Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Wejolyn on Topical Magnesium, Beef Tallow, and Emu Oil

Wejolyn argues that 

The BEST way to absorb Magnesium is to take it transdermally. Through the skin. There is no comparison. Why? I’m going to get into the Liver & its Phase 2 detox pathway today & why you cannot detoxify at all if you are not mag efficient. Mandatory! 

GolliAir asks, 

So Magnesium soak baths are effective? I have been looking into these. 

To which Wejolyn replies, 

Hugely. I mix mag sulfate (Epsom) with Mag Chloride - all together at least 6 cups in a full bath. Once you bring in your water, do not add to the water (fill only once), take it as hot as you can - it makes a colloid- and you need 20 to 30 minutes minimum for assimilation. 

The preferable form of magnesium is magnesium chloride.  The best forms of magnesium for absorption, Wejolyn says, are Glycinate, Taurate, and Malate.

Mag citrate is (for me as a practitioner) the only one I use for bowel movements - NOT absorption - similar to oxide. Glycinate, taurate and malate are best for absorption - or transdermally through the skin. Dr. Carolyn Dean has a great liquid mag called ReMag.

Magnesium Chloride topical cream.

Organic Emu Oil.

John Potash

John Potash, author, and documentary filmmaker.  

John Potash is back on today to talk about the ruling class corruption within the medical pharmaceutical Industries.

"I consider myself a lifetime leftist inspired by a socialist grandfather, and a father who organized doctors against the Vietnam War.  I dabbled in mainstream Democratic politics in the late 1980s before getting into socialism and anarchism and heading back into Democratic socialism more recently, but giving up on mainstream politicians after Bernie Sanders seem to let the Democratic party steal the primaries from him a second time.  I do have Bernie in my film though in a press conference with Senator Maria Cantwell about how for information over 90% of our information which makes podcasts like yours all the more important Bridget but I've been active against both the Iraq Wars, both presidents Bush, and the war against the Black Panthers had led me to write the FBI war on Tupac Shakur and Black Leaders, book and film.  And now finish the book and film of Drugs Used as Weapons used Against Us: the CIA War on Musicians.  So in 2020, I started to work on a more comic sequel to drugs As Weapons Against Us and towards the end of that project the COVID-19 situation struck and I had to include more and more of the corruption around that.

2nd biggest funder of the W.H.O. ahead of England

John's work includes Shots: Eugenics to Pandemics, John Potash, 2022; 

LARRY COOK: Pediatricians are scum of the earth - they poison helpless infants and babies for a living

Thank you to Sasha Latypova.   

The share of young adults still living with their parents just hit the highest level since 1940.  Of course, 1940 they lived at home because they were saving themselves for a good husband.  Today, they live at home because rat infested one bedrooms cost 60 hours a week packing groceries.  It is getting worse fast.  At age 25, 14% of Silent Generations lived at home.  It was 15% for Boomers, 20% for Gen X, 27% for millennials, and now it is 30% of Gen Z.  Take it all together, young adults living at home went from 7% in 1970 to 17% today and rising fast at two and 1/2 times.  Note that in 1970, most young adult living at home could actually afford to move out, about 60%; today, that's 18%.  The other 82 are stuck it's interesting because adults forced to live with their parents is yet another data point in the most important economic question today are we still getting richer or have they finally killed the golden goose that delivered Rising income generation after generation since roundabout 1789 in other words did socialism finally break the camel's back on that metric apparently we've gone backwards since 1970.  So what happened in 1970?  Richard Nixon, namely the bipartisan Washington spending orgy "Guns and butter" they called it for the welfare superstate paired with the Vietnam War.   That orgy led to a devaluation of the dollar they spent too many into existence, which led to Nixon to "temporarily ending gold convertibility" on August 15th 1971 called "the Nixon shock," and yes, temporary in government does mean forever.  At that point, it was off to the inflation races and the debt races.  In recent videos, I've talked about how the inflation debt drove income inequality, pumping up the assets of the rich and leaving the plebs with nothing but inflation.  One consequence apparently is millions who cannot afford to live on their own until age 35, an age where their parents already had three kids in a house they owned while they cannot even afford to rent . . . in case we wonder why nobody's having kids.  Mish Shedlock dug into the numbers to see what's driving it.  For one, incomes have been falling so since 2000.  The median real income for young adults has dropped by 10%, while rent has soared since COVID-19 by 25%.  According to official numbers, the upshot is that just 18% of young adults living at home can actually afford to move out.  Even those with college degrees at this point are forced to live at home, so 1 in 8, which is double the rate, partly because of six figures.  But even without student loan payments, the percentage of college grads who can afford to rent their own place is at a record low.  In short, the Golden Goose is on life support whether or not you went to college.  

As bad as Central Banking is for the country, the inflation, the boom-bust recessions, the bank bailouts, it is catastrophic for the young who are fleeced to pump the bags of elderly millionaires.  A few months ago, I quoted Professor Scott Galloway's rant on how young voters are pissed off about being poor and are ready to burn it all down.  Unfortunately, very few of them connect the dots that their tormentors are in Washington and that they themselves have been useful idiots who made it happen. 

ASHLEY ARMSTRONG: high-quality raw milk is produced in the safest most sanitary conditions possible, and that's from every part of the production process. When you buy milk from the grocery store, oftentimes that comes from tanks all around the country brought to a single pasteurization plant

Ashley Armstrong runs a co-op farm, called Nourish.

A big piece of information that the government misses here is that high-quality raw milk is produced in the safest most sanitary conditions possible, and that's from every part of the production process.  When you buy milk from the grocery store, oftentimes that comes from tanks all around the country brought to a single pasteurization plant.  For raw dairy, that is a single point tapping of the milk.  On top of that, all of our farm partners test their milk every week or every other week, and then every 2 months each individual animal is tested.  In confinement milk, you've got the animals eating GMO corn and soy, a ton of pesticides sprayed on those GMO corn and soy that show up in the milk product.  And then in the confinement operation, you've got to spray something to keep the fly population down and the bugs, so insecticides are sprayed, and various medications are used for the animals.  Now, with the bird flu, they're talking about mRNA vaccines for the cows, that's going to show up in the milk that you consume.  It's just comical to compare the two.  Talk about a superior product all across the board and it's being demonized.  You have to wonder if there is some sort of reason for that.  

Find raw milk in your neighborhood here and here.

Here Ashley is interviewed by Dr. Joseph Mercola.  

An interview with return guest Ashley Armstrong, a certified personal trainer with a Ph.D., MS and BS in engineering, and cofounder of Angel Acres Egg Co., which specializes in low-PUFA (polyunsaturated fat) eggs. On average, her eggs contain 17 to 20 milligrams of linoleic acid (LA), which is about one-quarter of the LA found in conventional eggs. Around the advent of the American Civil War, about 1870s or so, is when they developed the technology to extract oils from seeds. Before then, the average LA intake was less than 5 grams a day, and likely closer to 2 or 3 grams. Eggs and bacon are two sources that, today, have very high LA levels, thanks to being fed an unnatural and PUFA-rich diet.  

Ruminant animals include cows, lamb, goats, deer.  They have a very complex digestive system, often four stomachs, so that's a lot of time and a lot of microbes to break down the food that they consume.  Monogastric animals.  We are monogastric animals, single stomach animals.  For monogastric animals, the dietary fat impacts the fats in their tissues, like bacon fats, egg yolks, or chicken thighs; whereas ruminant animals have this process called biohydrogenation where the microbes are able to convert some of their dietary PUFAs into saturated fats.