Showing posts with label — Efrat Fenigson (@efenigson) December 8. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Efrat Fenigson (@efenigson) December 8. Show all posts

Sunday, December 10, 2023


Trump was sabotaged by the Deep State.  Then he said, "All right, we're leaving the troops in Syria, but we're doing it for the oil.  It has nothing to do with terrorism, nothing to do with freedom and democracy, we're there to take the oil.  So that seemed undiplomatic, unstateman-like, in bad taste, and everybody piled more hatred on Donald Trump.  But what he did actually is that he broke the Western European's support for the U.S. mission in Syria.  So, today, rather than the West supporting the United States and Syria where they are fighting terrorism they are on their own because they are there for the oil.  And that was very clear you know it wasn't a small thing because the CIA for many years the Brookings Institute, the Atlantic Council, they had these brainstorming sessions about how to consolidate Western European support for what the United States was doing in Syria so blowing the foundations from under that was actually a very very interesting move and a lot of the crazy stuff that Donald Trump did actually you know in retrospect he was consistently rolling back American Imperial commitments around the world when he could.  Remember that he also wanted to withdraw troops from Germany which again couldn't happen either but 

14:16. they had a war planned in Ukraine and they couldn't do that.

So I think that it created a situation that now has put the Western cabal on their back foot I don't think they have an idea of what to do and the initiative is clearly with Russia and China and this is why we see this huge delegation of Russia going to the UAE, going to Saudi Arabia, going to Iran, and they are cutting deals, and they are probably talking energy; they're talking nuclear power plants; talking defense pacts; they're talking security architecture and I think that the United States and NATO are on the slippery slope out of that region and I think that the consequences are going to be absolutely tectonic.

15:06.  There is a fundamental split between what Europe wants and what the Anglosphere wants the British American Neoconservatives want X, and it's very clear that the Europeans, Davos, want something different.  The French and German deep States want a 3rd thing: they want to replace NATO as security guarantors and the security industrial complex in Europe.  Macron has made this clearer so you've got at least three different factions now making up the West as to what's going on in the Middle East as I map all of the issues that Netanyahu has had and literally within Israeli politics.  I map at least 2 different factions for control of the Israeli government shifting back and forth between the Likud.  Israel is a British project.  It's a British American project it's not a German project it's not a French project Syria is a lost cause for all of them.  The whole goal of blowing apart Syria was that everybody was that everybody was going to get their gifts.  Turkey was going to get Idlib and the northern 30 km; the Germans and the French were going to get access to Iranian and Saudi Arabia oil.  That's what the JCPOA was about; Netanyahu hated it; the anglosphere hated it, because they wanted to sell American oil into Europe and so forth.  So you have all these competing factions and everybody was supposed to get their gifts and then they didn't get anything, because Putin moved in, brought in a bunch of Sukhoi SU-24s, and started supporting the Syrian Army by bombing territory today where the Turks are still in charge of Idlib and the Curves in American proxies the SDF are in charge of yeah bucamide border crossing between Iraq and Syria