Sunday, August 20, 2023

Now we'll know the proportion of idiots in our midst. Folks, it’s this simple. If Covid vaccines worked, they would have worked. We wouldn’t be talking about any of this. It all would have ended two years ago.

My message to everybody is don't comply.  If you're asked to wear a mask to get food, to use a bathroom, to get on a flight, don't comply.  Don't just resist, but make a scene.  Make a big, bad scene.  We get the government that we put up with.  Put a dent in the pocketbook of any store or airline or restaurant.  Don't comply.  Do without.  Go without.  Just as companies have policies, so do you, don't you?  When they claim, "Oh, Sir, we have a policy," reply, "Oh, good.  So do I."  Use the "I."  Make it stand up.  It'll help you stand for yourself.  Use "I."  I refuse.  I find your policy appalling.  I find your policy criminal.  And then write a letter describing the incident to the manager if the person who denied you your God-given rights, protected by law, were taken from you.  Don't let people take things from you anymore.  Please.  Those whom you love need you to fight.  We're not all in this together.  It's only your loved ones that matter.  if you get injured, is the "we" going to come to your rescue?  No.  Is the governor of your state?  No.  Is the sick-looking public health officer going to come and help you?  Ha!  Don't make me laugh.  No.  Throw off that promise that complying is you doing something good for society.  Society is not going to reward you.  To the collective, no good deed goes unpunished.  Don't do it, or don't do anything for the greater good.  There is no greater good than your life, and your health, than the role you play to your loved ones.  Be a strong friend and resist.  Be an example.  Be that ally.  Be a sister on behalf of your older sister or brother.  Be a mother that your sons can respect.  Defend your rights.  Because the government will not do that.  Look at what's happened in Maui.  Look at what's happened in Palestine, Ohio.  Look at what is happening with the price of everything.  You've got to stop obeying the tyrannical government.

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