Friday, October 22, 2021

Brought to you by . . . Pfizer

U.S outperformed the U.K and Australia in controlling summer Delta Surge with the use of IVM... this despite CDC/FDA unleashing #pharmageddon

Antibodies will protect you from the disease, but will cause auto-immune disease

The toxicity of the mRNA is due to all of the manipulation of the molecule.  It’s a completely not-natural system.  They’ve created this monster messenger RNA molecule that pretends to be human by changes that they made in the mRNA that normally would be a virus mRNA, they turn it into a human mRNA.  That’s very important because that means it misses the signals.  Usually, when a cell receives a viral messenger RNA, it knows it’s a virus and reacts to it with an appropriate response.  But this is super-super stealth because it goes past the mucosal barriers, past the blood barriers, directly into the muscles.  It’s this strange mRNA that looks human, it gets taken up by the cells . . . .   it’s been designed so well, not only to be able to make spike protein really quickly, they’ve manipulated it so as to do that.  But they’ve also manipulated it so that it can’t break down.  So they’ve made it very sturdy.  Normally, enzymes outside the cells would have completely disintegrated the mRNA before it would have ever got inside.  So they have to put in this toxic, synthetic, cationic lipid which is really toxic to the cells and causes them to get very upset and acts like aluminum in many of the vaccines.  People are familiar with aluminum as an adjuvant, something that irritates the cells because it has to draw in the immune cells to get that antibody response to work.  So the muscle cells are really hit hard by this monstrous toxic stuff that is packaged up with this polyethylene glycol, and patianic lipid, and crazy mRNA that’s been altered so that many of the nucleotides are not even natural nucleotides.  I mean it’s really, really mucked around with so as to make it capable of making lots and lots of spike proteins in a hurry and resisting getting broken down. 

Nanoparticles make the mRNA stealthy so that it passes through the normal defenses of the immune system. 

That’s correct.  In fact, it looks enough like an LDL particle.  If you’re familiar with an LDL particle, that’s the classic LDL particle, “O, gosh, you’ve got high LDL . . . you should take a cholesterol-lowering drug.”  They make this to look like an LDL particle; they carefully designed it to look like an LDL particle.  And that means it gets taken up through natural mechanisms by many cells.  It’s not even like the ACEII receptor, which the virus is specific to the ACE II receptor.  That’s not the case here.  It can just go right into the natural endocytosis. 

It’s designed with that cationic lipid to open up like a flower and release those mRNA molecules really to go boom, boom to start making that spike protein.  But the cell can’t turn it off.  It doesn’t have any mechanisms to turn it off because the whole thing has been designed in that way.  It’s very clever engineering with the goal of producing extremely high antibody response to the spike protein which it succeeds royally at.  It does a very good job of making extremely high number of spike protein antibodies.  Which is not a good idea because high antibody levels leads to autoimmune disease.  It’s much, much higher, in fact, ten times higher than what you get from a natural infection. 

As a pediatrician, he’s always been the higher antibody response the better, but I sure noticed that when I was doing the measles, mumps, rubella titers, or MMR, that there were titers off the wall in some kids and it didn’t seem to be a good thing.  It seems like for COVID, this SARS-COV2 virus, the natural body defense mechanisms are antibody-based as much. 

Right.  No, that’s very interesting, in fact, there was a nice study that looked at the antibody response to different degrees of illness.  So people who got COVID, who tested positive, didn’t have any symptoms versus people who tested positive and ended up in the hospital and died.  You know, in these extreme cases, people reacted very differently to the virus.  They looked at the antibody response in those different degrees of disease, and they found that systematically, the highest antibody response occurred in the most devastating disease states.  And the ones who had practically no reaction also got no antibodies.  So the antibodies are an adaptive response that kicks in when the innate immune system fails.  And the innate immune system fails when it is exposed to glyphosate.  This is what I've been saying.  Glyphosate has been wrecking our immune system.  And that's why the U.S. is having so much trouble controlling COVID-19.  We have a remarkably high death rate.  Across the globe, our death rate from COVID is 4 times as high as the average.  We're not doing well, and that's because we're fat, we've got diabetes . . . .  Those are conditions that are risk factors for COVID and also caused by glyphosate.  

12:30  Concerned about antibody-dependent enhancement, what they call ADE.  This is showing up in vaccinated people once antibodies start to fade.  Can you explain what this is and whether you see any evidence that this is happening with these mRNA vaccines?

Yes, this is a very serious concern, and people--many experts--are raising the alarm about the possibility that this is going to happen.  And so far, the news has been good news.  Now they're saying that the vaccine doesn't really protect you from getting infected.  They're seeing that, they're admitting that.  "You still get infected, you still spread disease, but the good news is that your disease is mild.  It's going to reduce your symptoms.  That's what they're telling people now that it's going to reduce your symptoms, not because it's going to stop the spread of COVID but weaken it.  We're starting to see warts in that idea, and there are experts who've suspected that this was going to happen.  And there are studies that show that vaccine-based antibodies start out sky-high, really good antibodies, meaning that they'll protect you from the disease.  It'll cause auto-immune disease at the same time but never mind that.  The antibodies start falling very rapidly with the vaccine; whereas you get the disease and recover, your antibody levels start out much lower but fades very slowly.  After about 6 months, the vaccinated no longer have that protection.  "Now booster shot, everybody; every 6 months get a booster shot."  There's also the problem of the resistant strains: the Delta strain.  Practically all of the cases are Delta now in America.  That happened very quickly.  The antibody-dependent enhancement, ADE, is very interesting.  Because as the antibodies fall--there's basically two kinds of antibodies: ones that protect from disease, and ones that enhance disease.  And what happens is that the ones that protect fall faster than the ones that enhance disease.  And you reach a cross-over point where if you've been vaccinated, all of sudden, you're starting to see worse disease as a result of the vaccine compared to no vaccine at all.  Non-neutral antibodies attach to the virus and then they are the thing that hooks up to the receptor on the cell.  Fc gamma receptors.  And so they facilitate viral entry through different pathways from the H2 receptor, and it comes, the virus multiplies, and it spreads.  And they also form these conglomerates of viruses plus this antibody that produces a very strong immune response, and this is the cytokine storm problem that we see where are these too many toxic things being released by the cells that are trying to kill the viruses which cause collateral damage on the tissue so you get lung damage that is associated with severe disease.  So I am predicting, and I hope I am wrong, that we're going to have a rough time in the fall as so many people have their antibody levels waning.  And people are going to be scrambling to get booster shots and you can't just keep on keeping those antibodies really high because you're going to end up with nasty auto-immune diseases.  

18:00  Hospitals in Israel had an outbreak of Delta, 96% vaccinated among patients and staff.  The indexed case was a fully vaccinated person who came in with symptoms; nobody thought it was COVID, of course, because everybody thought, you know, he's vaccinated, therefore he couldn't have COVID.  So he's spreading it around and nobody's noticing that he's got COVID.  So by the time they recognized the indexed case, they knew they had a big problem.  A quarter of patients got COVID; most were vaccinated.  There were two patients who got COVID who were unvaccinated.  They had mild disease.  Five patients died who were fully vaccinated, so it's not like you were protected from severe disease.  That didn't happen.  

That sounds almost like the Vietnam Paper as well.  

Antibodies fade much more slowly.  The virus consists of other things besides the spike proteins.  T-cells become memory cells.  The Delta variant cells.  


More than 40% of those who've died in Maryland were fully vaccinated.

Trump Took a Cool $1 Million from Pfizer

I reported on this back on August 24, 2021.


Thanks to Ginny Garner @

Remember the days when Donald Trump was anti-vaccine?  What happened?  

He got bought off.  Pfizer paid him one million dollars.  At the 7:20 mark in the video, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explains. 

Pfizer made a million-dollar contribution to Trump's inaugural.  And then Trump comes in and we continue to have meeting with Fauci, that he'd set up and was part of this process and we're rolling to get this thing started . . . 

For his inaugural?  So that's 2017, a full three years prior to the 2020 COVID scare and lockdown.  Pray tell, what could that money be for?  Hush money?  A cool million to support any vaccine campaign that Pfizer runs.

Here he is telling folks in Alabama to get the COVID-19 vaccine.  And why are there only a handful or fewer vaccine manufacturers providing the drug?  

But back to Trump, why is he pushing drugs?  A far cry from Nancy Reagan, eh?    

Why?  Is the jab THE ONLY cure for COVID?  Is it any kind of cure at all for COVID?  Doesn't look that way. 

Based on the evidence, it is no cure; in fact, it is a poisonous and monstrous cure that kills more people than it saves.