Showing posts with label SV40. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SV40. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

SV-40 did not cause cancer in its natural host, an Asian monkey. But what it would do in another primate that had never been exposed to it, one whose immune system had not been sensitized to SV-40?

Anybody citing the polio virus as a standard of medicine or a standard of medical success ought to be outright laughed out of the room.  It was a disaster, whose consequences have been censored.  Unless you read about it in Edward T. Haslam's Dr. Mary's Monkey, 2007.

Page 206:

Before long yells laboratory discovered that the polyoma virus that had produced the cancer in Stewart's mice and hamsters turned out to act like Simeon virus number 40, SV-40, a monkey virus that causes cancer.

Page 207:

In June 1959, Bernice Eddy who was still officially assigned to the flu vaccine project, began thinking about the polio vaccine again.  This time she was worried about something much deeper than polio.  The vaccine manufacturers had grown their polioviruses on the kidneys of monkeys.  And when they removed the polio virus from the monkey's kidneys, they also removed an unknown number of other monkey viruses.  The more they looked, the more they found.  The medical science of the day knew little about the behavior or consequences of these monkey viruses.  But times were changing.  Confronted with mounting evidence that some monkey viruses caused cancer, Eddy grew suspicious of the polio vaccine and asked an excruciating question: have they inoculated an entire generation of Americans with cancer-causing monkey viruses?  She conducted her research quietly, without alerting her NIH supervisors.

In October 1960, one month before the Kennedy/Nixon Presidential debate, Eddy gave a talk to the New York Cancer Society and, without warning NIH in advance, announced that she had examined monkey kidney cells in which the polio virus was grown and had found they were infected with cancer-causing viruses parent location was clear there were cancer-causing monkey viruses in the polio vaccine.  This was tantamount to forecasting an epidemic of cancer in America.  When the word got back to her NIH bosses, they exploded.  No suggestion of cancer-causing monkey viruses in the polio vaccine was welcomed at NIH.  When the cussing stopped, they crushed Bernice Edd professionally.

Page 208: 

They took her took away her lab, destroyed her animals, put her under a gag order, and prevented her from attending professional meetings, and delayed publication of her scientific papers.  In the words of Edward Shorter, author of The Health Century, 1987, "Her treatment became a scandal within the scientific community."  Later it became the subject of a Congressional inquiry.  In the words of Dr. Lawrence Killham, a fellow NIH researcher who wrote a letter of protest to the U.S. Surgeon General's office, "The presence of a cancer virus in the polio vaccine is the matter demanding full investigation." And further: "Dr. Eddy's case, to many of us, represents a somewhat Prussian-like attempt to hinder an outstanding scientist."

Eddy, however, was not the only one who investigated the issue.  A viral specialist named Lorella McClellan, working for vaccine developer Maurice Hilleman in Philadelphia, found similar problems in the polio vaccine.  vaccine.  The essence of the problem was the SV-40 did not cause cancer in its natural host, an Asian monkey.  But what it would do in another primate that had never been exposed to it, one whose immune system had not been sensitized to SV-40?

FYI, the ticket for treating cancer really is Ivermectin.

Dr. Mary's Monkey: How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses Are Linked to Lee Harvey ... Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics, Edward T. Haslam, 2007.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Sasha Latypova's efforts and results are stunning.

When did the evidence become available, who brought up the evidence and what does the body of evidence contain to date? Did anything change? Were we NOT able to sue Pfizer before?

Here is a quick summary:
You CAN sue Pfizer for fraud. 
You ALWAYS could.   
The evidence of fraud has ALWAYS been available and proven.   
Some people HAVE sued - her name is Brook Jackson.
Nothing changed with regard to evidence of product adulteration. Simply more evidence has accumulated over time including the information about DNA in vials and the SV40 promoter sequence. 
Nothing changed with regard to the status of covid shots as “EUA Countermeasure under Public Health Emergency, covered by PREP Act”. If you sue, you still have to find a way to overcome the defenses of this legal fortress.