 1935 issue that when the supplies from white whalers failed to arrive, the Inuit had to revert to their traditional hunting practices and ate just fish.

As a guest, Stefansson was given baked salmon trout while the Eskimos themselves ate boiled fish. Against his expectation, he began to like baked salmon trout and later on discovered that boiled fish tasted even better.

And shortly after he began to eat just like the Eskimos, fish for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack. He ate boiled, raw, and fermented fish. He was missing salt at first but gradually could do without it.

After a few months on this diet, he noted that “mentally and physically, I had never been in better health in my life“.

These months were the beginning of several years during which he would live on a meat-only diet.

According to his own estimate, cumulatively, he had lived exclusively on meat and water in the Arctic for more than five years in total. Another member of his expeditions lived on this exclusive meat diet for about the same length of time while several others lived on it from one to three years.

He noted that “I did not get scurvy on the fish diet nor learn that any of my fish-eating friends ever had it … There were certainly no signs of hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure, of the breakdown of the kidneys, or of rheumatism”. 

Vilhjalmur Stefansson wrote a book on his experiences, called The Fat of the Land, 1956.

Thanks to Wejolyn for this tweet:

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

4 big fat lies about nuts, seeds, and chocolate:

#1: Nuts and seeds are healthy sources of fat. (No, nuts and seeds are naturally high in inflammatory omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids like linoleic acid. 

Lie #3: Chocolate is a good source of minerals. (No, its minerals are bound up in toxins that cause IBS, kidney stones, and gout. Plus, commercial chocolate has heavy metals due to the manufacturing process.

Thanks to Wejolyn.


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Check out all the benefits of a cold plunge

Thanks to Wejolyn alerting me to this. 

Benefits of cold water, cold baths, cold showers, dips into icy waters anywhere.