Showing posts with label exosomes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exosomes. Show all posts

Saturday, January 14, 2023

SHEDDING IS REAL: "we know the concept in vaccinology of self-spreading vaccines. They've been used to sterilize rabbit populations" and horse populations

If [you've been vaccinated and] there's a pregnant woman [in your circles], don't be in skin contact or in the same room with that individual for 4 weeks.  --Dr. Ryan Cole

When you read the abstract and the conclusion, everything is an homage to the shot, but if you go read the data tables, that's where you glean that their conclusion doesn't match the data.  There was a Brazil study with rats and fertility, and it showed a decrease of 16% in the implantation of the embryo in the uterus.  And then there was a mouse study also showed, and these are obscured papers, obscured in the data tables, they're very well hidden, and if you go and read a paper and say Oh, gosh, they concluded it was fine, but if you read the data, you go, wait.  There are signals here that are concerning.  And we know that the ovaries and the eggs, and every woman is born with every egg she'll ever have are replete with ACE-2 Receptors.  So we know from the papers I mentioned that we have circulating spikes.  It's going to bind to that ACE2 on the ovaries and on the eggs.  It can induce inflammatory pathways.  I have two hypotheses.  Everybody asks "Will a spike be shed?"  Well, certainly we have exosomes carrying the spike in the bodies of those who have had the shots, but . . . 

In Wuhan in the subways, there were early studies on the infection showing that they could detect spikes in the sweat of individuals in the subway.  So we know the spike does come out in secretions.  Then the question becomes how much of it is necessary and sufficient to influence an individual in the environment?  We know in the Pfizer emergency application on Page 67 at the bottom of the page, "If there's a pregnant woman don't be in skin contact or in the same room with that individual for 4 weeks."  [IN OTHER WORDS, IF YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE HAS BEEN VACCINATED, STAY AWAY FROM THEM FOR 4 WEEKS].  So Pfizer knew something, and we know the concept in vaccinology of self-spreading vaccines.  They've been used to sterilize rabbit populations, not SARS-CoV-2 but other types of viruses, where one rabbit will take it back to the warren and other rabbits in the warren can no longer get pregnant, so they use it for population control.  [JUST CURIOUS: WHEN BILL GATES WAS RUNNING HIS POPULATION CONTROL EXPERIMENTS, I WONDER IF THERE WERE ANY SCIENTISTS OR VACCINOLOGISTS WHO WERE WRITING ABOUT SELF-SPREADING VACCINATIONS?]  I'm not saying they did or didn't do this, but if you have something being shed that is the toxic part of the virus, well, that is a concerning feature.  You know, hypothetically, and I don't have any way to prove this yet, but part of it makes sense to me, if you have spike binding to ACE2 Receptors, well, you're inducing inflammation in the ovaries.  Just like women in a college dorm will cycle together [meaning sync their menstruation] or in a barracks because of pheromones, well, if you have an intense inflammatory response shifting your hormones such that you're secreting a cloud of pheromones that could be another reason why women who are around women post-shot end up bleeding or spotting as well end up getting these same problems.    

Friday, January 21, 2022


Here is the document he refers to at the 13:10 mark
Dear Editor

“The best decisions are based on the best science”, the article quotes.

However, the CDC states on page 39 of its 13th July 2020 document entitled,’ CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel For Emergency Use Only Instructions for Use’ (1) :

“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/μL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen”.

What does this mean? And is it the “best science”?


And here is the document he refers to published in EuroSurveillance.  As a preface to reading from the article, Cowan explains that a virus is a thing, like a fork. We're not talking about a thought or a feeling but rather a thing, like a chair or a fork.  If you say no quantifiable virus, you've never isolated the virus from anybody with COVID-19.  Further prefacing, he adds that Christian Drosten other virologists who were tasked with developing a test for this new Coronavirus were caught in a dilemma because they found nothing despite reports around the globe of vital contagion.  So let's see what they say.  Cowan reads the first sentence under "Background,"

The ongoing outbreak of the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) poses a challenge for public health laboratories as virus isolates are unavailable . . . . 

Then he reads the stated Aim of the study.  Jaw-dropping.  I recommend you read it twice.  

We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available. 

They had no virus to make a test to find a piece of the virus.  Therefore, the PCR test, the test which is being used all over the world to document cases, is a complete fraud.  They have never isolated a virus and said, "This is a unique piece of that virus," because they have no virus. 

Ah, are they the only ones? 

Then he quotes from a Pfizer document about making their mRNA vaccine.  

To build an RNA vaccine, scientists do not need the actual virus.  

In other words, Pfizer admits they have no virus with which to make a vaccine against.  They call it an actual virus as opposed to, I guess, a theoretical virus.  Now, I would change the word "theoretical" to say "an imaginary virus" or "a make-believe virus."  So they're using a make-believe virus, which they have never isolated, they don't know the sequence of, they don't know the components of to make a vaccine against this virus and God only knows what they're making a vaccine against.  

Here's another one, a paper published in Nature, which was one of the first papers published describing a novel coronavirus.  And a friend of mine, named Torsten Engelbrecht, asked him because he said he isolated the virus.  People have sent me about 20 different peer-reviewed articles, claiming they isolated the virus.  When you look at the paper, it's very clear that nobody has ever isolated the virus.  It's a fraud.  And we asked him, "Did you isolate the virus?" and he said, 

We did not obtain an electron micrograph showing the degree of purification. 

In other words, they didn't do what every peer-review journal, article has to do, which is to say, "Here are the steps we did.  Here's the pictures showing we have an isolated virus, . . ."  They didn't even take a picture and they admit they didn't isolate the virus.  

Here's another one.  Same thing: identification of a coronavirus isolate from a patient in Korea with COVID-19.  This was published by the Korean Center for Disease Control and Prevention, called the KDCA for Korean Disease Control Agency.  Essentially, it's the CDC of Korea.  So, we asked him, did you isolate the virus, because that's what it says in the title.  The answer was, "We could not estimate the degree of purification because we did not purify and concentrate the virus."  In other words, they have no virus.  

Here's another one.  Again, Isolation of the New Virus, "We showed seven virus particles not purified one.  The Canadian Health Ministry in a Freedom of Information Request, "Do you have any information on an isolation of this virus?"  Having completed a thorough search, we regret to inform you that we are unable to locate any records responsive to your request."  None of these groups who are organizing this have any example of an isolated virus.  If you've never isolated the virus, you have no way of knowing whether it causes disease.  Period.  And the test to identify a virus that you've never isolated, it's not false positive or false negative, it's just good, old-fashioned false.  It's meaningless.  So that's where we are.  I could go into how they misled themselves into thinking that they have this virus, but this is a scientific fraud.  And interestingly just three days ago, a group of European virologists and pathologists dissected this Drosten study and said this--the basis of using this study, which is the basis of all the PCR tests, all the testing is pure scientific fraud and they demanded that this journal retract the article.  

So, explain to me what's going on.  There are case reports, death reports, how all this happening and being reported on if there's not a virus? 

First of all, what are these people seeing at the site?  What is a virus?  So that's where it gets very interesting because that's where it leads you into understanding what is going on because in certain cases, like Chicken Pox, you do see these particles--I can show you a picture of them if you want--and they are at the site of the disease.  But we already know that just because you have strep in your throat, doesn't mean it's causing disease.  In order to prove causation, you have to isolate the virus, you have to take the Chicken Pox out, you have to prove you don't have anything else in there--no poisons, no snot, no nothing--just the virus, expose an animal to it.  They did that for 20 years and couldn't make any animal sick.  So the question is, "What is it doing there?" and it's a very interesting question because it gets into the question of how do we even know that it's coming from the outside?  Because it turns out when you have tissue, as I've described earlier, and you starve it and poison it, it packages up little pieces of degraded DNA and packages them up in particles as a detoxification and communication strategy.  In other words, if you break down the tissue, there's a poison-relief mechanism that we have erroneously called viruses.  They're coming from the inside: they're called exosomes, or intracellular vesicles.  Now, there's an article in a journal called Viruses, which looked at this question--how do we know that these are from the outside and not from the inside?  And they said something very interesting, "However, to date, a reliable method that can guarantee a separation of exosomes from viruses does not exist."  Everything that's a thing can be separated and isolated from every other thing.  If I had a fork here, I can separate it from a spoon because they're different.  There's only one reason I can't separate an exosome, which is a detoxification strategy from the inside from a pathogenic virus from the outside and that's because they're the same thing.  Something is poisoning the tissue.  The tissue packages up this degraded genetic material, and we mistakenly call those pathogenic viruses.  


And here's where it gets interesting because we now know that those pieces of genetic material can resonate out into the world as a signal to other organisms that something bad has happened, that poisoning has happened and you should defend yourself.  This is how trees communicate.  If you get beetles eating a tree, they put out chemicals and other signals that communicate to the other trees that there are beetles around and you should defend yourself.  This is because the Darwinian model of evolution based on mutations and survival of the fittest is pure nonsense because it's way too slow.  If you were exposed to Glyphosate and one person had a mutation that allowed them to survive from that exposure, do you know how long that would take to spread through the whole population?  Like 10,000 years, if that even from Boston, for God's sake.  So, nature has another mechanism, which is called viruses, or exosomes.  So you package up this genetic material.  The DNA and RNA have a resonance just like women who communicate with their menstrual cycles through resonance.  A lot of unseen energy communicates through resonance.  That's what we call life.  And then the other organisms can make the same piece of genetic material and turn that into proteins to defend themselves.  So viruses are the mechanism of evolution.  They're the mechanism of adaptation.  A war on viruses is basically a war on evolution and adaptation.  It's a war on life.  So the question now is what is poisoning us?  Now when you look at the symptoms of the disease called COVID-19 and you forget about the virus--because the virus has never been isolated--it's basically imaginary.  So any therapeutics, or so-called maneuver, wearing a mask or social distancing or washing your hands to get rid of something that hasn't even been proven to exist is just nonsense.  It doesn't work at all, it just makes you sicker.

So what do we know about the disease?  Most of it are what are being called "Cases" are just PCR tests which mean nothing.  And I mean, mean nothing.  There are no false positives here because you cannot use that test without having compared it to an intact virus.  So a case means nothing.  Now, there are sick people.  Now, most of the sick people are just the usual sort of sick people.  But there are some sick people who are hypoxic and what's called a hyper-inflammatory state.  Now, how do they get hypoxic, it has nothing to do with viruses--viruses don't make you hypoxic.  But we do know from clear, scientific research, going back to the 1970s, the Naval Intelligent Research Institute did this, the Soviets did it.  There are recent papers on it . . . that if you expose a place to millimeter waves, otherwise known as 5G, three things will happen: one, you'll degrade the oxygen in the atmosphere, so you're essentially, this one ER doctor said, it's like these people are walking up the Himalayas.  His name is Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, [who seemed to spot problems early on] he said they're in a low-oxygen environment, but they're in New York City or Wuhan or on a cruise ship that just had 5G installed.  And what's happening is the millimeter waves are degrading the oxygen in the atmosphere, so it's actually like they're on top of a mountain.  The second thing is 5G interferes with certain pathways in your mitochondria, which are organelles in your tissues that use oxygen to make fuel [energy].  We know this again, going back to research in the 1970s.  So you become tissue hypoxic, you're starving of oxygen because a) there's less oxygen in the atmosphere, and b) you can't use the oxygen that you do have and turn it into fuel which is the whole point of oxygen in the first place.  Exposure to millimeter waves, along with aluminum in the air, air pollution, fear, bad food, lots of things.  But millimeter waves is the new kid on the block.  And the third thing it does is that we know that it creates a hyper-inflammatory response, otherwise known as a cytokine storm, which is the body's way of getting rid of diseased tissue.  It's not a disease, but if you . . . basically, we're talking about radiation sickness.  So you radiate the tissue with millimeter waves, it breaks down, the body says "I have to get rid of this," it uses the same mechanism that we use to get rid of cigarette smoke or splinters.  You create an inflammatory response, which the unfortunate doctors, alternative and otherwise, say, "Oh, you have too much inflammation.  That's your disease."  Inflammation is your body's way of getting rid of dead and diseased tissue, but it can be so overwhelming that it actually kills you.  So you die from hypoxia and an over-enthusiastic inflammatory response and that is exactly what fits with COVID-19 from millimeter waves.  Now, I would point out that we have the epidemiology for this, we have the mechanism which I just went through, but people have criticized me for being very particular about viral causation.  We know that the virus has never been isolated, so you can't possibly know if caffeine is causing high blood pressure if you've never isolated the virus and never made any animal or person sick. So we know that's not the case, and I actually think we should do clear research to show once and for all whether millimeter waves, otherwise known as 5G, hypoxia and inflammatory, cytokine storms as basically the reason for this problem.  

Sunday, January 9, 2022

mRNA vaccines contain the genetic code to make spike protein. The RNA is carefully engineered to resist breakdown (PEGylated)

Seneff is speaking with the World Council for Health.

mRNA vaccines contain the genetic code to make spike protein. The RNA is carefully engineered to resist breakdown (PEGylated)

all of the uridines are replaced with 1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Y)

the mRNA is incorporated into a lipid particle that simulates a human LDL particle.

A synthetic cationic (positively charged) lipid is added to act as an adjuvant—very toxic to the cells.

The “humanized” mRNA is a stealth entry system for the massive production of spike proteins.


A natural infection starts in the nose and lungs and never makes it into general circulation if the immune system is healthy.

Injection of spike mRNA nanoparticles into deltoid muscle bypasses mucosal and vascular barriers.

Immune cells take up mRNA nanoparticles and carry them into the lymph system, ultimately into the spleen.  It’s all been set up so that it can’t be controlled or shut down.  The vaccines are very successful in producing a huge antibody response. 

Immune cells in the spleen release large quantities of spike protein displayed on the surface of exosomes.

These exosomes disperse throughout the body, but, especially travel to the brain along nerve fibers to deliver the toxic prion-like spike protein to neurons and the brain. 

The inflammatory response in the brain induces neurological damage. 

“Is COVID-19 a Perfect Storm for Parkinson’s Disease?”  Patrik Brundin, Avindra Nath, and J. David Beckham.

Loss of smell is a common early symptom of Parkinson’s and of COVID-19.

The virus can gain access to the brain along nerve fibers.

        Along the olfactory nerve, the virus can gain access to the brain.

        Vagus nerve

Neuroinvasion of SARS-COV-2 could upregulate a-synuclein:

        High levels of a-synuclein lead to misfolding and toxicity.

Dopaminogenic neurons in substantia nigra express high levels of the ACE2 receptor. 


Parkinson’s disease often begins in the gut as an immune reaction to prion-like proteins produced by pathogens.

The spike protein is a prion-like protein.

It contains 6 glycine zippers (GxxxG)—a characteristic signature of prions (The human prion protein contains 15, and amyloid-beta (linked to Alzheimer’s disease) contains only 4.

Stressed immune cells in the digestive tract and spleen upregulate a-synuclein and release it packages up in exosomes, along with foreign misfolded proteins.

The exosomes travel along the vagus nerve to the brain stem nuclei.

Damage to the substantia nigra causes Parkinson’s disease.

The whole process can take years or decades before symptoms appear. 

S. Seneff and G. Nigh IJVTPR 2021; 2(1):38-79.


Paper from India:  Ritu Mishra and Akhil C. Banerjea.  Frontiers in Immunology 2021; 12:656700.

“SARS-CoV-2 Spike Activates Human Microglia in the Brain via Exosomes Loaded with miRNAs.”

It transfected cells to DNA code to make their own spike protein. 

SARS-CoV-2 spike transfected cells release a significant amount of exosomes loaded with microRNAs such as miR-148a and miR-590.

MicroRNAs get internalized by human microglia in the brain.

        Induce a strong inflammatory response.

These results uncover a bystander pathway of SARS-CoV-2 mediated CNS [central nervous system] damage through hyper-activation of human microglia

Exosomes will produce cells loaded with miRNAs.  These miRNAs are very strong, controlling signaling molecules that will cause immune cells to produce an inflammatory response.  And so these get internalized by these microglia in the brain.  And this induces a strong inflammatory response, which will lead to brain swelling, brain damage, and all these bad things.  To quote them, “These results uncover a bystander pathway of SARS-CoV-2 mediated CNS [central nervous system] damage through hyper-activation of human microglia.”

Figure 1.  Marianna D’Anca et al.  Frontiers Aging Neuroscience 28 August 2019;11:232.

The donor cell can be very far away from the recipient cell.  And the donor cell would be that all these nuclei in the brain get exposed by these exosomes and be taken up by these cells and [or] in the brain.  And then those miRNAs can be exposed to follicles to changes and then induce inflammatory changes in the brain. 

Norbert Pardi et al.  J. Exp Medicine.  2018 Volume 215 No. 6 1571-1588.  Juliane Bremer et al., PLoS ONE 2009; 4(9): e7160.

Nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccines induce potent T follicular helper and germinal B cell responses

“Nucleoside-modified” means that all the uridines in the mRNA were replaced with 1-methyl-pseudouridine.

This replacement resulted in a robust synthesis of protein from the mRNA code (protected RNA from degradation)

The result was a very strong antibody response due to the formation and maintenance of germinal centers in the spleen. 

Another study showed that repeated exposure to antigen (foreign protein) through immunization resulted in increased susceptibility to prion protein exposure.

Attributed to an expansion of splenic germinal centers.  26:51.


Wednesday, January 5, 2022


Saturday, December 25, 2021

PURPURA FROM EXPOSURE TO VACCINE SHEDDING? The vaccinated know not one thing about the vaccine they took

If you are vaccinated, it is incumbent upon you to keep the virus that is now in your body from spreading or shedding, or transmitting.  You do this by taking nutritional supplements--vitamins D, C, zinc, A, B, E, magnesium, and others.  Yes, this is a real thing.  Get a multivitamin.  People everywhere are getting infected from the vaccinated.  You've got to suppress the infectious ratio in your own body first so that you're not the cause of grief in someone else.  If you’ve attended a gathering with a sibling, that is even more likely that you’ll shed.  For this reason, you are obligated to do a few things.  One, tell people you’ve been vaccinated and tell them that the vaccines shed.  Your doctor didn’t tell you.  Your pharmacist didn’t’ tell you.  No one told you.  That information is not on the information insert to the vaccine vial, but this is a real thing.  Pfizer’s own documents do document this, highlighting specific risks to women where their menstruation wreaks havoc on them.  But you’re a man, and they don’t share anything regarding men.  For this reason, stay away from folks who are vaccinated.  If you have a family member who has been vaccinated, stay away from them.  Not forever but for at least 4 months; that’s how long their transmissibility lasts, actually 4-7 months.  People who don’t know this will make fun of you online in social media if you mention this, but there is information about shedding online.  Search "exosomes" and or "passive immunization" on DuckDuckGo.  That’s how the viral particles are shed--through exosomes; these act like pheromones.  And the likelihood of shedding rises if you're a genetic match to those around you.  By genetic match, I mean family: more specifically, siblings.  You need to tell people.  You may not have been given a choice, but you must rectify that helplessness and grievance by giving others a choice if they want to risk catching vaccinated COVID passively from you. 

For solutions, search exosomes at Jennifer Depew, who is a Registered Dietician with excellent knowledge of chemistry.  You know, I haven't found a search window on her site, so you can just use this, " and Exosomes." 

Jennifer has a few other sites:  Twitter, Transcending Square, &

Okay, so which vitamins help to resolve purpura?  Vitamin C, Hesperidin/Diosomin, and Rutin.  

Monday, November 22, 2021

Spike proteins interact with many more proteins in our body besides the ACE2 receptors.

Can promote spike proteins in the blood.  No one knows much about this situation.  It's not been characterized before, it's not been studied before. We are in a brave new world.  It was discovered that vaccines can create exosomes with spike proteins IN THEM.  To understand what that means, we need to know what exosomes are: tiny little balls of fat that are released by all of the cells in our bodies; this is how, in fact, our cells communicate with one another.  These cells, or exosomes, will have information in them about the cells that released them, so they can package information in the little ball of fat, and actually have even genetic material, and plus whatever the membranes of these cells are, they will pick up information on the surface of the cell . . . exosomes allow the entire body to communicate with each other [itself].  One part of the body can say to another part of the body, "Hey, this is what's happening.  You have a little too much to drink last night and your liver is aching," the rest of your body is going to know  as if your body is gossiping.  Okay, so that's what exosomes do.  


2:02 One of the publications showed that after vaccination, you can actually produce exosomes with spike proteins in them and they last for a very long time.  In this particular publication, it showed that these exosomes can float inside your body for up to 4 months.  What that means is that post-vaccination, your entire body will be doused with spike proteins.  What does this mean for the body?  No one knows because this has not been characterized before.  Many aspects of these vaccines are uncharacterized from a molecular point of view.  This is part of the reason why I find this fascinating and interesting to learn more on a molecular basis about these vaccines.  

2:50  Where should we start: the good or the bad?  Let's start with the good since most people are vaccinated . . . why this could actually be good if you're vaccinated that there are exosomes being found in your body.  The authors of the paper even mentioned that it could be good . . . .  And the reason t  These exosomes have spike proteins on them and this is another avenue for how the body is going to be stimulated, promote, and react to antibodies to those spike proteins.  

This does not sound good to me.  It sounds like Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, or ADE, which is a syndrome in which your body attacks itself.  This is good?  Scientists and doctors are actually quite ghoulish.  And have no scope or perspective of what a healthy life is for human beings.  Abominable.  

3:40 That's one way this could be good.  Another possible way that this could be good that I didn't think about originally when I read the paper, well remember that the virus needs a spike protein in order to enter the cells and the way it does that is by interacting with the ACE2 receptors on the cell surface of all of our cells.  

So far, in the first 4 minutes of this video, I've learned nothing except that spike-protein packaged exosomes fill your body.  Tell me again how this is good for you, like getting adequate vitamin C?  

4:09  Well, if we are releasing exosomes into our blood with spike proteins in them, well, these spike proteins on these exosomes, little fat molecules, will be competing to bind with the ACE2 receptor with the actual virus if the actual virus infects you, right?  So those could be the two potential benefits of the packaged spike proteins inside these exosomes floating around your body.  Another thing these authors showed was the for the duration of the exosomes in circulation also coincides with the peak production of antibodies against the spike protein.  So that was interesting.  

Oh, jeez, I feel warm and fuzzy all over.  

4:55  Now, how can this be bad?  It can be bad because the spike proteins are now known to interact with many more proteins in our body, besides the ACE2 receptor.  In fact, one of the receptors the spike proteins can interact with are certain innate immune cells.  And this is how it is believed that the spike proteins during the actual infection can promote inflammation, such as heart inflammation.  So the spike proteins can interact with the receptors on myelin cells, the progenitor cells for certain innate immune cells.  It's known that when they do interact with each other it does promote the release of certain cytokines that subsequently result in inflammation.  We also know from the COVID-19 patients that the exosomes do participate in promoting the negative outcomes of the COVID-19 disease.  And it is partially mediated through exosomes.   

6:15  We do know that exosomes participate in the disease progression.  And we do know that spike proteins do interact with other cells as well and just have completely different interactions that can promote inflammation.  And the paper that actually showed that upon vaccination these exosomes with spike proteins are released and coincided with the increase of certain pro-inflammatory cytokines: TNF alpha cytokine and interferon.  And interferon is an antiviral cytokine, and so it helps you fight the viral infection, but if it is released at the wrong time and wrong place, it can actually be pro-inflammatory.  These exosomes were shown to increase the amount of cytokines. 

7:14  So, what does it mean in the long term? 

Ah, finally a decent question.

7:15  We actually don't know, so it will be interesting to find out.  I think we need to start characterizing this information in more detail, one, what does it mean that we have these exosomes, and two, what dose it mean in terms of the cytokines?  That's all I wanted to tell you about in this video.  I'm finding a lot of literature that might not make it look good for vaccination. 

Shit, I could have told him that last year; shit, even last decade.  And this guy is supposed to be ground-breaking.  Ho-hum.    

7:43  It's not that I have anything against vaccines, it's quite the opposite . . . .
8:22  My world is all about medical DNA testing.  I'm familiar with different conditions as a result of genetic mutations. 

He says that he's excite about how these vaccines in the future can treat these really devastating genetic diseases.  Huh.  I guess hundreds of millions of deaths, just in the U.S. alone, is not devastating and therefore warrants no attention.  We're all just guinea pigs for Gates, Fauci, Collins, Schwab, Soros, Ellison, and other ghouls.  

9:18  The vaccines work very, very good against the negative outcomes of COVID-19.  

That statement utterly contradicts with my observations.  I knew a half dozen folks who've been vaccinated, and not one of these individuals is the same as they were personality-wise, intelligence-wise, or even character-wise before.  Not a one.  

9:20  So, they definitely appear to dramatically reduce the rate of hospitalizations. ["appear to dramatically reduce"? His English must be impacted by his COVID-19 jab].  If you get infected with SARS-CoV-2 or die as a consequence of such infection,  I actually think of these vaccines as a medical treatment as opposed to a vaccine . . . [when did a cytokine storm become the newest, latest medical treatment?] 

With statements like these, people just do not realize how fucked we are as a population and a civilization.  

9:41  They don't really appear to really be inhibiting infection by the virus at all.  And this is exactly why I am so interested in these vaccines, because I believe they are going to be a fantastic treatment, or could be a fantastic treatment, in the future to help treat many different medical conditions. 

Like what?  Does this guy not hear himself?  

Here are the links to the papers that he refers to: 

Vaccine exosomes:

Spike new receptor binding:

Exosomes in COVID-19:

I think our chances of surviving these vaccinations and the exosomes they pump out to infect others are worse than surviving the Titanic.  

Here is the full video.  Thank you to TheChiefNerd on Twitter, where you can find his resources elsewhere as well.