Showing posts with label Raw Milk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Raw Milk. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

MILK: Buy direct from farmers you know, who can earn your trust

Raw Milk in the UK

Raw Milk Ireland for the Republic of Ireland. for North America

Raw Milk Institute for North America.

Get Raw Milk: for the USA.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

FOODBORNE ILLNESS CASES FROM DIFFERENT FOODS: Raw milk ~ 1,000 cases/year; Cooked rice ~ 63,000 cases/year; Turkey sandwiches ~ 120,000 cases/year; Leafy greens ~ 2.1 million cases/year

Friday, September 13, 2024

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

ASHLEY ARMSTRONG: high-quality raw milk is produced in the safest most sanitary conditions possible, and that's from every part of the production process. When you buy milk from the grocery store, oftentimes that comes from tanks all around the country brought to a single pasteurization plant

Ashley Armstrong runs a co-op farm, called Nourish.

A big piece of information that the government misses here is that high-quality raw milk is produced in the safest most sanitary conditions possible, and that's from every part of the production process.  When you buy milk from the grocery store, oftentimes that comes from tanks all around the country brought to a single pasteurization plant.  For raw dairy, that is a single point tapping of the milk.  On top of that, all of our farm partners test their milk every week or every other week, and then every 2 months each individual animal is tested.  In confinement milk, you've got the animals eating GMO corn and soy, a ton of pesticides sprayed on those GMO corn and soy that show up in the milk product.  And then in the confinement operation, you've got to spray something to keep the fly population down and the bugs, so insecticides are sprayed, and various medications are used for the animals.  Now, with the bird flu, they're talking about mRNA vaccines for the cows, that's going to show up in the milk that you consume.  It's just comical to compare the two.  Talk about a superior product all across the board and it's being demonized.  You have to wonder if there is some sort of reason for that.  

Find raw milk in your neighborhood here and here.

Here Ashley is interviewed by Dr. Joseph Mercola.  

An interview with return guest Ashley Armstrong, a certified personal trainer with a Ph.D., MS and BS in engineering, and cofounder of Angel Acres Egg Co., which specializes in low-PUFA (polyunsaturated fat) eggs. On average, her eggs contain 17 to 20 milligrams of linoleic acid (LA), which is about one-quarter of the LA found in conventional eggs. Around the advent of the American Civil War, about 1870s or so, is when they developed the technology to extract oils from seeds. Before then, the average LA intake was less than 5 grams a day, and likely closer to 2 or 3 grams. Eggs and bacon are two sources that, today, have very high LA levels, thanks to being fed an unnatural and PUFA-rich diet.  

Ruminant animals include cows, lamb, goats, deer.  They have a very complex digestive system, often four stomachs, so that's a lot of time and a lot of microbes to break down the food that they consume.  Monogastric animals.  We are monogastric animals, single stomach animals.  For monogastric animals, the dietary fat impacts the fats in their tissues, like bacon fats, egg yolks, or chicken thighs; whereas ruminant animals have this process called biohydrogenation where the microbes are able to convert some of their dietary PUFAs into saturated fats.  

Thursday, April 25, 2024

WHY THE FxxK DO I NEED A LAW TO EAT??? I don't derive my rights from the law, fake politicians, or corporations masquerading as governments!

🇺🇸 Freshman legislator, Representative Kim Coates, has introduced HB467, a bill that allows for the sale of raw milk! This is a liberty issue: should you have the freedom to choose to buy this product or not? We think you do! Just as with raw oysters, consumers should have the right to purchase raw milk. As important, our dairy farmers have the right to profit from the fruits of their labor. Many Louisianans drive to Texas to purchase raw milk - let’s bring that money home to Louisiana! This bill is being heard in committee TODAY! Send a statement of support to the committee NOW! 👇👇 

Monday, March 11, 2024


Interesting article on the FDA's position on raw milk and what this passage does to federal prohibition in general.  

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (March 11, 2024) – By a vote of 95-1 today, the West Virginia House gave final approval to a bill that would legalize retail raw milk sales in the state with no restrictions or limits, as long as the containers are clearly labeled as unpasteurized raw milk. Enactment would also take an important step toward further rejecting a federal prohibition scheme in practice and effect.

A group of delegates led by Del. Michael Hornby introduced House Bill 4911 (HB4911). Under the proposed law, retailers could sell raw milk in the state as long as the container is clearly labeled as “unpasteurized raw milk,” and includes the name and physical address of the seller, the date of production, and the following warning: “Consuming unpasteurized raw milk may increase your risk of foodborne illness, especially for children, elderly, immunocompromised individuals, and persons with certain medical conditions.”

On March 8, the Senate passed HB4911 with some amendments by a 28-5 vote. The Senate version removed provisions that would have given retailers immunity from civil liability related to the consumption of raw milk, except in cases of “intentional or willful and wanton misconduct.” It also added provisions authorizing the Commissioner of Agriculture to propose rules to regulate the sale of raw milk.

The House previously passed the bill by a 76-19 vote. Today, the House concurred with the Senate version by a vote of 95-1.

The enactment of this legislation would build on a law passed in 2016 that legalized raw milk consumption in West Virginia under so-called herd share agreements.

During the 2023 legislative session, Idaho and North Dakota expanded their raw milk sales and Iowa legalized limited raw milk sales.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Raw milk is one of the best foods for detoxification, but only raw milk specifically, not pasteurized.

Locally, Sprouts, my least favorite store because of their COVID-19 policies and reinforcements which turned them into thugs and still carry on with their authoritarian fantasies, carries it.