Tuesday, July 2, 2024

"typhoid, smallpox, measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough and diphtheria . . . the chance is very remote indeed that any of them will ever again assume sufficient importance in the mortality tables seriously to affect the general death rate.” ― Dr. Louis Dublin, 1935.

BEFORE there was the DTP. BEFORE there was the MMR. England's whooping cough and measles deaths were down over 99% BEFORE the vaccines in 1957 and 1968. “All of the old menaces like typhoid, smallpox, measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough and diphtheria have become minor causes of death. The chance is very remote indeed that any of them will ever again assume sufficient importance in the mortality tables seriously to affect the general death rate.” ― Dr. Louis Dublin, 1935.

Dr. Louis Dublin, “Better Economic Conditions Felt in Fewer Deaths,” Berkley Daily Gazette, December 27, 1935. 

DR. SHAWN BAKER: They knew vegetable oils were bad decades ago!!

RICHARD POE: A 2019 investigative report in The Star (Kenya) states that http://Wikileaks.org was registered in Nairobi in Oct. 2006. It shared a PO Box with Mars Group Kenya, an NGO partly funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID)

Thanks to Polly St. George

GREG REESE: Chevron deference: It's how OSHA was able to decide that everyone who worked for a large company had to get the jab or be fired. No law gave them that authority. They just made it up.

Greg Reese on the Chevron Deference

It's how OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, was able to decide that everyone who worked for a large company had to get the jab or be fired.  No law gave them that authority.  They just made it up.  

It's how the ATF, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, was able to decide a piece of plastic was a machine gun.  

It's how the USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service, the NRCS, is able to decide that a small puddle is a protected wetland.  --Greg Reese

1:40. A family fishing company, Loper Bright Enterprises, was being driven out of business because they couldn't afford the $700 per day they were being charged by the NMFS, the National Marine Fisheries Service to monitor their company.  The thing is federal law doesn't authorize the NMFS to charge businesses for this.  They just decided to start doing it in 2013.  Why did they think they could get away with just charging people without any legal authorization?  Because in 1984 in the Chevron decision, the Supreme Court decided that regulatory agencies were the experts in their field, and the courts should defer to their interpretation of the law.  So for the past 40 years, federal agencies have been able to interpret laws to mean whatever they want, and the courts had to just go with it.  It was called "Chevron deference," and it put bureaucrats in charge of the country.  

It's how OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, was able to decide that everyone who worked for a large company had to get the jab or be fired.  No law gave them that authority.  They just made it up.  

It's how the ATF, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, was able to decide a piece of plastic was a machine gun.  

It's how the USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service, the NRCS, is able to decide that a small puddle is a protected wetland.  

It's how out-of-control agencies have been able to create rules out of thin air and force you to comply, and the courts had to simply defer to them because they were the experts.  

Imagine if your local police could just arrest you for any reason, and no judge or jury was allowed to determine if you'd actually committed a crime or not, just off to jail you go.  That's what "Chevron deference" was.  It was not only blatantly unconstitutional, it caused immeasurable harm to everyone.  Thankfully, it's now gone.  We haven't even begun to feel the effects of this decision in the courts.  It will be used for years to come to roll back federal agencies, and we'll all be better off for it.  And that's why politicians and corporate media are freaking out about it.

Spike Cohen,

In an era of bad news, the US Supreme Court has brought us some good tools that we the people can wield to work on restoring America.  Happy Independence Day.  

Reporting for Infowars this is Greg Reese. 

As a follow-up, please read this by James T. Moodey @ Lew Rockwell.  Looks like there was momentum building for this at least since last year, January 2023.  Check out Judge Napolitano's essay, titled, "A Government by Experts," January 12, 2023.

Tom Luongo has got his claws on this as well at least since March 23, 2024, 

This is yet another example of the desperate need for the Supreme Court to take up the Chevron Deference and strike it down. The agencies should not be making law. That’s Congress’ job.

And I don’t care if Congress is allergic to doing its job, new emission regulations should not be in the hands of unelected bureaucrats run by chiefs who are chosen by the current political party. 


The Yeast Syndrome: How to Help Your Doctor Identify & Treat the Real Cause of Your Yeast-Related Illness, John P. Trowbridge and Morton Walker, 1986.

Yeast Connection: A Medical Breakthrough, William G. Crook, 1986.

Crook could be the expert. He's written multiple books on yeast and its connection to ill health.  

The Germ That Causes Cancer, Doug A. Kaufmann, 2005.  The Amazon blurb reads, 

The authors are responding to a number of things in this handbook.  Since the publication of The Germ that Causes Cancer, there have been several follow-up studies implicating fungi and their harmful mycrotoxins in the role of cancer. That is, rather than having our theory taken apart, it's been solidified by the flow of data coming out of the halls of science. Fungi and mycrotoxins -harmful, fungal by-products -do cause cancer. 

Kaufmann discusses an anti-fungal diet in this presentation titled, "Is Everything Fungus?"  Kaufmann offers remedies to fungi-causing diseases here: Oregano, Olive Leaf, Niacin, and Clove Oil.  And that's it.  In his presentation, Kaufmann references the book, The Manual of Clinical Mycology, 1971. 

If you've ever been hungover, you've suffered from an acute mycotoxicosis.  

At 12:30 in his "Is Everything Fungus?" he says that alcohol is the mycotoxin of brewer's yeast.  Alcohol producers often use that are too contaminated with fungus

Wejolyn strongly recommends reading these three doctors: A. V. Costantini, Lars I. Vqick, and Heinrich Wieland. 

Books in the Fungalbionic Series-- 

Fungalbionics Atherosclerosis, Volume I, M.D., A.V., Costantini, 1994.

Fungalbionics: The Fungal/Mycotoxin Etiology of Human Disease, Volume II: Cancer, M.D., A.V., Costatini, 1994.  

Two articles in PDF format by Tomma Lou Mass, who does a light review of the book, Prevention of Breast Cancer: Hope at LastA.V. Costantini (Author), Heinrich Wieland (Author), Lars I. Qvick (Author), 1998.

#1:  LIGHT REVIEW OF Prevention of Breast Cancer: Hope at Last by Tomma Lou Mass

A Trojan horse has secretly been infiltrating our lives, bringing breast cancer to one of every eight women in the United States, and to women around the world. Because no one thus far has unmasked this deceptive Trojan horse, it continues to deliver certain clandestine, pathological agents via our food and lifestyles, bringing breast cancer upon us surreptitiously. Now Doctors A.V. Constantini, Heinrich Wieland, and Lars I. Qvick from the International Research Centre for Mycotoxins in Human Health (formerly the World Health Organization's Collaborating Center for Mycotoxins in Food (1994-1998) in the School of Medicine at Albert Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany, identify in their newly released book, Prevention of Breast Cancer: Hope At Last, the source of these cancerous pathogens masquerading in our food and lifestyles as the lethal Trojan horse. 

This was interesting,

Fungi and their mycotoxins hide unseen in foods we eat and inside us. Because fungi have been infrequently recognized for their role in human pathology, and because their poisonous metabolites (mycotoxins) are invisible, little attention has been given to these deadly pathogens in our lives. In fact, few doctors even know that fungi produce mycotoxins. Primarily, we recognize the beneficial role of fungi's antibiotic properties and their life-sustaining qualities when we are threatened by infection, need surgery, or seek relief from colds. Conversely, however, few people know the lethal role certain fungi and their mycotoxins play in chronic diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis, AIDS, gout, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, hyperactive syndrome, infertility, psoriasis, cirrhosis, Alzheimer's disease, scleroderma, Raynaud's disease, sarcoidosis, kidney stones, amyloidosis, vasculitis, arthritis, and Cushing's disease. Furthermore, most physicians and researchers are unaware of unpublished pharmaceutical studies showing particular fungi and their mycotoxins to be so deadly they cannot be considered for any medicinal use.  The authors, in their Fungalbionic Series, detail the fungi/mycotoxin etiology of the above-named human diseases.  In their recent book, Prevention of Breast Cancer: Hope At Last, they identify the fungi/ mycotoxins that contaminate our foods and produce breast cancer. Thus, having outlined for us which meats, grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, cheese, dairy, and other foodstuffs are likely to be fungi/mycotoxin contaminated, women with breast cancer and their doctors can begin to identify new ways of eating to reduce the fungi/mycotoxin exposure that results in breast cancer. The text is easy to read and understand both by medical professionals and the general public. The large type and clear organization makes this "science book" a must for all who are interested in preserving their health, or their patients' health, and preventing breast cancer.  Prevention of Breast Cancer: Hope At Last is divided into five parts.  In Part I, "Fungalbionics: Fungal Toxins Cause Degenerative and Cancerous Diseases," the authors briefly discuss fungi and their mycotoxins, showing how they can be both friend or foe.  Part II, "The Trojan Horse: Fungi and Mycotoxins Are in the Food Chain," lists common fungi species and their mycotoxins which contaminate our foods, then relates the danger of these biologically active substances: they are anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-protozoan, anti-insect, anti-animal, and of course anti-human. The term “mycotoxin" is derived from the Greek mykes, meaning "fungus," and toxicum, meaning "toxin" or "poison." Throughout the book, the authors present authentic and highly regarded research, significant medical data, and a clinical perspective on their comprehensive research of the world's fungi/mycotoxin literature on breast cancer. Twenty-four chapters in Part II point out that these carcinogens are variably present in our foods, including aflatoxin, cyclosporin, penicillin, fusarium, ochratoxin, fungal-produced nitrosamines, aspergillus, candida, and edible mushrooms.  Fungal colonization in houses, fungi/mycotoxins in tobacco, and mycotoxins in the diet are also discussed as agents of breast cancer. These include dietary fats that enhance fungi/mycotoxin cancer potential; meats and their fungi/ mycotoxin contamination; eggs, cheese, butter, and milk; and many other foodstuffs which of themselves are not carcinogenic but contain fungi/mycotoxins causing them to be carcinogenic. In Part III, the authors clearly point out that "Fungi-Mycotoxins Are the Cause of Breast Cancer." Pointing to Colditz's (1993) article which reviews the epidemiology of breast cancer (in the context of hormonal, hereditary, histologic, and dietary risk factors), they conclude that their published research data will reverse the current helplessness of women fearing breast cancer by providing a "new level of understanding" regarding the etiology and prevention of breast cancer. 


This should raise your eyebrows and cause you to learn more about which foods contain the most aflatoxins.  

Also in Part III, the authors demonstrate that aflatoxin mutates the P53 gene, pointing out that "abnormalities of the p53 gene are reported in more than 50% of malignant tumors" (Livni et al. 1995); these include the lung, breast, and colon. 


Chapters 30-48 in Part IV enumerate the foods and drinks that cause breast cancer when contaminated by fungi/mycotoxins. These include alcohol, wine, beer, bread, cereals, corn, meats, milk, butter, most cheeses, chicken, eggs, fats, margarine, sugar, sweet/fatty desserts, and tobacco. The authors show when these foodstuffs produce breast cancer and when they do not. 


Part V discusses those vitamins, minerals, and foods that prevent breast cancer: vitamins A, C, D, E, selenium, calcium, zinc, sunlight, fish, vegetables, garlic and onions, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, soy, olive oil, green tea, coffee, chocolate and cocoa, rice, pasta, fruit, fiber, yogurt, and honey. 

Natural antifungals recommended by Sarah Pope, in order of tried and true and reliable, are 1) garlic, 2) Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, 3) 24-hour homemade Keifer, 4) Manuka honey, 5) oregano oil, 6) Pau d'Arco, and 7) Boron.  Interesting list. 

The book concludes with a list of approximately 800 studies documenting the significant research and clinical findings presented. 

–Tomma Lou Maas, Book Reviews 245 246 Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 13, No. 4, 1998.

#2:  LIGHT REVIEW OF PREVENTION OF The Garden of Eden Longevity Diet by Tomma Lou Mass

The Garden Of Eden Longevity Diet: Antifungal-Antimycotoxin Diet for the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer, Atherosclerosis, and Other Degenerative Diseases, A.V. Constantini, M.D. Heinrich Wieland, M.D. Lars I. Qvick, M.D. I Johann Friedrich Oberlin Verlag, Freiburg, Germany: 1998. 505 pages, $95

The Trojan horse that secretly infiltrates our lives bringing us cancer, atherosclerosis, and other degenerative diseases has now been unmasked by the World Health Organization's authors, Drs. A.V. Constantini, H. Wieland, and L. Qvick. The villains, unknown to most of us, are fungi and their fungal mycotoxins, the poisonous metabolites of fungi, which we eat in foods and which live in us and are fed by foods we eat. The pathogenic nature of fungi and their mycotoxins have played immense roles in chronic disease and degenerative illnesses but have until now not been suspected.  247 Book Reviews In The Garden of Eden Longevity Diet, the authors show us that what we eat and how that food has been processed or stored or prepared is the key to protecting ourselves from the ravages of cancer, atherosclerosis, and specific degenerative diseases.  This is the third book in the authors' Fungalbionic Series, illuminating the role of fungi/mycotoxins in human illness and health. All of its recipes carry a unique and far-reaching message: 

"This recipe is antifungal/antimycotoxin. It is anti-cancer, anti-atherosclerosis, anti-degenerative diseases, and pro health." 

This message is based on the extensive documentation in this and other volumes of the Fungalbionic Series. (The first and second books reveal the fungi/mycotoxin etiology of breast cancer and atherosclerosis.)

17 chapters of recipes offer healthful foods in these categories: salads, dressings, soups, fish, meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits, pasta, rice, breads, cookies, cakes, pies, desserts, and dessert drinks. 

These 9 chapters explain how fungi/ mycotoxins cause degenerative and cancerous diseases; how we can shop for food to avoid risk; how to cook to minimize fungi/mycotoxin exposure; as well as other tips on healthful eating. 

An Appendix, containing 7 chapters from Prevention of Breast Cancer: Hope At Last, states the benefits of vitamins A, C, D, E, selenium, calcium, and zinc for their potent anti-fungal, anti-mycotoxin activity.  Not only is this book easy to read and understand, but its organization will help one learn how to shop for food and prepare healthful, simple recipes that can help prevent the development of today's most chronic illnesses: cancer, atherosclerosis, and other degenerative disease, specifically: AIDS, gout, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, hyperactive syndrome, infertility, psoriasis, cirrhosis, Alzheimer's disease, scleroderma, Raynaud's disease, sarcoidosis, kidney stones, amyloidosis, vasculitis, arthritis, and Cushing's disease.  

Additionally, in Chapter 6, facts about fungi in foods, alcohol, beer, wine, and tobacco focus the reader on changes in lifestyle that would remove risks for cancer or atherosclerosis.  The "What You Buy Is What You Will Eat" list aids the shopper in his quest for food. The "First Things to Purchase" versus the "Quickly Pass By" section helps strengthen the resolve of the shopper to stick to “safe” foods for the family, and the "Shopping List for Garden of Eden Recipes" guides the serious shopper to minimum fungi/mycotoxin exposure. The Garden of Eden Longevity Diet sorts through the most contaminated foods and offers recipes that are anti-cancer, anti-atherosclerosis, antifungal, and anti-mycotoxin. The book documents over 440 significant studies and clinical findings for the claims made in The Garden of Eden Longevity Diet.  Having linked fungi and their mycotoxins to cancer and other degenerative diseases, the authors present us with a much-needed, useful book to help us regain our health in a modern age that can no longer guarantee us which foods are safe to eat. –Tomma Lou Maas