Wednesday, March 20, 2024

VIDEO: Drone Footage Taken From The Floyd Bennet Field Illegal Migrant Camp, Marine Park, Brooklyn, New York City

COLONOSCOPIES ARE UNNECESSARY & DANGEROUS: My MIL always brings up a healthy person she knew that got a colonoscopy and died because of a perforation.

General Mike Flynn led unsuspecting and well-intentioned Christians through a prayer from a Theosophical Priestess, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, altering the prayer from the singular "I am" to the plural "We are."

(1) 🧵 In the United States, Mike Flynn is the most well-known and politically influential Christian Nationalist. During a recent gathering at John Hague's church, General Mike Flynn declared to a conservative audience at a ReAwaken event: "If we want to have a nation under God, as we must, we need to have one religion. A nation under God and a religion under God, right? All of us working together." Which religion is Mike Flynn referring to? Who is responsible for this "one religion?" Who will determine the doctrinal positions and what is considered against the accepted teachings of this "one religion?" Are there any consequences for not adhering to the pronouncements of this religion? Mike Flynn did not state, "We hope to regain this nation's devotion to God by spreading peace, grace, and love through the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ." No. Mike Flynn claimed that we must have one religion under God in the United States. However, Mike Flynn never specifies which religion he is referring to in his ambiguous statement. What religion is Mike Flynn alluding to? During another stop on the ReAwaken America tour, Mike Flynn led thousands of unsuspecting men and women in a prayer led by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, a Theosophical, Gnostic, Hermetic Priestess. Elizabeth Clare Prophet prayed:
"I am the instrument of those sevenfold rays and archangels! And I will not back down. I will take my stand. I will not be afraid to speak. I will serve as God's instrument, regardless of his will. Here I am, with God's help! In the name of Archangel Michael and his legions, I am born free and will remain free. I will not be enslaved by any enemy, both within and outside."
General Mike Flynn prayed:
"We are your instruments of those sevenfold rays and all your archangels, every single one of them. We will not back down, we will stand our ground. We will not be afraid to speak. We will serve as your instruments, no matter your will. In your name and the name of your legions, we are born free and will remain free. We will not be enslaved by any enemy, both within and outside, with God's help."
General Mike Flynn led unsuspecting and well-intentioned Christians through a prayer from a Theosophical Priestess, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, altering the prayer from the singular "I am" to the plural "We are." The prayer, which first appeared in Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s book where she claimed to have channeled the Archangel Michael during EC Prophet’s “The Flame of Freedom Speaks” conference in 1984 (see more below). Prophet and Flynn’s prayer refers to "those sevenfold rays." According to one of EC Prophet's greatest influencers, Alice Bailey, each Ray is an expression of the Hindu Trinity or the Gnostic/Hermetic-influenced Seven Sephiroth of Kabbalah.A ray is but a name for a particular force or type of energy, with an emphasis on the quality that force exhibits, rather than the form aspect it creates. This is a true definition of a ray." (Esoteric Psychology, Vol. I, p.315). Alice Bailey states that each Ray is an expression of the Hindu Trinity or the Gnostic/Hermetic-influenced Seven Sephiroth of Kabbalah.
"Ray I: The Ray of Will and Power Ray II: The Ray of Love-Wisdom Ray III: The Ray of Active Intelligence and Adaptability (also known as The Ray of Creative Intelligence) Ray IV: The Ray of Harmony through Conflict (also known as The Ray of Harmony, Beauty, and Art) Ray V: The Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science Ray VI: The Ray of Devotion and Abstract Idealism Ray VII: The Ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic"

To reiterate, General Mike Flynn had unsuspecting American Christians repeat, word-for-word, a "prayer" that was channeled through a Theosophic Priestess and had origins in Gnostic and Hermetic teachings.

This is "MAGA" Christian Nationalism.

The following video is part of a presentation that I gave at the "With Liberty and Freedom for All" conference in July of 2023 alongside @ConceptualJames, @XVanFleet, @billroach_, @jonbenz, @AndrewNWoodard@glennbeck@charliekirk11 

LATYPOVA: The system is designed to fuck you up and bill the government.

Western countries on the left, and African and Middle Eastern countries on the right.   

Two main drivers are vaccines (all of them) and the second most important one - diagnostic screening tests: mammograms, colonoscopies, and prostate screening. The false positive rates are set on purpose extremely high. Sasha Latypova

from Sasha Latypova,

The cancer rates in Western countries were sky-high even before the mass turbo cancer-inducing mRNA goodness was rolled out. It's not food and it's not chemtrails. Two main drivers are vaccines (all of them) and the second most important one - diagnostic screening tests: mammograms, colonoscopies, and prostate screening. The false positive rates are set on purpose extremely high. Mammogram positive is less than 10% real positive. So you can do the math. They falsely diagnose and then do surgery and chemo on healthy people, who would have never noticed otherwise that they have cancer. Because they don't have cancer, but their oncologist wants to get paid. It's disgusting. Do not do any cancer screening tests, and in general, do not do any diagnostic screening tests. Only test when you actually have a health issue, and then get a second opinion or multiple. Research for yourself, do not follow your idiot doctor's recommendations blindly. The system is designed to fuck you up and bill the government.

She links to Sage's Newsletter, which may be behind a paywall.

To show the enormity of the cancer rates in Western countries, Sage cites a passage from Dr. John Coleman's 1991 book, The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300,

The population of Canada, Western Europe, and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents until the world population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question.

Sage continues.  

Okay, so the two big agendas in play are POPULATION CONTROL and COMPLIANCE.

And these two agendas also are paramount in the Day Tapes. 

You got this?  POPULATION CONTROL and COMPLIANCE.  But what about all of the illegals that the West is engineering in all of its countries?  That's not population control, is it?  It is.  It's turning people into rats in a cage, where the cultures are destroyed and people are reduced to appetites.  

Sage defines what cancer is: 

Cancer is a disease in which cells begin to grow abnormally in a particular tissue or organ, which can eventually disrupt the body's ability to function properly. Cancer has more than 100 different variations and can occur in nearly any type of cell, including the skin, tissues, organs, and blood. Many cancers can also spread, or metastasize, to other parts of the body. Cancer risk is influenced by several factors, such as nutrition, environment, physical activity, and genetics. Males are roughly 20% more likely than females to contract cancer and have higher cancer rates than women in almost every type of cancer. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world, behind only cardiovascular disease. It is estimated that every sixth death in the world is due to cancer. 

Ah, I see.  Cancer is population control.  It's the perfect example of plausible deniability. 


Cancer. He said. "We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it's ever decided that it should be released. But consider - if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as something else."

Efforts at cancer treatment would be geared more toward comfort than toward cure. There was some statement that ultimately the cancer cures which were being hidden in the Rockefeller Institute would come to light because independent researchers might bring them out, despite these efforts to suppress them. But at least for the time being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do because it would slow down the problem of overpopulation. 

More valuable insights from Sage, 

Cancer tends to be more prevalent in high-income countries due to lifestyle factors such as smokingobesity, and alcohol intakeFortunately, these also tend to be countries with sound health care systems, which can better detect and treat cancer than the health-care systems in low-income countries. Moreover, advancements in medical knowledge and technology continue to improve each country's cancer survival rate. Although a decreasing percentage of cancer patients succumb to the disease, the total number of deaths from cancer continues to rise. This is often attributed to the fact that the world's ever-growing population includes more senior citizens, whose cancer risk is highest, than ever before. Cancer rates are typically expressed as a crude rate or as an age-standardized rate, which adjusts for the fact that some countries' populations are younger overall than others.