Monday, April 22, 2024

1:11. With the two weeks to flatten the curve, we didn't have patience in the hospital.  They slowly started to trickle in after months and months of that. We were told to create beds for hospitals with executive orders which meant we sent patients home before they were ready to go home, which we had never done before because that's a financial liability.  If patients came back we would actually have to pay for their care.  It's a Medicare rule.  In April they had a code update which they had never done before; they had to come up with a way to track covid so it was all about tracking the disease, tracking COVID.  And the code system is supposed to be the main tracking system.  No one had any standardized practice even our Hospital said there is no standardized case number, so we can't even tell what's going on even though they had already declared an emergency and you can see the HHS and W.H.O. that showed us all of those case maps that showed the outbreaks which didn't match up with what we were seeing in the hospital.  Even Admin admitted that so they created their own map so that's why the cover diagnosis came out.  But that's when the bonuses came out, too.  They had to have that diagnosis in order to get that 20% bonus for COVID patients.  Any patient diagnosed with COVID, there was a code for that and insurance companies funded 20% to the hospital. 

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