Monday, July 29, 2024

Does this sound like Antony Fauci?

Does this sound like Antony Fauci?
After 60+ years, flu vaccines show little improvement in preventing infection. Even our best vaccines wouldn't meet the standards for other diseases. None of the major respiratory viruses have been controlled by vaccines, and effective vaccines for non-systemic respiratory viruses with high mortality remain elusive. #VaccineResearch #PublicHealth #Fauci

[Morens, Taubenberger, and Fauci, “Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenza viruses, and other respiratory viruses,” Cell Host and Microbe, January 11, 2023] 

WEJOLYN on ALTERNATIVE SUGARS: After all, Erythritol has been used as an ant killer. What do you think it does to your biome?

THAILAND: set to roll out a controversial $13.8 billion handout plan in digital money to citizens | AP News. Using a UBI to normalize a CBDC. Beta test.

THE SOLARI REPORT: After promoting $600 MM for pandemic slush fund, Yellen proposing a tsunami of dollars to continue emptying out US pension funds and retirements with Treasury bills and bonds

AARON SIRI: The first Hep A vaccine ever licensed in the U.S. (and still used) did not use a placebo in its trial (instead, its control was Engerix-B, licensed for children based on a trial with 4 days of safety monitoring after injection).

Don’t be fooled by claims that earlier vaccines were licensed based on long-term placebo-controlled trials. For example: The first Hep A vaccine ever licensed in the U.S. (and still used) did not use a placebo in its trial (instead, its control was Engerix-B, licensed for children based on a trial with 4 days of safety monitoring after injection). The first chickenpox vaccine licensed in the U.S. (and still used) did not use a placebo in its trial (instead, its control was an injection of neomycin, an antibiotic). Prevnar 13 was licensed for babies based on a trial in which Prevnar 7 was used as a control, and Prevnar 7 was licensed based on a trial in which another experimental vaccine, an "Investigational meningococcal group C conjugate vaccine,” was used as a control – again, not a placebo. The current polio vaccine was licensed in the U.S. without a placebo (and only three days of safety monitoring) and the very first polio vaccine (the Salk vaccine) was licensed in 1955 without a placebo. In fact, Dr. Paul Offit attacked me claiming “200,000 were inoculated with salt water” in the Salk polio vaccine trials to “prove” a placebo was used. He is wrong. The official Salk trial report, page 51, describes precisely what these 200,000 children received: an injection that included, among other things, “199 solution” (a synthetic tissue culture medium and ethanol) “phenol red,” “antibiotics,” and “formalin.” In other words, not a placebo. After being called out on the above, Dr. Offit then oddly argued a “placebo” doesn’t mean a saline injection but rather something that is “immunologically inert.” But even under Dr. Offit’s revised definition that would still mean all the controls above were not “placebos” since other vaccines or injections of antibiotics are not immunologically inert. The reality is that the trials the FDA relied upon to license a vaccine as safe are contained in Section 6.1 of the package insert for each vaccine and the hard-cold-reality is right there in black-and-white for the world to see: Join the Spaces event discussing this chart tomorrow, on Tuesday (7/30) at noon Eastern: (See chart in link above and prior Twitter/Stack exchanges with Dr. Offit for sources for all above.)