One of the coolest parts about Japan is how doctors write prescriptions for people to go walk in the forest when they have diabetes, high blood sugar or depression...
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) January 18, 2025
And it works.
The studies on Shinrin yoku are incredible.
Shoutout to trees.
Saturday, January 18, 2025
CARNIVORE AURELIUS: One of the coolest parts about Japan is how doctors write prescriptions for people to go walk in the forest when they have diabetes, high blood sugar or depression...
Friday, January 17, 2025
JENNIFER DEPEW: be aware that it takes 74 days to grow a sperm and weekly drinking of alcohol is associated with ADHD risk in the offspring.
People on the autism spectrum would likely do better together, have commonality.
— Jennifer Depew, RD (@deNutrients) January 18, 2025
Genetics are a real factor, please be aware that it takes 74 days to grow a sperm and weekly drinking of alcohol is associated with ADHD risk in the offspring.
Gen Z is spending much less on alcohol than any other generation, per US Bureau of Labor Statistics:
— unusual_whales (@unusual_whales) January 17, 2025
Sunday, January 12, 2025
AZODICARBONAMIDE: It's yoga mat material. It's legal, and once again, illegal in Europe. It was in Wendy's. It was in McDonald's. Most of the companies didn't remove it, but she specifically was picking on Subway. She had a massive campaign. She got it out of Subway.
azodicarbonamide - 2014, it isn't so bad tone by NPR (US National Propaganda Radio): 'Almost 500 Foods Contain The 'Yoga Mat' Compound. Should We Care?' "...from Pillsbury Dinner Rolls to Little Debbie products to Wonder Bread." 2014, npr. org
— Jennifer Depew, RD (@deNutrients) January 12, 2025
2024 update…
Food Babe is Vani Hart.
Some background on Azodicarbonamide. If this and other food additives don't force men and women back into the kitchen to make simple, nutritious food from scratch, I don't know what will.
DEBRA TAVARES: Primary Water & Groundwater
Points - look up 'primary water' - groundwater supplies.
— Jennifer Depew, RD (@deNutrients) January 12, 2025
- teach your kids about seeds and plant identification and how to grow things and be more self sufficient - foraging edible wild plants would be another skill to pass on to them. *I've gotten the…
Her name is Debra Tavares of the YouTube channel, StopTheCrime.
And then this lovely piece, "Plan to Burn Up Northern California Disclosed 2018" was released on 11/21/2018. The 2018 Camp Fire in Northern California lasted 18 days from November 8 to November 25, 2018.
Sunday, December 22, 2024
JENNIFER DEPEW: Fight Chimeric spike effects with.... Pudding! A year of pudding to look forward to . . .
Fight Chimeric spike effects with.... Pudding! A year of pudding to look forward to... by Jennifer Depew, R.D.
Our gut Bifidobacterium species are harmed by spike and we need them to make butyrate for us from resistant starches. Zinc is needed by this species in generous amounts too.
Read on SubstackWednesday, December 18, 2024
NEW YORK STATE SOCIETY OF CPAs: In 2022, undocumented workers paid $96 billion into Social Security and Medicare
Undocumented labor is a little like slave labor for the nation - payroll taxes are removed as the 'employee' is posing as legitimate, but as an undocumented person they aren't officially accruing the years of Social Security history that a documented worker would be adding to…
— Jennifer Depew, RD (@deNutrients) December 18, 2024
New York State Society of CPAs, NYSSCPA, has part of the story.
Undocumented immigrants paid taxes amounting to $96.7 billion in 2022, including funding for government programs that they cannot access, according to a report by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), a left-leaning think tank. Roughly one-third of their tax payments included $ 25.7 billion to fund Social Security and $6.4 billion to fund Medicare.
Although one of the most common arguments for limiting immigration is the cost borne by the U.S. government, the study showed that undocumented immigrants pay about 26 percent of their income in taxes, Bloomberg News reported.
In total, undocumented immigrants paid $8,889 per person, in federal, state and local taxes in 2022. That translates to public services receiving $8.9 billion in additional tax revenue for every one million undocumented immigrants who reside in the country.
Six states raised more than $1 billion each in tax revenue from undocumented immigrants living within their borders, the report found. Those states are California ($8.5 billion), Texas ($4.9 billion), New York ($3.1 billion), Florida ($1.8 billion), Illinois ($1.5 billion), and New Jersey ($1.3 billion).
In 40 states, undocumented immigrants pay higher state and local tax rates than the top 1 percent of households living within their borders, the report found.
The ITEP estimated the tax payments of undocumented immigrants in several categories, including sales and excise taxes; property taxes paid directly or on taxes folded into rent payments; and payroll taxes, which are paid either through paycheck withholding or filing income tax returns.
Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, ITEP, corroborates this story, or fact. This is kind of important to know since many U.S. taxpayers are besieged with demoralizing stories about how undocumented are getting freebie after freebie, right after right handed to them. Many U.S. workers had become so demoralized that they couldn't see themselves working alongside undocumented workers who are unfairly receiving a score of benefits at the U.S. taxpayers' expense. Turns out that the undocumented are paying into Social Security and into Medicare.
- Undocumented immigrants paid $96.7 billion in federal, state, and local taxes in 2022. Most of that amount, $59.4 billion, was paid to the federal government while the remaining $37.3 billion was paid to state and local governments.
- Undocumented immigrants paid federal, state, and local taxes of $8,889 per person in 2022. In other words, for every 1 million undocumented immigrants who reside in the country, public services receive $8.9 billion in additional tax revenue.
- More than a third of the tax dollars paid by undocumented immigrants go toward payroll taxes dedicated to funding programs that these workers are barred from accessing. Undocumented immigrants paid $25.7 billion in Social Security taxes, $6.4 billion in Medicare taxes, and $1.8 billion in unemployment insurance taxes in 2022.
Monday, December 2, 2024
JENNIFR DEPEW: Protein adequacy is also critical because we can't make important enzymes or make any new cells without protein. Older people need it at B, L & D rather than large steak dinner & cereal breakfast.
Protein adequacy is also critical because we can't make important enzymes or make any new cells without protein. Older people need it at B, L & D [breakfast, lunch, & dinner] rather than a large steak dinner & cereal breakfast.
from Jennifer,Adequate protein intake is giving you a better shovel to deal with the unloading dump truck.
— Jennifer Depew, RD (@deNutrients) December 2, 2024
Stopping intake of anything inflammatory for you, whether Chinese takeout or a personal allergy type sensitivity, is stopping the dump truck from unloading.
Both strategies are needed…
My dad caught CoV while in a nursing home, was discharged to hospice sick enough I thought he was dying, it took another 15 + months with my dietary care. Nursing homes & standard care is not really supportive of a healthy Terrain.I try to share information because Alzheimer's is no fun...take care of your brain now because you value it more than you realize.This sort of approach can help reduce chronic degeneration of various types . . .
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Honor thy parents. Better yet, honor her parents, and she will love you for the rest of your life
All the rest of us are crying.
— Jennifer Depew, RD (@deNutrients) October 8, 2024
Monday, July 22, 2024
JENNIFER DEPEW, RD: The presidency has so few requirements, why do Dems keep getting it wrong. Over 35, natural born US citizen, & don't collude with foreign agents.
There is no one in their stable of candidates that the deep state likes to parade in front of you as messiahs who aren't outright communists or power-hungry socialists, like Donald Trump.
The presidency has so few requirements, why do Dems keep getting it wrong.
— Jennifer Depew, RD (@deNutrients) July 21, 2024
Over 35, natural born US citizen, & don't collude with foreign agents.
Read the rules people...
Red diaper baby K.
— James Lindsay, anti-Communist (@ConceptualJames) July 22, 2024
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
JENNIFER DEPEW, RD: D-dimer gets elevated with low magnesium
Nattokinase or serrapeptase and topical magnesium sulfate bath every 3-4 days.
— Jennifer Depew, RD (@deNutrients) July 17, 2024
Niacin or butyrate, pom peel, Nrf2 promoters
D-dimer gets elevated with low magnesium.
Is Kidney function okay?
RnA ReSet - ReMag High Absorption Magnesium Liquid, Experience The Magnesium Miracle, Magnesium Chloride - by Dr. Carolyn Dean, 8.1 Fl Oz (1-Pack) via @amazon
— St. Michael, the Archangel (@aveng_angel) July 18, 2024
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Pomegranate peel is a chelator of heavy metals and nanoparticles. And a natural antidote to the fusion cleavage site.
PoP [Pomegranate peel] has higher cancer prevention agent movement than heart and juice (Mphahlele, et al). --NCBI
Pomegranate peel is a chelator of heavy metals and nanoparticles.
— Jennifer Depew, RD (@deNutrients) March 19, 2024
And a natural antidote to the fusion cleavage site.
NCBI covers it,
PoP [Pomegranate peel] is a rich source of polyphenols including phenolic acids, tannins, and flavonoids, especially anthocyanin. These peels offer several functional and nutraceutical qualities owing to their bioactive ingredients, including lowering blood pressure, reducing oxidative stress, lowering cholesterol levels, and restoring heart health. PoPs have a variety of biological effects, including the ability to resist pathogenic microbes effectively, and used as an additive in various food applications.
NCBI explains,
PoP has higher cancer prevention agent movement than heart and juice (Mphahlele et al., 2016). Pomegranate skin accounts for 40% of the whole fruits, and its antioxidant activity is higher than that of the edible (Abid et al., 2017).
Talk about your portable pharmacy. Check this out.
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Okay, I received this email from Nutritionist, Jennifer DePew, who has been excellent on food, herbal, and vitamin remedies for all things COVID and C19 vaccines. Her email reviews Dr. Lee Merritt's alarm about an Emergency Broadcast scheduled to play on your cell phones @ 2:22pm, EST on Wednesday, October 4th, 2023. Jennifer writes,
Re the Emergency Broadcast - that is not fake news: Your phone will blare a national emergency alert test on October 4 at 2:20PM ET, Prepare for a jarring noise. by Will Shanklin, (
“If your cell phone is set to English, you’ll receive a message at around 2:20PM ET reading, “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.” Those with phones set to Spanish as their primary language will see, “ESTA ES UNA PRUEBA del Sistema Nacional de Alerta de Emergencia. No se necesita acción.”
Of course, the messages will be accompanied by a “unique tone and vibration.” Based on past tests we’ve received, that could easily be described as “a jarring and obnoxious alarm that will immediately make you stop what you’re doing, utter select obscenities and pick up your phone to make it stop.”” (
So leaving the phones in the microwave for a little while on Oct 4th, and/or Oct 11th, might save having to look for it to turn off the alarm. Other articles by mainstream sites are telling us not to panic about the broadcast.
Related predictive programming via Hollywood, John Cusack and Samuel Jackson
A reply shared as possible predictive programming, the movie Cell, based on a Stephen King novel. John Cusack saves the day, yet again, by mass murder of a zombie apocalypse. (*My rough synopsis - I watched the movie and then two others on Friday. I must of needed a day off. Nanny McPhee has a few lessons for children - Don’t fight, learn to share, to cooperate, and to be brave. The last lesson might be to have faith.
So with those last words, Ms. Depew makes it sound like everything will be just fine.
The trailer to the 2016 movie, Cell. Note how people in the movie react to the emergency broadcast and what that turns them into later.
Ms. Depew continues,
John Cusack seems to star in a lot of films about the end of the world and saving the day. Samuel Jackson was also a star but didn’t have the blow up the world to save the day scene. (
So, by her comments, Jennifer is concerned but not 100% sure what will go down, but it does seem unusual for a nationwide alert about an alert. She's not offering concrete proof, but given the track record of the sorcerers among the elite, it's enough to make me create a Faraday cage and to take a break from my phone for a couple of days.
She adds in metaphor that,
Goats investigate. Sheeple run with the flock. Caution is not un-sensible lately. The far-out there Sci Fi/tinfoil concern might be that the CoV jabbed have some sort of nanobot device that could react to a digital signal - Internet of Humans. Otherwise who knows what depopulators have in mind for us. John Cusack movies would suggest genetic changes in our children are underway that are meant to ‘save the future’ very nobly - the children are such brave heroes in those movies. Predictive programming is a little like reading smoke signals - not totally clear, but Covid19 was mentioned a lot in subtle ways in the years prior to it being revealed.
So, it's been confirmed: a test by the Emergency Broadcast System on October 4, 2023, Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. And perhaps a second one on October 11, 2023.
Dr. Lee Merritt starts with optogenetics. Briefly,
broadly refers to an elegant approach that utilizes genetic engineering and optical technology to control and monitor biological functions of isolated or in situ cells, tissues, organs or organisms, modified to express photosensitive proteins (Deisseroth et al., 2006; Miesenböck, 2009; Entcheva, 2013; Jiang et al., 2017; Koopman et al., 2017). The photosensitive proteins are optical sensors or optical actuators which provide fluorescent readout for changes in biological activities or allow light to manipulate the cellular biological functions, respectively (Shui et al., 2014; Jiang et al., 2017). Photosensitization of a specific cell type, tissue, or organ of interest together with the application of defined light stimulation and efficient light detection systems has enabled optogenetics to perturb and monitor biological functions non-invasively with high spatiotemporal resolution (Boyden et al., 2005; Park et al., 2014; Koopman et al., 2017).
NEW ARTICLE: Mass casualty concerts - when COVID-19 vaccinated crowds "die suddenly".
— William Makis MD (@MakisMD) July 11, 2023
Ed Sheeran concert (2 cardiac arrests, 17 hospitalized, 37 incidents)
2022 South Korea Halloween (159 dead, simultaneous cardiac arrests)
2021 Travis Scott Concert (10 dead, 11 cardiac…
Friday, August 25, 2023
Heroes don't dance during a tragedy. Psychopaths do.
— Jennifer Depew, RD (@deNutrients) August 25, 2023
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Now we'll know the proportion of idiots in our midst. Folks, it’s this simple. If Covid vaccines worked, they would have worked. We wouldn’t be talking about any of this. It all would have ended two years ago.
My message to everybody is don't comply. If you're asked to wear a mask to get food, to use a bathroom, to get on a flight, don't comply. Don't just resist, but make a scene. Make a big, bad scene. We get the government that we put up with. Put a dent in the pocketbook of any store or airline or restaurant. Don't comply. Do without. Go without. Just as companies have policies, so do you, don't you? When they claim, "Oh, Sir, we have a policy," reply, "Oh, good. So do I." Use the "I." Make it stand up. It'll help you stand for yourself. Use "I." I refuse. I find your policy appalling. I find your policy criminal. And then write a letter describing the incident to the manager if the person who denied you your God-given rights, protected by law, were taken from you. Don't let people take things from you anymore. Please. Those whom you love need you to fight. We're not all in this together. It's only your loved ones that matter. if you get injured, is the "we" going to come to your rescue? No. Is the governor of your state? No. Is the sick-looking public health officer going to come and help you? Ha! Don't make me laugh. No. Throw off that promise that complying is you doing something good for society. Society is not going to reward you. To the collective, no good deed goes unpunished. Don't do it, or don't do anything for the greater good. There is no greater good than your life, and your health, than the role you play to your loved ones. Be a strong friend and resist. Be an example. Be that ally. Be a sister on behalf of your older sister or brother. Be a mother that your sons can respect. Defend your rights. Because the government will not do that. Look at what's happened in Maui. Look at what's happened in Palestine, Ohio. Look at what is happening with the price of everything. You've got to stop obeying the tyrannical government.
Now we'll know the proportion of idiots in our midst.
— Alex (Sasha) Krainer (@NakedHedgie) August 20, 2023
Well said.
— Jennifer Depew, RD (@deNutrients) August 20, 2023
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
VERY DISTURBING: Brain Death Is A LIE. Don't Donate Your Organs. Reversible by Iodine
New post - organ transplant industry takedown - there is a treatment for comatose patients, some at least. A doctor from Brazil discovered it but is the industry excited? No. That might disrupt the organ profit business.
— Jennifer Depew, RD (@deNutrients) April 5, 2023
This is from a report that followed a May 20, 2021 Conference.
Dr. Coimbra explains that the term “brain death” was coined in the 1960s after the first successful human heart transplant “triggered a demand for transplantable vital organs to be harvested from patients” who were considered to be “hopelessly comatose” according to medical knowledge at that time.
There was “no preliminary scientific research” on the brain-death concept before the name was used, he said. But calling these patients “dead” enabled the medical community to overcome all of the legal hurdles associated with removing vital organs from these comatose patients.
Their main mistake, Dr. Coimbra argues, was to consider these patients “irreversibly” brain damaged.
By the 1980s, when organ transplants were performed around the world, medical researchers experimenting on animals discovered that when blood flow to the brain is reduced from the normal range to just 20-50 percent, the brain would “fall silent” — but was neither “dead” nor “irreversibly damaged.” By the end of the 1990s, this phenomenon — called “ischemic penumbra” — was demonstrated in humans, shattering the “brain death” myth.
The brain is silent but not dead, he said.
Registered Nutritionist, Jennifer Depew remarked that
People with “Organ Donor” on their Driver’s license may not be allowed much time to wander around in a Near Death Experience before a doctor declares them “brain dead” and their organs are removed without anesthetics (possibly to preserve the function of the organs). News to know.
Depew adds
That post is a repost of this article: The Beating Heart Donors | Discover Magazine, which goes into more detail about the history and criteria for declaring ‘brain death’, not conscious, but not really dead, as opposed to cardiac/lung death - really dead. Patients declared brain dead still grow, still heal wounds or fight infections, and can even continue growing a baby - 107 days in one case. The babies may survive. But then the woman’s organs are harvested.
Highlighting the lucre of the transplant industry, Depew explains that
Organ transplant is big money - for the surgeons and the ongoing need for pharma drugs to help prevent rejection of the transplanted organ. Patient’s families do not receive any money as that is deemed unethical (it would set up a blackmarket type of for-profit sale of self - loving parent sells organs to help provide for a family in need…).
So they're creating a market to expand their monopoly on the industry. Big business alright to the tune of $25 billion dollars a year.
The transplant system is a wealthy system; it is a powerful system,” Dr. Coimbra said. “They are everywhere in the medical community. They are in medical councils and medical academies; they are everywhere … Politically, they are very powerful.”
“In the United States alone, in 2016 the transplant system involved business to the tune of approximately 25 billion dollars,” he noted. “By 2025, it is expected to reach 51 billion dollars per year.”
It is “big business,” he said.
Dr. Coimbra continued:
The brilliant idea of the transplant system was to call what they thought to be irreversible brain damage “brain death.” Because whenever you say someone is against “brain death,” you think: “How can someone possibly be…against death? They don’t believe in death?” But “death” is just a word that was given to a “hopelessly comatose” patient — but they were “hopelessly comatose” at the end of the 60s, not now.
“In a very large number of those patients, they have no damage at all — no brain damage at all — they just have a silent brain,” he added.
A further insult would be the fact that the comatose condition is reversible: iodine.
Dr. Coimbra said he has seen firsthand that there is hope for patients who have been labeled “brain dead.” If doctors would simply replace three essential (thyroid and adrenal) hormones, “the normal circulation to the brain would be restored,” he explained. But when these hormones are not replaced, the patient progresses “into a disaster.”
The Brazilian neurologist again noted that doctors and medical students are not taught this:
They know what is in the neurology textbook of medicine … They know what’s there, and this is not there. The importance of replacing thyroid hormone is not discussed in meetings related to brain injuries, and how to treat brain injuries. Not one single intensive care unit in the world replaces thyroid hormones — not a single one that I know of.
To illustrate how much the “brain death” myth has gripped the minds of the medical community, Dr. Coimbra tells the story of a 15-year old girl who began to show signs of brain activity once he administered the necessary hormones. Seeing notes of progress Dr. Coimbra had made in the girl’s medical chart, a doctor on call in the ICU that night wrote: “Once a patient is declared ‘brain dead,’ the patient is dead. It doesn’t matter if later on the patient no longer fulfills the criteria for ‘brain death.’ The patient is legally dead, because it was once diagnosed as ‘brain dead.’”
In the end, Dr. Coimbra said it all comes down to the duty of doctors to honor their sacred oath to “do no harm” and to “do the best they can” for the health and wellbeing of their patient.
Saturday, March 25, 2023
"Dementia risk linked to increased loss of bone density (hip) in elders." Meaning if you're sitting, your bones are less dense. Weight-bearing exercises fix this
Dementia risk linked to increased loss of bone density (hip) in elders.
— Jennifer Depew, RD (@deNutrients) March 25, 2023
This is an example of a correlation with shared causal factors - lack of magnesium and low vitamin D and K2. new post #dementia topic
Friday, March 24, 2023
MELATONIN: not just for bedtime anymore. "Melatonin, more important antioxidant than glutathione," Dr. Eric Berg, DC
#melatonin - not just for bedtime anymore. Related post of mine:
— Jennifer Depew, RD (@deNutrients) March 24, 2023
Melatonin, more important antioxidant than glutathione - Dr. Eric Berg, DC.
Divided doses throughout the day can help health and possibly behavior in Alzheimer's or other dementia patients.
Saturday, December 25, 2021
"Nicotine protects from Spike Protein, activates [and] restores cholinergic function which is needed for breathing, hearing, seeing, & bowel
#nAChR function is blocked by snake venom toxin like sequence
— Jennifer Depew, RD (@deNutrients) December 26, 2021
Nicotine protects from sp!k & activates them restores cholinergic function which, BTW, is needed for breathing, hearing, seeing, & bowel function, among other things
100% serious, & no standard Dr is discussing it
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, or nAChRs, are receptor polypeptides that respond to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Nicotinic receptors also respond to drugs such as the agonist nicotine. ... In the immune system, nAChRs regulate inflammatory processes and signal through distinct intracellular pathways.
ubiquitous in the human central nervous system. Their high density in the thalamus, striatum, limbic system, and neocortex suggest that cholinergic transmission is likely to be critically important for memory, learning, attention and other higher brain functions. Several lines of research suggest additional roles for cholinergic systems in overall brain homeostasis and plasticity. As such, the brain's cholinergic system occupies a central role in ongoing research related to normal cognition and age-related cognitive decline, including dementias such as Alzheimer's disease.