Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Government is [financially] blind to consequences in every one of its programs. "Birds and fish which eat large numbers of DDT-poisoned insects may be casualties too"

The truth about "polio" paralysis: it was DDT poisoning: 

"Flying and Biting Bugs on Jones Beach Die in a Cloud of DDT, New Insecticide—A truck-mounted generator squirts the poison, mixed with oil droplets, over a four-mile area of the New York City playground. Spread by Army and Navy planes and by hand sprays, DDT routed dangerous disease-bearing flies and mosquitoes on Pacific islands. DDT has a drawback—it kills many beneficial and harmless insects but does not kill all insect pests. Birds and fish which eat large numbers of DDT-poisoned insects may be casualties too. (National Geographic Magazine, October 1945, p. 410)" 

Okay, well these remarks would support Rachel Carlson's points made in her 1962 Silent Spring.  

So insects, specifically mosquitos were suspected as spreaders of poliomyelitis?  

Texas, 1946.

NEW YORK STATE SOCIETY OF CPAs: In 2022, undocumented workers paid $96 billion into Social Security and Medicare

New York State Society of CPAs, NYSSCPA, has part of the story. 

Undocumented immigrants paid taxes amounting to $96.7 billion in 2022, including funding for government programs that they cannot access, according to a report by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), a left-leaning think tank. Roughly one-third of their tax payments included $ 25.7 billion to fund Social Security and  $6.4  billion to fund Medicare.

Although one of the most common arguments for limiting immigration is the cost borne by the U.S. government, the study showed that undocumented immigrants pay about 26 percent of their income in taxes, Bloomberg News reported.

In total, undocumented immigrants paid $8,889 per person, in federal, state and local taxes in 2022. That translates to public services receiving $8.9 billion in additional tax revenue for every one million undocumented immigrants who reside in the country.

Six states raised more than $1 billion each in tax revenue from undocumented immigrants living within their borders, the report found. Those states are California ($8.5 billion), Texas ($4.9 billion), New York ($3.1 billion), Florida ($1.8 billion), Illinois ($1.5 billion), and New Jersey ($1.3 billion).

In 40 states, undocumented immigrants pay higher state and local tax rates than the top 1 percent of households living within their borders, the report found.

The ITEP estimated the tax payments of undocumented immigrants in several categories, including sales and excise taxes; property taxes paid directly or on taxes folded into rent payments; and payroll taxes, which are paid either through paycheck withholding or filing income tax returns. 

Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, ITEP, corroborates this story, or fact.  This is kind of important to know since many U.S. taxpayers are besieged with demoralizing stories about how undocumented are getting freebie after freebie, right after right handed to them.  Many U.S. workers had become so demoralized that they couldn't see themselves working alongside undocumented workers who are unfairly receiving a score of benefits at the U.S. taxpayers' expense.  Turns out that the undocumented are paying into Social Security and into Medicare.  

  • Undocumented immigrants paid $96.7 billion in federal, state, and local taxes in 2022. Most of that amount, $59.4 billion, was paid to the federal government while the remaining $37.3 billion was paid to state and local governments.
  • Undocumented immigrants paid federal, state, and local taxes of $8,889 per person in 2022. In other words, for every 1 million undocumented immigrants who reside in the country, public services receive $8.9 billion in additional tax revenue.
  • More than a third of the tax dollars paid by undocumented immigrants go toward payroll taxes dedicated to funding programs that these workers are barred from accessing. Undocumented immigrants paid $25.7 billion in Social Security taxes, $6.4 billion in Medicare taxes, and $1.8 billion in unemployment insurance taxes in 2022.

the reality is nobody has ever gotten out who has pled insane.  Yeah, you go to a hospital instead of a prison, but there isn't any getting out.  Everybody needs to watch One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.  --Eric Hunley

As per tonight’s show, the drones are a "red cell project" to test American drone defenses and also to gauge American public reaction by other agencies. All of this is to pass the “Drone Patriot Act,” which has been dormant for nearly 2 years in the Senate. US military farmed out the drone work to a Jersey corporation and opened up a special corridor for their flights and return. The 17-day drone event at Langley AFB was basically overshadowed by the election, but it was the front cover of the WSJ written by a known spook. All operations are being run in Blue states Jersey. NY. Conn. PA. VA. DC. Mass. by Blue politicians such as Kochul, Blumenthal, Murphy, Schumer, and mayors who are Dems in dem states. This is right out of the COVID lockdown playbook. Don’t take the bait on this psy-op. They want to consolidate all drone rights, activities, and control under the DHS and DOJ. Don’t be fooled. Stay calm. Don’t let your senators push this through. They want to intimidate Trump into signing it. Gotta go. Terrible cold. Communicating from my command bunker. My bathtub.

Show notes from America's Untold Stories, "Mysterious New Jersey Drone Activity: Attack Smokescreen? Iran's Drone Drone Ship Disappears!" aired on Tuesday, December 17, 2024.

09:10. I did not think that she would demand to be a deputy secretary of the CIA to keep an eye on John Ratcliffe who is a righteous guy and Trump's pick in addition to that she would be the eyes and ears of the one going through the JFK files to determine what you people at home might be allowed to read and finally the whole thing blew up because Trump finally drove a stake through it today through this proxy of Tom Cotton there was an article yesterday that Trump was ending this fantasy Quest and today Tom Cotton ended it officially.

09:55. Luigi has been officially indicted in New York as of today his attorney is a top female defense attorney in New York . . . [10:54]  so Alvin Bragg is running for re-election, and he has been given a gift and a problem, Eric.  The gift is the Luigi case because it's so high profile after coming out of the loss of the Penny case.  He's been given a slam dunk case that a retard could win.  But however, Luigi has countered with the top attorney in New York, who is this woman that his family has hired.  So Luigi apparently is going to plead a diminished capacity defense which is also known as "temporary insanity." It rarely works, but when it does work it works among the elites. It works among the wealthy people who get top-notch lawyers to be able to bring in a million experts.

11:52.  Wasn't a Kennedy one of those that it worked for?

11:54.  That's right.  That's where I was going with that.  Kennedy's sister . . . Kennedy's sister who drove on Ambient up on through Connecticut unconscious, slamming into the back of a tractor trailer, was able to plead diminished capacity and get off.  So yeah, there are a bunch of these I can mention.  Someone named Patty Hearst, Eric, who brought in F. Lee Bailey in San Francisco said diminished capacity.

Except she got convicted and later pardoned or commuted . . . 

because she had a machine gun, was robbing banks, and had some other things, but so does [Luigi].  He is going to claim, according to sources, internal sources, that it was temporary insanity due to drugs and back ailment and mental illness or whatever experts they can bring in.

12:45.  He seems to be lining it up beautifully with his snarling and everything with the cops what have you so I guess he could get well by the time Court comes around.

12:55.  Well that's important, because when you go for diminished capacity the government has to prove you're sane. 

The RFK, III movie about Hunter Thompson that Mark refers to is the 2021 Fear and Loathing in Aspen.

13:07.  I was talking to Nate about this how some people will try to plea that they are insane.  Nate was a prosecutor in New York, and one of his fellow prosecutors had a case against somebody and the person was threatening to plead insanity.  And the prosecutor said, "Great.  Please do.  Go for it," because the reality is nobody has ever gotten out who has pled insane.  Yeah, you go to a hospital instead of a prison, but there isn't any getting out.  Everybody needs to watch One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. 

The only time a Insanity plead works is when you have Deep Pockets

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

NEW ARTICLE: FENBENDAZOLE on AMAZON tests 56% pure, not 99% - caution for using Amazon-sourced Fenbendazole (Fenben Lab from Lithuania). Here is the article:
"I used Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography paired with a Photometric Diode Array (UPLC-PDA) to test the product"
"Long story was only 56% pure"
"I identified what constitutes the majority of the remaining 44% as sodium carbonate"
"I believe the precipitate is formed mostly from sodium carbonate, judging from the IR spectrum and the physical appearance and behavior of the precipitate, though it appears there may be additional contaminates"
When you’re treating cancer (not parasites), you want to be sure you are getting EXACTLY the dose that you need. Currently, reliable sources of Fenbendazole include: - Happy Healing Store - Panacur C - Safeguard Fenbendazole has a wide dose range of efficacy, anywhere from 222mg a day to 2000mg a day. Joe Tippens cured his Stage 4 small cell lung cancer with 222mg, I have seen testimonials at 444mg and a Stanford Medicine Research Group published three Stage 4 Cancer cures at 1000mg (3 days a week). Cancer response to Fenbendazole is dose-dependent. While some cancer types
are more sensitive to Fenbendazole than others, the quality and fidelity of the product itself are also issues. This is why testing, such as that fully described in the article, is crucial. Amazon products are very convenient to purchase, but are you getting what you ordered? In cancer, it can mean the difference between life and death. More in the article... Article Link in photo to avoid shadowban, just re-type the URL in the photo at the top, into your browser to access

RUSSIA'S CHIEF BIOLAB INVESTIGATOR ASSASSINATED IN A UKRAINIAN-STYLE BOMBING. Igor Kirillov EXPOSED "The Rosemont Seneca Investment Fund, headed by Hunter Biden, and the Soros Foundation are involved in financing biological laboratories in Ukraine."


Previously Igor Kirillov EXPOSED that: "The Rosemont Seneca Investment Fund, headed by Hunter Biden, and the Soros Foundation are involved in financing biological laboratories….  Thank you to Jackson Hinkle 

The growth in illnesses caused by atypical infections has been noted in a number of countries right now.  So can we say that this is the result of some help from American biologists?

We can't say this so indiscriminately.  We are public officials after all.  As for biological weapons, if we assess the damage caused by COVID-19 over the course of two years around the world or . . . 

the main pandemic lasted two years . . . 

It cannot even be compared with the damage from World War II.  It is dozens of times greater.  However, those who make the profits, such as big Pharma . . . 

Do you mean all the pharmaceutical companies? 

Yes, the profits of the Pharma companies, which are mainly in the USA, are colossal.  That's the way it is.  

So the question is . . . 

The question is being asked, we provide documents

The reaction of the USA that we are talking about is typical.  There has not been a single refutation of the documents we presented.  We sent more than 2,000 pages of these documents to the United Nations.

What sort of reply did you receive?

We usually get two replies, a standard one from the USA.  "All that is done is in the interest of National Security of the USA," and "you must trust us."

Trust them blindly?!

Yes, trust them blindly. 

They have a policy of global biological control.  They understand that this works and that by creating artificial crises which are biological in nature they can rule the world.  There is nothing they do for free.  Even when they provide supplies to certain States free of charge, they are not as free of charge as they say.