Showing posts with label Public Health Emergency. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Public Health Emergency. Show all posts

Saturday, May 4, 2024

LATYPOVA: who was arguing in court on behalf of Pfizer? Pfizer lawyers were not even in the [court] room. It was the Department of Justice.

What we now jointly collaborate on is revealing the structure, the pseudo-legal structure.  It's not lawful.  They made it legal on paper only.  This criminal cartel military-government-pharma military criminal cartel is actually operating all over the world so in addition to that and this is what is less understood by everyone is that the Department of Defense in the U.S. ordered all these COVID products which includes vaccines, but also includes therapeutics, monoclonal antibodies, diagnostics, even masks, and staffing, and there is a whole huge spending, ordering these so-called countermeasures under this contracting framework.  It's called Other Transactional Authority.  It was put in place in the '60s only for NASA.  Now, 11 federal agencies use it.  The Department of Defense is a particularly huge user of this contracting method because it allows them to contract without following any federal procurement rules and regulations with a lot of secrecy.  And they can specifically order products from otherwise regulated Industries, such as Pharma without following any regulations and also without disclosing IP so it's like that, it's a lot of secrecy.  They typically use this framework to order weapons from defense contractors but now they're using the same framework to order what they're telling us is a pharmaceutical product.  And finally, this structure clicks into place when the HHS Secretary, or the Department of Health and Human Services in the U.S., declares a pandemic or a Public Health Emergency, and, of course, they declare it immediately after The W.H.O. declared it based on 40 cases from 8 billion people in the world.  

What's the difference between a Public Health Emergency and a pandemic?  Emma Ross explains,

A PHEIC is the strongest global alert the WHO can formally make and, when it is declared, countries have a legal duty to respond quickly, whereas with a pandemic there is no infrastructure around the decision-making process, agreed criteria, or agreement of what countries need to do in response.

So they just decided it's time to declare a pandemic and in the US they declared a public health emergency so when all of this comes to play together what happens is there is this interesting law in the US this particular us code is cited here which says that the "Use of EUA, Emergency Use Authorized countermeasures is NOT a Clinical Investigation" under Public Health Emergency.  That explains why they need to extend Public Health Emergency into perpetuity because that allows them to implement this crime.  And the significance of this is that if the countermeasure cannot be a clinical investigational product, then no pharmaceutical regulation applies to these products.  So here is the lie that our government told to us and told to the world, and the governments all over the world repeated to their citizens.  They were claiming that it was a health event.  They were claiming that they were producing pharmaceutical products through CGMP, or Good Manufacturing standards when they perfectly well knew I assure you they were all aware of it they perfectly well knew that no pharmaceutical regulations applied to these things that these countermeasures this word countermeasures is a very interesting word.  It's a very fluffy definition. There's no real definition.  If somebody attacks me, and I pick up a rock and throw it at them, it's a countermeasure.  So anything can be a countermeasure.  It's just a category of things.  But once they designate them as such, they are no longer pharmaceuticals.  They're just lying to you that these are pharmaceuticals.  They are actually not.  In fact, when there was this famous case where Pfizer, it was said that Pfizer didn't want, or, the FDA didn't want to release clinical trial data for 75 years.  Well, who was arguing in court on behalf of Pfizer?  Pfizer lawyers were not even in the room.  It was the Department of Justice.  So why is the US government defending presumably a private commercial interest of a pharmaceutical company?  

4:32. Here you can see that the pharmaceutical companies are a third level down they are not in charge but they are getting tremendous amounts of money to shut up and follow the orders and do as they're told but the whole operation is run by the Department of Defense of the US government I'm not absolving farmers by the way of any responsibility they are criminals in this cartel and they're collaborating and they are co-conspirators and should be prosecuted together.  But as Dr. Malone actually mentioned, and I completely agree, here we have an implemented model of fascism.  This is how it's done: government merges with private corporations.  You can't even say who is wagging the dog, but they merged and then they lied.  And then they extended the liability [of the merger] to the private commercial entities from which they extracted commercial interest, or whatever interests they want to extract. 

5:35. So what really happened here was that vaccine development and approval . . . What were they doing when they did this what they were doing was play-acting.  They never had to follow those regulations by law that they wrote themselves.  It's an illegal law it's not lawful.  It's not constitutional but they made it legal on paper that they don't have to do them, yet they went and had and did them in collaboration with the FDA, the CDC, and all the other agencies.  And that was just to convince you, the public, that it really is a pharmaceutical product where it actually is not.  The clinical trials were never ordered. The Good Manufacturing Practices compliance was never ordered.  And legally speaking, there were never even clinical trial investigators, because if you cannot have an investigational product, then there is no investigation.  So the FDA leadership and Global regulatory leadership what they did [was] they impersonated the Regulators, so you, so that you fall for this lie and go get injected.  Finally, Pfizer already invoked this as a legal defense.  If you heard about Brooke Jackson's case in the U.S., she is suing Pfizer under the False Claims Act, 1863, that they defrauded the government.  Well, Pfizer filed a motion to dismiss the case.  It hasn't been dismissed yet, but Pfizer had already stated in court, "Please dismiss this case, Judge. We did not defraud the government.  We DELIVERED the fraud that the government ordered."