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Showing posts sorted by date for query masks. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Trump will go to bat for the Department of Defense against the American people

The vaccines, the masks, the 6-ft distancing, the lockdowns, all of it was an unmitigated disaster, political disaster, and if Trump continues to defend it or to even account for the disaster, he loses.  He's just showing himself to his opponents his weaknesses.  But since the roll out of the vaccines was a coup by the Department of Defense against the American people and other people's around the world, Trump will go to bat for them. He will lie on their behalf.  I recall the months prior to the rollout, he was saying that we're going to have the army shoot the vaccination services which seem like a natural choice since that's what they do to the to the new recruits anyway when they join.

Monday, September 4, 2023

In March of 2020, Birx and Dr. Anthony Fauci were grinning like Cheshire Cats with Duper's Delight as they laid out an unprecedented lockdown strategy which Birx later admitted they pulled out of their asses.

Given how health officials [I would never call them experts, nor would I call a doctor expert; no, I would call them order followers, like good little Nazis.  Seriously] had said one thing, and then changed their statements weeks or months later, then claiming that they didn't have all the science, while claiming in the other breath that we've got the science when they want you to follow them verbatim, I wouldn't trust anything that they say even if what they say lines up with your values or convictions.  What's the phrase, "Opt out"?  Do that.  But it is fun and interesting to see the crooks dance around on hot coals.  
In March of 2020, Birx and Dr. Anthony Fauci were grinning like Cheshire Cats with Duper's Delight as they laid out an unprecedented lockdown strategy which Birx later admitted they pulled out of their asses

By the way, if you're not familiar with the term Duper's Delight, here's a definition, 

Duping delight is a micro-expression that betrays a person's enjoyment of controlling and deceiving another person. It is a form of body language reserved for pathological character types such as psychopaths. Psychopaths are obsessed with control and power over others, and they often display duping delight when lying to others.0 Duping delight can manifest through subtle facial expressions, body language, or vocal cues.1 It is hard to contain duping delight, and those who feel it want to share their accomplishments with others, seeking admiration for their exploits. 

More from ZeroHedge,

Now that we're revisiting mask mandates over the latest Covid-19 surge, Birx and Fauci are seemingly on different sides of the debate.
"We don't need to mandate," Birx told Newsmax on Saturday, in response to reports that an increasing number of hospitals and businesses are now requiring masks again.
"We need to actually empower people with the information that they need for themselves and their families because every family is different," she continued. "And by the way, outside is safe, and playgrounds are safe."  How is it that each and everyone of the health officials look so ugly.  
Paul Mango looks like Lon Chaney who played the phantom in the 1925 version of The Phantom of the Opera.

And Mango simply parrots what Birx said about information, but it's precisely the information that has formed the raging propaganda campaign in the war on the American people.  Again, how can anyone start to think that the information they the gov't officials have and WANT TO SHARE is of any value.  They pimped the promises of Remdesivir and others as they buried and demonized the true remedy of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, and zinc.  Yet information is still buried.  We're still being lied to.  

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Rachell Maddow, Rachell Maddow hops and flip-flops, like a virus, from no masks to must vaccinate. She is the countermeasure queen

Friday, September 1, 2023

"Covid nonsense, the climate change hysteria, while they’re lighting forest fires everywhere that they’re just going to keep doing this until they burn the world down. That’s the Davos crowd. The Neocons are doing the same thing over Russia/Ukraine"

06:39. You know what matters in monetary policy collateral physical collateral kind of matters.  And BRICS just told us that physical collateral matters and Powell is saying the same thing because the US has plenty of collateral.  Or did I miss the fact that the United States is a cornucopia of tremendous amount of commodity wealth?  All the peak oil guys not withstanding, most of whom are just, you know, I would never ever accuse them of being, you know, in the league with the Davosians, the Davos crowd, but they are certainly carrying water for them.  There's plenty of energy it's plenty of oil out there we've been sitting on . . . we're tapping the upper wells, the upper layers of the Bakken Oil Fields, for example, we're tapping all that oil up there but that's the upper layer there's another big pool under the Dakotas and Montanas.  There's an unbelievable amount of oil.

07:45. And it's a misnomer to call oil fossil fuels.  I mean we're finding oil way beneath any fossil layer.  All the real evidence shows that it's abiotic and I used to get into fits with guys like Michael Rupert back in the day, before he killed himsel.  There's no such thing as peak oil.  It's not a limited thing.  It's very plentiful.  There's artificial scarcity and because they . . . the problem with peak oil guys is that they're not financially literate enough to connect the dots.  That's what I've seen to be the biggest problem.

08:17. I agree completely.  I think that some oil certainly is abiotic, but most of the fossil fuels are coal and natural gas.  They are fossil fuels, but oil, not necessarily. And I've argued with oil engineers, petroleum engineers from Exxon about this. I remember being in a Libertarian party, an annual conference, the state conference, maybe 3% of fossil fuels is abiotic. Feeling froggy?Take that 20 years later and Exxon is still drilling in places where there should be no oil.  The Russians are still pulling millions of barrels out a day from places where there should be no oil.  It's dumb.  Tom Gold's Deep Hot Biosphere blew the lid off this just through basic apriori analysis of the world, looking at the world and just building this model in his head.  And he said, look, hydrocarbons of that variety, straight chain hydrocarbons, . . . only form under heat and pressure that can come from the core and the carbon that spins out of the core of the planet is what's filling the lower crust and it's an up and that's where the upper pressure comes from that's why oil wells are pressurized.  Where is that Force coming from that pressurizes oil wells? It comes from the spinning of the planet, because angular momentum, the last I checked.  I look at coal anthracite, bituminous coal, yeah, ring systems, sure.  Ring systems are easy to form when your feedstock had ring systems in them, i.e., benzene rings. You took proteins and fats that already had Benzene rings and you just keep compressing them with heat and make bigger . . . and then you collapse molecules together and they form ring systems because those are really natural energy minima in terms of bond energy.  But then to break those ring systems down into straight chain hydrocarbons, yeah, okay, pull the other leg up and it'll play freaking "Jingle Bells."  That's not happening under these types of pressures and temperatures, it's not happening.  So then otherwise, you have to argue for some form of bacterial process that will break those down and that's possible but it can only happen at very, very deep layers and under extreme temperatures. 

21:20  It is a Rubicon moment because what they’re telling us is that if we don’t submit to their insanity, put the masks back on, believe the Covid nonsense, believe the climate change hysteria while they’re lighting forest fires everywhere that they’re just going to keep doing this until they burn the world down.  That’s the Davos crowd.  The Neocons are doing the same thing over Russia/Ukraine.  And they’re 2 different factions.  They have similar goals when it comes to Russia, but they don’t have similar goals when it comes to everything else.  Davos realizes that if they don’t get control of the United States, maintain political control over the United States, and get control over the monetary system in the U.S., they will be footnotes in the history books and they will all be frog-marched into bankruptcy because it’s very clear that the U.S. oligarchs of this particular variety are done with these friggin people and they’re cranking up the pressure on them daily.  Powell represents them.  I’m not saying that these guys were good guys.  There are no allies in geopolitics, only interests.  We have allies.  We have interests in common with New York and Wall Street and the blue striped-shirt guys with white collars that summer in the Hamptons. And I think everything changes dramatically after Labor Day.  I think as we get into the end of Q3 and everybody does some Q3 end-of-the-quarter book squaring and then October and everybody says, “You know what?” That was fun.  These markets are mispriced.  I’m shorting the bond market.  Because this stuff is insane.  It’s not just our bond market.  It’s clearly Lagarde over at the ECB is doing yield curve control.  You can draw a horizontal line through the French 10-year yield on a weekly basis, the German 10-year yield on a weekly basis, the Spanish, the Italian, all of them, draw a line, cross, that the line in the sand that Lagarde won’t let rates above that.  Most obvious one is the German 10-year yield at 2.5%.  She can only maintain that for so long until everything starts to blow apart.  That’s indicative of what is going to let loose.  I think that Powell and company can continue to put upward pressure on rates, so they are continuing to hold the long end of our yield curve down.  At some point, people are going to be looking at this and going, “These things are mispriced.”  And when that happens, the whole thing starts to go Looney Tunes.  While Powell was speaking this morning, before he started to speak, the Euro was down below $1.80.  The minute he started talking, the ECB went into overdrive to try and stop the Euro from closing below $1.80 for the next hour.  Your homework, folks: watch a 5-minute chart of the Euro.  Go to  Go to Five-minute Candlestick Patterns, and you’ll see what I’m talking about.  You’re seeing a market having a heart attack.  If it was an EKG, the patient was on its way to a dirt nap and we’re going to close the day well below a $1.08.  Powell definitely has them by the short and curlies, when you think about yield curve inversions, what’s going on, why is the U.S. yield curve inverted?  Because the market is trying to anticipate when the Fed is going to pivot and go low.  If they realize they can get 5.5% on 3-month money, but I can bid up 2-year money to 4.2% because I think in 2 years the Fed is going to be at 3.75% and I’m going to make more money on the appreciation of the bond than I bought at 4.25% while I pocket 4.25% that’s the mindset that that’s going to be better than the yield spread that I would get between the 2-year and the 3-month.  That’s why they’re doing it.  That’s what you do when you have a core economy and a monetary policy of that core economy matters.  They’re going to anticipate what the monetary policy is going to look like.  Does that happen across the world?  No, it doesn’t.  Go look at like Vietnam.  We see a frontier market trade the same way in the face of the Fed wanting . . . the markets are still pricing Europe as if it’s a developed market in a core economy when they should be pricing it as a frontier or emerging market.

Sunday, August 27, 2023


5:00. Remember that this was a behavior modification exercise in Covid 1.0.  If we go back and look at Anthrax 2.0, which was September of 2001, we see that we needed a couple rounds of the fear porn to get people to accept the Prep Act in 2005, which gave the legislative framework for the way in which the Biden Administration is currently planning for lockdown 2.0.  This is a very old playbook.  If we go back and look at how old the playbook is, what we needed was to get everybody addicted to penicillin.  We needed the HIV epidemic to get everybody addicted to AZT and very costly medications.  We needed to create hyper allergies and food allergies.  We needed to create all kinds of other things with environmental toxins so that we could get people addicted to epinephrine pens, which then mysteriously became $40,000 a dgutSeth  It's amazing how this works.  We have a pattern that goes back to 1904 when the Japanese figured out that bacillus thuringiensis (BT) was a gut toxin to vertebrates, to humans, and so, you know, not surprisingly, we decided to use bacillus thuringiensis to modify all of our seed crops: BT cotton, BT corn, BT soybeans, every single thing you put in your mouth that's not a GMO-free certified, every single thing you put in your mouth that has corn syrup in it, tofu, soy milk, soy sauces, and everything single thing you put in your mouth is actually containing inside of it a toxin that was known in 1904 to create gut problems.  Lo and behold, Seth, we have irritable bowel syndrome, dietary issues, heartburn, and gut issues.  We have to remember where we are.  This is behavior modification.  It's not about a pandemic.  There is no Health Emergency to be declared.  Allegedly the new variant, which was supposed to be told, is now 26% of the circulating population the air variant is actually not a variant.  It was actually not only planned, but if you look at the clinical trials for the multivalent injection that's currently being developed by Moderna, Biontech, and no vaccine what you'll see is that in all three of those existence before it was in the population before it was in the population

8:10. There never was a Covid pandemic.  There never was a SARS CoV2 novel Coronavirus.  There was never any of those things.  This was a behavior modification exercise to fulfill the objective of the financial interests that were being served.  And let's remember that the quote, and I keep saying this quote because no one is still admitting that, the criminals acknowledge their own crime

until a pandemic is at emergency threshold.  The public doesn't understand the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan Coronavirus or pan influenza vaccine.  We need the media to create the hype.  We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues.  Investors will follow if they see profit at the end of the process.   

That's a quote from Peter Daszak that's a quote that was made at the proceedings at the National Academy of Sciences published in 2015 and this is the admission of terrorism again.  And with the Biden Administration is engaging in domestic terrorism 2.0 and the reason why is because the Biden Administration could have never won an election in an open conversation no one would have elected him as president.  No one would have elected a Democratic ticket if people were not glued to their televisions under lockdowns.  The administration of Trump that allowed for those things to happen was administered by who else, Anthony Fauci and Alex Azar, Treasonous Individuals in Chief, whose sole purpose was to get people out of the public conversation, out of the debates, out of the random interactions of people talking about matters of State, getting people addicted to the TV, get them in front of MSNBC, a criminal co-conspirator; NBC, a criminal co-conspirator; CNN, a criminal co-conspirator, get them in front of the propaganda machine, and lo and behold, you can actually overthrow a government which is exactly what they want to do in Round 2.  It turns out that Democrats will win in a state-controlled faux election that has people masked, that has people at polls standing six feet apart and has the election process done on digital platforms, which will not and cannot be audited for any authentic performance.  So that's the game plan.  And remember, nobody's sick right now.  People are actually dying from the effects of the hyper-acceleration of cancers, from the pseudouridine that was in the shots.  People are dying of myocarditis but nobody's sick right now. 

Friday, August 25, 2023

Oh, Come on! You can't compare mask wearing in public to . . . Oh, my God!

Monday, July 17, 2023

NYU Professor, Mark Crispin Miller, Forbidden From Teaching Course on Covid Propaganda!

Propaganda does not have to be false, but it does tend to be a little simplistic. 

He was going to be the subject of an expedited review at the request of his department colleagues and he attached their letter to him.

None of them had talked to him directly.  This is about 25 of his Department colleagues.  He hadn't heard from any of them.  They sent this letter to the Dean accusing him not only of telling his students not to wear masks in violation of university policy, and they said that a New York State law and there was no such law . . .

and I am not intimidated by students who were wearing masks in class, but we were online so nobody was wearing a mask.  But they then jumped into the wild blue yonder by accusing him of explicit hate speech, attacks on students and others in their [school] community; advocating for an unsafe learning environment; assailing his students with non-evidence-based theories, which means conspiracy theories; and microaggressions and aggressions.  So, this was like the censorship Trifecta.

I was a Covid heretic because I questioned masking.

I had sinned against Woke etiquette, right, and hate speech, and I can explain what they meant by that.  And I was guilty of conspiracy theory.  I mean this was really an amazing document.  

The Dean went ahead and ordered the review, saying that he had no choice because the university's lawyers had told him he must, which is, I think, probably significant.  Let's put that aside.  

Meanwhile, I wrote back to my colleagues.  I rebutted their letter point by point.  I asked for a retraction and an apology.  They ignored me.  I sent a follow-up letter.  I asked the same thing.  I said by November 20, please retract this and apologize; there's not a word of truth to it.  They ignored me, so I sued them for libel.  And the libel suit is ongoing.  And one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you is I wanted to discuss the status of that suit.  

What is the status?

Well, they got themselves a lawyer, and they filed a motion to dismiss.  Ordinarily, judges rule on motions to dismiss right away, but the judge in this case waited a whole year.   And when he finally ruled, he ruled that we had not proved actual malice, which kind of blew my lawyer's mind because it was abundantly obvious that there was malice here.  So we had to appeal.  We appealed.  We appealed to the Intermediate Appellate Court.  They got back to us a few months later.  They agreed that there was actual malice, but, and this is what was really surprising, but really dangerous.  They ruled that what my colleagues wrote about was pure opinion and therefore protected by the 1st Amendment. 

So what you're saying isn't protected by the 1st Amendment, but when they falsely accuse you of doing something, that's protected by the 1st Amendment even though the things that you were saying have the science on your side and you were correct.  

All I was doing was recommending that people read the science  What's dangerous about this suit is that the decision has set a precedent, whereby anyone in the United States who is accused of libel, and point to this decision and say, "This is just my opinion."  So you can say, I know for a fact that Jimmy Dore has sex with goats and he has child pornography on his computer.  This is a fact.  I know this," and then you sue me for libel, as you have every right to do, and I'll point to this case and I'll say, "Well, this is my opinion."  And the court will say, well, yeah, there's a precedent for this, and so it is.  So it means that the have-not, those who are weaker in the system, are now at a real serious disadvantage because if this decision stands it will be possible to dismiss any libelous suit on those spurious grounds.  Now, we have appealed again.  We have appealed to the Court of Appeals in Albany, which is the highest court in New York State, and we don't know yet if they're going to take it.  If they don't take it, it's over.  I will have lost.  That decision will stand as a precedent, and my colleagues will have got away scot-free, although what they wrote about me meets the classic definition of defamation.  They made claims that they claim were factual claims, but now they'll be able to say that this is just our opinion, our point of view.

Wow.  That's quite a story.  I've heard other stories like this from Dr. Jay Bhattachara and Dr. Khierarty.  They were shocked to see their own colleagues turn their back on the value of protecting ideas through vigorous debate and freedom of speech, and they all turned their back on it and tried to cancel you, they canceled them.  And they tried to get some people fired.  Well, you're not allowed to teach that course anymore.  

Well, that's right.  I'm not allowed to teach the course on propaganda.  I have friends and acquaintances throughout the hemisphere who've been fired for various, you know, for Covidian sins, sins against so-called social justice.  This is a very, very . . . we're at a frightening place right now it seems to me.  Free speech and academic freedom have never been more at risk.  And all those Democratic essentials that concern free speech and open debate are now treated as crimes.  I'm sure you've noticed that the media coverage of Robert F. Kennedy's campaign.  My mind is blown by the shrillness and unanimity of the media, of our free press, the liberal media, and every single outlet out there, every single newspaper, every single magazine, every TV network, they're all saying the same things, which is a clear indication of propaganda.  And it's all hysterically negative about Bobby Kennedy's inclination to question or complicate official narratives, whether it's on vaccination generally or the Covid vaccine or Ukraine, or school shootings, you name it because he departs from the permitted narrative, he is a thought criminal.  He is a domestic terrorist.  He certainly should not be allowed to debate with Joe Biden.  You know, Peter Hotez, the fraud who is telling us all to get vaxx'd and boosted for 3 years, the guy, everything he's said has turned out to be dead wrong, he tweets a Vice article attacking Bobby and Joe Rogan.  They invited him on to debate, and, of course, he weasels out, but the media is treating him as courageous, saying he should not debate him.  He's a victim of harassment, no doubt, by white supremacists.

. . . and Russia.  

But I can't believe, I'm in my early 70s, I've seen a lot of things.  I never thought I would see the Western press across the board treat debate in a political campaign as a no-no.  This is really reminiscent of the press under Dr. Goebbels.  Now, having said that I can be accused of trivializing the Holocaust, I guess. 

They did that to Bobby Kennedy.  He said that about Anne Frank.  

Right, right.  He said that if Hitler had had the kind of sophisticated surveillance capabilities that they have now, she and her family would not have been able to hide out in the secret annex, right?  He was immediately accused of trivializing the Holocaust, even of Holocaust denial.  And he apologized, which I thought he shouldn't.  I did a Substack post about it.  It's not for me to say what he should do but the fact is that he did nothing wrong, said nothing wrong.  God knows, he said nothing hateful or even incorrect.  But we've come to the point where you really have to watch what you say and that is reminiscent of life under totalitarianism. 

Thursday, July 6, 2023

See it to the end.  

This was interesting.

Dr. David Herbert, CEO of Sutter Independent Physicians, said he’d heard from concerned parents within the district complain about the number of students excused from wearing masks for health concerns unrelated to COVID-19.

Looks like Dr. David Herbert likes to choke not only his members, but his patients and teenagers.  Hmmm.  There's a word for this.   _____________ abuse."  Can't think of the phrase . . . . 

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Colonel Ashley Oughterson, MD, on the radiation effects in Hiroshima: “It is . . . difficult to explain the complete absence of radiation effects in a number of people who were theoretically exposed to lethal dosages of radiation.”

This was a fascinating review of the evidence and testimony and eyewitness accounting of scientists and military officials following the bomb blast over Nagasaki and Hiroshima.  It's been argued that Tokyo was bombed far more devasting than either of the twin cities.  

WATCH THE 28-MINUTE VIDEO.  IT IS DEVASTATING TO THE OFFICIAL NARRATIVE.  The author is Michael Palmer, a German physician by training.  He claims that the bombs that exploded at and over Nagasaki and Hiroshima were not plutonium radiation bombs.  The illnesses that victims of the explosion were the result of napalm [see Section 8.1 on this page] and mustard gas.  

American Colonel Ashley Oughterson, MD, on the radiation effects in Hiroshima, see Section 6.5 on this page

“It is … difficult to explain the complete absence of radiation effects in a number of people who were theoretically exposed to lethal dosages of radiation.” 
Oughterson headed the medical “Joint Commission” that investigated the aftermath of the bombings. A short time after writing down these words, he died in a plane crash in Colombia. Three of the other six American MDs who served on the commission also died before their time. 


Eyewitness reports which suggest the use of mustard gas are not in short supply. The possibility that some kind of poison gas had been released at Hiroshima was brought up early on by Dr. Masao Tsuzuki, the leading Japanese member on the U.S.-Japanese “Joint Commission” of medical scientists convened to investigate the aftermath of the bombing. The historian Sey Nishimura [6] quotes from a 1945 article by Tsuzuki:

Immediately after the explosion of the atomic bomb, some gas permeated, which appeared like white smoke with stimulating odor. Many reported that when inhaled, it caused acute sore throat or suffocating pain.

The first Western journalist to report from Hiroshima, the Australian Wilfred Burchett [7],1 also brings up poison gas:

My nose detected a peculiar odour unlike anything I have ever smelled before. It is something like sulphur, but not quite. I could smell it when I passed a fire that was still smouldering, or at a spot where they were still recovering bodies from the wreckage. But I could also smell it where everything was still deserted.

According to Burchett, the Japanese he spoke to believed that the smell

is given off by the poisonous gas still issuing from the earth soaked with radioactivity released by the split uranium atom, and he reports that the Japanese then engaged in clearing the debris from the city center were wearing gauze masks over their faces to protect themselves from the gas.

Among 105 witnesses who experienced the Hiroshima bombing as school-age children, and whose memories were collected and published by the Japanese teacher Arata [8], 13 explicitly mention poisonous gas or fumes. One of them, Hisato Itoh, died of leukemia shortly after writing his account, which contains this statement:

Both my mother and I had been through a great deal of strain during this time … and then we also started to feel listless and began to lose our hair because we had breathed the gases when the atom bomb fell.

From Sasha Latypova:

Fakery in weapons is a broader topic than “scary scary genetically modified viruses”. Fake does not mean harmless, but we must try to uncover the truth to understand how evil is being perpetrated, to fight it effectively, and to care for the injured.

You can buy or download the book Michael has written about this topic on his website.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023


Monday, April 24, 2023

National Chains "Opting Out" of Motherhood?

With Covid, they removed common sense and decades' worth of survival skills we knew and practiced since childhood. 

With lockdowns, they removed and threatened our ability to earn a living and support our families.

With masks, they denied our personalities, our ability to breathe properly, limited our field of vision, and children's ability to respond to facial expression and cues from parents and adult caregivers.

With vaccines, they threatened our jobs AND our bodies.  They threatened our life, our loved ones.  They threatened and removed our mobility, the comfort that our infirm elderly gain from a loving smile, a reassuring voice, and familiar touch.

They removed standard definitions for vaccine and inserted deceitfully something more general and meaningless. Then they appointed to government positions people who were incapable of defining a woman. Then they gave us trans Dylan Mulvaney to add insult to injury.  And now they want to take away Mother's Day celebrations at selected national chains.


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The FDA just notified me that they’ve just gotten to processing a FOIA request I filed almost THREE YEARS ago.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

JOHN JAY SINGLETON: If you think a hospital is there to care for people who are sick, okay, but by that standard WE DON'T HAVE THEM.

John Jay Singleton and
Jobs are not jobs.  
What is being presented to us? 
Everything that doesn't serve me is crumbling away.  
we're being offered an opportunity.

Just because they call it a school doesn't mean it's a school anymore.  

Should I sue if my employer is not doing anything about it?  

Time to lay back and see what's going on or is it time to take action?  

00:37  A lot of people want to live their lives the way they've been living it.  And they're reluctant to realize, that in my opinion, they should do is look at what they've observed and make a conclusion based on what they're seeing without any premise about what they've done in the past.  I know that sounds cryptic, but . . . 

If you see that children are being forced to wear masks at a school, why would you take your kids there, you have to realize that that is no longer a school if it was in the past.  That observation alone: it's not a school.  So, we don't have schools.  We don't have hospitals.  If you think a hospital is there to care for people who are sick, okay, but by that standard WE DON'T HAVE THEM.  What we have is a euthanasia-type program administered.  I mean you go to the hospital to be murdered today.  This is what's happening.  

What do you think a COVID ward is?  

SINGLETON, Exactly, if you can't get that, you're lost.  You're lost.  The analogy I give all the time is if I'm out in public somewhere at a restaurant or a bar, and some dude comes over and punches me, well, I'm not going to wonder what to do.  As soon as I get up if I'm not out for a while, as soon as I get up I'm going to start swinging some fists, you know.  I don't care if he's twice my size I'm not going to let someone take a shot at me like that.  

MARISSA, 02:15  Schools are not schools; hospitals are not hospitals.  Same with jobs:  jobs are not jobs.  If your employer is saying that to have this job, to get a paycheck, you have to waive your rights, you have to stick things in your body that you don't want to do, and undergo experimental injections.  So jobs are not jobs either.  What is being presented to us?  On the one hand, you get all anxious about this and say everything is crumbling away; on the other hand, you can go, "Wow, everything that doesn't serve me, is crumbling away, because the corrupt systems are being revealed and we're being offered the opportunity to stop aligning with them, stop connecting and giving our energy to them.  Let go of the corrupt!  Let it go!"

SINGLETON, 03:08  Yeah, it doesn't exist anymore.  Just because they call it a school doesn't make it a school.  So your attitude should be, "Okay, if that's what's going on in our society, let's just take it at its face value and my employer says that I have to do these things, well that's not my employer.  Maybe I'm involved in an internment camp of some kind.  Maybe I'm involved in a cult.  Think about those who are involved in a cult.  I don't think that they realize it.  

MARISSA, 03:37  Ponder this question.  What you give your energy to is what you make manifest.  So if you're giving your energy to this cult-like, false-premise, rights-waiving entity, then you are making that happen.  I'm not accusing anybody or being judgmental, but you are part of the problem because you are energizing the problem.  

SINGLETON, 04:05  I told my friend that the other day.  He wants the same lifestyle and travel and all that.  I said, "Why are you participating in all this?"  He told me that his wife tested positive for COVID.  I said, like, there isn't any COVID and  I said what are you doing.  He said, "Yeah, but his wife believes in it."  I said, okay, but you're participating in it.  You're making it bad for guys like me.  Just because you want to keep your same lifestyle, this is not a time to do that.  We're under attack.  It's the time to fight.  It is time to stop doing the things that perpetuate these problems, and so he didn't want to hear that.  He agreed with me, but they don't want to get this in their head but what does it take?  If I see you at the mall, and you're with your family and your wife and your two kids, and I come over to you and say, "Hey, man, I wish your children were sterile so they can't have children.  What would you do?  Would you think about that?  Would you want to fight me?  What if I pushed you down?  You should fight!

MARISSA, 05:00  You'd know what to do.  It's a matter of taking blinders off.  And thinking that this is anything other than that.  WE.  ARE.  AT.  WAR.  All you have to do is step and align yourself to the side that says "I do not accept this" and things will fall away.  It will open up.  The falling away process actually makes way for the new.  So when you're not giving all your energy trying to graspingly hold onto a job that no longer serves you or forcefully stuff your kids into a school that no longer serves them, or use a medical service that is not about health.  If you distance yourself from that, you make room for other things.  I've seen so many say, "I don't want to go to a hospital" figure out something else out.  People who say I don't want my kids to go to that school, figure something else out.  We have so many people in Zunga, I get letters all the time, No, I'm doing homeschool and coop, or we have a pod, or we're doing this stuff.  It's not like you have to be a teacher, don't think that way.  You can get your kids into a situation that is much more productive.  They learn how to educate themselves.  They follow their interests.  That's the way

06:42  For years, we've been babied by division of labor.  So I go to the grocery store like it's my 2nd refrigerator.  I don't know how to clean a deer.  I wouldn't want to do that.  I'm glad that someone else is going to do all that stuff and I can just go buy it.  That's cool.  It's a good use of human labor.  But we've been babied by it because we lack knowledge now.  Don't be confused when. . .  recognize what is happening and take the appropriate action.  We've created a resource.  We're with you.  You're not alone.  

07:22. You don't have to figure out how to engage in the fight we can partner with you on that and help you through it you just need to get your mind in the right place and say I'm going to fight.

07:28. Yeah and so this is what you do.  People go, "Well, gosh I have to use a court?  I have to sue?  Can I have an attorney?" Nope. You don't need one.  There isn't one.  Even if there was one, the law is designed for you to have the remedy and it's not beyond your ability to know how to do that, and you don't have to do that yourself.  We can do all that.  We can write it up.  Like Marissa and I were discussing before this recording, we know that the language we are writing in letter letters and disputes like your conferences like your free employment termination meetings, all the steps that lead to court . . . this language is intended to not only advance your legal argument, it's to empower you to understand what those are because there is no such thing as a religious exemption.  That's for babies.  Medical exemptions, religious exemptions, that's for babies.  Stop doing that.  There is a law, there are many laws, and they are all in your favor.  And you just have to use them.

So, what is involved?  So people start with us.  The first thing we do is the first hour is where you are doing a complaint to your internal Human Resources some agency that is a little bit different than that and then right within the same hour we're going right to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on the FED level.  and all we care about is documenting it we don't care what they say whether we get our right to sue letter or not

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

We'd like to forget. Boy, how I'd like to forget. But we can't forget. It must be recorded. It must be remembered. Never forget. Never forgive. Hold the line.

Do reminders work?  To what degree?  For how long?  We were reminded endlessly about fascism and the Jewish Holocaust of WWII.  How instructive was that to help us make the right decision regarding COVID and the vaccines?  How many of us relied upon the law to obtain an exemption, and defended ourselves, our bodies, and our property?  Not sure if it's soul searching that folks need to do as much as it is to know the laws that protect your rights and to apply them mercilessly against companies, yes, even grocery stores, that want to force some medical device or measure on you when they have no license or protections from the law to do so.  They've gotten away with enough.  Apply accountability.  And never forget.  Never forgive.  And hold the line.  

To the first video, the scene takes place at the Blue Mountain Ski Resort in Ontario, Canada.  For the life of me, I haven't been able to find the name of the man.  He's not identified in any of the reports published online.  And the incident took place on February 1, 2022, so almost a full year ago.  As to the mask mandate back then, their site currently says that masks are mandated and that exemptions are forbidden by the ADA.  One article from last year said, perhaps in error, that the masks were recommended, which is different from being required.    

Steve Kirsch provides a good write-up on Stephanie's murder. 

Friday, January 6, 2023

Wear masks to save public health agencies?

I laugh when people say they don't like talking politics.  For this interview here shows just how vacuous the COVID cult is in luring more innocents to get a shot, a shot that sheds.  The shot is the killer, not SARS-CoV-2.  Though SARS 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Bill Gates & Globalists Wanted to Vaccinate 7 Billion People Worldwide. If It Weren't for the Russians, They May Might Have Achieved Their Objective.

The globalists fully planned on holding all the cards and having full control over this system and the fact that the Russians played along and launched their vaccine first completely collapsed this agenda. 

Tom Luongo and Alex Krainer provide terrific insights on global players, their advantages, disadvantages, and how their respective histories play a role in how they're position themselves against their people and challengers, their competing strategies, etc.  

2:55  Alex says he doesn't know what going on with China--their lockdowns, zero COVID policies, quarantine camps, etc.--he says because he does know that the west is flush with disinformation and misinformation about China.  Says that a lot of the information is coming through the Epoch Times.  Journalists are quoting Epoch Times at face value.  Epoch times is controlled by Falun Gang, which is extremely anti-Chinese Communist Party, or CCP.  Says he can't trust them.  He's been trying to follow actual, genuine Chinese sources, and several westerners who live in China, and what I'm gathering from then is that things are not at all the way that things are being presented in the western media.  What's going on with the zero COVID policy, not sure, but the policy is stupid or it's about something else.  He was surprised to see Russia fall lockstep in line with the World Health Organization, and Bill Gates, and everybody, and take this COVID thing at face value, seriously--do the lockdowns, the masks, the vaccines, everything as the WHO dictated.  You already had the president of Belarus, Lukashenko, who said, "This is all bullshit.  We're not doing this."  At intelligence services, Russia and Belarus are quite tight.  So what was the Russian game?  It became clear the day they launched their Sputnik V vaccine, the first one to launch in the whole world.  The Russians were the first, and they made it immediately available to the whole world.  They gave other countries permission to produce it if 

5:55  The vaccines themselves are secondary.  More importantly, the vaccine was supposed to be the stepping stone toward the COVID passports, which were supposed to be universal.  Look at what Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates have said.  They fully planned on having monopolies on the vaccines.  So western pharmaceutical companies were going to have a monopoly, and they were going to vaccinate 7 billion people.  Remember Bill Gates saying, "Nothing is going to return to normal until 7 billion people get vaccinated."  That would have meant 7 billion vaccine certificates linked to Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, etc.  Once you have the vaccine certificates in place, there's a whole other administration and bureaucracy, IT administration of these rules.  Monopolies over the vaccines would also give them administration over the system.  

Now, if countries adopted Sputnik V, the Russian vaccine, that completely throws a spanner into the globalists' pandemic agenda because now they either have to include Russians in the administration of this system, or they have to give up control over the countries that opt for Sputnik V.  Now, you no longer have monopoly.  What the hell do you do now?  Had the Russians not played along and taken the whole thing seriously, . . . had they said, "No, no, no, we're not buying this.  This is a hoax," then their Sputnik V vaccine wouldn't have been credible.  "Wait, you have a vaccine, but you said the whole thing was a hoax?"  So the Russians had to play along, be part of the system in order to throw a spanner [British for wrench] into it, because it's not just whether you or I couldn't get onto a plane or go into a pub or into a theater, it's much bigger than that because that system you could use to destabilize governments, to trigger social uprisings, you could use it in all kinds of nefarious ways once you have power to control whether in some countries people may travel. people may leave their homes, people may go to work, children may go to school, and so forth.  The globalists fully planned on holding all the cards and having full control over this system and the fact that the Russians played along and launched their vaccine first completely collapsed this agenda.  That's how I work out the Russian agenda.  I don't know how to work out the Chinese agenda.  It's way out there.  

10:03  Krainer thinks that the zero COVID policy in China may be a ruse to shake out foreigners out of China.  This is such heavy-handed harassment that I know people who've said, like, "Okay, enough.  We're packing up.  We're leaving China.  We're not going to live here." It's not zero COVID, because zero COVID is an impossible objective.  

11:00  When Sputnik V was announced, Tom called it the biggest geopolitical tool.  

Monday, November 14, 2022

"What saves lives, frankly, is freedom to speak and freedom to find truth. What saves lives is immunity . . ."

Sunday, November 6, 2022

When the government takes an inch, do they ever stop with just the inch?

A point about being safe.  This point was raised at the 1:48  mark in the context of wearing a mask.  "We were all scared and we just wanted to stay safe.  We didn't really know some of that stuff wasn't going to do anything.  Live and learn, live and learn."  One, safety is a measurement of risks.  No one is permanently safe, so no one can stay safe.  We can make vigilance a habit but that effort isn't really captured by the "stay safe" mantra.  "Stay safe" is an instruction to be afraid.  Afraid of what?  Transmission initially.  But health is an inside out phenomenon.  If your immunity is strong internally because you do everything right, your immunity will knock at varying speed the any pathogen that invades your body.  And given the dearth of information about how and why COVID was so dangerous, it was easy for too many to be afraid.  The fear was designed to reduce your thinking from an adult with decades of survival skills to rely on the mass propaganda and health instruction from the singular authority, the televised Fauci, while divesting you of the wisdom you've practiced most of your life and learned from family, neighbors, and community.   For most of our lives we've known to cover our mouths with our hands.  We know to wash our hands.  The goal was to strip you of knowledge and history and to funnel you into the shute of mass formation toward the vaccine.  Masks are psychological instruments of torture and symbols of being gagged.  Who can so readily and easily forget the waterboarding torture thar uses a mask placed over the face and water poured over it?  The masks reduced adults to acquiescent, obedient children.  The instruction was to shut up.  Shut up about any detrimental effects of the masks.  Shut up about any received information about COVID or about SARS-CoV-2.  Just shut up.  Shut up about the ridiculousness of the 6' social distancing.  The wisdom of your elders in the County Health offices, your governor, the White House COVID Task Force, the CDC, the W.H.O., and the FDA know better than you.  And recently, Emily Oster says we didn't know.  Those agencies sure claimed to have known everything including the medicines to prescribe anybody hospitalized. 

Grocery stores refused entry without one.  Ditto for restaurants.  They did this without themselves knowing the science behind mask-wearing.  Businesses that were allowed to stay open simply and obediently deferred to the local County Health office.  They'd been threatened or bribed.  None of the businesses, which were and are all essential to people's lives and to a sense of enjoying a certain or high standard of living.  But the unscientific refrain that got drummed into our heads from the grocery store speakers was to wear a mask to keep yourself and others safe.  Not a peep about how unhealthy the masks were.  People dutifully wore the masks to buy food and endured the lowering of oxygen saturation in our blood and lungs by breathing in one's own CO2.  From a rational standpoint, the idea to wear masks to keep other people safe was an epic fail.  Okay, if the message wasn't rational or practical and, in fact, designed to reduce oxygen saturation in our lungs and blood, what then was the intention of the message?  Solely to get people sick while we're being gaslit to believe we're making a small sacrifice to protect others or the community?  How do we know?  Is infectivity the same the world over?  Is it the same in Riverside as it is in Los Angeles, or the same in Denver as it is in Boulder?  

When the government takes an inch, do they ever stop with just the inch?  They commanded us to make a small sacrifice with the mask.  And look at all of what we gave up.