Monday, January 10, 2022


Do they have a pill for headaches brought on by bullshit?  Actually, that would be magnesium and a vitamin B complex.  

Red Wine Molecule Aborts Covid-19 Infection Before Symptoms or Antibodies Arise

Sunday, January 9, 2022


Jake Tapper Sold His Soul to Pharma

This quotation made an impression on me,

the fact that the cumulative mercury levels in all those new vaccines they had recommended had overdosed a generation of American children with mercury concentrations over a hundred times the exposures the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency considered safe.

I don't know what it takes to get institutions to take action on behalf of the well-being of the citizens of this country.  

Excerpts from Kennedy's article:

Verstraeten’s initial data run suggested that mercury-containing hepatitis B vaccines — administered during the first month of life — were associated with a wide range of neurological injuries, including a dramatic 1,135% rise in autism risks among vaccinated children.

Verstraeten’s findings propelled CDC into DEFCON 1. The agency’s top vaccine officials summoned 52 pharmaceutical industry leaders, the foremost vaccinologists from academia and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and public health regulators from the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), CDC, World Health Organization (WHO) and European Medicines Agency to a secret two-day meeting at the remote Simpsonwood retreat center in Norcross, Georgia, to strategize about how to hide these awful revelations from the public.

Most of these individuals were physicians and regulatory officials who had committed their lives to public health out of idealism and deep concern for children. Verstraeten’s data confronted them with the fact that the cumulative mercury levels in all those new vaccines they had recommended had overdosed a generation of American children with mercury concentrations over a hundred times the exposures the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency considered safe. 

Not everyone in government had surrendered their convictions, 

In the tense days leading up to the Simpsonwood conclave, children’s health champion Dr. Ruth Etzel of the EPA pleaded with her fellow public health leaders to publicly admit they made a terrible mistake by inadvertently poisoning American children, and to repair the damage.

mRNA vaccines contain the genetic code to make spike protein. The RNA is carefully engineered to resist breakdown (PEGylated)

Seneff is speaking with the World Council for Health.

mRNA vaccines contain the genetic code to make spike protein. The RNA is carefully engineered to resist breakdown (PEGylated)

all of the uridines are replaced with 1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Y)

the mRNA is incorporated into a lipid particle that simulates a human LDL particle.

A synthetic cationic (positively charged) lipid is added to act as an adjuvant—very toxic to the cells.

The “humanized” mRNA is a stealth entry system for the massive production of spike proteins.


A natural infection starts in the nose and lungs and never makes it into general circulation if the immune system is healthy.

Injection of spike mRNA nanoparticles into deltoid muscle bypasses mucosal and vascular barriers.

Immune cells take up mRNA nanoparticles and carry them into the lymph system, ultimately into the spleen.  It’s all been set up so that it can’t be controlled or shut down.  The vaccines are very successful in producing a huge antibody response. 

Immune cells in the spleen release large quantities of spike protein displayed on the surface of exosomes.

These exosomes disperse throughout the body, but, especially travel to the brain along nerve fibers to deliver the toxic prion-like spike protein to neurons and the brain. 

The inflammatory response in the brain induces neurological damage. 

“Is COVID-19 a Perfect Storm for Parkinson’s Disease?”  Patrik Brundin, Avindra Nath, and J. David Beckham.

Loss of smell is a common early symptom of Parkinson’s and of COVID-19.

The virus can gain access to the brain along nerve fibers.

        Along the olfactory nerve, the virus can gain access to the brain.

        Vagus nerve

Neuroinvasion of SARS-COV-2 could upregulate a-synuclein:

        High levels of a-synuclein lead to misfolding and toxicity.

Dopaminogenic neurons in substantia nigra express high levels of the ACE2 receptor. 


Parkinson’s disease often begins in the gut as an immune reaction to prion-like proteins produced by pathogens.

The spike protein is a prion-like protein.

It contains 6 glycine zippers (GxxxG)—a characteristic signature of prions (The human prion protein contains 15, and amyloid-beta (linked to Alzheimer’s disease) contains only 4.

Stressed immune cells in the digestive tract and spleen upregulate a-synuclein and release it packages up in exosomes, along with foreign misfolded proteins.

The exosomes travel along the vagus nerve to the brain stem nuclei.

Damage to the substantia nigra causes Parkinson’s disease.

The whole process can take years or decades before symptoms appear. 

S. Seneff and G. Nigh IJVTPR 2021; 2(1):38-79.


Paper from India:  Ritu Mishra and Akhil C. Banerjea.  Frontiers in Immunology 2021; 12:656700.

“SARS-CoV-2 Spike Activates Human Microglia in the Brain via Exosomes Loaded with miRNAs.”

It transfected cells to DNA code to make their own spike protein. 

SARS-CoV-2 spike transfected cells release a significant amount of exosomes loaded with microRNAs such as miR-148a and miR-590.

MicroRNAs get internalized by human microglia in the brain.

        Induce a strong inflammatory response.

These results uncover a bystander pathway of SARS-CoV-2 mediated CNS [central nervous system] damage through hyper-activation of human microglia

Exosomes will produce cells loaded with miRNAs.  These miRNAs are very strong, controlling signaling molecules that will cause immune cells to produce an inflammatory response.  And so these get internalized by these microglia in the brain.  And this induces a strong inflammatory response, which will lead to brain swelling, brain damage, and all these bad things.  To quote them, “These results uncover a bystander pathway of SARS-CoV-2 mediated CNS [central nervous system] damage through hyper-activation of human microglia.”

Figure 1.  Marianna D’Anca et al.  Frontiers Aging Neuroscience 28 August 2019;11:232.

The donor cell can be very far away from the recipient cell.  And the donor cell would be that all these nuclei in the brain get exposed by these exosomes and be taken up by these cells and [or] in the brain.  And then those miRNAs can be exposed to follicles to changes and then induce inflammatory changes in the brain. 

Norbert Pardi et al.  J. Exp Medicine.  2018 Volume 215 No. 6 1571-1588.  Juliane Bremer et al., PLoS ONE 2009; 4(9): e7160.

Nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccines induce potent T follicular helper and germinal B cell responses

“Nucleoside-modified” means that all the uridines in the mRNA were replaced with 1-methyl-pseudouridine.

This replacement resulted in a robust synthesis of protein from the mRNA code (protected RNA from degradation)

The result was a very strong antibody response due to the formation and maintenance of germinal centers in the spleen. 

Another study showed that repeated exposure to antigen (foreign protein) through immunization resulted in increased susceptibility to prion protein exposure.

Attributed to an expansion of splenic germinal centers.  26:51.