Showing posts with label 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2024. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2024

BYSTRIANYK: From the mid-1800s until the mid-1900s, there was nothing short of a miraculous societal and health transformation. Yet, that extraordinary health revolution has been primarily forgotten and replaced with a mythology that medical interventions such as antibiotics and vaccines were responsible

From the mid-1800s until the mid-1900s, there was nothing short of a miraculous societal and health transformation. Numerous changes accomplished by millions of people (activists, public health officials, inventors, scientists, engineers, plumbers, electricians, teachers, health advocates, and so many more) took our world from an era overshadowed by the specter of infectious diseases to an epoch of prosperity, relative health, and well-being. Yet, that extraordinary health revolution has been primarily forgotten and replaced with a mythology that medical interventions such as antibiotics and vaccines were responsible, which came on the scene after the vast majority of the improvements had occurred. “Life for children in this country has been made infinitely safer. We have reduced death from principal communicable diseases of childhood — measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough, diphtheria — to a new record low, a point actually promising complete eradication of these diseases!” “2 inches taller… 15 pounds heavier,” LIFE Magazine, June 2, 1941, p. 71.

Elastic fibers give the skin a youthful appearance, the heart structures to pump blood, and the lungs to expand. To recoup lost elastic fibers, take collagen with vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid

Well, actually the elastic fibers are very late in development in the evolution of life.  These are structures like a rubber band, that have elasticity.  These fibers are formed in the first years of life, and around puberty there are no more or very few elastic fibers anymore.  So it's a permanent structure.  It's very important for the arteries, especially the main and largest artery in the body, the aorta, because it gives you elasticity to a pumping heart.  It's important for the lung that it gets elasticity in the breathing.  And it's also important for the skin because it gives the baby-face appearance of the skin.  And as we get older, these elastic fibers of the skin are destroyed by ultraviolet rays or variations of that.  Maybe that's why we look older when we get old.  There have been very convincing reports that people after the vaccination suddenly appear to look much older.  Now this may be due to a psychological factor, too, but we definitely have proof that these elastic fibers in some cases are profoundly destroyed in the skin. I have one example here, and you see on the left side there's a very delicate network of very fine elastic fibers.  They are black on the top is the epithelial of the gums.  Here you can see this man is 38 years old and he has vasculitis of the skin.  Here you can see these very delicate black lines here.  These are the remnants of the elastic fibers, and there's no network below the basement membrane.

Interview starts @ 3:55.  It's a 2 1/2-hour interview.  

Though organic is the preferable option for anything you put inside your body, grass-fed may be the second best.  Organic collagen is available but from specialized vendors.  

LATYPOVA: just as you're not allowed to deploy US military onto US soil. But they did. That's what they did in 2020. They deployed the military. There is no return from this. This is treason punishable by death, and they know it.

I'm pretty certain that in 2020 while this creeping tyranny and control of the military was over decades, maybe starting in 2012 they started building up this capacity.  I think in 2020 what actually happen with this "COVID live exercises," Mike Pompeo called it, they essentially crossed the proverbial Rubicon.  If you remember from Roman history when Julius Caesar with his troops crossed the Rubicon that was the point of no return.  You were not allowed to deploy military onto the Roman Republic . . . just as you're not allowed to deploy US military onto US soil.  But they did.  That's what they did in 2020.  They deployed the military.  There is no return from this.  This is treason punishable by death, and they know it.  So they made damn sure that they're not going to be prosecuted.  So this whole deployment of this fake pandemic fear and then injecting everybody with poison was pre-planned for years, executed by the US Military.  I don't know if they work for themselves or they work for others or if it's a matter now of servant controlling the master, I don't know.  But this needs to be investigated.  But, in fact, what I have documentation on, evidence is that the US military deployed themselves on American soil and worldwide, because they control all these bases, you know, they have a military presence all over the world.  They drove this fake pandemic, fake fear, and the purpose of this was to inject everyone with this mRNA poison and to poison, disable, and kill as many people as possible.  

Saturday, June 22, 2024

You have to be okay with being uncomfortable to truly achieve success

RICHARD GAGE: how did hundreds of thousands of tons of structural steel tear themselves apart in 12 seconds?

JOHN BEAUDOIN: Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey fooled the world, and I'll show you the fraud that they committed. Acute fentanyl intoxication. They tested dead bodies.

2020 was the year of COVID.  Huge first wave in Massachusetts.  I think the only reason that first huge wave didn't happen in New Hampshire is because you don't have the financial incentive that we have in Massachusetts.  And the world should know about Massachusetts.  I'm going to take a break and tell you about Massachusetts here for a second.

2022 Industry Snapshot Highlights:

The life sciences industry employs 106,704 with an average annual wage of $201,549 for a total of $21.5 billion in total Massachusetts-based wages.

Massachusetts remains the top NIH-funded state per capita, with $3.3 billion constituting over 9% of all NIH funding.

Massachusetts biopharma companies have received 26% of all VC investment nationally.

122 companies received 124 rounds of investment with an average round of $41.1 compared to the national average of $28.8 million.

The drug pipelines of Massachusetts-headquartered companies make up 7.2% of the global pipeline in 15.6% of the US pipeline.

600 Pharma ecosystem companies in Massachusetts alone.

$47 billion in venture capital financing.

There are 50 companies over $100 million a year in pharma revenue.

10 companies over a billion dollars.  

And R&D is in Massachusetts Pfizer's divisional headquarters for the MRNA vaccine is in Massachusetts.

My congressman is Jake Auchincloss.  His father is Hugh Auchincloss who worked for Fauci for 20 years as the number two man.  That's all Massachusetts.

And if you look at July 27th, 2020, of all sovereigns in the world with 3 million people or more per population, were New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, with Belgium a distant fourth, so far distant that Massachusetts was 50% more than Belgium.  And I will offend Belgium here. One of the most corrupt countries over there in Europe.

"Over half of people in Belgium think corruption is still widespread," The Brussels Times, Lauren Walker, July 14, 2022.

So if they are that way, what are New York, Massachusetts, and New Jersey.  And why New York and New Jersey?  Well, you've got Wall Street.  

"Profiting on Crisis: How Predatory Financial Investors Have Worsened Inequality in the Coronavirus Crisis," American Behavioral Sciences, Laura Robinson, Jeremy Schulz, et al, November 2021.

Northern New Jersey is just a suburb of Wall Street, so all of the executives live out in the burbs of New Jersey.  They padded the numbers quite a bit.  How do you prove it?  Good luck.  I can prove it in Massachusetts because I have the records but New York won't give up the ghosts.  They won't give up the records.  So when I talk about Massachusetts, it's not just that I live there, it's not just that I have the data there, because I'm also going to review some Minnesota data.  It's that Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey fooled the world, and I'll show you the fraud that they committed.  Acute fentanyl intoxication.  They tested dead bodies. 

"CNN analyst slammed after writing COVID deaths are being over counted: TWO AND HALF YEARS LATE," New York Post, Gabriel Hays, Jan. 14, 2023.

Oh, positive COVID test.  It's a COVID death.  Blunt force trauma to the head.  Blunt force trauma to the torso.

"With Postmortem Testing, 'Last Responders' Shed Light on Pandemic's Spread," NPR, Public Health, May 19, 2020. 

A few medical examiners and coroners are now stepping up testing significantly, performing tests on all the bodies that are brought in, says Aiken. 
"They're surprised at some of the people who are positive," including suicides and car accidents, she says.

Old ladies falling down the stairs in the Care Homes because nobody was there to care for them.  Oh, it's COVID. 

"The hidden COVID-19 health crisis: Elderly people are dying from isolation: the lockdowns and visitor restrictions meant to protect nursing home residents from the coronavirus can also threaten their lives," NBC News, Suzy Khimm, October 27, 2020.  Updated November 17, 2020.

They called these deaths COVID deaths, and they padded numbers.  If they're willing to go so far and commit such fraud for accidental deaths, what do you think they did for heart attacks for 95-year-olds?  In the CDC memorandum, I'll save myself some time flipping to the page, I also have Vermont records.  A 98-year-old: she died from a heart attack.  [Ethel Viola Bourne]  Who is going to say anything about that?  But I matched her up with a VAERS record with the only 98-year-old who died on the same day.  And she was injected two days before, and what happened?  Her heart rate went to 145 beats per minute at 98 years old.  She was dead in 2 days.  It wasn't mentioned on her death record but I found the data.  They killed her with the jab and then they hid it and they refused to mention it.  This is absolute evidence that the vaccine killed this woman.  Now, yeah, who's going to mourn a 98-year-old?  That's sad, right?  She was a person.  She didn't deserve to go by having her heart race for 2 days and we know that tachycardia and dysautonomia, and I'll show you some graphs about dysautonomia, has occurred from these jabs.

Friday, June 21, 2024

JENNY MCCARTHY: Do we need the hepatitis B shot in the second day of life?

ROBERT F. KENNEDY, JR. Why are we giving the hepatitis B vaccine to a one-day-old child? The major vectors for [Hepatitis B] are sexually transmitted or by needles.

"Do we need the hepatitis B shot in the second day of life?" - Jenny McCarthy

Jim Carrey: "Grab em & Stab em?"

When we passed the Vaccine Act of 1986 . . . when I was a kid there were only three vaccines and I was compliant.  When we passed the Vaccine Act, it made vaccines very, very valuable, and all of a sudden there was a gold rush to add a lot of new vaccines to the schedule for diseases that aren't even casually contagious, like rotavirus, like Hepatitis B.  Why are we giving the hepatitis B vaccine to a one-day-old child? The major vectors for [Hepatitis B] are sexually transmitted or by needles.  Why would you give that to a one-day-old child?  It's really a profit motive.  --Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Ah, RFK, Jr. is a little short-sighted on the profit motive point.  The profit is not only the profit to the vaccine manufacturers, but it's also a drain on the family finances who have to pay for special care to their child if and when he gets autism.  So the family bleeds their money.  

Shortages. High food prices. Communism

The root of the problem goes back to that Twin Falls Canal company.  They have some of the oldest water rights in Idaho.  And up here, we're kind of further up the valley, we have junior water rights; they have senior water rights.  

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Cloward-Piven Strategy

Wikipedia orients us,
The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. The strategy aims to utilize "militant anti poverty groups" to facilitate a "political crisis" by overloading the welfare system via an increase in welfare claims, forcing the creation of a system of guaranteed minimum income and "redistributing income through the federal government". 

The Cloward Piven strategy was developed by Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven in 1966.  It outlines a strategy for radical social change by way of abusing the system to the point of Destruction.  

Piven pathetically explains,

We were associated with the Social Work tradition which said that the programs worked as they were supposed to work but they hadn't worked as they were supposed to work and it was out of that realization that Insight that we developed the strategy to end poverty which called for a massive mobilization of social workers and lawyers and organizers to get people to get benefits to which they were entitled we were proposing a kind of movement that demanded what people were already entitled to by law, by regulation, by propaganda. 

The primary goal of the Cloward Piven strategy is to create a political and economic crisis that would destroy capitalism and lead to the implementation of a socialist system with a guaranteed income.  The strategy involves enrolling large numbers of people into the welfare system, as many people as it takes, to overwhelm and strain the system until it collapses.  Everyone enrolled into the welfare system is also used as an army to carry out the destruction of the current system.  They are registered to vote and instructed on how to vote, organized and mobilized, and made to appear as grassroots organizations, demanding more from the system.  

The ideal outcome of the Cloward-Piven Strategy is to collapse the current system.  According to their theory, this will compel the government to implement a universal basic income, which would then shift the U.S. towards a more socialist system with increased government control over the economy everyone is being encouraged to do it.  "Burn it down!" is the new sexy ring.  

02:16. In high school they compare it to the American Revolution the Clower Piven strategy is a political gambit designed to overwhelm the American government by placing so many demands on the bureaucratic structure that it collapses.  It's sort of a "shock and awe" campaign, a surprise attack on entrenched systems meant to force major changes to the ways that things are handled by the government.  It may be messy, but it does harken back to a fundamental ideology of the American Republic, "If it ain't fixed break it." 

02:48. All of this explains the likes of AOC.

Wild-eyed, batshit crazy, Piven,

What people like AOC are doing, what the Squad is doing, is really very important, very important.  But at the same time there is this movement which is so big, some people say the biggest movement in American history; it's hard to know because it's hard to measure a movement.  But it is big. It is interracial and it penetrates into every small town.  I now am in Upstate New York. The town I'm closest to has maybe 2,000 people. You know, we have little demonstrations in front of the post office for Black Lives Matter, and this is Trump country; nevertheless, there is a Black Lives Matter demonstration.  So it's a very potent and important moment in American political development, and we have to make the most of it because if we don't we don't know what's going to happen, but it's not going to be good. 

Quite the ominous message for a crazy radical Bolshevik in American government.  



JAMES MELVILLE: This is not environmentalism. This is corporatism land grabbing. The vast majority of mass-scale solar panels plastered on prime farmland will end up being destroyed by bad weather, leaking toxic chemicals into the soil or eventually ending up in landfill after 25 years.

RICHARD MEDHURST: The Yemeni Resistance blowing up and sinking a ship carrying coal to the Israeli occupation. The crew are fine. But the days of murdering Palestinians with impunity are over.

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: Trump marketing control grid. Total financial transaction control requires Digital ID, not CBDC. Musk wants neurolink in your head to hook you up to Space X. TELL THEM BOTH TO GO JUMP IN A LAKE.

You control the debt, you control everything…. [T]his is the very essence of the banking industry—to make us all, whether we be nations or individuals, slaves to debt.”

Debt is one of the key components of the central banking-warfare model. An indebted country, business, or person is controllable. If a foreign country borrows in dollars, they need to earn dollars to service and pay back their debt. When the U.S. Treasury issues its currency with debt instead of issuing greenbacks directly from the Treasury without debt, it finds itself highly leveraged and dependent on the central bank and the bond market. 

Vladimir and Kim, the two most sanctioned guys in the world, are having fun while their enemies are failing on every level

CODY'S LAW: is a law to provide expedited medical care for vaccine-injured and hospital-protocol injured who were left unable to work and without medical care.

Cody's   Cody's Law is a law to provide expedited medical care for vaccine-injured and hospital-protocol injured who were left unable to work and without medical care.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

One third of the 3,000 emails released from Hillary Clinton's server in 2015 were from Sidney Blumenthal. They read in part, "Qaddafi's government holds more than 143 tons of gold and a similar amount in silver . . . and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency . . ."

Of the 3,000 emails released from Hillary Clinton's private email server in late December 2015, about a third were from her close confidante Sidney Blumenthal. One of these emails, dated April 2, 2011, read in part. 

"Qaddafi's government holds more than 143 tons of gold and a similar amount in silver ... This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar.

NIOH BERG: After bringing Khomeini to power, 30,000 of them would go on to be executed by him, and the rest sent into exile. If not for communist support, the revolution would have failed and the Shah would remain on the throne.

Nioh Berg writes, 

After bringing Khomeini to power, 30,000 of them would go on to be executed by him, and the rest sent into exile.

If not for communist support, the revolution would have failed and the Shah would remain on the throne.

SANCTUARY CAMPSUSES? Illegal Immigrants Being Housed and Trained at American Universities


For decades, the United Nations' Agenda 2030 has

been vying to push the US population out of the country and into small, concentrated 15-minute SMART cities.  Preparations have been made quietly behind the scenes, and it doesn't matter if Americans are disinterested because at least 30 million illegal immigrants are now available to launch these prison cell slave cities.  In a recent article, "University Smart Hubs Private Equity and the Leverage Buyout of America," June 15, 2024, Corey's Digs [aka, Corey Lynn] reports that illegal immigrants are being housed and trained at American universities in a decade-old scheme that provides the ruling class a foreign unregistered workforce under the banner of "Affordable Housing," people have been forced out of home ownership while Black Rock offshoots have been buying up the spoils, mostly through the Blackstone Group whose top three shareholders are Vanguard, Black Rock, and Capital World investors.  Blackstone has become the world's largest landlord after acquiring rental companies, including the largest student housing company, and converting care homes, offices, hotels, and warehouses into over 300,000 rental units.

Blackstone Acquired Largest Student Housing Company in The U.S., Partners with Over 100 Colleges and Universities, and Plans to Hire 2,000 Refugees

Blackstone partners with over 100 colleges and universities who run programs where illegal immigrant students are taught mindset, critical thinking, and leadership skills.  They are being trained in ESGs, fully immersed into Woke culture, and used to manage whatever their bureaucrat masters choose.  Starting in 2016, several colleges and universities have become Sanctuary CampusesSanctuary Campuses oppose and hinder the enforcement of immigration law on campus and they provide funding to illegal immigrants.  Working under the United Nations, ECAR, Every Campus a Refuge, say they would like to see every college and university in the world partner with local refugee resettlement agencies to house refugees on campus grounds and provide them with food, care, and training.  ECAR has been giving direction and support to colleges and universities to do this since their inception in 2015, and the government has been incentivizing this program.  Launched by the US Department of State in January 2023, the Welcome Corps allows colleges and universities to provide US citizenship to illegal immigrants by enrolling them in degree programs that will "foster more diverse and inclusive campuses."  Funds are provided to give them free education, housing, healthcare, and social services.  The Biden Administration has allocated $258 billion dollars toward building 2 million rental propertiesA new Congressional bill guides local governments to acquire and convert shuttered buildings into "Affordable Housing" rentals.  This is also being heavily funded through private endowments.  Between 1990 and 2021, the average endowment value grew by 423%.  Within the past 10 years, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, BMGF, granted over $11.6 billion dollars to 471 higher education institutions.  Colleges and universities have spent the majority of this money, acquiring hotels, office buildings, and other real estate in billion-dollar deals with private housing developers, while outsourcing student housing to Blackstone.  Middle East investors out of Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, and Saudi Arabia are buying up billions of dollars of student housing, medical clinics, and office buildings near major universities.  And Sanctuary Campuses are hiding the identities of the unregistered students enrolled in these programs

If you were destroying America from within how would it look different? 

American universities have been notorious for radicalizing young students and indoctrinating them with destructive anti-American, communist ideations, and now they are being used to house and train illegal immigrants to carry out the work that no loyal citizen would do.  American universities are also building satellite campuses in other cities, mostly in Washington DC.  Over 50 universities have opened satellite campuses in Washington DC, where thousands of illegal immigrants will be housed, fed, and trained to be compliant drones of the federal government. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

[RG911Team] Firefighters need a water supply to control any major fire. And contrary to popular belief, water was available to put out the fires in WTC7 on 9/11. Fire experts did the research and shared it in their 9/11 documentary “Calling out Bravo 7”.