Showing posts with label 2021. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2021. Show all posts

Friday, March 28, 2025

MARTIN KULLDORFF: Masks are symbols of submission. Masks are the lurid fetish of power. Masks lead to the erasure of personhood. Masks promote a culture of fear. Masks are deterrents of solidarity

Wasn't it odd that the powers that inserted this story shortly after the mask mandates fell? It's funny because when the masks were mandated back in 2020, this was the first thing I thought of was torture, specifically waterboarding, and then the events at Abu Ghraib. But maybe it was just me who was paranoid, that no one else thought about torture or imprisonment using masks.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

ROBERT BARNES: "There is no Constitutional integrity without election integrity, and that is why election integrity must be a civil right"

"Election Integrity, the Civil Rights Issue of Our Time," Robert Barnes

One citizen, one vote. 

An honest vote honestly counted. 

Monday, July 24, 2023

4 Trump supporters died on January 6—3 of them (possibly all 4) due to excessive/lethal force by police on the scene.

Here is the article.  It's behind a paywall.  Sorry.  Select one of these to learn more about Roseanne Boyland.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Eric Hunley Interviewed John McAfee Back in 2021 When He was on the run

 Austin Peterson was McAfee's running mate.  

All government offices around the world are closed on weekends.  

The term cobra effect was coined by economist Horst Siebert based on an anecdote of an occurrence in India during British rule. The British government, concerned about the number of venomous cobras in Delhi, offered a bounty for every dead cobra. Initially, this was a successful strategy; large numbers of snakes were killed for the reward. Eventually, however, enterprising people began to breed cobras for the income. When the government became aware of this, the reward program was scrapped. When cobra breeders set their now-worthless snakes free, the wild cobra population further increased. This story is often cited as an example of Goodhart's Law

There are CIA who can speak 35 languages fluently.  

Saturday, July 16, 2022


"We need to go into the Capitol.  Into the Capitol!"  He says it repeately.  He's so emphatic about it, encouraging other people to commit a federal crime that the crowd around him decides that he must be a federal agent, and the crowd around him begins chanting, "FED! FED! FED! FED!" 

The same paper that cheered Ashley Babbit's death, the New York Times, but this same paper is weeping for Ray Epps because people have been mean to him online?  The New York Times author of the piece was Adam Goldman who's done work for the intelligence agencies.  Wonderful.  So the FBI and other assorted intelligence agencies are writing the narrative for the January 6th protest to keep the legal indictment against innocent people airtight, while allowing their agents, Ray Epps, to run free?  

Have prosecutors reviewed Ray Epps's text to his nephew?  The New York Times doesn't tell us.  Nor does the NYT tell us whether or not Ray Epps had any contact with any federal agencies in the period before January 6th.  But don't ask more questions, says the New York Times or Ray Epps may be killed by Mexican drug cartels.  Good one, Tucker.  But according to the paper, there are people who have heard, "some cartel members talking about killing Mr. Epps."  Right, because the drug cartels are committed Trump voters and they feel betrayed by Ray Epps, maybe there are Q-Anon people too?  Hysterical.  Tucker does a great job of mocking the New York Times' farcical fiction.  Wow!  

This is the New York Times.  Wonder why no one is ever surprised by their fiction.  And it's fiction that lacks style.   

Tucker is right: if you spend more than a year looking into the protest and you ignore Ray Epps's role in the protest and then run cover for him by saying that he's the victim of conspiracy theories and cartel threats, why then it's more than strange.  It's an indictment of your motives.   


Friday, June 17, 2022


How does this happen?  How is this not war on your 1st Amendment rights? 

Note that the article is penned by MSM, so be prepared for the usual character assassination of their favorite target: the truth.  

Like a weed rising through the cracks in the concrete, a portion of the truth found its way to light. 

"A concerted effort has been undertaken to 'cancel' physicians who do not follow the mainstream narrative."  

That's in reference to her opposition of vaccines as the ONLY remedy for a cold virus.  Imagine that, a doctor suggesting alternative treatments for an illness.  According to the regime stenographers, there's only one way to treat a cold virus and that is with a vaccine, for which the companies, public health officials, and doctors are somehow unable to identify accurately, affirm, or share with you its ingredients. They're probably more cautious when buying a can of tuna in the grocery stores than when it comes to forcing an injection of unknown substances into your spleen, heart, brain, and liver that your body will fight, a lifelong battle of degrading losses that by the time they render you debilitated, you've forgotten how you got here, without a single effective remedy.  But you'll never forget what brought you: the poison in a needle that you were forced to sit for.  Unfortunately, unless you've been following the emergence of the toxic effects of the vaccine and its deadly and toxic chimera spike proteins, you won't be able to deter the shortening of life.  Perhaps by the time you realize it, you'll simply be very accepting of death after years of being degraded by the lies of the state.  

Saturday, December 25, 2021

"Nicotine protects from Spike Protein, activates [and] restores cholinergic function which is needed for breathing, hearing, seeing, & bowel

nAChR stands for 

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, or nAChRs, are receptor polypeptides that respond to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Nicotinic receptors also respond to drugs such as the agonist nicotine. ... In the immune system, nAChRs regulate inflammatory processes and signal through distinct intracellular pathways.

Cholinergic function is

ubiquitous in the human central nervous system. Their high density in the thalamus, striatum, limbic system, and neocortex suggest that cholinergic transmission is likely to be critically important for memory, learning, attention and other higher brain functions. Several lines of research suggest additional roles for cholinergic systems in overall brain homeostasis and plasticity. As such, the brain's cholinergic system occupies a central role in ongoing research related to normal cognition and age-related cognitive decline, including dementias such as Alzheimer's disease.


Paxlovid is sold as an anti-viral that will put the brakes on SARS-CoV-2.  Wasn't that what the vaccines were designed to do?  It is manufactured by Pfizer which has a disastrous track record on health.  I wouldn't trust them to make laundry detergent.  If you hear this name, tell your doctor or nurse or whomever is offering it to you to go away.  It's prescribed under other names as well, so be vigilant: Nirmatrelvir and Ritonavir.  I resent how Pfizer's marketing inserts "lov" in its name in an effort to make it sound like a trusted form of relief.  It's not trusted, like most of Pfizer products.  Read the excerpt below. For now, read this: 

[It] is an investigational SARS-CoV-2 protease inhibitor antiviral co-packaged with ritonavir authorized for emergency use for the treatment of high-risk patients with COVID-19 to prevent severe illness which can lead to hospitalization and death.

It's deceptive.  If you think they're being transparent, talk to all the folks who took their vaccine and developed blood clots throughout their bodies.  Don't fall for it.  Step away from this drug.  Focus on the burning sensations of the "t's" and the "v's" and the "r's" in those two names.  Don't get burned. explains it thus:

Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir [PF-07321332] tablets and ritonavir tablets) is an investigational SARS-CoV-2 protease inhibitor antiviral co-packaged with ritonavir authorized for emergency use for the treatment of high-risk patients with COVID-19 to prevent severe illness which can lead to hospitalization and death.
Paxlovid contains the novel antiviral nirmatrelvir (PF-07321332) which works by blocking the activity of SARS-CoV-2 main protease (Mpro), also known as SARS-CoV2 3CL protease, an enzyme that the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 needs to replicate. Co-administration with low dose ritonavir helps slow the metabolism of nirmatrelvir allowing it to remain active in the body for longer periods of time at higher concentrations to help combat the virus.

Monday, November 15, 2021

"there is going to be an autoimmune attack because the killer lymphocytes are already there"

Thanks to Z3News.

I thought I would put this up for a little review. It was released back on January 4, 2021, so it's been almost a full year now. But review doesn't hurt; it's part of education. But I fear that even after I've posted close to a thousand posts for this year that still no one in my circles will watch or read or learn from this. Just a few weeks ago I asked someone who had been vaccinated if he knew what a spike protein was. He said no. So people who've received the shot or who lined up first to get the shot because they didn't want to go through the trouble to file for an exemption and honor their bodies, but instead were ethically okay with surrendering their bodies to the state, then I have nothing to offer. 

Acquiring accurate information takes time. Those who got vaccinated should have waited. I do not know what possibly could have been the urgency. They weren't sick. But they rushed.

And I am equally at fault.  For example, though I'd heard that the vaccinated can infect the unvaccinated, I didn't understand how or why.  And that it doesn't take much either.  What is passed or transmitted is not the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but instead it is the deadly spike proteins.  So you can imagine my horror when I asked a vaccinated acquaintance if he know what a spike protein was and he replied with a No.  So people are running around, like a chicken with its head cut off.  But information works in funny ways.  It reminds me of Romeo & Juliet, where Romeo sent a letter to Juliet, a letter that she never received.  So knowledge is not all-powerful, not by a damn sight.  The problem is that we live in information overload.  It's not just that we get enough--we actually get too much.  So much so that too many of us will dismiss information belonging to some fields of study as esoteric or even conspiratorial.  And people do this because they don't have time to read or think or act on much outside of their chosen fields.  Just isn't time in the day.  People work, take a break to eat, maybe run an errand for themselves or a loved one and that's it for the day.  Reading and thinking of the finer points of a subject they know little to nothing about is not going to happen.  So you can know things . . . hell, I even publish daily what I know, what I've read and deciphered, and yet not everybody will see it, read it, or think about it.  It will, like Romeo's letter, get delayed or lost.  

Perhaps one last complaint is that participants in the medical field feel that they owe more to the science and technology that brought them than they do to the people who are actually on the receiving end of medicine.  Few think about the end-user.

I'll leave you with one of my favorite medical doctors that I've learned from and admired, precisely because he stopped and thought about the impact on people.  Whereas Gates wants to kill off the globe, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi wants to protect people.  He knows that healing from this is very grim.  

Her warning that these injections can cause death is confirmed by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, an award winning researcher and former head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene in Germany and was a professor of virology and microbiology for 30 years in Germany. In the statement shown below, he warns that by taking these injections, killer lymphocytes already present in our body will cause an auto-immune attack with terrible consequences for our health and even death. Dr. Bhakdi made this statement:

“The big, big danger about this vaccine is you are shooting the gene of the virus into your body. It is going to go through the body and go to entering cells that you don’t know. These cells are going to start making, not the whole virus, but virus protein, and these cells are going to put the waste of that spike protein in front of their cells. And the killer lymphocytes will see the waste, and, you know, anyone who does not understand there is going to be an autoimmune attack because the killer lymphocytes are already there. It is with this that I will say, “Bye bye,” (death) because you don’t realize what you are going to do. You are going to plant the seed of autoimmune reactions. And I tell you, don’t do this.” 

A final comment.  He is right.  You don't know where the genes of this vaccine will go.  Because they arrive in a lipid nanoparticle, they will definitely be attracted to fatty organs to live off like a parasite.   The first hazard I'd read about these vaccines was the clotting.  Then I'd heard of tremors.  Then Bell's Palsy.  Then cancers.  Then AIDS-like syndrome where your immune system is turned against your own body, so that even if you do fight the spike protein you know you're fighting a losing battle because the longer you fight the more you know that the protein is winning as you grow more fatigued and exhausted.  But problems are broad.  It's not just clotting.  Some get Transverse Myelitis and other health disasters.  It's a slow kill, and the best you can hope for is a slower kill.   Remember, too, that no one who survives these times will avenge those who are dying from this full-blown genocide.  The spike proteins are just an engine for cancer.  We now know that these proteins gain access to the nucleus of our cells.  There will be no Nicolae Ceaușescu moment.