Showing posts with label Color Revolutions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Color Revolutions. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

RICHARD POE: Julian Assange and Wikileaks achieved their first fame by helping George Soros and the British government provoke a bloody color revolution in Kenya, leaving more than 1,100 dead.

POP QUIZ: How did Julian Assange first become famous?

ANSWER: In 2007, Assange and his new website Wikileaks helped destabilize Kenya, interfering in its general election, and helping to trigger a bloodbath that killed more than 1,100 Kenyans. 

On Julian Assange.

I always believed that WikiLeaks as a concept would perform a global role and, to some degree, it was clear that it was doing that as far back as 2007 when it changed the result of the Kenyan general election. I thought it would take two years instead of four to be recognized by others as having this important role, so we are still a little behind schedule and have much more work to do. The threats against our lives are a matter of public record, however, we are taking the appropriate precautions to the degree that we are able when dealing with a superpower.