Showing posts with label Antony Fauci. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Antony Fauci. Show all posts

Monday, July 29, 2024

Does this sound like Antony Fauci?

Does this sound like Antony Fauci?
After 60+ years, flu vaccines show little improvement in preventing infection. Even our best vaccines wouldn't meet the standards for other diseases. None of the major respiratory viruses have been controlled by vaccines, and effective vaccines for non-systemic respiratory viruses with high mortality remain elusive. #VaccineResearch #PublicHealth #Fauci

[Morens, Taubenberger, and Fauci, “Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenza viruses, and other respiratory viruses,” Cell Host and Microbe, January 11, 2023] 

Friday, July 21, 2023

Are the accusations of criminal intent beginning to set fire under Fauci?

That fire at Rand Paul's offices in Bowling Green, Kentucky couldn't have anything to do with the fact that the sitting senator is referring Dr. Fauci to the [do nothing or Do Little] DOJ and Merrick Garland, that bastion of righting wrongs, right?  I mean the only suspicious incendiary devices they could possibly find at Dr. Paul's office is probably pages or files of documented truth on record indicting Tony Fauci.  Why does it feel like Rand Paul of the 2020s is the Robert F. Kennedy of the 1960s hunting the mob who ran rackets back then?

I’ve referred Anthony Fauci to the DOJ (again) for lying to Congress when he denied the NIH was funding of gain-of-function research in Wuhan.

— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) July 18, 2023

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


This has been known for some time.  Amazing how long it took for this detail of Fauci's connection to emerge.  James Bovard is correct: the truth does not out itself.  It takes long, hard, painstaking work to get the truth to emerge.  Here is a March 4, 2021 article from Restoring Liberty by Joe Miller who examines the importance of this relation.  Journalism really is dead in America.

AlisonChristine Fauci, 28, has worked for the microblogging platform as a software engineer since 2014 after she graduated from Stanford University, majoring in computer science.

The connection between the controversial epidemiologist and Twitter had been reported at since at least March 2020 but it resurfaced as many questioned censorship of lockdown-skeptical voices on the platform. 

So the connection has been known but for the most part censored for two years, since March 2020 and Fauci is whining that his poor baby is being attacked.  

She said on her LinkedIn profile that she focused on developing “ad formats for the Twitter for Android app.” That profile has since been deleted or made private.

Twitter has been among the big tech companies who have shut down the spread of those arguing against the efficacy of masks and lockdowns to fight the spread of the coronavirus. In one instance from Aug. 2020, the service suspended the Trump campaign account over a video containing information they deemed misleading about the pandemic. (Read more from “Dr. Fauci’s Daughter Works for Twitter” HERE)

At that post, I wrote, 

w/AIDS, Fauci was responsible for 200,000 deaths/murders. With COVID, he's responsible for 800,000 plus murders/deaths. Yet the biggest crime the media can catch him on is calling a politician a moron? Journalism in America is dead.

But the absurdities don't stop there.  

During the recent Senate hearing in which Fauci was grilled, he cried that because of the "lies" people are accusing him of that now his children are being harassed.  One, "his children" are grown adults.  I am going to guess that they know how to defend themselves.  Use the Fauci trick: deflect.

Here is Rand Paul's review of the hearing.

Friday, April 2, 2021

A strong immune system is your best mask. Vitamin D delivers that strong immunity. Fauci takes 8,000 to 9,000 IUs of vitamin D3

Thanks to Robert Wenzel.

This presentation is a full hour.  This YouTube version is only 29 minutes long.  To watch the full presentation, please open this Rumble link.  The presenter is pathologist and MD, Dr. Ryan Cole.  His credentials are here

Dr. Cole is a board-certified dermatopathologist (AP & CP) and the CEO/Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics. He has worked as an independent pathologist since 2004. Some highlights from his CV: Ackerman Academy of Dermatopathology (July 2002-June 2003): Dermatopathology Fellowship (Chief Fellow). Mayo Clinic (July 1997-June 2002): Resident in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology. Chief Fellow, Surgical Pathology Fellowship. Medical College of Virginia (1993-1997): Researched immunology. Served as President of Student Family Practice organization. Coordinated activities and seminars on the practice of family medicine and rural medicine. Earned MD in 1997.

Fauci takes 8,000 to 9,000 IUs of vitamin D3.  But what's his message?  Wear a mask, maybe two.  Why isn't his message to take 10,000IU of vitamin D?

Dr. Cole praises the effectiveness of Ivermectin, calling it an immune modulator and anti-viral medication.  And if anyone has had any one of the vaccines and experiences a cytokine storm, he says that Ivermectin may be your best choice for quelling that storm.  That, and vitamin D.