Sunday, July 2, 2023


00:50. Well, I've set very ambitious goals because I'm quite optimistic.  If you look at, say, the 20 diseases that our Global Health Program goes after, I don't think within 15 years half of those . . . we could have had a very dramatic ["dramatic" for Gates means depopulation] impact.  Some of them will prove to be harder [meaning deadlier] than others, for example, AIDS [hey, that's Fauci's program.  You guys aren't working together, are you?].  We will have made an improvement but not the dramatic Improvement probably in that time frame . . . malaria perhaps and a number of the other ones.  We have things in the pipeline [COVID vaccines?] so huge change in the mortality rates of developed countries which has this effect of reducing population growth [we're destroying reproductive health, meaning we're sterilizing you per Herr Bourla] that's this big benefit that makes everything like education [meaning misinformation, disinformation, censorship, and others], nutrition [we're poisoning your food supply, replacing it with bugs and meat made from bacteria] a lot easier.  So I have very high expectations there.  We actually use these dashboards internally at the Foundation . . . make everything be quite numeric.  We're trying to be rigorous about that and even share those [with DoD, DARPA, CIA, and others], so that people can see that, oh, you fell short [the bioweapon or countermeasure didn't kill enough people] of the what you had in mind and to explain if we have any less that might be learnable from other foundations.  So I think there's some things about how we go about things that I hope those learnings can have an impact [have a high kill ratio].  There's the specific work in the different divisions: health, development, and the US education work that 15, in that 15 years, boy we will have spent a lot of money: $3 billion a year [over] 15 years [the interview is from 2008; what year is it now?  That's right: 15 years] that adds up, and for that people should have a very high expectation [mass murder is quite lucrative] of what we can do. 

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