Showing posts with label Vladimir Putin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vladimir Putin. Show all posts

Thursday, September 15, 2022

XI to PUTIN: We are ready to team up with our Russian colleagues

And then you can find several articles covering the details on this effort.  

"sheer hatred between Ukrainian and Russians is legendary . . . removing Putin will escalate things, not stop them. The hardliners will seize power and that will not be good going into 2023"

Thank you to Martin Armstrong.

The sheer hatred between Ukrainian and Russians is legendary and as such the likelihood of this ever reaching peace is unlikely.  My sources continue to suggest that removing Putin will escalate things, not stop them. The hardliners will seize power and that will not be good going into 2023. Claiming they have Putin on the run is not going to win the day in Ukraine. It runs the risk of really escalating things for the hardliners in Moscow are criticizing Putin for being too soft on Ukraine. He for the first time started to attack their power grid. The hardliners will push for a serious attack against Ukraine rather than just securing the Donbas.

There are reports on the Russian General SVR Telegram channel, which tends to be an anti-Putin station, that is claiming there was an inside-job attempt to assassinate Putin with an attack on his motorcade. He was not harmed. They are claiming that the first car of the convoy was blocked by an ambulance, but the second car made a slight detour and did not stop. A loud bang was supposedly heard from Putin’s car, but it continued and arrived safely at the president’s residence.

They further claimed that the body of a man was then found driving the ambulance. They have reported that the head of the president’s bodyguards and several other people have been suspended and are in custody. Nobody has been named and there is no other news service that has reported this claim. 

When we look at our models, the real higher volatility and the turning point in Russia appear to be in October, which is also a Panic cycle in the ruble. What we do see is that the Ukrainians carried out assassination hits in Russia. They have been trying to target Putin to kill him without success so far. They tried to kill Aleksandr Dugin with a car bomb, but they killed his daughter Darya Dugina. This is the car bombing of a pro-Putin supporter in Moscow. The sheer hatred between Ukrainian and Russians is legendary and as such the likelihood of this ever reaching peace is unlikely.

My sources continue to suggest that removing Putin will escalate things, not stop them. The hardliners will seize power and that will not be good going into 2023. Claiming they have Putin on the run is not going to win the day in Ukraine. It runs the risk of really escalating things for the hardliners in Moscow are criticizing Putin for being too soft on Ukraine. He for the first time started to attack their power grid. The hardliners will push for a serious attack against Ukraine rather than just securing the Donbas. 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

"The Fed is not fighting inflation but Davos, it is decoupling and re-establishing control over the dollar transmission system,"

13:25  "The Russians are not communists now.  As a matter of fact, Putin made it abundantly clear that Communism is a western idea, a western-European idea that was imported into Russia to destroy it 100 years ago.  He said this very explicitly in his comments at Valdai earlier in the year [I think Tom is referring to the October 22, 2021 forum from late last year].  If anybody is worried about this, go watch his speech at the Valdai International  Discussion forum.  Predates the war in Ukraine, that conceptually, Russia is not interested in returning to any of these Western European ideas about oligarch control.  Notice why the sanctions didn't work.  The sanctions didn't work because they were designed to affect and overthrow western governments.  And notice how they never work to overthrow eastern governments.  They haven't overthrown Iran.  They tried sanctions to overthrow Iran, but it didn't work.  Why?  Iran is bigger than the oligarchs.  The system is bigger than the oligarchs as opposed to the oligarchs controlling the system.  Here in the west, we all know the oligarchs control the system.  And we're all not comfortable with it.  All of this is our imprinting so we think everybody is like this, and that's a very dangerous thing to do.  And the Russians will use whatever is available to them, whatever weapon they have to get to where they need to go.  That's the way I look it.  And the same thing with the Chinese.  I bet you 20 years from now, when my career is over . . . doing this, I'll be you dollars to donuts that . . . China's governmental system will look completely different than it does today.  But China will still be China.  15:10  

15:50  In 2016, Mr. John Mearsheimer was asked what was the biggest disaster in foreign policy?  One of the panelists sitting next to him said, Iraq.  Here's his answer.  He really seems to have a crystal ball.  Answer: provoking a country with nuclear weapons.  It's one thing for a country to attack a country that has no nuclear weapons to speak of.  It's another to attack a nuclear superpower.  17:30  

18:05  Uberto Guadal, he's from Spain, wants to know one thing where Davos tried and failed miserably on.  I think they have failed but they won't accept failure; they'll turn failure into a success.  Davos is old European money that feels entitled to exercise power and to rule the world.  Ad we're talking about old European money and ya'll know the effects of European money and the attitude of it far better than I do.  I mean I'm an upstart American.  My grandparents all left the old European system to come to America to start anew.  My parents, my grandparents refused to allow Italian to be spoken at the dinner table even though they themselves were born in Italy and they came over on the boat.  No, you're Americans, that we'll speak English, and we'll catch up.  That was their attitude.  That is you here in the United States, that's very deeply ingrained, so I'm not Italian, I'm an American.  I happen to be of Italian extraction.  And we Americans are an ugly and disagreeable lot.  19:35 

20:00  Davos has made a tremendous miscalculation because they believe that the kinds of unitarian governmental structures that they have in Europe which give them easy access to dictatorial powers, relatively speaking, have failed to take over the decentralized, disagreeable United States.  So they went for a coup here in the United States and Biden is not going to last the term.  If they're not careful, they're going to push things here in the U.S. to the point of being ugly.  And there are fears that the midterms are going to be very telling as to what comes next.  Between now and then, they will not accept failure.  You'll notice that they're constantly trying to push forward their existing policies over and over again even though those policies are meeting with tremendous pushback from around the world.  20:55  They can't overtake Russia.  They can't take China.  They haven't been able to destroy Iran.  They haven't been able to convince India to join them.  The Saudis are gone.  They're going to lose Turkey.  I saw something unconfirmed this morning, that Turkey is thinking about leaving NATO.  If Turkey were to leave NATO and everything I've said about Odessa previously would come to pass . . . the Black Sea is a Russian lake, and the North-South Transport Corridor, you know, does away with so much value of the Mediterranean to everybody east of the Dnieper River, or east of the Danube.  So, I think Davos has miscalculated, and they're always to take whatever wins they can get.  I think they're going to consolidate power over northern Europe, keep as much of southern Europe as they can, meaning Spain and Italy and the non-Germanic, the northern vs. southern, the Romantic language belt, and the Greeks vs. the Germanic northern tribes, the Barbarians in Tom's mind.  They won't give up power until it's taken from them.  Everybody has to get comfortable with that idea.  Elections aren't going to work; they've destroyed the electoral process.  They're going to leave people with no other option than violent overthrow.  

22:59  They still have New Zealand and commonwealth countries.  And they're part of that as well, and there's going to have to be a violent overthrow of those governments; whether or not those people will be willing to do it or not . . . that'll only happen if we see a violent overthrow of the British government.  And I'll be honest with you, I spoke with Alexander Mercouris of The Duran, and Alex was talking extensively about how people have a misconception about British passivity.  You know, like every couple hundred years, we throw a big old hot time in the old town and we violently overthrow our government and we rewrite the constitution.  It's coming.  I don't think that you're going to rouse the Brits to that any time soon, it may take another generation, but it's definitely on the horizon.  I see what's happening in areas of Spain, and I think and I am in many ways encouraged by this.  

24:11  I have two more non-Russia, non-Ukraine questions.  One is Larry Summers just said that we need 5 years of unemployment, about 5% to contain inflation, which are numbers that are remarkably discouraging, relative to the fiat? Fed view.  And you know, Larry Summers, who spent years saying there was no problem with spending or deficit, that the U.S. should keep up its spending pace, is today telling Biden that they went too far and that inflation is coning like never before.  Biden these days called him to ask for advice.  I don't know if this is comedy or tragedy, but what do you think when you read this?  

25:00. At this point, you always know they're desperate when they have to trot out Larry Summers, the architect of negative interest rates in the European Union. Larry Summers will say whatever he needs to say in order to keep his standing, his credentials.  When Summers speaks, he's speaking on behalf of the Clinton wing of the Democratic Party.  He's always been a Clinton ally in that respect.  Yeah, if you're hearing that, you're hearing that the Clinton wing of the DNC wants control of the DNC again and is openly criticizing the Obama wing of the DNC whose currently in power.  They're both going to be out of power in such a way after the midterms that they're never going to be in power again unless Davis cheats to the point where it's obvious and we all have to take up rifles, storm DC, and have a real insurrection.  And if they try to pull off in 2022 what they pulled off in 2020, we will not stand for it here in the United Stares.  But again, is that part of their plan or not?  Is that what they want?  Like they wanted Russia to invade Ukraine.  They goaded the Russians into attacking first so they could grab the moral high ground.  Then send Zellensky out, one of the most depraved men in the world, send him out to be the leader of the free world, are you kidding me?  I don't know about you, but I haven't been all that impressed with the writing in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series that Disney has put out, but I'll tell ya that that script as bad as it is is better than the one that Davos has been trying to sell us about Ukraine.  Davos needs better script writers, and I am dead serious when I say this.  It's very obvious that they don't know what they're doing.  They're just bad at this.  They've gotten so lazy in their narrative construction because they've been in power for so long that we can just see the obvious nonsense (I'm trying to keep it clean here).  

27:20. Ray Dalios of Bridgewater, which is the largest hedge fund in the world just disclosed a new $10 billion short position in 26 Euro-based stocks.  The biggest short position is the ASML, the semiconductor fabrics of fabrics . . . are part of the Euro-Stocks 50, which are part of the . . . .  What does Dalio know?  Tom's been telling everybody that Europe is going to be the first/worst victim in all of this.  What do you see with this massive short? 

28:00. Yeah, when I see a normie like Ray Dalio go short $10 billion on the EuroZone, I go, wow, thank you.  That's like the best validation of my arguments that I've seen in a while.  It doesn't hurt that the ECB held an FMOC meeting on the morning of to hear them go, "Oh, don't worry, we have everything under control, don't panic."  Then 75 basis points.  Tom laughed for an hour when he saw that.  I couldn't go to sleep.  It was like 4am and I saw the headline and I was bug-eyed.  I was literally doing the Kermit flap.  I was literally cackling.  Like I'd won the lottery.  The most hilarious thing I'd ever seen, because I was just confirmatory of everything I'd been saying, that the ECB is completely trapped.  The Fed is not fighting inflation; it's fighting Davos for control over the dollar transmission system in such a way as to break the overseas dollar markets, as a way to break LIBOR, to break Euro dollar market, and to break the European Union's control over all of, the BIS, all of it.  No, we're in control of all of it.  This goes back to May of last year to a major of central bankers, early May 2021.

Monday, May 2, 2022

"ironically there seems to be ONLY one statesmen still standing and that is Donald Trump"

Russia TV called out Borris Johnson for threatening to launch nuclear weapons against Russia. As they aptly warned that Borris has simply lost his mind that the UK is a very small island and one long-range nuclear weapon will wipe out the UK from the face of the planet. They also point out that they can simply detonate one offshore that would create a tsunami that would also wipe out the UK. 

As one reader pointed out, strategic nukes and tactical nukes are different in classical terms of “strategy” and “tactics”. The long-range strategic nukes are long-range (ICBMs, SLBMs, BTW launched, etc.) and generally used for a large-scale assault, whereas tactical nukes are short-range (smaller artillery-launched) and less powerful (relatively speaking, of course). Russia could use a tactical nuke and wipe out Kyiv without destroying the entire country. That would at least shut up Zelensky and he will never get to spend the $850 million he has already allegedly stolen post-war with the blood of his own people to keep the money flowing which he is stuffing offshore in the traditional fashion of Ukrainian politicians. In the US, they go in broke and leave as millionaires. In Ukraine, they strive to live as billionaires.

Russia is correct that just one nuke would wipe out Britain and Scotland. Just what the hell is going on here with these brain-dead leaders in the West is unimaginable. I spoke with a Congressman this morning and the sad state of affairs was that I was told that there is little expertise on Capitol Hill for the cold war generation seems to have retired. That is not helped when we have a senile President who seems to be rambling and will simply sign whatever they stick in front of him and needs the Easter Bunny to direct him and turn to shake hands with people who are not there.

Nobody wants to discuss the fact that Kyiv sent its army to begin the Civil War against Donbas on April 15th, 2014. It was called the “Anti-terrorist operation.” I have stated that I have personally known people on both sides from Kyiv and Donetsk. I have listened to the sheer hatred of Russians that stems from the days of Stalin who killed 7 million Ukrainians by starvation (see the film Mr. Jones). Understandably, Ukrainians would hate Russians and that includes those in the Donbas. Likewise, the ethnic Russians in the Donbas feel oppressed and hated based entirely on their ethnicity. But the Western Neocons just hate Russians so their story of Donbas is never told in the Western press.

As I have pointed out, Russian scholars have been debating this issue for decades trying to answer the questions (1) who is Russian and (2) what is the territory of Russia. Stalin was not Russia – he was Georgian. Lenin wanted to maintain the USSR and the Russian Empire with each state retaining its sovereignty. Stalin disagreed and demanded USSR be one country and terminated Lenin’s idea of a quasi-United States of Russia

Nikolai Patrushev is much more hard-right than Putin.

Putin has cancer and he is undergoing surgery. His number 2 is Nikolai Patrushev who is much more hard-right than Putin. I am deeply concerned that Putin may not make it to 2024 and if that is the case, these insults the West keeps hurling at Russia have not only severed all relations but also the direct phone line set up after the Cuban Missile Crisis to ensure that the leaders could always communicate to avoid war. Biden has virtually thrown the phone out the window.

Despite all the propaganda that demonizes Putin, those behind him are FAR WORSE for they are no different than the Neocons in America who just cannot sleep at night as long as Americans are still breathing. Our war cycle post-2024 appears to be the worst period. I fear that Putin will no longer be in charge and then we will see the real rage of Russia and how it has been treated by Biden and Europe. Russia will celebrate defeating the German Nazis on May 9th.

As Glen Greenwald pointed out on Twitter, “Noam Chomsky, in an interview this week, says “fortunately” there is “one Western statesman of stature” who is pushing for a diplomatic solution to the war in Ukraine rather than looking for ways to fuel and prolong it. “His name is Donald J. Trump,” Chomsky says. ” Indeed, in my discussions, ironically there seems to be ONLY one statesman still standing and that is Donald Trump. All we have a war-mongers cheering on World War III. Not a single world leader is interested whatsoever in world peace. They have all deliberately lied about what the Ukrainians have been doing against the ethnic Russians for they have killed over 6,000 civilians in this relentless war. Nobody can now stand up and even acknowledge that Putin was not lying or that he was even the slightest bit correct. Nobody will talk about Zelensky and how he has now polarized the Middle East as well as fueled the old hatred against the Jews. If you have not noticed, the countries surrounding Israel are aligning with Russia, not the USA and the EU.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

"They will steal your money, take your children, burn your life to the ground."

To all who live in the United States and beyond, please read this.  

Putin is done talking to the U.S. and the west, his enemies.  Now he's talking to everyone else to appeal to conservative convictions against the il-liberal ones.  

Russia's threat from the West is existential. Culture in Russia still means something, whereas in the West a man can become a woman, 2 + 2 = 5, justice is socialized to the whims of the 20-something #Me-Too mob, and borrowing trillions of dollars means paying down debt.  Culture is sacred.  Traditions and rituals survive hundreds if not thousands of years and you can't have a civilization reproduce itself if it surrenders its culture.  Transgender studies is not a valid body of knowledge that can sustain a people or a nation.  Neither is the destructive one-world communism.

Though you'd never know it by relying on the news media in the west, the west wants to pulverize Russia and its sphere of influence, the old Soviet blocks, into a million little atoms.  The West has been taken over by Klaus Schwab's minions and has become the New Communism.  Think of Davos and Klaus Schwab who want to kill billions, make those who survive weak, sick, and dependent on the government dole for social welfare, and turn the West and the United States into a defacto communist world.  In this coming world, you can expect the kind of monstrosity we see in North Korea, where if someone criticizes the government or the leader, that person is thrown into prison.  That's not all, however.  We learned from Michael Malice that the N. Korean government will punish you and members of your family for the next two generations.  That's how they rehabilitate you.  If Klaus Schwab gets his way and institutes across the globe the Great [Financial] Reset, you can expect a full-blown North Korean-style concentration camp.  Remember, government never limits itself.  Ever.  

Lindsey Graham’s job is to build up the propaganda war to justify NATO’s entrance into Ukraine in the next few weeks.  The current Davos crowd who has occupied the White House is seeking regime change in Russia.  The Obama 2.0 administration sought the same thing in Iraq, in Libya, in Syria, and now in Russia.  Russia knows this, and Putin is prepared. 

That speech was aimed at everyone else beyond his enemies including Americans and Europeans, “This is what they think of you. This is what they are willing to do to demand your obedience,” They will steal your money, take your children, burn your life to the ground.

Saturday, March 19, 2022


LARP is Live Action Role Playing.  When was the last time that you heard any Christian pastor say these words who weren't frightened by the Gestapo or that money flow from the COVID spigot?

In such a unipolar, unified world [meaning one-world government] there is no place for sovereign states.  Such a world needs merely vassals. 

I introduce to you, Vladimir Putin.

A further challenge (Danger) for the national Russian identity is connected to the process we observe outside of Russia.  They include foreign policy, foreign, and other aspects. 

We see that many Euro-Atlantic (the West) states have taken the way where they deny or reject their own roots, including their Christian roots which form the basis of Western Civilization. 

In these countries, the moral basis and any traditional identity are being denied—national, religious, cultural and even gender identities are being denied or relativized.

These politics treat a family with many children as equal to a homosexual partnership (juridically); faith in God is equal to faith in Satan.   

The excesses and exaggerations of political correctness in these countries indeed lead to serious consideration for the legitimization of parties that promote the propaganda of pedophilia. 

The people in many European states are actually ashamed of their religious affiliations and are indeed frightened to speak out about them. 

Christian holidays and celebrations are abolished or “neutrally” renamed as if one were ashamed of those Christian holidays.  With this method, one hides away the deeper moral value of these celebrations.

And these countries try to force this model onto other countries, globally.  I am deeply convinced that this is a direct way to the degradation and primitivization (of culture).  This leads to a deeper demographic and moral crisis in the West. 

What can be better evidence for the moral crisis of human society (in the West) than the loss of its reproductive function? 

And today nearly all developed western countries cannot survive reproductively, not even with the help of migrants. 

Without the moral values that are rooted in Christianity and other world religions, without rules and moral values which have formed and been developed over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity (and become brutes).

And we think it is right and natural to defend these moral and Christian values. 

One has to respect the right of every minority to self-determination, but at the same time, there cannot and must not be any doubt about the rights of the majority. 

At the same time as this process at a national level (in the West) we observe on an international level the attempts to create a unipolar, unified model of the world, to relativize and remove institutions of international right and national sovereignty  (Putin speaks about the U.S. Imperium).

In such a unipolar, unified world there is no place for sovereign states.  Such a world needs merely vassals. 

From a historical perspective, such a unipolar world (of the U.S.) would mean the surrender of one’s own identity of God-created diversity.