Showing posts with label Dissolving Illusions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dissolving Illusions. Show all posts

Sunday, September 22, 2024

DR. SUZANNE HUMPHRIES: 🔥"The healthiest people I have ever seen on the face of the earth are children who were never vaccinated and second-generation children or third-generation children who are never vaccinated even more so."🔥

🔥"The healthiest people I have ever seen on the face of the earth are children who were never vaccinated and second-generation children or third-generation children who are never vaccinated even more so."🔥 Dr. Suzanne Humphries, a physician, and co-author of the book Dissolving Illusions, describes for Steve Kirsch () on a recent episode of VSRF Live (@VacSafety) how "the healthiest people" she has ever seen on the face of the planet are "children who were never vaccinated." The physician notes this is the case even more so for "second-generation or third-generation children who are never vaccinated." Humphries notes that she herself wouldn't take any "vaccine" whatsoever, and highlights the fact that the flu "vaccine" in particular has "negative efficacy"—meaning "you're actually [less] able to do battle with it than you were if you'd been left alone." As for the most dangerous "vaccine" ever, Humphries says it's a coin flip between the COVID-19 injections and the smallpox injections. "The joke is that that's our one success," Humphries says of the smallpox injections. "[That's] our one glorified success. The one disease that we beat with a vaccine that was so contaminated and so loaded with other viruses and bacteria and animal products that became a quasi-species that can't even be genetically defined today is supposedly our one great victory over disease." Partial transcription of clip: "Since educating myself, I will say that the healthiest people I have ever seen on the face of the earth are children who were never vaccinated and second-generation children or third-generation children who are never vaccinated even more so. Now does that mean that you are absolutely 100 percent guaranteed not to get any of the diseases that are targeted by vaccines? No. You probably will get measles at some point. You probably will get chicken pox at some point. you'll get whooping cough. Absolutely. You'll get whooping cough whether you're vaccinated or not. And, influenza, everybody knows that that's that vaccine cut me a break. "Even Anthony Fauci knows that vaccine is really sub-subpar. So personally, no. Negative efficacy is an actual reality, meaning that if you get the vaccine and then you encounter a certain disease you're vaccinated against, you're actually able to do battle with it than you were if you'd been left alone because of an entity called original antigenic sin or linked epitope suppression . . . . "When COVID hit, I basically just sat back and watched. To me, it was another day in the office. I'm the only person I know. There are probably others out there, but I didn't lose any friends. I didn't lose any family because I was already there, okay, when it came to COVID. And I just I knew the whole the whole thing was gonna unfold. You've already lost everybody. Yeah. It actually turned out to be worse than I thought. Because COVID COVID is definitely one of the worst, you know, vaccine vaccine injections, injectables, that that I've ever witnessed. "Well, if you go back in time and you realize what was in smallpox vaccines, it'd be a bit of a flip of a coin, I think. And the joke is that that's our one success. Our one glorified success. The one disease that we beat with a vaccine that was so contaminated and so loaded with other viruses and bacteria and animal products that became a quasi-species that can't even be genetically defined today is supposedly our one great victory over disease." 

Complete interview.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Lost Remedies

I see in your issue of last week that a surgeon in India has tried the injection of chloral in cholera, and lost 60% of his patients. I have tried oil of cinnamon in an outbreak on board an Indian immigrant ship, and every case recovered.  --T.D. Atkins, MRCS (Royal College of Surgeons), from Suzanne Humphries' Dissolving Illusions, 2013.

Cinnamon is a common and familiar spice that has anti-infective properties a 2009 study in the Journal of Cranio- Maxillofacial Surgery showed it to be effective in hospital-acquired infections and antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which are major health concerns worldwide.  Cinnamon's use as an anti-infective has been known for a long time.  A letter to the editor in 1878 to the medical journal The Lancet indicated that, during an outbreak of cholera, all cases survived through the use of cinnamon.  This is an impressive claim since cholera had a very high fatality rate during the 1800s.
I see in your issue of last week that a surgeon in India has tried the injection of chloral in cholera, and lost 60% of his patients. I have tried oil of cinnamon in an outbreak on board and Indian immigrant ship, and every case recovered. I have no doubt that the above medicine is a specific for cholera.

In 1889, Dr. Knaggs used a combination of ingredients including cinnamon with good outcomes in all 75 patients who suffered with the bacterial infection diphtheria.  The therapeutic mixture was prescription was precipitated sulfur chocolate powder glycerin and cinnamon water.  

Mix the powders in a mortar; then gradually add the glycerine with constant trituration, and lastly the cinnamon water.  Dose, half a teaspoonful every hour or oftener.  Dr. Knaggs reports the treatment of 75 cases of diphtheria by this drug alone, with no fatal results.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Dr. Suzanne Humphries on the History of Vaccination

Thank you to Wejolyn for the video. 

My journey into Illusions started in 2009 when my patients began having kidney failure, so I didn't start in the realm of autism until very recently.  In the beginning, I asked my patient why are you here?  Which dialysis unit are your from?   

And he said, "What are you talking about I've never been on dialysis before.  I never had kidney problems before that shot." 

And that was the beginning for me.  I said, "What shot?"  From there on in the amount of resistance, and "What about smallpox?", "What about polio?" that came at me turn me into the library and into the books that started me on doing research because I knew this guy was right.  And during that time I found problems with my patients who had chronic kidney disease were worsening after vaccination.  And I found that if you ask a simple question to all patients, which should be part of every doctor's history and physical examination, which is "when was your last vaccine?" that very revealing connections can be made.

So because I knew nothing about the content or the history of vaccines when the problems happen and the backlash toward me occurred in the hospital in 2008-2011, I really had nothing to fight back with back then.  If I had known then what I am going to tell you today, I could have easily beaten the arguments that were tossed at me.  Earlier this year when I was in the UK, I visited a place called Leicester that I discovered, while I was writing Dissolving Illusions with Roman, which for the history buffs amongst you, is actually the linchpin of the anti-vaccination movement.  The people of Leicester after years of fighting further human rights overturned compulsory vaccination in 1889.  Most people probably think that the smallpox vaccine was invented by Edward Jenner but it wasn't.  I'm not going to talk about that today or the successful very careful inoculation to the wealthy was going on in the Ottoman Empire long before Jenner, or that when that practice was brought to England, the doctors did it all wrong and actually created infectious Bedlam.  Smallpox vaccines are lauded as one of the success stories of eradication right that's totally false and any slight potential benefit if it ever existed was certainly not worth the imprint this vaccine has left upon humanity.  The sum total of the smallpox vaccination was a horrific, painful, deadly nightmare for too many recipients.  I think eradication would have occurred even earlier than 1979 if vaccination was stopped earlier.  Today I want to talk about why smallpox is important to understand even in today's struggle against vaccine religious zealots and it probably won't be for any reason that you will have likely thought of this building you see behind me is a men's prison today.  But in 1871 was a prison of fathers that refused to vaccinate their babies and couldn't afford their fines and so they were incarcerated to serve out their sentences.  [6:00]  In 1871, the town of Leicester had 200,000 people, no sewage no clean water putrid drains and 110% vaccination rate.  Nope you heard that right: everyone was vaccinated with a few who had extras just for good measure.  In the year 1871, one of the most severe epidemics of smallpox on record occurred during an era of meticulously documented statistics, and it happened 33 years of official compulsory vaccination.  3,000 cases of smallpox occurred in 1871, and 358 people died.  Until that point, even though parents hated vaccines and we're horrified at the side effects and deaths of their children from it, they believed the disease was worse than the vaccine.  1871 put a stop to that thinking.  And Leicester residents began to rise up and say, "We are not going to continue to sacrifice our children to a deadly and disgusting vaccine that doesn't even work." The response to the 1871 epidemic by health officials was to write stricter laws and appoint even more vaccination officers, because, like today, the problem is not allowed to be the vaccine. It was the people who just needed more doses of the vaccine.  Prosecutions in the  town increase from 2 in 1869 to over 1100 by 1881.  The total for the 12 years being over 6,000.  Of these, 64 had involved imprisonment and 193 seizures of property to obtain money owed for fines.  By 1889, only about 15% of babies in Leicester were vaccinated.  [7:50]  and the number of parents in front of the court were so many that this prison could never have held them all apart from which the court were so badly clogged up that hearing the cases became a legal impossibility.  How did that happen?  Parents stripped away the blinders the medical and public health systems had put over their eyes and for once believe their hearts.  In 1889, 110 districts had effectively annulled compulsory smallpox vaccination because the so-called anti-vaccination movement was a united force to be reckoned with.  Over 100 Parliamentarians in the House of Commons were anti-vaccine, and there was simply no way the legal system could deal with the parents all over England refusing to be vaccinated.  But 1871 was not the start of the so-called anti-vaccination movement.  It started very shortly after Edward Jenner came out with his disgusting vaccine made of horse or cow puss and initially didn't even contain the smallpox virus. 

This 1802 etching shows a horned monster being fed baskets of infants and excreting them to symbolize vaccination and its effects

Within a few years, parents were totally disillusioned with the whole idea as seen in this document published in 1817 only 20 years after the cowpox vaccine development.  

From an Appeal to the Public from John Birch Esq., 1817 on the Hazard & Peril of Vaccinations 

. . . fills them with alarm and they say they are in the most fearful state of suspense dreading last what they were persuaded to do in the hopes of saving their children from one disease may not prove the means of plunging them into another at once novel and malignant

Parents were already filled with alarm and fear, knowing full well the sickness and death that vaccines were causing in their perfectly healthy children doctors were also reporting serious illnesses like sepsis, serious skin disorders, and actual smallpox in their well-vaccinated children.  Yet the generian community committee accused those doctors who dissented and reported problems with the cowpox inoculation of having acting perversely and disingenuously misrepresenting cases according to their standard of proof.  The generic committee never factually answered the questions that the anti-vaccine doctors posed.  Instead, they smeared and spat venom in the direction of anyone who doubted the vaccination process.  This all becomes very obvious when you mine the medical literature of the time, but that's not something that my former colleagues, nor my critics today, ever bothered to do.  Instead, they carry on the 200-year-old tradition of bitterness, unfounded accusations, and nonsense about vaccine risks and effectiveness.