Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Eating Eggs for 30 Days

Thank you to BodyNetwork.

02:25  Highest quality source of protein other than breast milk.  It has virtually every nutrient that you need.  Its amino acid profile is complete.  Its nutrients and amino acids are very bioavailable.  The waste product from eggs is so minimal because you're utilizing all this great protein.  

03:00  The protein you get from plant-based sources is actually pretty poor.

03:35.  Here you have this meat that we've been eating for thousands of years it's not just nutrient-dense but if you're consuming something that's grass-fed and grass-finished, you are getting a very high source of protein that can greatly help you not just with your muscles but repair the proteins overall in general.  Sometimes people think about proteins as just muscle, but you have all the enzymes in your body, the different metabolic pathways are all protein, a good portion of your skin is protein, a good portion of your bone is protein; your immune system is protein.  So when we're trying to replenish and repair proteins, we need sufficient proteins and bioavailable sources that our body can really use efficiently.  Eggs are at the top of the list. 

One egg will give you 7 grams of protein and virtually every single nutrient.  It may not give you all the vitamin C, but It will give you the B vitamins;  vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K1 and K2, and omega-3 fatty acids.  So this is packed full of nutrients.
Other types of protein are just like muscle protein, but egg is a very unique source of protein.

05:05.  Eggs contain Sphingomyelin.  What is that?  That's a compound that can help prevent plaquing in your vascular system.  So if you're still hung up on this idea that eggs might clog your arteries, actually they don't; they actually prevent plaquing of your arteries.  

05:22.  Choline.  Which is a really important nutrient that can help prevent a fatty liver in fact if you're deficient and choline you will get a fatty liver but Colin is also necessary for a healthy brain choline is a really good antidote to high cholesterol.

0543.  Lutein and Zeaxanthin are two compounds that greatly support the macula of the eye, that is the back part of the eye.  The macula helps you with central vision and also helps to act like a filter for UV radiation as well as filtering blue light there's a thing called age-related macular degeneration and these two compounds help prevent that condition.

06:15. Phospholipids.  

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