Showing posts with label — Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) December 17. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) December 17. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

RUSSIA'S CHIEF BIOLAB INVESTIGATOR ASSASSINATED IN A UKRAINIAN-STYLE BOMBING. Igor Kirillov EXPOSED "The Rosemont Seneca Investment Fund, headed by Hunter Biden, and the Soros Foundation are involved in financing biological laboratories in Ukraine."


Previously Igor Kirillov EXPOSED that: "The Rosemont Seneca Investment Fund, headed by Hunter Biden, and the Soros Foundation are involved in financing biological laboratories….  Thank you to Jackson Hinkle 

The growth in illnesses caused by atypical infections has been noted in a number of countries right now.  So can we say that this is the result of some help from American biologists?

We can't say this so indiscriminately.  We are public officials after all.  As for biological weapons, if we assess the damage caused by COVID-19 over the course of two years around the world or . . . 

the main pandemic lasted two years . . . 

It cannot even be compared with the damage from World War II.  It is dozens of times greater.  However, those who make the profits, such as big Pharma . . . 

Do you mean all the pharmaceutical companies? 

Yes, the profits of the Pharma companies, which are mainly in the USA, are colossal.  That's the way it is.  

So the question is . . . 

The question is being asked, we provide documents

The reaction of the USA that we are talking about is typical.  There has not been a single refutation of the documents we presented.  We sent more than 2,000 pages of these documents to the United Nations.

What sort of reply did you receive?

We usually get two replies, a standard one from the USA.  "All that is done is in the interest of National Security of the USA," and "you must trust us."

Trust them blindly?!

Yes, trust them blindly. 

They have a policy of global biological control.  They understand that this works and that by creating artificial crises which are biological in nature they can rule the world.  There is nothing they do for free.  Even when they provide supplies to certain States free of charge, they are not as free of charge as they say.