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Showing posts sorted by date for query masks. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2024

What happened I think during the pandemic is that both FDA NIH CDC all of them lost control of what would have been their scientific narratives and they did that because the pandemic management itself on day seven so president Trump claims an emergency proclaimed in an emergency pandemic on like March what was it March 13, 2020 a week later he handed it off to the National Security Council which militarized it which made the pandemic no longer a pandemic by a Warfare attack but a bio Warfare attack and the eventual vaccines that have called vaccines even though some people have misgivings because of their genetic technology nevertheless because it's a military approach that was adopted that was adopted rather than a public health approach.

1:00.  And this military approach, which had people in the military underneath the National Security Council designed the response that all of our government agencies would carry out they designed a response that did not follow Public Health principles those Public Health principles were laid out in an important paper about 2006 or 2007 by Tom Inglesby, who is now ahead of the John Hopkins Center of Infections Diseases.  

Principal scientist for eradicating smallpox from the planet.  The paper they co-authored was "Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic Influenza," by THOMAS V. INGLESBY, JENNIFER B. NUZZO, TARA O’TOOLE, and D. A. HENDERSON

Tom Inglesby and Tom Henderson who was the who were the principal scientist responsible for eradicating a small pot from the planet these people knew a thing or two about Public Health Management and they laid out general respiratory virus principles pandemic principles such as, 1) you don't lockdown the population.  You quarantine symptomatic people.  2) There's no point in closing airports; that won't do anything.  3) masks are essentially useless . . . for either protecting the wearer, or for controlling source control, the wearer, from spreading the infection outside of the wearer, and various other things.  4) Social distancing is a kind of fiction.  It depends on the airflow circumstances indoors versus outdoors and what happens indoors.

2:20.  All of this stuff was all laid out, and then military turned it around, did the opposite of almost everything.  And so that colored our whole response, and some of what happened is that basically your rank and file people in the mid and upper middle levels of all these agencies are relatively good people who believe in themselves they believe in the science the way they see it they believe that they think they are doing a good job the best that they could under the circumstances they think of themselves as wholesome good doing people and they don't realize that they are brainwashed that they have been bearing washed by upper levels of our military establishment that are the professional brainwashers because that's who the National Security Council pulled in to do the professional brainwashing of all of our scientific medical regulatory systems

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

STILL LOVING GOVERNMENT? 2007 – Texas governor Rick Perry makes the vaccine Gardasil mandatory for all Texan schoolgirls.

I started reading this article by Sasha Latypova and opened one of her early links.

Pandemics do not exist, they are faked by the governments with bio-chemical agents such as synthetic drugs and toxins (not viruses).  These are manufactured utilizing "infectious disease research" loophole of the International Bioweapons Convention, and massive amounts of engineered GOF virus fear porn, fake PCR, and hospital murder protocols.  U.S. government has a long, well-documented history of deploying chemical, biological, and psychological weapons on unsuspecting targets, and on human subjects without proper consent.  "Pandemic preparedness" is a murderous government scam, from which a huge parasitic, militaristic industry is deriving profits and power.  This cartel is managed by DARPA/DTRA and DOD-affiliated "defense" consortia, which includes all federal agencies acting as "One Government" and biopharmaceutical companies, academia, healthcare providers and many other entities.

It's that last link that shocked me.  You form your own conclusions whether or not you think the U.S. government is your friend or whether they have your best interests at heart.  Some of you are in the military, and you know the answer.


Dear friends,

Are we being used as human guinea pigs? How much are government and businesses risking our lives and health with dangerous technologies like nuclear powergenetically modified foodsinadequately tested vaccines, and other even worse "experiments"?

Remember that the American Medical Association and many doctors sided with the tobacco industry long after the harmful effects of smoking were proven. Some scientists also once believed radiation had little danger, putting volunteers at risk to prove this.

Below is a list depicting the rampant use of humans as guinea pigs in government, military, and medical experiments over the last century. Links to reliable sources are provided to confirm the information on each item presented. There are still today officials in the government, military, and even business leaders who sadly feel no need to inform us when we are used in potentially hazardous experiments.

Note that some of these experiments specifically targeted minorities and those in poor areas. Thankfully, this kind of unethical experimentation is rare now, but it continues in hidden pockets around the globe. And large-scale experimentation with risky technologies like genetically modified foods, nuclear power, and nanotechnology used in consumer goods is still rarely questioned in the media or government.

By educating yourself and spreading the word, you can help build the critical mass necessary to make a better world for all. See the "What you can do" box at the end of the list for ideas on how you can make a difference.

With best wishes for a transformed world,
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton.

History of Experimentation on Human Guinea Pigs

1932 to 1972 – In the infamous Tuskegee syphilis study, 200 black men diagnosed with syphilis were never told of their illness, and were denied treatment. They are used as human guinea pigs in order to follow the progression and symptoms of the disease. They all subsequently die from syphilis, and their families were never told that they could have been treated. The study continues for four decades. (NBC NewsTime MagazineWikipedia)

1939 – At an orphanage in Iowa, 22 children are the subjects of the so-called "monster" experiment, which attempts to use psychological abuse to induce children who spoke normally to stutter. The experiment is designed by Dr. Wendell Johnson, one of the nation's most prominent speech pathologists, for the purpose of testing one of his theories on the cause of stuttering. (CBS NewsSan Jose Mercury NewsWikipedia)

1940 – In Chicago, 400 prisoners are infected with malaria in order to study the effects of new and experimental drugs to combat the disease. Nazi doctors later on trial at Nuremberg cite this American study to defend their own actions during the Holocaust. (Life MagazineLife 2nd photoWikipedia)

1940 to 1979 – The U.K. Ministry of Defence conducts open air tests using disease-producing bacteria and viruses. Many involved releasing potentially dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms over vast swaths of the population without the public being told. (BBC NewsGuardian)

1943 – In response to Japan's full-scale germ warfare program, the U.S. begins research on biological weapons at Fort Detrick, MD. (NPRWikipedia)

1944 – The U.S. Navy uses human subjects to test gas masks and protective clothing. Individuals are locked in a gas chamber and exposed to poisonous mustard gas and lewisite. By the time the war is over, more than 60,0000 U.S. servicemen have been used as human subjects in chemical defense research programs. They are told that they should never reveal the nature of the experiments. (TelegraphInstitute of Medicine)

1945 – Project Paperclip is initiated. In this top-secret program, the U.S. State Department, Army intelligence, and the CIA recruit Nazi scientists and offer them immunity and secret identities in exchange for work on secret projects in the US. (BBC NewsNew York TimesMSNBC/AP)

1945 – "Program F" is implemented by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. This is the most extensive U.S. study of the health effects of fluoride, which was a critical chemical component in atomic bomb production. The use of fluoride in drinking water, it is found, causes adverse effects to the central nervous system. But much of the information is squelched in the name of "national security" because of fear that lawsuits would undermine full-scale production of atomic bombs. (Project CensoredBBC producerFluoride Action Network)

1946 to 1953 – In an experiment sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the Quaker Oats corporation at the Walter E. Fernald State School in Massachusetts, 73 mentally disabled children are fed oatmeal containing radioactive calcium and other radioisotopes, in order to track "how nutrients were digested." The children are not told that they are being fed radioactive chemicals and are instead told that they are joining a "science club." (CBS News)

1946 to 1962 – As many as 400,000 American soldiers observed nuclear explosions just a few miles from ground zero in more than 200 atmospheric tests. Most information was classified – including reports on the illnesses the veterans suffered and the radioactive pollution that was released into the environment. The soldiers were sworn to absolute secrecy with the threat of 10 years in jail or a $10,000 fine ($100,000 in today's dollars). (New York TimesThe Atlantic)

1950 – In an experiment to determine how susceptible an American city would be to biological attack, the U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria from ships over San Francisco. Monitoring devices are situated throughout the city in order to test the extent of infection. Many residents become ill with pneumonia-like San Francisco ChronicleWall Street Journal – full text)

1950 – The CIA conducts aerosol tests using LSD in the subway system of New York City. That this indeed happened is not questioned, yet all related documents about the test and its effects on subway riders appear to have been destroyed. (New York Post)

1950s – In Project GABRIEL and Project SUNSHINE, U.S. and U.K. researchers attempted to determine how much nuclear fallout would be required to make the Earth uninhabitable. Examination of human bodies could reveal how readily fallout from already exploded bombs was taken up and hence how much damage it caused. Researchers secretly collect human bodies and bones from all over the world without permission, with a particular focus on infants. (GuardianDeseret NewsWikipedia)

1950s to 1960s – The CIA and British military study LSD as a potential weapon for use by intelligence services. Human subjects (both civilian and military) are used with and without their knowledge. At least one subject dies as a result. (New York TimesTime MagazineGuardianUS Dept. of Energy)

1951 – The French town of Pont-Saint-Esprit likely has bread spiked with LSD by the CIA as part of a mind control experiment that leaves 5 people dead, many seriously ill. (BBC NewsTelegraph)

1953 – CIA initiates Project MKULTRA. This is an eleven-year research program designed to produce and test drugs and biological agents that will be used for mind control and behavior modification. Six of the subprojects involved testing the agents on unwitting human beings. (Washington PostNew York TimesWikipedia)

1953 to 1970s – The CIA and Department of Defense implement Project MKNAOMI, designed to maintain, stockpile, and test biological and chemical weapons. It establishes a robust arsenal within the CIA's Technical Services Division (TSD) consisting of various lethal and incapacitating materials. (Time MagazineWikipedia)

1960 to 1971 – Dr. Eugene Saenger, funded by the Defense Atomic Support Agency, performs whole body radiation experiments on more than 90 poor, black Americans. He forges consent forms and does not tell them what he is doing (they think they are receiving medical care). He exposes their chests to the equivalent of about 7,500 X-rays, which cause intense pain, vomiting, and bleeding from their nose and ears. At least eight, and as many as 20 of the subjects die as a result. (Los Angeles TimesNew York Times)

1963 – The CIA Inspector General completes a report on the MKULTRA program stating, "A final phase of testing of MKULTRA products places the rights and interests of U.S. citizens in jeopardy. Public disclosure of some aspects of MKULTRA activity could induce serious adverse reaction in U.S. public opinion." Only one copy of the report is made due to its "unusual sensitivity." (Declassified CIA document #17748)

1963 – Researchers inject prisoners and terminally ill patients with live cancer cells to test their immune responses. They are told only that it is a "skin test." (Time Magazine)

1965 – The CIA and Department of Defense begin Project MKSEARCH, a program to develop a capability to manipulate human behavior through the use of mind-altering drugs. (US Dept. of DefenseWikipedia)

1966 – The U.S. Army dispenses Bacillus subtilis variant Niger throughout the New York City subway system. Many thousands of civilians are exposed when army scientists drop lightbulbs filled with the bacteria onto ventilation grates. (Wall Street Journal – full textNew York Post)

1970 – The United States intensifies its development of "ethnic weapons" (Military Review, Nov. 1970), designed to selectively target and eliminate specific ethnic groups who are susceptible due to genetic differences and variations in DNA. (Project CensoredTelegraph)

1973 – The last of more than 2,000 volunteers, nicknamed the "white coats," pass through Fort Detrick, where they have offered up their bodies for science since 1954. The volunteers are conscientious objectors who agree to be infected with debilitating pathogens. Many are Seventh-Day Adventists who choose to become human guinea pigs rather than serve on active duty. (BBC NewsPBSWikipedia)

1977 – Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirm that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Some of the areas included San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and St. Louis. (Wall Street Journal – full text)

1978 – Experimental Hepatitis B vaccine trials, conducted by the CDC, begin in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Advertisements for research subjects specifically ask for promiscuous homosexual men. (Medical Knowledge Base)

1980 – The U.S. Department of Defense completes 35 years of detonating nuclear weapons at various sites around the world, sometimes monitoring downwind residents for medical problems and mortality rates. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Cancer Institute study claims that nuclear fallout from these radiation tests may have caused approximately 11,000 deaths. (CDC StudyWikipedia)

1981 – The first cases of AIDS are confirmed in homosexual men in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, triggering speculation that AIDS may have been introduced via the Hepatitis B vaccine trials started in 1978 in these same cities. (Medical Knowledge BaseJournal of Medical Hypotheses – full text)

1985 to 1986 – According to the journal Science, HTLV and VISNA, a fatal sheep virus, are very similar, indicating a close taxonomic relationship. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences state HIV and VISNA are highly similar and share all structural elements, except for a small segment that is nearly identical to HTLV. This leads to speculation that HTLV and VISNA may have been linked to produce a new retrovirus to which no natural immunity exists. (ScienceNational Academy of Sciences)

1987 – The U.S. Department of Defense admits that, despite a treaty banning research and development of biological agents, it continues to conduct such research at 127 facilities and universities around the nation. (Science MagazineNew Internationalist)

1990 – More than 1,500 six-month-old African-American and Hispanic babies in Los Angeles are given an experimental measles vaccine that has never been licensed for use in the United States. The CDC later admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being injected into their children was experimental. (Los Angeles TimesNew Scientist)

1994 – U.S. Senator John D. Rockefeller issues a report revealing that for at least 50 years the Department of Defense has used hundreds of thousands of military personnel in human experiments and for intentional exposure to dangerous substances. Materials included mustard and nerve gas, ionizing radiation, psychochemicals, hallucinogens, and drugs used during the Gulf War. (Rockefeller Report)

1994 to 1995 – Dr. Garth Nicolson at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX discovers that many returning Desert Storm veterans are infected with an altered strain of Mycoplasma incognitus, a microbe commonly used in the production of biological weapons. He then uncovers evidence that biological agents used during the Gulf War were manufactured in Houston, TX, and Boca Raton, FL, and tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections. (Journal of the American Medical Association JAMA changed link - original hereCapt. Joyce Riley, USAF)

1995 – The U.S. Government admits that it had offered Japanese war criminals and scientists who had performed human medical experiments salaries and immunity from prosecution in exchange for data on biological warfare research. Some of these scientists had tortured to death the humans on which they experimented. (Los Angeles TimesUSA Today/Associated Press)

1996 – The U.S. Department of Defense admits that Desert Storm soldiers were exposed to chemical agents. A scientific review finds a strong association between exposure to certain chemicals and the Gulf War illness suffered by many veterans. (CNN NewsWashington PostNew York Times)

1999 – Jesse Gelsinger dies as a result of a University of Pennsylvania's gene-therapy trial. The principal investigator in the study, James Wilson holds a 30% equity stake in Genovo, which owned the rights to license the drug being studied; the university owned 3.2% of the company. When Targeted Genetics Corp. later acquired Genovo, Wilson reportedly earned $13.5 million and Penn $1.4 million. (Time Magazine)

2000 – Experimental artificial blood is transfused into research subjects across the United States without their consent. Later studies show that the artificial blood causes a significant increase in the risk of heart attacks and death. (ABC News2nd ABC News article)

2002 – North Carolina's Shearon Harris nuclear plant contains the largest radioactive waste storage pools in the US. If the cooling system malfunctions, the resulting fire could trigger a nuclear meltdown. In 2002, plant managers are forced to manually shut down the reactors four times. Between 1999 and 2003, there are twelve major problems requiring the shutdown of the plant. Yet the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ignores the potential risks. (CounterpunchABC affiliateAssociated Press)

2007 – Texas governor Rick Perry makes the vaccine Gardasil mandatory for all Texan schoolgirls. The vaccine is designed to prevent the sexually transmitted cervical cancer virus, yet even girls not sexually active are forced to take the new vaccine. Perry defends his relationship with Merck & Co., makers of the vaccine. The safety of the vaccine is also increasingly questioned. (MSNBC/APLos Angeles Times)

2008 – Nanotechnology, with risks to health still unknown, is being widely used in consumer products. Some experts say the microtubules that can easily enter our bodies may pose health and environmental risks. Researchers in Scotland say we may be facing the same health risks as asbestos. Yet industry is rapidly embracing this risky technology with little oversight. (New York TimesProject CensoredScience News)

2009 – The American Academy of Environmental Medicine calls for a moratorium on genetically modified foods. Their report states, "GM foods pose a serious health risk in the areas of toxicology, allergy and immune function, reproductive health, and metabolic, physiologic and genetic health." Yet the US threatens a trade war against any country which opposes these Frankenfoods. The US media fail miserably to even present a debate on this crucial health topic. (American Academy of Environmental MedicineGuardianScientific Summary)

2011 – Researchers suspect the military's High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), which frequently disturbs the ionosphere using powerful directed energy beams, is placing humanity at high risk due to unintended consequences. Some believe HAARP may even be influencing some natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes. (CBC documentary [Canada's PBS], Prof. Michel Chossudovsky)

2011 – Three nuclear design specialists employed by General Electric come forward stating that they resigned in 1976 after becoming convinced that the nuclear reactor design they were reviewing – the Mark 1 – was so flawed that it could lead to a devastating accident. 5 of the 6 reactors at Japan's nuclear facility which experienced a meltdown in March 2011 are Mark 1s. (ABC News)

From 1988 to 2008, the number of overseas clinical trials for drugs increases by 2,000%, to approximately 6,500 trials. These trials are often conducted in areas with large numbers of poor and illiterate people who grant their consent by signing an "X" or making a thumbprint on a form. The tests are rarely monitored by the FDA, and have in some cases proved deadly. 49 babies die in New Delhi, India during a 30-month trial. The cost of testing in countries without safety regulations is much lower; and, due to lax or nonexistent oversight, pharmaceutical corporations (or research companies they've contracted out to) are able to more easily suppress research that demonstrates harmful effects and only report positive results. (Vanity Fair).

Saturday, May 11, 2024

JEFF CLARK, DOJ: it's really nauseating to see Governor Cuomo and Leanne Wen . . . I mean there aren't two more nauseating people, liars who lie to each other and then lie to the public, and it's complete gas lighting

Jeff Clark, DoJ it's really nauseating to see Governor Cuomo and Leanne when I mean there aren't two more nauseating people, liars who lie to each other and then lie to the public, and it's complete gas lighting.  And everyone knows that Cuomo was one of the lockdown mandators in Chief, and everyone knows that Leanna Wen, crisis actor and Planned Parenthood zealot, was the big cheerleader for COVID, the massive health emergency masks in the lockdowns.  [I'm going to include the vaccines. He missed that.  Why would Jeff Clark of the DOJ miss that key factor of this mass democide?] And then comes his apology that recognizing that, "And look, obviously it was a novel disease in many ways it's been overplayed . . . ."  So here we have a federal agent indicting Governor Cuomo and Wen in the court of public opinion.  Talk about your soft criticism, a backhanded compliment, it's like a massaged criticism.  So Clark offers nothing beyond what every normal thinking man and woman was thinking 4 years ago.  Why so late, Jeff?  His indictment is meaningless.  He just compounds the gas lighting, layering it.  

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

DR. HARVEY RISCH: [T]his military approach that had people in the military underneath the National Security Council, designed a response that all of our government agencies would carry out, they designed a response that would not follow public health principles

People in the mid and upper-middle levels of all these agencies...[were] brainwashed by upper-levels of our military establishment that are the professional brainwashers, because that's who the National Security Council pulled in to do the professional brainwashing..." (1/6)

Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology at Yale Dr. Harvey Risch () describes for Jason James () how the "upper-levels of [the U.S.] military establishment" brainwashed the government, as well as the American people, into believing that things like lockdowns, masking, and the mRNA injections were necessary to defeat COVID. He highlights the fact that the National Security Council (NSC) took control of the "pandemic" response in the U.S. just seven days after it was declared a national emergency, and, echoing the work done by Sasha Latypova () and Katherine Watt, says that the FDA's supposed approval of the COVID injections was pure "theater." "[W]hat happened...during the pandemic, is that...FDA, NIH, CDC, all of them, lost control of what would have been their scientific narratives. And they did that because...President Trump...handed [management of the 'pandemic'] off to the National Security Council, which militarized it, which made the pandemic no longer a pandemic, but a biowarfare attack," Risch tells James. The professor emeritus adds that the COVID injections are "not vaccines according to the government" and are, instead, "countermeasures, because it's a military approach that was adopted rather than a public health approach." "[T]his military approach that had people in the military underneath the National Security Council, designed a response that all of our government agencies would carry out, they designed a response that would not follow public health principles," Risch notes. Prior to the NSC's bizarre and harmful "pandemic" response plan, Risch says that prominent public health officials had said that "you don't lock down the population" and that "there's no point in closing airports [as] that won't do anything." He adds that public health officials also knew that "masks are essentially useless—for either protecting the wearer or for controlling source control, meaning keeping the wearer from spreading infection outside of the wearer." "[A]ll of this stuff was all laid out, and then the military turned it around and did the opposite of almost everything. And so, that colored our whole response," Risch says. Explaining further, the Yale professor says that "people in the mid and upper-middle levels of all these [U.S. government] agencies...[were] brainwashed by upper-levels of our military establishment that are the professional brainwashers, because that's who the National Security Council pulled in to do the professional brainwashing..." Risch goes on to say: "What happened is that, basically, your rank-and-file people in the mid and upper-middle levels of all these agencies, are relatively good people who believe in themselves, they believe in the science the way they see it; they believe that they think they are doing a good job, the best that they could under the circumstances, they think of themselves as wholesome, good-doing people. And they [didn't] realize that they [were being] brainwashed. That [they'd] been brainwashed by upper-levels of our military establishment that are the professional brainwashers, because that's who the National Security Council pulled in to do the professional brainwashing of all of our scientific, medical regulatory systems, as well as the general public. And we know how much brainwashing has gone on through the media and all that." "[T]his whole regime of mis-thinking, of propagandized fear and lack of recognition of what were the true issues going on, spread throughout the regulatory approval and scientific review institutions of our government," Risch adds. Touching on the topic of the COVID injections, Risch says that the FDA's VIRBAC (Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee) committee, "thought they were doing good by approving vaccines," but were, in fact, "essentially irrelevant." Risch adds that "It was just theater to legitimize that these vaccines weren't vaccines, they were countermeasures and were going to be used anyway come hell or high water, because that's what the military at the top, the National Security Council, had decided, in advance of this whole process unfolding." Indeed, Risch highlights the fact that the COVID injection rollout "was planned this way" and notes that "the military was involved in Event 201, the planning...sessions in September of 2019, and all the previous Event 201s..." that had taken place regularly in the years leading up to COVID. "Why was the military involved? Because they knew the likelihood of a bioweapons attack was grossly, much larger, much higher, than a spread from some animal reservoir into humans. So they were heavily involved in the planning for this and it shows how we carried out all of the pandemic management. Because it was obviously twisted and contorted to be a military response rather than a public health response.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

LATYPOVA: who was arguing in court on behalf of Pfizer? Pfizer lawyers were not even in the [court] room. It was the Department of Justice.

What we now jointly collaborate on is revealing the structure, the pseudo-legal structure.  It's not lawful.  They made it legal on paper only.  This criminal cartel military-government-pharma military criminal cartel is actually operating all over the world so in addition to that and this is what is less understood by everyone is that the Department of Defense in the U.S. ordered all these COVID products which includes vaccines, but also includes therapeutics, monoclonal antibodies, diagnostics, even masks, and staffing, and there is a whole huge spending, ordering these so-called countermeasures under this contracting framework.  It's called Other Transactional Authority.  It was put in place in the '60s only for NASA.  Now, 11 federal agencies use it.  The Department of Defense is a particularly huge user of this contracting method because it allows them to contract without following any federal procurement rules and regulations with a lot of secrecy.  And they can specifically order products from otherwise regulated Industries, such as Pharma without following any regulations and also without disclosing IP so it's like that, it's a lot of secrecy.  They typically use this framework to order weapons from defense contractors but now they're using the same framework to order what they're telling us is a pharmaceutical product.  And finally, this structure clicks into place when the HHS Secretary, or the Department of Health and Human Services in the U.S., declares a pandemic or a Public Health Emergency, and, of course, they declare it immediately after The W.H.O. declared it based on 40 cases from 8 billion people in the world.  

What's the difference between a Public Health Emergency and a pandemic?  Emma Ross explains,

A PHEIC is the strongest global alert the WHO can formally make and, when it is declared, countries have a legal duty to respond quickly, whereas with a pandemic there is no infrastructure around the decision-making process, agreed criteria, or agreement of what countries need to do in response.

So they just decided it's time to declare a pandemic and in the US they declared a public health emergency so when all of this comes to play together what happens is there is this interesting law in the US this particular us code is cited here which says that the "Use of EUA, Emergency Use Authorized countermeasures is NOT a Clinical Investigation" under Public Health Emergency.  That explains why they need to extend Public Health Emergency into perpetuity because that allows them to implement this crime.  And the significance of this is that if the countermeasure cannot be a clinical investigational product, then no pharmaceutical regulation applies to these products.  So here is the lie that our government told to us and told to the world, and the governments all over the world repeated to their citizens.  They were claiming that it was a health event.  They were claiming that they were producing pharmaceutical products through CGMP, or Good Manufacturing standards when they perfectly well knew I assure you they were all aware of it they perfectly well knew that no pharmaceutical regulations applied to these things that these countermeasures this word countermeasures is a very interesting word.  It's a very fluffy definition. There's no real definition.  If somebody attacks me, and I pick up a rock and throw it at them, it's a countermeasure.  So anything can be a countermeasure.  It's just a category of things.  But once they designate them as such, they are no longer pharmaceuticals.  They're just lying to you that these are pharmaceuticals.  They are actually not.  In fact, when there was this famous case where Pfizer, it was said that Pfizer didn't want, or, the FDA didn't want to release clinical trial data for 75 years.  Well, who was arguing in court on behalf of Pfizer?  Pfizer lawyers were not even in the room.  It was the Department of Justice.  So why is the US government defending presumably a private commercial interest of a pharmaceutical company?  

4:32. Here you can see that the pharmaceutical companies are a third level down they are not in charge but they are getting tremendous amounts of money to shut up and follow the orders and do as they're told but the whole operation is run by the Department of Defense of the US government I'm not absolving farmers by the way of any responsibility they are criminals in this cartel and they're collaborating and they are co-conspirators and should be prosecuted together.  But as Dr. Malone actually mentioned, and I completely agree, here we have an implemented model of fascism.  This is how it's done: government merges with private corporations.  You can't even say who is wagging the dog, but they merged and then they lied.  And then they extended the liability [of the merger] to the private commercial entities from which they extracted commercial interest, or whatever interests they want to extract. 

5:35. So what really happened here was that vaccine development and approval . . . What were they doing when they did this what they were doing was play-acting.  They never had to follow those regulations by law that they wrote themselves.  It's an illegal law it's not lawful.  It's not constitutional but they made it legal on paper that they don't have to do them, yet they went and had and did them in collaboration with the FDA, the CDC, and all the other agencies.  And that was just to convince you, the public, that it really is a pharmaceutical product where it actually is not.  The clinical trials were never ordered. The Good Manufacturing Practices compliance was never ordered.  And legally speaking, there were never even clinical trial investigators, because if you cannot have an investigational product, then there is no investigation.  So the FDA leadership and Global regulatory leadership what they did [was] they impersonated the Regulators, so you, so that you fall for this lie and go get injected.  Finally, Pfizer already invoked this as a legal defense.  If you heard about Brooke Jackson's case in the U.S., she is suing Pfizer under the False Claims Act, 1863, that they defrauded the government.  Well, Pfizer filed a motion to dismiss the case.  It hasn't been dismissed yet, but Pfizer had already stated in court, "Please dismiss this case, Judge. We did not defraud the government.  We DELIVERED the fraud that the government ordered." 


Wednesday, February 28, 2024


00:25. A quote from a lesser known dictator and that's Mao Zedong.  In 1957, he not so famously said, "Not to have correct political opinions is like not having a soul."  And I think that that is kind of a banner for the lives that we've been living for the last few years and that's very unfortunate but it's also very telling.  My talk is titled, "The Target Is You."  What I want to talk about is actually "The Politics of Compliance" is the name I've given this and it's actually derived from a strategy that Mao Zedong used, but to make the politics of compliance work the target is actually you.  And I don't just mean you with the wrong political opinions who don't have souls.  I mean everybody.  There are generally three categories of people when it comes to the politics of compliance: 1) there are the people who are complying; 2) there are the people who are refusing, and 3) there are the people who aren't sure.  And all three are targeted by the politics of compliance roughly the same way with the same Dynamic the goal is of course to get the compliant to feel better than everybody else but also frustrated with everybody else it is to convince those who are not sure to join the programming to begin to comply and it is to use the people who refuse to comply as the wedge around which the entire thing turns.  In fact, it's to dehumanize them and motivate the other two groups to try to destroy them.  So Mao Zedong simply took over China with a very small number of conceptual concepts that I'm lumping together in what I'm calling the politics of compliance.  He separated the population into two broad categories I just mentioned.  I just mentioned three, well he cut it into two.  It was an oversimplification, and those two categories are the people, and the enemies of the people.  Not to put too fine a point on it, that's what he called them: the people and the enemies of the people. And what he said is who are the people?  Well, he gives this kind of historical record in 1957 as to who counted as the people, and when.  And there's a consistent running theme through his 8 or 9 different examples of different historical periods of the Chinese story, whether it's the Japanese or the Sino-Japanese War, the second one, whether it's the period of building socialism after he took power in 1949, whether it's during his 1st, 2nd, or 3rd-Year Plan, and the examples all have the single theme of THE people are the people who agree with Mao, and THE ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE are the people who don't agree with Mao.  And it turns out to be really that simple the people at the period of building socialism are those who support the building of socialism and the enemies of the people are those who resist the building of socialism.  He says it explicitly that clearly.  

3:20. And this sets up a dynamic I think the best name for it is Hatecraft, and here is how it works.  The goal of this split is to say that there is a correct perspective on all things, a sacred science (see #5), as Robert [Jay] Lifton described it, and that's called The People's perspective, or at least it was in China.  We could call it whatever, "the critical race perspective on Race"; we could call it "the queer perspective on sexual politics"; we could all imagine a bunch of examples under COVID, "the public health perspective," I guess would be the right name for it.  I see Red Hats in the crowd, you're not allowed to have those.  That's the deplorable side of a different perspective.  But this is the general idea.  There are people who do the right thing.  There are people who do the wrong thing, and the goal is to bring people into the people's perspective, which is also called agreeing with the tyranny.  

4:10. And what you do in order to achieve this idea is that you separate the population into two broad categories, The People and The Enemies of the People.  And then you say,

What we want is unity.  We want Unity but there are certain elements in the population who are preventing us from unity and moving into the future that we can be having, and it's their fault.  The people want to move forward, and the enemy of the people is stopping them.  The people want to open their businesses and go back about their lives, but the people who won't wear masks or take a shot or socially distance or close down their lives or whatever else in the COVID department, are stopping them.  We want to open the country back up, but we can't because there are anti-vaxxers.  They are the problem.

That is hatecraft.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

"Rogan is the Neo-Legacy Media. A $100mil business is not indie."

00:27. Brett Weinstein was not a COVID dissident.  He wore the masks, and fine, you want to wear the masks, fine, but he shamed people who didn't wear them.  When so many true COVID dissidents, so many real doctors and medical professionals and nurses had already been out there risking their jobs, their income, their security, their reputation, and sometimes possibly their lives to bring you the facts.  These people are essentially doing The Stolen Valor thing when you claim that you fought in a war and you get all the kudos and you get all the medals and you get all the trust from society and goodwill that comes from that.  But you really didn't ever fight.  You just bought a uniform at the Army Surplus and you go to Memorial Day ceremonies and Veterans Day ceremonies and you're like, "Oh, I fought" and you didn't?  That's what Brett Weinstein is doing.