Saturday, April 6, 2024

Stage 4 rare, aggressive breast cancer that metastasized into major bones and lungs. IP6 7 capsules 4x a day. 9 months later I was cancer free

Be very, very afraid of pink eye, I mean, Avian Flu.

[Roberto] Speranza has been charged with murder in Italy for covering up the side effects of the COVID vaccines and forcing them on the country regardless.

Friday, April 5, 2024

REGARDING VENTILATORS: Trump was on target without knowing how much here.

I am certainly not uncritical of Trump and his position on COVID and the COVID-19 bioweapons. Operation Warp Speed he lays claim to. But did he have any choice? Was he blackmailed? Who knows?

from John Beaudoin,
Enlightening to those bashing President Trump for promoting all the bad stuff.
He was on target without knowing how much here.
Target being: Ventilators killed more than COVID-19 did. Ventilators caused bacterial lung infections. Antibiotics could have prevented or cured bacterial infections from which many died (but they said COVID killed them).

But there is some weird vibe about these speeches. Like he knows something, but can't say it. He's holding back or doesn't understand something and is afraid to make mistakes in details. 

BREAKING: The US will not interfere if Iran attacks Israel


False flags usually form a justification for war, but in today's asymmetrical world who knows?  I've got to sharpen my situational awareness.