Showing posts with label Sasha Latypova. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sasha Latypova. Show all posts

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Toxins are the virus. When the body is exposed to toxins it releases exosomes and antibodies (originally defined as anti-toxins).

Grand Princess passengers grapple with COVID nightmare one year after ill-fated cruise.  

The reason why we don't have any testimony from anyone is that the people were killed in these air force bases, 10 people, the CDC and the U.S. government paid their families . . . .  As you remember, they were offering people huge amounts of money to people to shut up and put COVID as the cause of death on death certificates.  This was something like $10,000, it may have been more, and sign a CDA, and that would be so they can't disclose anything.  And also they were at the military Air Force, and probably also threatened them, "You can't talk about this," and that's why we don't have anyone discussing this.  But the paperwork exists.  The CDC or HHS gave us these documents, saying, "Yeah, we took these people over here . . . it would be interesting to try and solicit whistleblowers from this experience and see what has transpired of the family members who were killed this way. 

The CDC cites U.S. Law, Executive orders, W.H.O. pandemic announcement, their authority, and finally the CDC reasonably believed if released from quarantine, the subject will travel.  

What I advise people is: 

1)  Do not give any information.  

2)  Do not participate in tracing and tracking.  

3)  They will offer you a bunch of questions: REFUSE to answer them.  

4)  Same way when somebody is trying to arrest you without cause, do not talk to them. 

Don't answer any questions.  Don't give any information.  Most of this is tying people to a location of travel or a contact that they had.  So as long as you do not provide them with this information, they may still try and take you to a quarantine . . . and when they issued these orders, they also cited penalties. 

"Penalties for violating this order You must cooperate with the requirements of this order to protect the public health as authorized by 42USC, 18USC, otherwise provided by federal law.  Violations of this order may subject you to a criminal fine and or up to 1 year in jail." 

Now, I don't give anyone legal advice, but when you're formally arrested and charged with violating some sort of law, we're generally speaking here, you have rights.  Even if they put you in prison, you have rights.  Your appeal, by the way, is supposed to be reviewed by a different judge, not the judge who put you there.  So make up your own mind. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

LATYPOVA: and those people get promoted through Academia and Military and everywhere and those people are just as programmable actually better programmable because they're they're coin operated.

People think it's some sort of a new thing that they now can make gain-of-function (GoF) viruses.  And I assure everyone that, first of all, nobody can make viruses in the labs or anything alive, really.  And secondly, they don't make gain-of-function viruses.  So this is an area that on purpose has a lot of mythology around it.  But it goes back decades if not centuries.  So so-called biowarfare or using biological agents, and primarily using bacterial toxins.  So bacteria are real.  They are live organisms. They are large.  They're single-celled animals, and as part of their life cycle they excrete toxins.  Most bacteria are benign in fact actually beneficial we have a lot of bacteria living inside us as our gut biome those are very beneficial bacteria now there are some in nature that can excrete toxins especially if there are a lot of them and they tend to be associated with things like sewage from humans and animals getting into the water and those bacteria like E coli and other types can create secretions that are toxic and can be transmitted through water and that was noticed a long time ago thousands of years ago so there is historic there are historical accounts of people knowing this and preventing this through Water Sanitation centuries ago because of this 

1:45. This idea of buy a Warfare of the scientists and Labs able to create these viruses and release them out onto the population and get everyone sick and kill you know like large swaths of of the population is largely a myth.

2:00. It's largely a myth.

2:01. They have not been able to achieve that.  Now however in treating or creating the antidote to the biological warfare when they talk about vaccines that are being injected into your body, they are penetrating your skin,  the body's first offense, and then being distributed by lipid nanoparticles to all areas of the body, crossing over the blood-brain barrier, that, on the other hand, can be very harmful.  

2:28. Exactly.

2:30. So they love this Boogeyman of the released virus so that they can deploy what is actually the bioweapon device.

2:40.  A bit of reality that, yes, there is this danger with bacterial toxins in the water, especially, and once all those problems were solved with water sanitation, then this whole mythology about viruses started being created.  It was originally created in the 1800s but then started getting more propagandized.  I remember through my own sort of professional life in this healthcare that viruses used to be like nothing.  They were considered basically when doctors didn't know what to tell you.  They would tell you, "Oh, it's a virus," so this was like a . . . and then this whole mythology of all viruses, viruses everywhere.  And then viruses infect Hollywood and propaganda, all kinds of entertainment propaganda getting programmed to everyone's brain that viruses can be weaponized.  And this is the preferred narrative of the government and [the Defense Dept] who make up narratives like, "Oh there's going to be a lone wolf, some crazy PhD in a lab, and they will create this enormous danger by releasing gain-of-function viruses. . . ."  And remember that those Anthrax letters, which were clearly the handiwork of the Department of Defense, even the strain came from Fort Detrick, it was all pinned on Bruce Ivins this whole thing was created.  

It's Bruce Ivins because he's crazy.  He just did it.  He was a lone wolf.  No reason whatsoever.  He had access.

But 400 other people had access. 

. . . but it's him. 

And so they pinned it on him and suicided him and end of the story, right? They did this from the anthrax letters and then they made through several iterations the Zika and a few other pandemic scares: the avian flu, that's another false one; it's a fake narrative.  The Swine Flu, the Avian Flu.  The Avian Flu is a false narrative.   Swine flu is a false narrative.  So they practiced these over and over and over, and they figured out that this was a story that would scare the largest number of people.  Everyone had been pre-programmed, including their own internal experts.  So it's not like everyone is in on this deal.  They have a whole bunch of people who will do anything for money.  They cannot think.  Will not think.  And have been promoted through the system because of these personality traits these people specifically look for people who are very ambitious, not very smart, and will do anything for money.  And those people get promoted through Academia and Military and everywhere and those people are just as programmable, actually better programmable, because they are coin operated.

5:33. So there is a vetting process for leadership in the United States of America: have to have a huge ego, do anything for money, and be quite dull.  

5:43. You notice them everywhere.  They're all over the place.

5:50.  They can spot an intelligent person miles and way away and like, no, you are not getting in the Inner Circle.  There's no way.

6:00.  So because of these features in the leadership people are saying well no so many people cannot be in on the scam they don't have to be so everyone is given the narrative The narrative over time and now we're into the military programming this and planning this out . . .  

Here's the full video. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

LATYPOVA: CDC and HHS took off 3,100 people from these 2 ships [and quarantined] them into a military detention facility at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, CA under pretenses of "a deadly virus"

Further explaining the Grand Princess saga, which apparently marked a pivotal turn in "public health" policy, Latypova notes, "So [HHS] said, not only do we have jurisdiction to arrest these people [or] 'detain them'—they didn't say arrest, but what I'm describing is arrest without due process, so they're violating our constitutional rights—but they're saying, 'Well...we can, because it's a deadly disease.' And they took them into the military detention facility [Travis Air Force Base], held them there, of which 10 people died, and were promptly disposed of, because it's a 'deadly, deadly virus,' and it was labeled COVID."

My guess is that the 10 people who died died of fear and anxiety at being herded. 

If we think that you are in a pre-communicable stage of a communicable disease that has the potential for a pandemic . . . No evidence of this needs to be provided whatsoever.  No scientific evidence because as I said they do their own pseudoscience.  So they don't have to provide ANY evidence of this.  

They housed the passengers at Travis Air Force Base in the Bay area near Vacaville and Fairfield.  March 10, 2020.

Interesting to watch how the news media treats violation of civil rights as just another step in the fight against COVID.


from Ballotpedia News.

Texas and Oklahoma filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas on January 18, 2023, arguing that an Obama-era federal regulation issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) granting the World Health Organization (WHO) authority to define what constitutes a public health emergency infringes on national and state sovereignty.

Fifteen states in July 2022 filed a petition asking HHS to repeal the rule. The Biden administration denied the petition in October 2022. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R), joined by Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond (R), filed suit, arguing in part that the HHS rule infringes on U.S. and state sovereignty by unlawfully delegating power to a foreign entity. Paxton argued in a press release, “Absolutely no foreign power should have the ability to exert police powers over Texas or any other state, and that is especially true for a foreign entity with as troubled of a history as the WHO.”

HHS had not responded to the lawsuit as of January 25, 2023. The agency did not respond to the July 2022 petition but stated at the time that it “will continue to make its own independent decisions” and asserted that it is “important to include references to WHO in the definition of ‘public health emergency’ to inform the public of the circumstances that HHS/CDC may consider.”

The date for oral argument in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas had not been set as of January 25, 2023.

Sense Receptor reminds us that,

Latypova has previously brought to light the fact that ~48 states " which your government can declare you a potential carrier of [a] deadly pathogen...throw you into a quarantine camp, or imprison you in your home, or imprison you in a hospital..." 

Here is the full interview with Sasha Latypova, released on May 19, 2024.

Bobby Cox from New York is fighting the state of New York over unlimited quarantining of its citizens in that state.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

LATYPOVA: And [Francis Collins] just did not care. And again, this is...depraved indifference he demonstrated.

‼️"I am pretty sure members of [the] royal family in the U.K. are being disposed of [via C19 jabs]. And that's easy to explain, because the communists, when they come to power, they always get rid of the royalty."‼️
"I am pretty sure members of [the] royal family in the U.K. are being disposed of [via C19 jabs]. And that's easy to explain, because the communists, when they come to power, they always get rid of the royalty."‼️ 

Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) describes for James Delingpole (@JMCDelingpole) how the communists currently taking power around the globe are disposing of problematic elites, including the royal family in the U.K. Latypova, who notes she has an intimate familiarity with the history of communism, says the elites are in the midst of the "ultimate power grab" and are aiming to exterminate each other. 

"It's notable that a bunch of high-level people did get injected. Lloyd Austin, for example, head of the military in the U.S., definitely got the real deal...he has prostate cancer now. Francis Collins, also [has] prostate cancer [and] got the real deal. He was the head of NIH, and behind this whole scheme," Latypova says toward the beginning of this clip, highlighting the fact that many high-level officials did really get injected with the poisonous COVID injections. 

Latypova goes on to note that "While he was still there, I know Senator Ron Johnson confronted at some point, fairly early on in Congress, privately—it wasn't in a public hearing—...he said, 'Look, we have 3,000 deaths reported to VAERS.' That was very early on, we have now, 40,000-something. And he said, 'We have 3,000 deaths reported to VAERS, this is very dangerous, what is going on?' And Francis Collins said, 'Well, you know, people die.'" 

"So he [Francis Collins] knew that they were going to kill and injure lots and lots of people," the pharma insider adds. "And he just did not care. And again, this is...depraved indifference he demonstrated. This is their position—they knew it was going to happen. So there are some examples of politicians getting injuries, I know one FDA person died [who was] on the vaccine approval committee. So she just died and...they [were] like, 'OK.' [And she was a] young person." 

Most notably, Latypova says, "members of royal family in the U.K. are being disposed of [via the C19 jabs], and that's easy to explain, because the communists, when they come to power, they always get rid of the royalty. They cannot have monarchs—that's an alternative leadership structure...And I'm not a supporter of royalty, but this is what's going on. When the global communism is getting established, they're going to get rid of the royal families, and they are doing it as we speak."

Furthermore, the pharma insider says that the royal family in the U.K. "may be on board with this, but...the people who commit genocide, and, again, this is coming from history of communism, I'm very familiar with...the elites also dispose of different factions. Because it's an ultimate power grab. And, often times, they see each other as bigger problem[s] than little people, because they always think, 'Oh, we'll get to little people,' but the power struggles lead them to exterminate each other also." 

Monday, May 6, 2024

Saturday, May 4, 2024

US Gov't using health emergencies to legislate its way to permanent tyranny

Please understand that pandemics are scams.  They are only declared as a way to authorize tyranny.  

Know this: the United States Government's Chemical and Biological Warfare Program is currently housed in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).  Where was it before that?  Why did they move it? Are we searching for Carmen Santiago, Waldo, or the Holy Grail?  Where is it NOW?  Our bioweapons program [yes, it's ours; we're paying for it] USED TO BE HOUSED in the Department of Defense (DOD).  Wow!  Maybe they changed locations out of convenience to us.  Instead of being alarmed at the bioweapons, our government is making them like medicine.  How considerate of them.    

Katherine Watt explains, 

Through gradual, covert statutory reclassification and program transfers, reinforced through Presidential Executive Orders and related executive branch declarations, and implemented through hundreds of regulatory amendments, the US Government's Chemical and Biological Warfare Program originally housed in the Department of Defense (DOD), became the Public Health Emergency [PHE]-Emergency Use Authorization [EUA]-Medical Countermeasures program housed in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). 

Everybody gets the following wrong or states it only peripherally, but you ought not to forget it.  The next paragraph answers the question "Who is behind the biowarfare against the American people?"  Asking "Who" used to be one of the 5 basic questions journalists asked.  But that dates me.  

Read it a few times if you need to:

The bioterrorism program is now jointly operated by DOD, HHS, Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, most other US federal agencies and their subordinate departments, divisions, offices, authorities, enterprises, committees, advisory boards and employees, in collaboration with the World Health Organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and other public, private and public-private hybrid institutions around the world…

In 2022 Attorneys General of 15 states sued HHS trying to repeal the HHS’ definitions of “public health emergency”.  --Sasha Latypova

What Does It Mean When Pandemics Are Declared?

Historically, epidemics could only be recognized AFTER the fact: after a substantial number of people became ill, died, and after a significant economic impact. Examples of real epidemics include mostly water-born, crowding/poor sanitation, and vermin-related diseases such as cholera, plague, typhus, and smallpox. All of these diseases are eliminated by proper sanitation of water, hygiene, and improvement in living conditions. It is not possible to predict an epidemic unless one purposefully takes measures to poison water or cause significant deterioration of people’s living standards.

In the clown-infested reality that we currently inhabit, the international government-military blob is claiming that they can predict pandemics and declare emergencies based on one fake PCR case of a made-up virus somewhere in the world.

HHS refused to amend its definitions of a pandemic and insisted that they can claim absolutely anything is a pandemic. HHS ultimately prevailed, the case was re-filed by OK and TX, the judge dismissed it and it was not appealed. In the refusal to amend its definition of a pandemic, HHS stated that “any communicable disease event” - this means a single case of anything they claim “communicable” anywhere in the world (for example, a single cow that “tested positive” for “avian flu”), once announced by the WHO, can qualify for forced testing, tracing, detention and injections of humans or animals in any town or village in any state of the US!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

DR. ROBERT MALONE was busy in 2020 writing COVID guidebooks and faking science with famotidine for $21M for DARPA. The OTA contracts for COVID countermeasures were issued by the DOD for about $50B back then.

Here is the direct link to Sasha Latypova's open letter to Dr. Robert Malone.  It is so worth the read.

I never knew you were also an OTA expert! That’s good to know. It would have been even better to know this right around 2020 when you were busy writing COVID guidebooks and faking science with famotidine for $21M for DARPA. The OTA contracts for COVID countermeasures were issued by the DOD for about $50B back then. It would have been great to have you utter some mention of it on Joe Rogan’s or Dark Horse podcast or some other high-profile social media venue to mislead Americans who all thought they were getting safe regulated pharmaceutical products and not unregulated, dangerous, liability-free EUA military countermeasures. Why didn’t you say anything back then? Why didn’t you say anything in the January 16 Doc Malik interview to disprove what I said about the OTA/COVID contracts? What evidence of OTA expertise can you offer other than an angry assertion that you have it? Why did you wait to claim you have expertise in this topic until non-OTA-experts, 
Katherine Watt and I found and reviewed the relevant law and the contracts, and until Debbie Lerman, a journalist and not previously an OTA expert, figured out why and how HHS “partnered” with the DOD to circumvent their respective OTA restrictions? Turns out that was necessary to order a massive volume of “prototypes and demonstrations” (unregulated chemical poison) and pretend these were regulated medicines for military and civilians. Did you know this in 2020?

Here is the chart that shows that the DoD was in charge of Operation Warp Speed, or OWS.  At the right, it reads, "In charge: NSC, DOD, BARDA."

And here is a pic of General Gustave Perna, the Chief Operating Officer of OWS.  We may want to ask ourselves, how do we allow ourselves to be ruled by idiots?  

Thursday, April 25, 2024

In my opinion, Sasha is too kind to Dr. Drew.  The fact that she doesn't appear until the 29-minute mark is odd.  She is the marquee guest.  

DREW, 29:10.  You we're starting a frame saying that doctors don't know anything.

LATYPOVA, 29:20. What I mean by anything we were talking about vaccine science and law and my point was that most of these crimes I treat them as intentional crimes so most of it has to do with understanding the law and understanding the pharmaceutical regulations which unfortunately practicing Physicians do not they are treating patients and they believe what the authorities tell them the health department The Regulators and what Pharma reps tell them.  

After looking into this, and I started with the VAERS data by the way, and I totally agree with Tom that the regulators are lying about the various data.  And they do have those thousand different other databases that are much more accurate, and so they know precisely how many deaths and injuries there are due to the vaccine, and even in court filings they don't deny it.  They just lie to the public when they have to respond to the courts.  They say, "Yes, we know.  It's all legal," and that's correct, because the evidence of the intentional crime are the changes in the US law that have been done going back to even the late 80s, starting in the late 80s, and then more recently the partnership between the HHS and the Department of Defense.  Also, evidence of premeditation of this crime goes back to 2016 and 2017.  I published on my substack a leaked audio of the AstraZeneca CEO and VP responsible for monoclonal antibodies Mark Aster discussing in in late 2020s where they describe the part that the Department of Defense approach them in 2017 to start working on the program where the Department of Defense will identify viruses that will cause pandemics and then the farmer companies will respond with drugs and vaccines made in 60 days . . . 

DREW, 31:40. If we have a bioterrorism event I want the defense to have a relationship with Pharma where they could do that no?

LATYPOVA, 31:54. It's not possible to develop anything within 60 days that's fiction and that's exactly how experienced drug developer Mark Kessler responded initially to this he said I thought it was science fiction and that's the correct reaction.  Because it is science fiction it's a narrative it's a fake story that these guys at the Department of Defense manufactured because they want to develop biological weapons but they can't because by a weapons convention prohibits them from doing that so this is the story that they sold to everyone including Congress and pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceutical companies were quickly were convinced to throw away their skepticism because there was money involved for no particular deliverables and since 2017 they have assembled a Consortium the Department of Defense assembled a Consortium of over 300 companies including Pharma companies academic institutions and all kinds of other organizations where they were keeping this base of people who agreed to do this from which they selected ultimately 6 or 10 companies that participated in operation warp speed got billions of dollars, and the deliverable were emergency use countermeasures, prototypes, and demonstrations purchased through other transaction Authority which is a very secretive mechanism to buy prototypes without disclosing anything to the Congress to the people where the money is going of course these contracts were no bid awarded to friends and cronies of Dr. Robert Kadlec, Former Assistant HHS Secretary.  See what Katherine Watt said about Kadlec on January 9, 2023
In my view, Alex AzarRobert Kadlec and Marion Gruber should be the first American war criminals prosecuted for the American implementation of the Covid-19 mass terror and mass murder campaign. There will be hundreds of defendants eventually; I posted a starter list in August 2022 and update it as I find more criminals in the records. 

And by law, emergency use countermeasures under Public Health Emergency are not pharmaceutical products are not treated as Pharmaceuticals.  They do not have any consumer protections as you would expect from them it's a legal and possibility to conduct a clinical trial using emergency use countermeasures because you legally cannot provide informed consent and IRB does not apply so that's why I'm saying you know when Physicians are told that this is a vaccine it's safe and effective and you read all the law that applies and doesn't apply to emergency countermeasures it becomes very clear that this is a premeditated very carefully plan long-term executed strategy to deceive everyone into taking these poisons.  And also to address what Tom friends just said I am very sorry that his wife is sick with cancer it's a tragedy I just had a guest in my house who is 18 your old daughter was injected with Pfizer and she has cancer I sat across numerous people who lost their children to these injections some died immediately some deaths were gruesome and these people have to go and testify to lawmakers and anybody who would listen and recount the story over and over and over again and this is a massive massive crime and it needs to stop now the FDA was fully aware that these things would cause cancer because they've written numerous guidance documents that's how they regulate industry so even in 2015 and I've read those guidance documents in 2015 2013 even more recently than that they wrote extensive guidance documents explaining to the manufacturers who wanted to develop mRNA products


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Dear Americans, here is your government in action




Thank you to Sasha Latypova

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Monday, April 15, 2024

How was it possible to drive so much fear and compliance with monstrous lies into millions of people?

How was it possible to drive so much fear and compliance with monstrous lies into millions of people?  

Pandemic fear porn has been abundant in all mainstream media, entertainment, peer-reviewed literature, and government propaganda sources like the CDC for decades. They recycle the same idiotic stories over and over again. If I had a dollar for every time I hear that the melting ice and Siberian permafrost will release ancient plagues! Here is a very recent example of the messaging:

Another one,

Here is a 2-minute video made by the DOD “biodefense” psychopaths talking about “rapid public health measures” while showing a soldier operating a machine gun. The hubris is nauseating. It takes a long time to make safe medicines, so we will make medical countermeasures instead, in minutes (!), by robots, and will shoot all of you up! Warfighter readiness and national security, bitches!

Now, perhaps you can put 2 and 2 together by combining Baric/Daszac/Fauci fear porn with this DOD protection goodness? They make propaganda to amplify each other’s propaganda. It doesn’t have to make sense. They just need to repeat a bunch of words - “threat”, “pathogen”, “protect life”, “biowarfare agent” etc.

Or this nice piece of fear-mongering biodefense propaganda by an actor playing “Pfizer R&D executive” for James O’Keefe. Unfortunately, James either bought this nonsense or was complicit (hard to tell) without checking to see that Pfizer has no animal labs anymore. They outsourced it all to Charles River and Chinese contractors eons ago. Furthermore, passing “pathogens” through animals as a “gain-of-function” approach has been known to be a dead end for decades. Yet, this perennial fear porn genre never seems to die . . . . 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

LATYPOVA: Further, I believe 48 states, maybe all 50 by now, have quarantine camp laws on the books, the laws by which your government can declare you a potential carrier of deadly pathogen, fake PCR you, fake PCR your sewage water, . . .

MIC MEOW, we have legislation that has already been put in place to accept this Treaty, like they don't need 2/3 of the legislation, they don't need 2/3 of the Senate to concur for the World Health Organization Treaty.  Are you familiar with that, can you talk a little bit about that? 

LATYPOVA, 00:27. Yeah, I've been following the topic and I've met with several people who are working on this, so I'm not a super expert in this, but the basic idea is that the World Health Organization is doing another deception.  They split it off into 2 tracks: one is the Treaty, and the other is an amendment to International Health Regulations, IHR.  So the treaty is the publicly paraded document, saying, "Oh, you know, all the countries will sign in, then you have to have ratification."  But the actual implementation mechanism is the amendment to the International Health Regulation, which is considered an administrative process, it doesn't require ratification; it doesn't even require a vote.  It's an opt-in, opt-out.  If you haven't explicitly opted out, you are considered to have accepted these and this is an administrative thing.  BTW, so, I forget what the dates are but after it goes into effect the date then they negotiated them, these amendments, and they go into effect, there's like 18 months period after which everybody considered, every country has signed up.  The thing is the U.S. has already signed up; even before 2020, we already have signed up to the same Amendments.  So we already signed up to be subservient to the W.H.O.'s health regulations and that was discovered by several states', including Oklahoma's, attorney generals who sued HHS at the beginning 2020 because of HHS's definition of the pandemic, which there is no definition.  It's pandemic by fiat.  It's what HHS secretary says.  If he says it's a pandemic, then it's a pandemic.  And they sued.  I think it was five or six attorney generals, and then HHS said why are you following . . . ? Basically the lawsuit was complaining that you're following W.H.O. proclaimed whatever, "rules," I'm paraphrasing here.  And HHS said, "No, no, no, we're not subservient to the W.H.O., but then explaining how they are determining the pandemic and determining all these actions, they've written out basically following what HHS, what W.H.O. says.  So through this process, the states already discovered that the U.S. is subservient to that Treaty.  And also they discovered that they don't have sovereignty on this issue or at least the federal government does not believe that the states have any say in this process which is not true.  States have their rights to declare all of this nonsense, as I said, nullify this.  But what's interesting when that lawsuit was dismissed, the attorney generals did not appeal.  So that's left hanging.  That tells us they gave up.  I don't know, maybe they're going to try some other way, but at that point they gave up and they said, "Well, okay."  So we already have signed up to those regulations.  All of this treaty stuff is just a show, parade, but we already have those laws on the books.  And also I have described to you this EUA nonsense.  That's exactly the playbook of W.H.O.  Further, I believe 48 states, maybe all 50 by now, have quarantine camp laws on the books, the laws by which your government can declare you a potential carrier of deadly pathogen, fake PCR you, fake PCR your sewage water, fake PCR your background and find a potential pandemic pathogen of animals or plants in your backyard, take away your property, throw you into a quarantine camp, or imprison you in your home, or imprison you in a hospital; give you no rights whatsoever, deprive you of any due process.  That's already on the books in all 50 states, including Florida, a big freedom state where Ron DeSantis had numerous occasions to veto it and didn't.

Monday, March 25, 2024

LATYPOVA: even Florida has these quarantine laws on the books. Florida governor Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) had opportunities on "numerous occasions" to veto the laws in his state, but did not.

 ðŸš¨"I believe 48 states...have...quarantine camp which your government can declare you a potential carrier of [a] deadly pathogen...take away your property, throw you into a quarantine camp, or imprison you in your home, or imprison you in a hospital..."

Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova), a retired pharma R&D executive, describes for Mic Meow (@MicMeowed) how the U.S. is already "subservient" to the WHO's so-called "health regulations," regardless of what happens with its upcoming "pandemic treaty."

"[T]he World Health Organization is doing another deception [and] they split it off into two tracks: one is 'the treaty,' and the other one is [an] amendment to the International Health Regulations [IHR]," Latypova tells Meow. She notes that "the treaty is kind of the publicly paraded thing," but adds, "the actual implementation mechanism is the amendment to the International Health Regulations, which is considered [an] administrative process." 

Any IHR amendment, Latypova says, "doesn't require ratification...[nor] even require a vote. It's an opt-in/opt-out. If you haven't explicitly opted out... you've accepted these [amendments]..." 

Furthermore, the retired pharma R&D executive says "[the] U.S. has already signed up" for the IHR amendments, even before 2020. "We already have signed up to these same amendments—so we already signed up to be subservient to WHO's health regulations," she adds. 

Most alarmingly, Latypova says that 48 states, and perhaps all 50, "have the quarantine camp laws on the books." These laws, she says, allow state governments to "declare you a potential carrier of a deadly pathogen, fake PCR you, or fake PCR your sewage water, or fake PCR your background, and find a potential pandemic pathogen of animals, or plants, in your backyard, take away your property, throw you into a quarantine camp, or imprison you in your home, or imprison you in a hospital, and...deprive you of any due process." 

Apparently, even Florida has these quarantine laws on the books. Latypova notes that Florida governor Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) had opportunities on "numerous occasions" to veto the laws in his state, but did not.