Showing posts with label AIDS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AIDS. Show all posts

Sunday, June 4, 2023

MK Naomi was a Biological Weapons Warfare system, a system that followed the mind-control system of MK Ultra

The interviewee is Steven Falconer, and the interviewer is Jeremy Nell.

Word has come out now that the Department of Defense in the United States was behind this . . . you could call it a COVID paywall because you won't get any rectification against the NIH with Fauci or the FDA, who emergency approved this drug without any testing in all this because as it has come out now it was the Department of Defense which I said in that movie.  I said this is part of MK Naomi which is, what they say, a predecessor to MK Ultra but they ran at the same time.  And it's the Department of Defense who was behind all of this clearly, certainly, as I showed in that movie and it's now come out.  Patrick Henning, your colleague on TNT, has exposed this on 21st Century Wire and UK Column. Prettdiealteresting.

1:55. I don't know where to start MK Ultra, MK Naomi, and start somewhere, and let's go from there.

2:00. Okay, I think most people know about MK Ultra mind-control program that was like a US/CIA/US Army and Department of Defense mind-control program.  We've all heard about MK Ultra.  Funny, they say MK Ultra ran from 1953 to 1973. Wikipedia says that MK Naomi was the predecessor to MK Ultra, but it also ran frim the 1950s to the 1970s, so simultaneously with MK Ultra.  MK Ultra was about mine controlling the population MK Naomi was about biological weapons in injections poisoning food pretty much what we're seeing now. And it was run by the CIA, the Department of Defense, the DoD which we can get into because they are behind COVID,  the US Army Special Operations Command, also the CIA Technical Service Division, and the United States Biological Warfare Laboratory.  Now, this also gets interesting when you start looking into Dr. Robert Malone because he had these two companies and one of them had a contract with the United States Army for biological weapons, Ebola and Zika.  Now you have to ask, Where did he get these contracts?  You and I don't just start a company and say, hey, where are the US Army contracts? You don't get a US Army contract. YOU KNOW SOMEBODY. So MK Naomi with and MK Ultra is a mind control but it was also with a poisonous injection, poisonous darts, poisoning food, poisonous injection, and you can ask, "What are the odds that these poisonous injections that just come out worldwide and a Department of Defense is behind it, which is MK Naomi, which is Anthony Fauci and the AIDS, and all the players who were involved then are involved now.  It just cannot be a coincidence.

4:35. Where does the word Naomi come from?  

4:40. It's Ruth and Naomi from the Bible, the old story of the famine.  I believe that's where it comes from.  I don't know that for sure.  Whenever you look at these Masonic players, they come from the Jesuits, they use Bible script to craft their modern narrative.  You do trace this back to the Jesuits.  They are your overlords for all your CIA. FBI, NSA, MI6, MI5.  What do you have in South Africa?  Do you have anything like that?  

Well, it's all the Holy See, and that means the Vatican and the Jesuit Army for them.  Remember that Francis Collins is professed to be a Catholic.  It's basically the Roman Empire continued  They see everything because they control everything and they set up everything, that's your Holy See.  And a lot of this traces back to them.  But this is what we can really see what happened during this pandemic. This was clearly pre-planned way before

Interesting about your film was that you started with 1960s TV in America.  

6:15. That was actually in the 80s that I used to watch those.  In the late 70s, in the 80s, TV was done at midnight, so you're watching The Three Stooges, Merv Griffin Show, whatever, and then just like the Spielberg movie Poltergeist, they're sleeping and then the TV turns to a buzz, and that used to happen.  But right before the sign-off they would play the National Anthem.  And as I put in that film, I showed you, now not all of them were like this, I found many versions of that and they didn't all have the subliminals, but the ones I showed in that movie was "Oh, say, can you see / by the dawn's early light," right?  There was no singing, and we all know the National Anthem. But as you slow it down now, as the words are saying "Oh, say can you see," it's saying "trust government.  Government is God.  I consume.  Don't question the government."  It had all these flashing subliminal messages.

But you've been in an alpha brain wave state falling asleep to the television and they were running these psychological experiments on people, like brainwashing. For starters, as I said in the film, why would you put karaoke to the National Anthem while your children are asleep?  You, the adult, know the National Anthem. So, one, there's no reason to have it playing.  Nobody is singing, it's just instrumental.  Two, so why do they even put the lyrics there?  And as I showed you, they put . . . they were putting subliminal messages in the sign-off.  Now, where did these run?  I don't know.  Were they testing different markets?  Run them in the Midwest, in the South?  I don't know. I grew up in the Midwest seeing these.  As a kid, I remember seeing them.  So they were brainwashing people with what used to be MK Ultra.  Some of the subliminals they ran were "Trust Ultra.  Trust Naomi."  [My question would be, if these were secret programs that no one knew about, why would the government need to brainwash its citizenry to have a favorable bias toward them?]  Well, we know what MK Ultra is, but what's MK Naomi?  Its Wikipedia page says that MK Naomi was a Biological Weapons Warfare system, a system that followed the mind-control system of MK Ultra. So you have to ask what is the Biological Warfare Division from the CIA, the Department of Defense, what is it doing associated with [or producing] subliminal messages on American television at the sign-off?  What is it doing there?  And it starts to transfer to what is going on now.  They were using biological weapons that we could call COVID-19 vaccines right now, and maybe all the vaccines before.  You could go to Swine Flu from the 1970s and the 1980s.  The Swine Flu vaccine killed 3 elderly at the polling station, nine altogether.  They shelved that immediately.  But look at the deaths right now from the COVID-19 vaccine.  On Open VAERS, it's up to 38,000 Americans but they say that's 1%.  That could be 3.8 million. Now why isn't that shelved?  That thing wouldn't have seen the light of day back in the 1970s.  So it looks like this project was supposed to have been discontinued but it looks like it hasn't been.  To me, it looks like it's still going.  Fauci was one of the young players in the HIV, 1980s, which we got into in the film and he's here now, 2020-2023. When you start looking at what's going on with the Department of Defense right now.  There's this Colonel Deborah Birx.  She was there for the DoD on HIV from 2005-2014.  So she's there again. 

10:55. Birx took over Trump's entire Coronavirus response team, the whole team. She was hired by Matt Pottenger from the CIA, I think.  

MK Naomi worked with the Army's Special Operations Division Command and also the Technical Services Division of the CIA.  Now, I've got an article here from 21st Century Wire, titled, "Are Covid-19 Vaccines a Military Biodefense Response Gone Terribly Wrong," Freddie Ponton, February 1, 2023, Patrick Henningsen's 21st Century Wire, who points out that Deborah Birx was working for the Department of Defense with Stephen Hahn, who was Trump's Advisor, now she got reassigned to COVID. The Chief Operating Officer for the entire Covid-19 was the Department of Defense in charge of the Project Coordination Team between AstraZeneca, Jenssen, Moderna, Novax, BioNTech5, Pfizer, and Sanofi.  Clinical trials and Development, manufacturing, Quality Assurance, distribution, and administration of this vaccine.  What the Hell is the Department of Defense doing in charge of all that?  Not the FDA, right?  The FDA had to fast-track this, and Trump was on C-SPAN bragging, like "I'm the father of vaccines and the FDA didn't want to approve this, right, and I forced them to approve it." And you're like, well, the FDA would approve injecting dog shit into their mother for the money. They're like notoriously . . . they pull off $40,000 products a year that the FDA approves.  They don't care.  Even the FDA didn't want anything to do with this vaccine.  So they had to approve it under the Emergency Authorization Act, and it's the Department of Defense, so this is like a military operation.  And sure enough, here is this woman who was involved with HIV and now COVID vaccine.  And here's Fauci who was involved with HIV and COVID, right?  What are these people doing here?  What are the odds?  This is not an accident.

13:50. So what do you think is going on?  

13:55. The bioweapons [identified in MK Naomi] are the injections. This is an orchestrated attack on the American people and the people of the world through other organizations. And it's the Department of Defense . . . the problem is that there's a legal shield because you can't actually go after the NIH and Fauci and government because it's a military operation in front.  And they're not civilians.  

You see this ASPR in this chart, right?  Off to your right here, the Chief Operating Office is the Department of Defense.  On the left, you see all the Project Coordination Teams, companies, and clinical trials which they never conducted.  Manufacturing & Quality Assurance, Distribution, and Administration.  

Between that, you've got the . . . .  It was a military operation run by the DoD operated under PHEMCE, Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise, comprised of multiple agencies across the federal government which worked to optimize preparedness for public health emergencies with respect to the creation, stockpiling, and use of medical countermeasures. So here you've got all the players--the NIH,the FDA--but look who's sitting down at the middle: the Department of Defense and Homeland Security, and then BARDA down at the bottom.  What's going on?  It's being run by the Department of Defense because they're a shield for liability.

16:02. Nothing will happen to Fauci and all these players.  People think you can take them to court but you can't because everything was "legal."

16:15. Yeah, because there is this Department of Defense shield. The Emergency Authorization Act got them off the hook.  If it wasn't an Emergency Authorization Act, nothing they did was legal. Because it was, they're like "Oh, you know, it's an emergency so it falls under this Department of Defense Army protocol." That's why you brought [Birx] in.

16:40. The lab leak narrative was just dominating. Now we've got them. 

16:45. Yeah, and they don't have them because there was no lab leak because there was nothing to leak from the labs. They're just doing Gain-of-Function research in there, which is nonsense.  They're not making viruses in GoF research.  They don't have any, so you can't prosecute them for that. That's just them getting research grants for stuff that's not working. So you can't prosecute them.  It's kind of like the military is a buffer because, as you know, there's civilian law and military law. Yeah, the military did this but you can't prosecute them in civilian court because civilians have no jurisdiction over the military.  

17:37. Is that why the conversation, Steve, around the existence of SARS-Co-2 is so critical?

17:45. Yeah, well, you probably see Del Bigtree do his latest rant, well, the germ theory people we just finally got them on the ropes . . . . When was the last time you saw anyone get prosecuted for anything?  They never get prosecuted. They walk scot-free.  And why would it be then . . . we're saying there's no virus, so if you lockdown economies worldwide, decimated businesses, made your grandma die in a nursing home, could go to your cousin's birthday party, and then you injected people with a lethal injection, why would that get you off the hook?  It would make you more on the hook.  Now you're up for fraud premeditated murder, there's a list this long of legal ramifications, why would you say that Antony Fauci and Bill Gates are just going to walk free if there's no virus?  They're more screwed, wouldn't you say, if there isn't one?  

18:47. Would you say that the entire fake pandemic was an MK ULTRA operation? 

18:55. I'm saying it's MKNAOMI.  It's the poisonous part of it, but, yeah, the two go hand-in-hand.  Yeah, it was clearly a mind-control operation.  Clearly.  Remember, I don't know if you saw that [the book] the sun is supposed to be 400 miles away from the earth in Dean Koontz's fictional book, The Eyes of Darkness, in 1981.  He wrote a fictional book there was going to be a Wuhan virus, called the Wuhan-400, released in 2020.  Then there were like thousands of articles around the world saying "400 people infected," "400 people infected," and so on. 

Headline #1
Coronavirus fears wipe $400 billion dollars of value from Chinese stocks in less drop for 5 years on first day of trading since the Lunar New Year break.

 Headline #2

More than 400 Philippine citizens from virus hit Princess cruise ship are home as number of infected.

 Headline #3

Amazon reports for 100% surge in face mask sales despite doubts over their ability to prevent infection.

Headline #4

Elizabeth Warren just proposed a $400 billion dollar stimulus package to fight the fast spreading Coronavirus here are the full details

Wednesday, March 30, 2022


NCBI dismisses the claim that AIDS was a genocide.

The public discourse and focus group findings reveal that an umbrella narrative about HIV/AIDS exists within the African American community: a United States government plot (sometimes spearheaded by the CIA, the military, or health research and public health institutions) to invent, plant (or release) the virus, cause an epidemic, and thereby complete the racist project to eradicate African Americans.46 This idea of intentional genocide is the unifying thread running through almost all of these rumors. US celebrities as mainstream as Bill Cosby (in 1991 in the New York Post)47 and Will Smith (in 1999 in Vanity Fair)48 voiced their opinion that the HIV/AIDS epidemic could well be the result of intentional actions, either by the US government or others. The Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who gained national attention as the controversial pastor of Barack Obama’s church, railed against the racist power structure in the United States, asserting that “The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color. Governments lie!”49 In 1990, Essence magazine ran an article entitled “Is It Genocide?” that described the widespread genocide stories about HIV/AIDS and attempted to debunk them, although it also acknowledged that “our whole relationship to [Whites] has been that of [their] practicing genocidal conspiratorial behavior on us . . . from the whole slave encounter up to the Tuskegee study.”50(p78) This is a version of the collective memory explanation, but researchers have not found that distrust is correlated with knowledge about the Tuskegee syphilis experiment51; in focus group interviews, only 1 African American participant was aware of Tuskegee, whereas all were familiar with the genocide rumors.

Maybe authors at NCBI can avail themselves to this documentary where Fauci was responsible for killing orphaned boys and girls in New York.  

Or, perhaps that NCBI could give an ear to Father Nolan who reviews 20th century crimes against Americans by their own government.  Rumors, NCBI?  Exaggerations, NCBI? Why this is documented and published evidence that you can easily find at Wikipedia. 

And, Dear NCBI, if you don't trust the word of representatives from the black community and prefer to maintain condescending attitudes toward working people outside academia, then give a listen to members of the gay community who have called the AIDS epidemic a holocaust and a plague which seems to be right in alignment with Will Smith's statements.  Just sayin'.

Find it here. And here.

Sunday, January 16, 2022


from Ezili Danto,

During the HIV-Aids crisis, the CDC/FDA with Fauci in the lead, set forth a health policy on blood donations that stigmatized Haitians as “Aids carriers.” There were no appropriate scientific facts to back it up whatsoever. In this Covid19 era, with Fauci front and center, I remember who they are, what they’ve done, historically. I must remember, so history cannot repeat itself.

I remember how back then, Haitian workers working at nursing homes, hospitals, hotels, cafeterias, driving taxi cabs, and in private homes as housekeepers and cooks were stigmatized and forced to “social distance” – (i.e. got laid off, fired!) from the general population. I remember how confused these ladies doing ‘day work‘ at wealthy Greenwich CT homes, my mother’s friends were, when the families they’ve been working two decades for, suddenly became afraid of them and sent them home with the HIV-Aids carrier stigma.

I remember we fought back the science “experts” the media still tout as infallible and forced the FDA and CDC to rethink messing around with Haitians like that! They had to quickly walk back their open racism and rescind their prejudice as Federal policy. 

Some interesting points raised here: 

Recently, in an interview with the Breakfast Club, Fauci, supposedly the world’s leading expert in infectious disease stated that “there are very few things,” if anything people can do to boost their immune system. We know that’s a lie, just witchery and false. 

That interview was released on April 17, 2020, and the section to which the author refers occurs at the 22-minute mark: 

22-22:15  He says instead of building your immune system, make sure your immune system isn’t worn down, and you can do that by doing a few simple things: a good night’s sleep, exercise, good nutrition, that’s infinitely better than throwing something into your body that’s going to “boost” your immune system.  Interesting that Fauci uses the phrase "throwing something into your body," because an etymological translation of the word "inject" literally means "to throw in."  

And the author's follow-up questions are spot-on:

If there’s no treatment people can do, or as Fauci says “throw in their bodies” to boost their immune system, why is Fauci pushing developing big pharma vaccines, “at best for next winter,” to counteract Covid19? What’s the point if “there are very few things,”  if anything, you can do to boost your immune system and stop the germ infection? (See our extensive Èzili Newsletter coverage of Fauci on Breakfast Club and updates on how Haiti has been affected by Coronavirus and with the continuing deportations.) 

This really is a must-read.  If you've not spotted the evil that permeates these vaccine programs, this should disillusion you of any benevolence or innocence.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

"[FAUCI] and his [Private Investigators] must ignore the fact that AIDS occurs in HIV-negative people."

An excerpt: 

Controlling billions of dollars for AIDs research, Fauci refused to fund any investigators that had the cheek to question the viral cause of AIDS, or who supported using cheap, no-longer-patented medicines to treat it. He directed funds to develop an AIDS vaccine. In the meantime, Fauci pushed AZT (Azidothymidine), a DNA chain terminator. This chemotherapy poison killed some 300,000 healthy people who tested positive on a PCR test for HIV, like with tennis player Arthur Ashe! [who died at 49 years of age.]

RFK Jr. reports that Dr. Fauci has so far spent half a trillion dollars in government research grants trying to produce a vaccine against HIV, supporting “nearly 100 vaccine candidates.”

But what if the “human immunodeficiency virus” (HIV) doesn’t cause AIDS?  RJK Jr. addresses this “AIDS denialist” question in Chapter 5, “The HIV Heretics” (with 145 references, i.e., “endnotes”), and how Fauci and his team deals with them, in Chapter 6, “Burning The HIV Heretics” (with 180 references). 
Respected UC Berkeley molecular biologists Peter Duesberg, cofounder of the first retroviral oncogene and author of Inventing theAIDS Virus, and the late Harvey Bialy, founding scientific editor of Nature Biotechnology and Peter Duesberg’s biographer (Oncogenes, Aneuploidy, and AIDS: A Scientific Life and Times of PeterH. Duesberg), along with others, contend that HIV is innocent. It is a harmless cellular passenger, like a hitchhiker. And HIV infects less than one in 10,000 T cells, which thrive. AIDS, instead, is caused by long-term, heavy duty recreational drug use; taking antiretroviral drugs, like AZT; unprotected anal sex; and, in Africa, malnutrition and bad water. Dr. Fauci has his team suppress these facts. billi 
The claim that HIV causes AIDS is the “critical foundation of Dr. Fauci’s career.” So, he and his PIs must ignore the fact that AIDS occurs in HIV-negative people.

Monday, December 13, 2021

"Fauci’s experiments [used] various toxic AIDS drugs on Black and Hispanic foster children in New York and six other states"

Fauci's drug experiments during the AIDS crisis didn't just murder young, gay men, his drug experiments also killed scores of children:

Kennedy also exposes Fauci’s experiments using various toxic AIDS drugs on Black and Hispanic foster children in New York and six other states. Children (many of whom were living at Incarnation Children’s Center in New York City) who refused to take the “medicine” were forced to have tubes inserted into their stomachs to receive the drugs.

At least 80 of the children died during and following these experiments, many of them buried in a mass grave in Gate of Heaven Cemetery approximately 25 miles north of New York City.

According to journalist Celia Farber, as quoted in The Real Anthony Fauci:

“I found the mass grave at Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Hawthorne, New York. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a very large pit with AstroTurf thrown over it, which you could actually lift up. Under it one could see dozens of plain wooden coffins, haphazardly stacked. There may have been 100 of them. I learned there was more than one child’s body in each. 

“Around the pit was a semi-circle of several large tombstones on which upward of one thousand children’s names had been engraved. I wrote down every name. I’m still wondering who the rest of those kids were. As far as I know, nobody has ever asked Dr. Fauci that haunting question.”