Showing posts with label Doc Malik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doc Malik. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

New Northern Ireland Health Bill Is Full-On Tyranny

I pray that people have noticed by now that the state uses the health sector as its primary tact to introduce tyranny and mass murder.  The state gets a high percentage of compliance from health edicts and fiat because people associate healthcare with early childhood experiences where they're obedient to a mother's instructions; so that scenario still exists in people's memory and the state exploits that.  Now not everybody complies, of course, but the fact that they're able to get such a high percentage of compliance says that most people are kind of, you know, in a child like, victim consciousness obedient posture when it comes to the state.  Like "law-abiding citizens" is a euphemism for obedient child.

The advantage of living in the United States is the Constitution that puts, albeit thin, restraints on government tyranny.  Though I am sure that any of us can point to a score of violations or exemptions to that claim.  The 4th Amendment in the US requires police to get a warrant to search property, yet when it comes to your vehicle out on the road in the middle of nowhere, they apparently have free range.  So the Constitution may not restrain the state, but it at least allows redress in court; that is if you have the money to sue the state, county, or city.

Detaining and quarantining individuals for up to 28 days.  Liz Evans' article, mandating the wearing of medical clothing such as face masks, forcibly entering premises and confiscating belongings without a warrant and in this Northern Ireland bill it talks about agents, agents of Northern Ireland Public Health officers or anyone the officers have designated anyone or many individuals.  So people can literally pitch up at your doorstep, break down the door, drag you out, take things from your house, examine things without a warrant.  They can require your children to be kept off school.  They can close your business and keep adults off work.  They can breach medical confidentiality and privacy and share your data with other patient medical information with various State bodies, which may or may not be working for the government directly or indirectly.  They can require an individual to answer questions regarding their health status; so there goes medical confidentiality.  They can require a person to attend training or advice sessions.  They can legislate as to where the person may go, or with whom the person has contact; that's the same as the Scottish one.  There goes your freedom of movement and freedom of assembly.  

It is real it's already in Scotland