Showing posts with label Martin Armstrong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Martin Armstrong. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 18, 2022


From Martin Armstrong

I reported that Canada has begun a eugenics program, yet again, to remove the undesirables from society legally. The Medical Aid in Dying (MAID) program was initially intended to provide legal euthanasia for people suffering from terminal illnesses. It was presented as a humane alternative for those who were in extreme pain and slowly awaiting death. The Canadian government expanded the program to cover psychiatric conditions, all psychiatric conditions, and “any other medical affliction.”

Bill C-7, “the euthanasia law,” has made suicide an option for those the government deems are a burden on society. Trudeau’s socialistic dreams under Schwab’s guidance will call for universal healthcare and income, and people who require lifelong assistance present a problem for the government. At first, the measure was intended for the terminally ill, then the mentally ill, and now it encourages death for those "too poor to continue living with dignity.”

Instead of helping the poor, trust fund baby Trudeau, who never experienced financial hardship, suggests the lower class simply kills themselves, and Canadian taxpayers will fund their suicides. This evil legislation is encouraging the most vulnerable among the population to end their lives. Perhaps a mother is desperate and unable to find her baby formula, or a man lost his livelihood and business during lockdown restrictions. Are they too undignified to live? As the economy continues to turn down, there will be more home evictions, job losses, and the overall standard of living will decline as the current level of inflation is unsustainable and the supply chain crisis is nowhere near under control. Government mismanagement caused the current economic downturn, and now they are asking the victims of their incompetence to leave this world behind. Unbelievable.

At this point, Canada is actively encouraging people to choose death as the government wants to eliminate those who Adolf Hitler once deemed “useless eaters” who did not contribute to his ideal version of society. People are outraged by Roe v. Wade in America, but no one is talking about how the Canadian government is PAYING for their citizens to commit suicide. At what level is someone “too poor to continue living with dignity?”

Monday, May 2, 2022

Moderna Poised to Commit Infanticide

Moderna is officially coming for toddlers and infants under five. The company submitted a formal request with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), claiming the vaccine is 51% effective among toddlers under two and 37% effective in the two to five-year-old range. Instead of the standard two-100 microgram doses, the youngest among the population will receive two 25-microgram doses. 

“I think it is likely that over time they will need additional doses. But we’re working on that,” Moderna’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Paul Burton stated. 

They will continue to force vaccines on everyone in the population. There is no telling the long-term effects of injecting a gene-altering medication into a baby, but Big Pharma is willing to risk lives for profits and government is willing to risk lives to retain control over a scared and uninformed population. Only 475 children under five have died from COVID, according to the Associated Press. There is absolutely no need for a vaccination for this demographic. 

There are reports of babies dying through breast milk contaminated with the vaccination. Countless top doctors have warned against vaccinating children in general. Even the World Health Organization has even admitted that healthy adolescents do not need boosters, despite Pfizer filing a claim to have theirs approved for the five to twelve-year-old kids. Not to be outdone, Pfizer said it will have a vaccine for babies by the summer.

Since parents are reluctant to destroy their child’s development, the powers that be will continue to force mandates. They will push for universal passports to document everyone, including the youngest, most vulnerable members of society. They want us to inject ourselves repeatedly from birth until death for a virus that even Fauci no longer calls a pandemic.

Sunday, March 27, 2022


This really is quite incredible.  Let's start with this statement by Martin Armstrong, 

Based upon reliable sources, the Pentagon has launched a full-scale attack against the Neocons in the State Department and that includes Blinken. My sources confirm they have prevailed and warned the White House to STOP this "bullish" calling for regime change in Russia and war. I have NEVER witnessed this type of infighting since the 1987 Crash when the SEC was blaming the CFTC.

Next, let's backtrack and see what led to this internal war between the State Department and the Pentagon.  This time Armstrong answers a reader's question from EH who asks,

QUESTION: You said that the Pentagon has been trying to prevent confrontation with Russia. I believe you mentioned that it was the Pentagon who said no to Poland handing jets to Zelensky. Yet reading between the lines, Biden seems to disagree with what you are suggesting. Not to criticize you, for I think you have far better contacts than anyone I read. Is Biden just senile? My nephew studied your Economic Confidence Model which was taught in the military institution, the Citadel.

Thank you


Armstrong answers,

ANSWER: No, there is actually an internal war going on in Washington. The State Department is in full control of the Neocons. They are pushing for World War III right now. Their personal hatred of both Russians and Chinese is what is driving this game. The Pentagon realizes the TRUE  consequences of what is going on. This pretense being fed to the Media that Putin is on the ropes and the stories of chemical weapons are all coming from the White House and the State Department - NOT the Pentagon. The object here is to get the people behind a NATO invasion and Zelensky is doing whatever the Neocons instruct him.

It is as I have said before, the Pentagon who is trying to keep throwing cold water on this fire that the State Department is fanning. It is not that Biden is senile. That poses a separate risk for he could easily just order a full attack even though that is not legal under the Constitution without a declaration of war issued ONLY by Congress.

I am hoping that Putin can achieve his goal by the week of April 18th. That is the ONLY hope we have against the Neocons in the State Department who lead Biden around by his diapers. That will not eliminate WWIII. But it may buy us until 2023. These Neocons are totally insane and they are writing the script and Biden just reads the words. These Neocons are determined to destroy Russia and now Putin along with China have come to see the true nature of their adversary.

This time it is NOT the military. They know this is NOT an easy victory with a ticker-tape parade at the end. Yes, the Citadel came to me and asked permission to teach the ECM as the motivation and timing behind wars. That was a great honor. I hope it has infiltrated the military so that they do stand up to the State Department's Neocons who have no problem spilling the blood of everyone else for their dreams of hate.  

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

THE SCORE: US has admitted that China’s supersonic flew around the world and then hit its target. The US has been unable to create an equivalent and these type of weapons are FIRST STRIKE

Thank you to Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics.

One must wonder when Zelensky will stop sacrificing his people for no reason. He has done his best to trag the world into World War III trying to visit devastation upon the entire world. Both China and Russia have supersonic missiles. The US has admitted that China’s supersonic flew around the world and then hit its target. The US has been unable to create an equivalent and these type of weapons are FIRST STRIKE meaning they cannot be defeated. 

This is not about supporting Zelensky v Putin. This is about preventing World War III. For indeed, as Einstein said, he did not know what weapons would exist for World War III. We are witnessing that with supersonic missiles and biological weapons that can terminate specific ethnic groups on a grand scale (see latest James Bond Movie). But Einstein imagined that World War IV would be fought with sticks and stones.

Zelensky went on Ukrainian television channels and said he would be willing to discuss a commitment from Ukraine to not seek NATO membership in exchange for a cease-fire, the withdrawal of Russian troops and a guarantee of Ukraine’s security. While that complies with the Belgrade Agreement of 1991 when Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons promising to not join NATO and remain neutral, he is still refusing to comply with the Minsk Agreement of 2014 where he was to honor the democratic right of the Donbas to vote on their own sovereignty since they were Russians and Ukraine was merely created by the Soviet Union in drawing borders.

Zelensky said: “It’s a compromise for everyone: for the West, which doesn’t know what to do with us with regard to NATO, for Ukraine, which wants security guarantees, and for Russia, which doesn’t want further NATO expansion.” 

Why he just refuses to comply with the Minsk Agreement seems to be a matter of Ukrainian Nazi pride that they simply hated Russians, Jews, and everyone in Poland? The refusal to allow democratic solutions in Ukraine appears to be instigated by the American Neocons have been pushing for war since they instigated the Cuba Missile Crisis with the failed Bay of Pigs. Cuba then struck a deal with Russia for nuclear weapons to prevent the Neocons from invading Cuba again. It has long been suspected that Kennedy was assassinated for standing up against the Neocons.

The hypocrisy of the Neocons is just in your face. On March 21st, 2022, spokesman Ned Price said in justifying war against Russia: ” The principle that each and every country has a sovereign right to determine its own foreign policy, has a sovereign right to determine for itself with whom it will choose to associate in terms of its alliances, its partnerships, and what orientation it wishes to direct its gaze. In this case, Ukraine has chosen a democratic path, a path – a Western-looking path, and that is something that, clearly, President Putin was not willing to countenance.”

The Neocons had no problem violating that very principle with the excuse to invade Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, their attempted invasion justification against Syria and Cuba. Allowing Ukraine to join NATO would be no different than Russia supplying nukes to Cuba. Perhaps these Neocons were addicted to Battleship as kids and then want to play that on a real world level. The scary part is that both China and Russia have their versions of Neocons who are all striving to create World War III. 

Then Japan wonders why after following the West down this Neocon rat hole imposing sanctions on Russia, why would Russia then break off all peace treaty talks with Japan? Do we have the same level of incompetent Japanese politicians as in the rest of the West? Are all of these politicians plain outright stupid? Do they really think they can punish Russia and there will be no response? I have never in my 40-year career dealing with governments have I EVER witnessed such incompetence. 

Monday, February 14, 2022

SCHWAB'S AGENDA: To use health as the means to impose Marxism

Thank you to Martin Armstrong.

COMMENT:  Dear Martin,

I am writing to bring your attention to this action by New York State Governor Kathy Hochul. This has been slow coming to public awareness because she very quietly published this slate of ‘regulations’ just before Christmas when everyone was involved with the holidays. She also did it without any press release. Now the 60-day comment period is coming to an end on February 14th. After the Comment Period ends, these ‘regulations’ will be voted on by the NY State Dept. of Health Public Health Council and, if passed, will become LAW without having ever gone before the NYS Legislature!

One of the ‘regulations’ will allow her to imprison ANYONE she feels is a threat to public health There is NO procedure for you to get out once you are detained. They are trying to use public health as a cover to arrest any dissenters.

The other three regulations would allow her to make face coverings permanent, not allow visits to nursing homes, give school nurses the authority to vaccinate without parental consent, and mandate the vaccine for all. The last one will be voted on by the New York State Board of Regents.

This very good video, uploaded on February 5, 2022, and titled "NY Gov. Kathy Hochul--Jail the Unvaxxed" is an interview with Alix Mayer from Children’s Health Defense, John Gilmore from Autism Action Network, and Curtis Cost from Informed African Americans which succinctly explains all of this and can be viewed at

The whole world is waking up and resisting the Covid mandates. Meanwhile, our NYS Governor is taking actions to lock up anyone they want. The only possible thing that can stop this is public exposure, hence my email to you.

Thank you! for all you are doing!  


REPLY: This has been part of Schwab’s agenda – to use health as the means to impose Marxism. In a virtual session of the World Economic Forum, Fauci said: “It’s very disturbing, I believe to all of us as public health officials and scientists, such a degree of pushback against regular, normal, easy-to-understand public health measures. Reluctance to wear masks, reluctance to promote vaccination, reluctance to do kinds of public health measures.” Fauci is a government employee who is spending more time advocating a foreign entity that has a public goal to control the world and overthrow the United States.

I really do not see where the FBI, CIA, and DOJ refuse to defend the Constitution and support this publicly stated objective and allow US officials to participate. The 14th Amendment they are so desperate to use against Trump also applies to someone like Fauci.

I am not thrilled about the flight to Florida. Now 1,300 people PER DAY are fleeing to Florida.

Monday, February 7, 2022

KLAUS SCHWAB: Has infiltrated cabinets in Canada, China, US, Russia, Germany, France, & others

Thank you to Martin Armstrong.

Schwab has publicly bragged that he has “penetrated” cabinets around the world to force his economic philosophies upon the people circumventing any right of the people to vote. Canadians need to understand this agenda. Trudeau is now even having the police arrest people bringing fuel to the Truckers. This is an all-out war against Schwab for the very future of our world, our families, and our children. Academics have been the supporters of communism because they have never lived under such systems and always talk about equality materially rather than equality of rights. You cannot have freedom (liberty) and equality simultaneously.


Schwab has been behind the design of the EU. The German people were NEVER allowed to vote on joining the Euro. Kohl even admitted he acted like a dictator because if he allowed the people to vote, he knew he would lose. 

This is what they are doing right now before our eyes. Schwab has infiltrated governments to force his Marxist agenda upon the world. He has his people in place to totally control Europe. Just look at the countries he has dominated and you will see the worst oppression under the pretense of caring for the welfare of the people because of COVID which is not even a threat anymore than the Flu. 

Schwab is using this strategy to infiltrate all world governments. 

This is the very same agenda he used in Europe and is now moving to take over the world. Even Fauci appears in Schwab’s videos promoting his economic agenda – equality. 

 He has infiltrated the US government with John Kerry who is the key person and even Biden named his outrageous sending spree with the WEF slogan – BUILD BACK BETTER.

Monday, January 24, 2022

WEALTH & WELLNESS INDEX: Only 9% of Americans Earn Over Six Figures

From Martin Armstrong:

Previous studies have indicated that Americans’ quality of life plateaus at an annual salary of $75,000, but that myth has been dispelled. A research article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America entitled, "Experienced well-being rises with income, even above $75,000 per year" examines 1,725,994 experience-sampling reports from 33,391 employed US adults. The study believes prior reports failed to accurately measure “well-being” and the actual emotional implications of income.

Numerous reports begin by analyzing the Satisfaction With Life Scale developed in 1985:

In most ways, my life is close to my ideal.

The conditions of my life are excellent.

I am satisfied with my life.

So far I have gotten the important things I want in life.

If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.

The noted study incorporated these questions as well as others such as, “To what extent do you feel in control of your current situation?” The test also asked participants for their input on optimism for the future. The study found that the well-being plateau of $75,000 was no longer accurate. “There was also no evidence of an income threshold at which experienced and evaluative well-being diverged, suggesting that higher incomes are associated with both feeling better day-to-day and being more satisfied with life overall,” the abstract stated. “This suggests that higher incomes may still have potential to improve people’s day-to-day well-being, rather than having already reached a plateau for many people in wealthy countries.”

With inflation running at a nearly 40-year high and the prices of the most basic necessities such as food and shelter at unsustainable levels, people seeing money as a safety net is understandable. Personal Capital’s 2022 Wealth & Wellness Index found that Americans need an income of $122,000 to feel “financially healthy.” Only 9% of Americans and 31% of households earn over six figures, so this annual income is not feasible for the majority of the population. Only 67% of participants said they have enough money to pay bills in full and on time. Around 57% say they have some form of retirement savings that could manage an unforeseen expense of $500 without worry, and that figure only rises to 63% when asked if they could afford a $100 unforeseen expense. Despite previous notions, there is in fact a correlation between wealth and wellness.

Friday, January 14, 2022

"you'd get millions of people storming the palaces with pitchforks."

Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson interviews Martin Armstrong where they talk about supply chain disruption on the west coast brought on Gov. Newsome's policies and about how normal life is in Florida where the job market is off the charts.  Thanks to Martin Armstrong for the interview post.

"You'll own nothing and you'll be happy about it," making it sound as if they're doing this for you. 

12:00  Pelosi went shopping for a home in Florida because she doesn’t want to live in California where stores are closing because gangs are robbing them. 

All the blue states want to lock down their societies.  Spain, just the other day, downgraded their COVID policies to nothing more than the flu.  

14:00 Even the WHO admitted that probably 50% of all of Europe has Omicron.  COVID nonsense has been exaggerated for political gain.   

People are arguing over whether it’s a virus, where did it come from, etc.  We picked up disruptions in the capital flows in August 2019.  

14:30 Bill Gates bought the bio-net stocks in September 2019.  By December 2019, we already heard that a virus was coming.  By January 2020, Klaus Schwab was telling personal friends that a virus was coming and to sell their stocks and bonds.  The World Economic Forum, I believe, sold all its investments at that time just ahead of the COVID crash.  This has been orchestrated and as soon as this happened, they were immediately out there saying, “Oh, this is a great opportunity for the Great Reset.”  I can tell you absolutely that this Build Back Better nonsense was first floated at DAVOS in January 2019, and yet this is the first time that you see all of these world leaders all saying the same thing, “Build Back Better.”  this is a slogan that’s been made up by the World Economic Forum. 

15:35  What’s its problem here, what’s really at stake, what’s the objective?  What it is is that they (the ECB) lowered interest rates to negative in 2014.  I warned them, don’t do this.  It’s really nuts.  It’s going to completely destroy your bond market.  And here we are in 2022, interest rates are still negative.  They can’t get out of it; they've trapped themselves.  It's like we have Dumb and Dumber running countries.  You tell the pension funds, "Oh, you have to be safe and secure, so you must buy government bonds." So then you take the interest rates to negative?  Virtually all the pension funds in Europe are bankrupt.  So that's what this whole thing is about.  They know they've bankrupted everything.  It's totally screwed up in Europe.  

16:45  And you have this idea that the only thing that they can possibly do is if the government defaulted on its debt, wipe out all the pension funds, and then what you would get is millions of people storming the palaces with pitchforks.  So they come up with a very clever thing, "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy about it," making it sound as if they're doing this for you.  As if they're going to wipe out all your debt, your mortgage, your car loans, students, you know, you won't owe or own anything but neither will they, and they're the majority here.  

17:12  And then the guaranteed basic income will replace the pension fund that you lost.  So this is really about government and how they're getting out of this complete mess.  Since World War II, they've been borrowing year after year without absolutely no intention of ever paying anything back.  So they've kicked the can down the road as far as they can possibly go.  So that is what this is really about. 

17:45  So this COVID stuff, I think, is a crime against humanity honestly.  And it seems to be the younger ones who are getting more severely injured from the vaccines, over 300 professional athletes.  But right next door to me, the wife had COVID, I think she's 25 to 27, but they had to go on this cruise for a family reunion, and for that, they had to get a vaccine.  So they got the vaccine, and the very next day she was taken out on an ambulance and almost died.  Now they say that if you'd had COVID, the chances that you'll have a side effect that serious is 400x than if you've never had COVID before.  [So, wait, the milder symptoms related to the vaccines come only to those who've never had COVID before? Isn't that an admission that the poisons in the vaccines are, well, poison?]  If you go even to the CDC's website, and you look at the Measles vaccine, it clearly states, "Do not take the vaccine if you have this, this, this, . . ."  You go to the COVID vaccine page at the CDC and it says, "Oh, we're still working on that."  

Friday, January 7, 2022

"What do we do to traitors in Canada, Mr. Trudeau? "

You sold us out to globalism. You are not working for Canada! You are working for your globalist partners! I wonder how much they are paying you to betray Canada. What do we do to traitors in Canada, Mr. Trudeau? We used to hang--hang them for treason. And you're doing that very same thing to us now. We know what you're doing." 

Thank you to Martin Armstrong for the video and quote.


Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Macron Pushing France to Revolution

Thank you to Martin Armstrong's "Macron Pushing France to Revolution."

French President Emmanuel Macron and World Economic Forum's Klaus Schwab.

French President Emmanuel Macron has shown that he is just not suitable to be the head of any government. Macron is fully on board with Schwab’s Great Reset. They promised that creating the EU would lead to a bigger economy that would beat the United States, but that has proven false. The EU has even been surpassed by China. Macron actually said in an interview with Le Parisien newspaper.

I really want to piss them off, and we’ll carry on doing this – to the end.

For a head of state to address the nation in this manner is unimaginable. Mandatory vaccinations are the brainchild of the World Economic Forum to crush society in order to Build Back Better. The vaccines are already being addressed that you will need boosters every 3 to 6 months to retain any rights. They do not prevent COVID, but they are effective as a tool to manipulate and divide society. With elections coming up in April, he is clearly counting on dividing the country and trying to turn the vaccinated into the oppressors of the unvaccinated.

Vaccines are being introduced in several European countries, with Austria leading the way. That was the trial balloon and the people complied and did not storm the palaces and drag the politicians out as they have done in Brazil. Germany is moving forward with the same plan, and our staff in Germany have now left the country to protect their children. Italy’s government is considering a compulsory vaccine pass for at least anyone over 60.

Macron in his interview with Le Parisien used the vulgar term emmerder to say how he wanted to stir up the unvaccinated. He would not “vaccinate by force” the remaining five million, but said he was “limiting as much as possible their access to activities in social life.”

He continued: “I won’t send [unvaccinated people] to prison.” Nevertheless, he said: “so we need to tell them, from 15 January, you will no longer be able to go to the restaurant. You will no longer be able to go for a coffee, you will no longer be able to go to the theatre. You will no longer be able to go to the cinema.”

Reports from France say that politicians are starting to get death threats. Schwab had to cancel Davos because of all the death threats. History warns that this is the inevitable end result. There will be revolutions and they will drag politicians out of their ivory towers — they will be killed in the streets. Over 200 million people died the last time they tried to impose Marxism. It was a blood bath. This is the reality of Schwab’s dream. History will indeed repeat and this is building to violence in Europe very rapidly. The people may have been denied guns, but they can use old-fashioned resistance with bows and arrows and sling-shots.

The Romans made slingshot bullets that came at you with such force they could knock you out or even kill you. They were typically almond-shaped to increase the velocity. It will be interesting to see if people who are denied guns can still resort to ancient-style weapons for a revolution. Unfortunately, people like Macron are in charge and they are providing the very incentive for revolution as the worst tyrants in history. In the US, fortunately, our political structure denied the head of state the powers being exercised in Europe. In the USA, it is state by state. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Fed will increase the pace at which it’s pulling back its support for the COVID economy

From Martin Armstrong.

I have been warning that the Federal Reserve is the last independent central bank and despite all the hatred hurled at it from primarily the goldbugs, the real picture is starting to surface if anyone cares to look objectively. The Fed will increase the pace at which it’s pulling back its support for the COVID economy as inflation surges. Powell has said that he expects to raise interest rates three times next year in 2022 which is really a MAJOR departure from Europe, the Bank of England, and Japan. 

This is effectively declaring war amounting to a sharp policy shift in contrast to the other central banks pleading with the Fed not to raise rates. Powell also said that he will shrink its monthly bond purchases at twice the pace it previously announced, ending QE altogether in March. You MUST understand that the US is the ONLY place for capital to flee and Powell is staring international capital flows straight in the eye.

By raising rates, Powell is NOT merely trying to fight inflation. He realizes that the inflows are intensifying and raising rates may steer some of that money into the bond market, which is the ONLY real market standing. By doing that, the money, he hopes, will be diverted from investing as in real estate and stocks which will help to cool those markets. So there is far more going on behind the curtain than meets the eye. This is declaring World War III in the financial markets.

Powell was asked at a news conference Wednesday what specifically had caused the Fed to pivot to a tighter credit policy. He said:

“It was essentially higher inflation and much faster progress in the labor market." 

The key here was that Powell acknowledged the possibility that inflation WILL NOT decline as expected next year. This is because the Fed is now realizing that Europe is doomed and the real risk here, besides the shortages, is that there will be a massive capital flight to the dollar.

“There’s a real risk now, that inflation may be more persistent and that may be putting inflation expectations under pressure, and that the risk of higher inflation becoming entrenched has increased. I think part of the reason behind our move today is to put ourselves in a position to be able to deal with that risk.”

Powell is acknowledging what our model has been forecasting - a dollar bull market, stagflation, and rising interest rates. The Fed is clearly shifting its attention away from reducing unemployment and they realize that the Democrats is constantly extending benefits when the number of vacant jobs has never been so high, is creating not just a false image of the economy, but it is forcing wages higher which has been propelling inflation.
There will be those who criticize the Fed using the old traditional analysis that raising borrowing costs too fast could stifle consumer and business spending threatening to weaken the economy raising unemployment. This is the traditional view looking at everything under the old domestic economy tools and ignoring international capital inflows.

It has been the housing cost increases, which has also impacted apartment rentals in addition to homeownership, which make up about one-third of the consumer price index. We have a flight from the urban centers to the suburbs and flights from the high-taxed states like California and New York. Overall, housing costs have been rising at a 5% annual pace recently. Restaurant prices have jumped nearly 6% as labor shortages hit that industry in particular. 

Be sure to read this companion piece.  The money for COVID is ending and so, too, will the COVID hysteria in 2022.  Inflation shall replace that horror.  


Sunday, December 5, 2021


From Armstrong Economics

Politicians are not just violating the foundation of a free society, they are now moving to such tyranny unmatched throughout history. These governments will not relent. They have been deliberately trying to destroy the economy so Schwab can Build Back Better. They have gone this far with shutdowns and all sorts of restrictions of the people and economies, all under the pretense of a virus that was made in a lab and has not been really dangerous like the plague or even that influenza. These measures might be applicable for the Black Plague where 30% to 50% of the population might die.

To now deny food to the unvaccinated is tyranny that not even Hitler did to the Jews he held in camps. At least he fed them while he was sterilizing them which is the dream of Gates, or until they were just gassed.

There is NO WAY this will ever be resolved peacefully. All the protests around the world will never cause these ruthless politicians and those in government who support them to ever rethink of relent. Those who have questioned our computer’s forecast for civil war had better look out the window for this is nev er returning to normal.


Friday, October 1, 2021

Glad to see Gladys go

Here is how it started.

Here is how it ended.  

Marting Armstrong has the skinny on why she resigned.

Huh.  "She’s being directed by lobbyists in Sydney, who’s being paid by AstraZeneca and by Pfizer tens of millions of dollars to get these policies through to make sure the vaccine is pushed.  That's why."

Huh.  "She’s being directed by lobbyists in Sydney, who’s being paid by AstraZeneca and by Pfizer tens of millions of dollars to get these policies through to make sure the vaccine is pushed.  That's why."  It looks as though Palmer's remarks caused Gladys to be pulled.  Huh, the truth is powerful. 

For some Aussies, Gladys's departure is just too much.  This one woman is overcome by her grief.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


Given how much financial influence and power Gates wields around the world, it is amazing that anyone who knows this could even for a second think that his vaccines are innocuous.  

from ReviseSociology

However the Corbett Report suggests we should not be taken in by this reworking Bill Gate’s Image – it is a similar re-invention to that of J.D. Rockefeller – who used to be despised as the head of the wealthiest oil corporation in America but in later life used his wealth to establish charitable foundations such as the Rockefeller Foundation and re-invent himself as a kindly old man in the process.

Bill Gate’s Image as a modern-day Saint is achieved by buying good publicity – the Foundation has spent tens of billions of dollars on Media partnerships such as: 
Our World in Data [and their Twitter page] The Global Development section of the Guardian [and their Twitter feed] and BBC Global Development News, among other sources.  
And funding these media outlets which report on Global Health means it is less likely that Gates is going to be criticized.
NB – a crucial point here: while the Gates Foundation has funded several global health initiatives over the last decade with billions of dollars in contributions, Bill Gates also controls another for-profit institution – the Bill Bill and Melinda Gates Trust with $46.8 Billion on its books, which tends to profit from the initiatives the foundation funds, AND Bill Gates as got richer over the past decade – in fact, his wealth has doubled from around $50 billion to over $100 billion!


"Why Are Gates and the Pentagon Releasing GMO Mosquitos in the Florida Keys?" F. William Engdahl, May 14, 2021. 

Despite strong resident protests, the US Environmental Protection Agency and Florida agencies have approved controversial release of millions of genetically modified or “gene-edited” killer mosquitoes into the Florida Keyes. At the same time the controversial Presidential Science Adviser nominee of Biden is involved in the development of the CRISPR technology being used to genetically modify everything from the mosquitoes to the Pfizer and Moderna coronavirus mRNA “vaccines” to gene-edited salmon. How Bill Gates, the Pentagon, and the eugenics lobby come together now is alarming, to put it mildly. 

A little background from New Scientist on what CRISPR is: 

CRISPR is a technology that can be used to edit genes and, as such, will likely change the world.

The essence of CRISPR is simple: it’s a way of finding a specific bit of DNA inside a cell. After that, the next step in CRISPR gene editing is usually to alter that piece of DNA. However, CRISPR has also been adapted to do other things too, such as turning genes on or off without altering their sequence.

There were ways to edit the genomes of some plants and animals before the CRISPR method was unveiled in 2012 but it took years and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. CRISPR has made it cheap and easy

"Coronavirus and the Gates Foundation," William F. Engdahl, April 26, 2021.

More on Bill Gates from Martin Armstrong

More on Bill Gates from Jon Rappoport.

Here is James Corbett's "Who Is Bill Gates?"

Wednesday, March 17, 2021