Showing posts with label Genetic Warfare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Genetic Warfare. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 30, 2022


NCBI dismisses the claim that AIDS was a genocide.

The public discourse and focus group findings reveal that an umbrella narrative about HIV/AIDS exists within the African American community: a United States government plot (sometimes spearheaded by the CIA, the military, or health research and public health institutions) to invent, plant (or release) the virus, cause an epidemic, and thereby complete the racist project to eradicate African Americans.46 This idea of intentional genocide is the unifying thread running through almost all of these rumors. US celebrities as mainstream as Bill Cosby (in 1991 in the New York Post)47 and Will Smith (in 1999 in Vanity Fair)48 voiced their opinion that the HIV/AIDS epidemic could well be the result of intentional actions, either by the US government or others. The Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who gained national attention as the controversial pastor of Barack Obama’s church, railed against the racist power structure in the United States, asserting that “The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color. Governments lie!”49 In 1990, Essence magazine ran an article entitled “Is It Genocide?” that described the widespread genocide stories about HIV/AIDS and attempted to debunk them, although it also acknowledged that “our whole relationship to [Whites] has been that of [their] practicing genocidal conspiratorial behavior on us . . . from the whole slave encounter up to the Tuskegee study.”50(p78) This is a version of the collective memory explanation, but researchers have not found that distrust is correlated with knowledge about the Tuskegee syphilis experiment51; in focus group interviews, only 1 African American participant was aware of Tuskegee, whereas all were familiar with the genocide rumors.

Maybe authors at NCBI can avail themselves to this documentary where Fauci was responsible for killing orphaned boys and girls in New York.  

Or, perhaps that NCBI could give an ear to Father Nolan who reviews 20th century crimes against Americans by their own government.  Rumors, NCBI?  Exaggerations, NCBI? Why this is documented and published evidence that you can easily find at Wikipedia. 

And, Dear NCBI, if you don't trust the word of representatives from the black community and prefer to maintain condescending attitudes toward working people outside academia, then give a listen to members of the gay community who have called the AIDS epidemic a holocaust and a plague which seems to be right in alignment with Will Smith's statements.  Just sayin'.

Find it here. And here.