Saturday, November 30, 2024

MOTA FREEDOM GARDENS ELECTROCUTION: "Two weeks for the tetanus shot/vaccine to take effect. 48-72 hours for Tetanus to kill him. [Why] give him a shot that will take effect 10 days after he’s dead?"

I don't know what to make of this.  I can't corroborate anywhere the lethality of tetanus, nor can I corroborate the time duration it takes for a tetanus shot/vaccine to provide protection against tetanus.

My husband cut his arm at work last week- a deep cut needed stitches. In the ER, the Doc wanted to give him a tetanus shot, but you’ve taught me well… I asked the Doc, how long does it take for the shot to take effect? He didn’t know- I told him two weeks. Then I asked, if he has tetanus, how long will it take to kill him? Doc still didn’t know. So I told him 48-72 hours. So basically you want to give him a shot that will take effect 10 days after he’s dead? No thanks. The NP was trying so hard not to laugh standing behind him, this young Doc with a thick upper-crust Boston accent has obviously never been challenged before, especially in the South. Needless to say, we declined the shot and the nurse practitioner took over.  

From 1995, "Tetanus vaccine may be laced with anti-fertility drug.  International / developing countries," 1995.

PIP: A priest, president of Human Life International (HLI) based in Maryland, has asked Congress to investigate reports of women in some developing countries unknowingly receiving a tetanus vaccine laced with the anti-fertility drug human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). If it is true, he wants Congress to publicly condemn the mass vaccinations and to cut off funding to UN agencies and other involved organizations. The natural hormone hCG is needed to maintain pregnancy. The hormone would produce antibodies against hCG to prevent pregnancy. In the fall of 1994, the Pro Life Committee of Mexico was suspicious of the protocols for the tetanus toxoid campaign because they excluded all males and children and called for multiple injections of the vaccine in only women of reproductive age. Yet, one injection provides protection for at least 10 years. The Committee had vials of the tetanus vaccine analyzed for hCG. It informed HLI about the tetanus toxoid vaccine. HLI then told its World Council members and HLI affiliates in more than 60 countries. Similar tetanus vaccines laced with hCG have been uncovered in the Philippines and in Nicaragua. In addition to the World Health Organization (WHO), other organizations involved in the development of an anti-fertility vaccine using hCG include the UN Population Fund, the UN Development Programme, the World Bank, the Population Council, the Rockefeller Foundation, the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, and Uppsala, Helsinki, and Ohio State universities. The priest objects that, if indeed the purpose of the mass vaccinations is to prevent pregnancies, women are uninformed, unsuspecting, and unconsenting victims.  

DR. MIKE YEADON: if you give an elderly person on their own an injection of Midazolam, they will become sedated and sleepy. And if you give them an injection of morphine, they're breathing will slow

Many people were given drugs like Midazolam, which is an injectable form of a drug like Valium, a sedative.  But they were also given injections of pain relieving drugs like morphine, even if they weren't in pain.  My PhD was in the field of understanding what opiate drugs like morphine do to the respiratory reflex, and I can assure you it suppresses and suppresses it and depresses it.  So, if you give an elderly person on their own an injection of Midazolam, they will become sedated and sleepy.  And if you give them an injection of morphine, they're breathing will slow.  I can tell you it's absolutely forbidden to give a person those two drugs together, those two drug classes together, unless they are under intense, ongoing medical monitoring.  And the reason is they're very likely to fall asleep and stop breathing.  That, of course, is what happened.  So that's hospitals and Care Homes.  Your relatives were killed by the medical procedures that were imposed.  Now it's quite possible early on that not everybody involved knew what was happening.  But I'm afraid after a few days you have to be a blockhead not to realize that it was what you were doing to your charges, your patients, that was resulting in their deaths.  So I've completely lost any trust in the medical profession because virtually no one has spoken up four and a half years later.

PETER ST ONGE: Despite the frenzied hype about BRICs finally killing the US dollar, the best they could come up with was a silly little currency basket that will fail

If you happen to own US dollars, you can breathe a sigh of relief. China and Russia are not coming for you, at least not yet.  Last week, the BRICs group of anti-dollar countries held their annual meeting, of course, in Russia, which is lonely and needs friends.  Despite frenzied hype about BRICs finally killing the US dollar, the best they could come up with was a silly little currency basket that will fail.  So if you're just tuning in, BRICs is a group of anti-dollar countries led by China and Russia along with oil producers like Saudi Arabia, Dubai, and Iran, plus some big countries like India and Egypt that takes it to roughly half the population of the earth.  Now beyond its size, BRICs is interesting because it's increasingly uniting all of the countries that actually make stuff, so manufacturing in China, natural resources in Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Dubai.  And given America and Europe are de-industrializing and banning fossil fuels to entertain environmental activists, this could potentially mortgage our future to countries who don't like us.  Still the immediate fear has been BRIC's long stated goal to dethrone the US dollar in order to end America's imperialist hegemony.  Concretely, the key parts are a BRICs payment system that would replace the Western dominated SWIFT payment system for bank transfers, more ambitiously a BRICs currency to replace the US dollar.  Now that takes us to this year's meeting where it looks like bricks is making grinding progress on the SWIFT payments which would insulate them from Western sanctions.  But on the big one, currency, they seriously dropped the ball.  So Russia had been floating for years now a gold back BRICs that would actually challenge the dollar since gold holds its value unlike paper.  Alas, they whiffed with a boring old currency basket basket that if they are dumb enough to do it will fail.  So a bricks currency basket means you throw all of their crappy currencies into a basket the ruble, the yuan, the rupee and you take the average.  This is a terrible idea since most BRICs countries are monetary basket cases.  Brazil has a long relationship with hyperinflation.  Russia and Iran are close.  A basket of basket cases does not stand a snowball's chance of replacing the dollar.  At least outside trade between BRICs countries, say between China and Russia, but that inter BRICs trade amounts to a tiny fraction of global trade, about 1.5%, while the BRICs currency share of international reserves, that's money that governments hold, it's another big source of currency demand and there BRICs is not much better at maybe 5%.  So with those numbers a basket of BRICs will barely make a dent in the dollar while the BRICs threat is receding for now, the dollar is not out of the woods not only because Russia could revive the gold bricks once their war ends but also because forget trade and International reserves, the single biggest determinant of the dollar's value is supply, how many dollars they print and that is largely a function of federal deficits.  With the US deficits nearing $2 trillion and rising fast, the dollar could be in for a very bumpy ride.  In fact, the recent run in gold prices is saying exactly that.  So for now at least, the odds are the dollars executioners will not come from Beijing or Moscow.  Moscow.  They will come from Washington.  

PETER ST ONGE: New York rents out entire migrant Hotel [the Roosevelt] to bailout Pakistan

The city of New York pays $220 million to rent the entire Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan to house illegal migrants. The hotel is owned by the government of Pakistan, and the deal was part of a $1.1 billion IMF bailout package to help Pakistan avoid defaulting on its international debt. Prior to this sweetheart deal, the hotel had been closed since 2020, having long struggled with occupancy and in dire need of renovation.

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: Trumps Proposal for Tariffs Will Fail

[Bitcoin is] not a store of wealth.  If it's a store of wealth, it doesn't rise and fall.  You can lose 40% on it very quickly, okay.  That's not a store of wealth.  It's not going to replace the dollar as a reserve currency; that's another propaganda thing.  A currency cannot be fixed.  That's what took Brenton Woods down. --Martin Armstrong

105:19. The majority always has to be wrong, because they are the fuel that makes it happen.  Everybody is long, and they panic.  They investigated the 1987 crash.  They called up the fund managers.  "Why did you sell?"

Basically the overwhelming reason was . . . They called the floor, "What's going on?"

"I don't know."  That was the worst response possible.   

The DOW is down a thousand points, and you don't know why it went down?

The rumors started flying, "Russia just invaded Europe and communications are down so we don't know yet."  Rumors got really wild.  So they sold, and that's really prudent.  If you don't know what's going on you get out.  If you read the Brady Commission Report at the bottom, I got them to at least not do anything against the private sector.  But at the end of the report, they said "Well, we think that foreign exchange had something to do with it."  I warned them.  I went to President Reagan, I said, "You just lowered the dollar after the G5 meeting formation at fosa court.  You lowered the dollar by 40%.  You just sold 1/3 of of the national debt to the Japanese.  They're going to sell."

"Oh, why would they?"

"Because they're going to lose money in the Japanese Yen.  Don't you understand that?"

These people have no clue how the world economy works.  Every body responds based on their own net view of the world.  We take the dollar down 40%, and all the foreigners are going to be selling.  Just look at why the dollar goes up during war.  World War I, all the money came here.  Europe was blowing itself up.  World War II, same thing.  That's what made the dollar the reserve currency.  In 1896, we were broke.  JP Morgan had to lend a $100 million.  So from 1896 to 1945, we became the largest economy in the world.  All capital flows.  Europe thinks the third time is the charm where you can defeat Russia.  Very nice.  You're going to blow up everything.  So effectively what do you got?  Capital is flowing to the US again.  


108:20. You talked about the tremendous growth in Bitcoin.  Where do you see all that going?

It's a trading vehicle.  It got started, if you dig a little bit, the bulk of the transactions were coming out of China.  The Chinese government called in all the Bitcoin people.  Why?Because they figured it out, "Gee, I can buy Bitcoin here and I can sell it over there."  They were using it to get money out of the country.  It was a money laundering scheme and then the government finally figured it out and called in all the same Bitcoin guys you're looking at the same thing it's an internet like gold.  So it's the same thing if it's traded in Europe the same thing as traded in China or here. So you're not talking about different quality. It's not like Brent crude versus Texas Crude.  It's the same thing.  It's basically digitized gold in a way.  It's the same commodity. So it lends itself basically to money laundering.  It's been doing well because largely a lot of Europeans had been using it to get money out of Europe the same way that the Chinese did to get it out of China.  Eventually the government will figure it out it's a trading vehicle.  It's not a store of wealth.  If it's a store of wealth, it doesn't rise and fall.  You can lose 40% on it very quickly, okay.  That's not a store of wealth.  It's not going to replace the dollar as a reserve currency; that's another propaganda thing.  A currency cannot be fixed.  That's what took Brenton Woods down.  They fixed gold at 35 dollars but you continued to print the amount of dollars.  Eventually the system's gotta . . . I think a 3 year old with a pocket calculator could have figured out that was going to go bust,all right.  The money supply must expand and contract with the economy; otherwise, . . .  The problem with people who got behind Bitcoin is that they were saying, "Oh, it's going to replace the dollar."  You don't even understand the economy.  If you had $10 and 10 people, we all can have $1.  If there are 20 people and still $10, what happens?  Now we're down to 50 cents.  It's deflationary, not inflationary.  You're creating the exact opposite.  You're creating a global depression.  Money has to be able to expand with the population and economic growth.  It's the politicians that . . . it's their spending.  It's the political system that's the problem.  Vote for me, and I'll steal it from this guy and give it to you.  That's what's wrong.  It's prohibited by one of the Ten Commandments.  It's been going on for thousands of years .Assyria, Babylon, all these legal codes.  Hammurabi's code is wages and price controls, fixing how much you can charge interest. Obviously there were economic problems or you wouldn't come up with laws that dealt with it.  This is human nature.  It has not changed in 6,000 years. 

Friday, November 29, 2024

KHALISSEE: Israel destroyed the mausoleum of Simon Peter, Apostle of Christ, in the village of Shamaa in southern Lebanon

Israel destroyed the mausoleum of Simon Peter, Apostle of Christ, in the village of Shamaa in southern Lebanon.  

From NewArab

The village of Shama is considered to be a strategic location because it overlooks the city of Tyre and is located around 5.7km from the border.

"Simon, by the way, is one of the disciples of Jesus Christ. He is also the cousin of the Virgin Mary. Today the Zionists are destroying it," one social media user wrote.

"Akhbar correspondent says that the Israeli enemy threw smoke bombs towards Shama to cover up their soldiers withdrawing after they were targeted by the resistance, but they failed and are still being besieged in the shrine of Prophet Shimon while being exposed to gunfire from all sides," another wrote.

Immigration to the US is now heavily subsidized by government handouts, and it’s a no-brainer that all welfare for immigrants must be abolished. It's also important to limit citizenship. But some aspects of the Trump plan dangerously empower government agencies in ways similar to the state-building legislation of the post-9/11 days. We don’t need more federal power in the US. We need less.

Let's talk about the Trump immigration plan plans from both a free market laissez-faire classical liberal perspective and look at what's good and bad about the plan some aspects of it are great no brainer they protect private property rights some aspects essentially expand Federal police powers and that's not a good thing. 


00:29.  Cutting out welfare dollars.  In recent decades, the US Immigration system has become a government subsidized scheme.  Show up, get free money, access to schools.  All sorts of free stuff get thrown at migrants.  Even those who go through the legal system after only 5 years they get access to a wide variety of welfare programs.  Also get access to citizenship they're at least begin the process after 5 years. 

Also, brand new immigrants showing up and have money thrown at them, like these five-star New York hotels subsidized by the government to turn them into fake "refugee shelters."  You see this in cities like New York but really across all US cities.  Debit card with thousands of dollars on it; free housing in luxury hotels; free food, as well as free natal care.  Americans saw it as a problem.  Huh.  That's why they're voting for Trump.  So no downside to cutting all that immigration welfare in this scheme of subsidizing migration.  Nothing wrong with true private sector migration where someone gets invited, offers a job to these people or the private sector supports these people and these people have to be productive in return.  Situation when we're facing.

02:12.  Citizenship is not a property right there is no natural righteous citizenship in any particular place except for the tiny number of people who would be rendered truly stateless where they denied you a citizenship none of these people arriving would be stateless without being granted you as citizenship they already have citizenship in the countries they came from when a lot of them get citizenship in the US they don't renounce their old citizenship they now have dual citizenship showing that they were never at risk being stateless but by not having citizenship are not forfeiting any property rights we should expand the time Horizon for citizenship to at least 10 years maybe 20 this requires a person to be far more invested in the local community to contribute a lot more to the local economy before they can start to extract resources in the form of social benefits programs and that doesn't endanger anyone's property rights you don't have to be a citizen to acquire property to keep it to have legal contracts with others.


03:40.  How do you accomplish Mass deportation?

Border agents don't have special powers to determine who is legal or illegal.  How do you determine this?  You have to conduct investigations. How do you conduct investigations you ask people what their citizenship status is you investigate them you spy on them essentially You observe them demand they provide proof of citizenship ask people for their papers I know we're going to be told by many conservatives if you're not doing anything wrong you have nothing to fear that's what these people told us with regards to the Patriot Act, the NSA spying, and the war on terror, in general, those vast expansions in the surveillance state, that a lot of conservative supported said "Hey, it's no big problem, because the government would never abuse its power."  Of course, we know, they always do.  So any scheme to go out and start investigating people more closely to determine what their citizenship status is, it's problematic.  Some migrants will volunteer themselves for deportation; these people are criminals in many cases.

05:54.  Since World War II, the US created this whole new idea of a "Border Zone."  [Border Patrol was created in 1924, and became part of US Customs & Border Patrol, CBP, in 2003.  This 25-mile wide border zone was created in 1952.] It's no longer just the border with a wall checking to see if a migrant is a felon; that's one thing that virtually nobody has a problem with.  But since World War II this new invention of the federal government, the obviously unconstitutional, 20th-century thing created was this 25-mile "Border Zone," where border agents can wander around asking people to prove their citizenship.  That was unilaterally extended without approval from Congress up to 100 miles and more recent decades.  You've seen videos with this on YouTube where people are just driving through the American Southwest and they're being stopped and asked about their citizenship.

07:20.  Going around asking citizens to justify their existence with paperwork is a problem.  We can't have a society that punishes private citizens for trying to rent an apartment to a person who doesn't have the correct government paperwork.  Or for someone who's paying a migrant to mow their lawn and they don't have the correct government paperwork.  These are all examples and excesses of Federal power expansion beyond a border issue.  Cutting off welfare dollars is the best start.  Or changing the citizenship situation that actually limits Federal power

None of these people arrive stateless.  By not having any citizenship, these people are forfeiting any property rights.  They have citizenship in their old country.  They are dual citizens.  We should expand the 

You don't have to be a citizen to acquire property, to keep it, to   

03:56.  The reality is that this is a foreign policy that team that at worst is going to be pro-Israel.  

I look at somebody like Marco Rubio and I don't see Rubio as any kind of mask massive hockey I see him as Little Marco he does what he's told and that's that Marco Rubio planning on making Latin America is planning on making Latin America and North America is priority for his term and that is a clear signal to the rest of the world that are foreign policy is going to shift radically away from the Asian pivot of the Obama Administration I don't think for a second Trump wants anything to do with a confrontation I don't think Trump really wants a confrontation Iran I don't think for a second he's going to get us involved into a war with Iran.

05:35.  That's an impossibility this is a distraction from what is the most important thing which is Ukraine if it's true that Elon went up and met with Iranian the Iranian ambassador to the uniformly

JEFFERSON AIRPLANE, 1969: Feed your head

ALEX KRAINER: The globalist cabal are planning a false flag terror attack on London which they'll blame on Russia so that they can trigger a whole-of-society mobilization by all of the western powers against Russia

The globalist cabal are planning a false flag terror attack on London, which they'll blame on Russia so that they can trigger an all out whole-of-society mobilization by all of the Western powers against Russia. Now if that seems far-fetched, there are now several important elements that fit coherently with this scenario, starting with the general geopolitical state of things.  Ukraine is too important for them, and the stakes could not be higher.  From the Imperial cabal's point of view, the price, in fact, is the whole world.  

In April 2022, then U.S. Chief of Staff, Mark Milley, said "If we lose in Ukraine, the world order we created 80 years ago will crumble."

Poland's prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, said in an April 2023 TV address, "If we lose in Ukraine, we will lose the world for decades.  Defeat in Ukraine could be the beginning of the end of the Golden Age of the West." 

Former NATO Secretary and member of the UK House of Lords, George Robertson, said in January 2024, that "If Ukraine loses, world order will be established by our enemies.". 

Finally, in April 2024, former British prime minister, Boris Johnson, recorded himself telling the world that "If Ukraine fails, it would be a catastrophe for the West, it would be the end of Western hegemony and we will have no one to blame but ourselves."

It is unlikely that the Empire's vested interests will quietly accept this catastrophe.  This is why they are escalating provocations against Russia, desperately hoping that the Russians will strike at a NATO member nation, creating the pretext to avoid Article 5 of the NATO treaty and to unleash a united response where the collective West would confront Russia in a whole-of-society effort and hopefully snatch a victory out of the jaws of a certain defeat.  A new false flag attack aimed at triggering World War 3 against Russia wouldn't be unusual in the context of history.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

MARC ANDREESSEN: Operation Chokepoint: No due process, none of this is written down. There are no rules. There is no court. There is no decision process. There is no appeal. Who do you appeal to, right, like who do you go to to get your bank account back?

the way we would describe it is it's administrative power.  It's political power being administered not through legislation, right, so there's no defined law that covers this.  It's not through regulation, right, there's nothing you . . . you can't go sue a regulator to fix this.  It's not through any kind of court judgment.  It's just raw power.  It's just raw administrative power.  It's the government or politicians just deciding that things are going to be a certain way, and then they just apply pressure until they get it.  --Marc Andreessen

Marc Andreessen.  

00:00. Debanking is where you as a person or as a company are literally kicked out of the banking system.

00:13.  Like they did to Kanye.

00:14.  Exactly, like they did to Kanye.  My partner [Ben Horowitz], Ben's father, has been debanked.  

00:15.  Really! 

00:16.  We had an employee . . . 

00:17.  For what?

00:18.  For having the wrong politics.  For saying unacceptable things under current banking regulations here's a great thing under current banking regulations after all the reforms of the last 20 years called "Politically Exposed Person," PEP.  And if you are a PEP, you are required by the financial regulator to kick them off to kick them out of your bank you're not allowed to have a . . . 

00:40.   Whaaat?  Well, what if you are politically on the left?

00:42.  That's fine because they're not politically exposed.

00:47.  So no one on the left gets the bank?

00:48.   I have not heard of a single instance of anybody on the left getting debanked.

00:50.  Can you tell me what the person you know did, what they said that got them debanked?  

00:55.  Oh, well Dave Horowitz is a right-wing, Pro-Trump.  I mean he's said all kinds of things.  He's been very anti-Islamic terrorism.  He's been very worried about migration, all these things.  

01:02.  And they debanked him for that?

01:03.  Yeah, they debanked Dave.  So you get kicked out of your bank account.  You get kicked out of . . . you can't do credit card transactions.  By the way, you can't . . . 

01:10.  How is that legal?

01:12.  Well, exactly.  This is the thing.  This is where the government and the companies get intertwined, back to your fascism point, which is . . . there's a constitutional amendment that says the government can't restrict your speech, but there is no constitutional amendment that says the government can't debank you, right? If they can't do the one thing, then they do the other thing.  Then they don't have to debank you, they just have to put pressure on the private company on the private company banks to do it, then the private company banks do it because they're expected to.  But the government gets to say, "We didn't do it.  It was the private company that did it," and, of course, JP Morgan can decide who they want to have as customers, of course, right, because they're a private company.  And so it is this sleight of hand that happens, so it's basically a privatized sanction regime that lets bureaucrats due to American citizens the same thing that we do to Iran is to kick you out of the financial system.  And so this has been happening to all the crypto entrepreneurs in the last 4 years.  This has been happening to a lot of the fintech entrepreneurs, anybody trying to start any kind of new banking service because they're trying to protect the big banks.  And then this has been happening, by the way, also in legal fields of economic activity that they don't like.  And so a lot of this started about 15 years ago with this operation Trump point where they decided to . . . as marijuana started to become legal, as prostitution started to become legal, and then guns, which there's always a fight about.  Under the Obama Administration, they started to debank legal marijuana businesses, escort businesses, and then gun shops . . . just like your gun manufacturers, and just like you're done, you're out of the banking system.  And so if you're running a medical marijuana dispensary in 2012, guess what, you're doing your business in cash because you are literally . . . you can't get a bank account, you can't get a Visa terminal, you can't process transactions, you can't do payroll, you can't do direct deposit, you can't get insurance; like none of that stuff is available.  You have been sanctioned.  None of that stuff is available.  And then this administration extended that concept to apply it to tech founders, crypto founders, and then just generally political opponents.  Yeah, so that's been like super pernicious.

03:05.  I wasn't aware of that.

03:06.  100%.  So it's called Operation Chokepoint, 1.0 was 15 years ago against the pot and the guns.  Choke Point 2.0 is primarily against their political enemies, and then to their disfavored tech start-ups.  And it's hit the tech world like we've had like 30 founders debanked in the last 4 years.  It's been a big recurring pattern.  This is one of the reasons why we ended up supporting Trump.  We can't live in this world.  We can't live in a world where somebody starts a company that is a completely legal thing, and then they literally like get sanctioned, an embargo by the United States government through a completely unaccountable . . . 

By the way, no due process, none of this is written down.  There are no rules.  There is no court.  There is no decision process.  There is no appeal.  Who do you appeal to, right, like who do you go to to get your bank account back?

03:57.  And then there's the civil asset-forfeit side of it, which is right the other side.  And that doesn't happen to us, but it happens to people in a lot of places now who could get arrested, and all of a sudden the state takes their money: civil asset forfeiture.  

04:07.   Yeah that happens to people who get pulled over and have a large amount of cash in some states.

04:12.   Right, or there'll be well-publicized examples of like, you know, there'll be some investigation into like safe deposit boxes, and the next thing you know the FED have seized all the contents of the safe deposit boxes and that stuff never gets returned.  It's this . . . this is when Trump says the "Deep state," the way we would describe it is it's administrative power.  It's political power being administered not through legislation, right, so there's no defined law that covers this.  It's not through regulation, right, there's nothing you . . . you can't go sue a regulator to fix this.  It's not through any kind of court judgment.  It's just raw power.  It's just raw administrative power.  It's the government or politicians just deciding that things are going to be a certain way, and then they just apply pressure until they get it.

04:55.  So what happens to those 30 tech people that you know?

04:58.   They go into a different field and try to do something different.  Yeah, complete upending of your life, and try to change . . . try to get out of . . . try to get away from the Eye of Sauron.  Try to get out of whatever Zone got you into this and keep applying for new bank accounts at different banks and hope that at some point a bank will say okay we've checked it's now all right but there's no . . . 

05:24.  So what do they do with their money, like what happens?  

05:27.   You go to cash.

05:30.  So where do you put it?

05:32.  Under your mattress?. 

05:37.  That is so insane so if someone has 30 million dollars in the bank and they get d-banked . . . 

05:42.  Diamonds.  Art.  I don't know, go overseas.  Somewhere.  Yeah, yeah.  It just happens, and it's really really important, there are no fingerprints.  There's no person 

05:55.   Right.  There's no stick above the strings.  

05:56.  Yeah, exactly.  It just happened, and we can trace it back because we understand . . .  we know the politicians involved, and we know how agencies work, and we know how the pressure is applied, and we know that the banks get phone calls, and so forth.  And so we understand the flow of power as it happens, but when you are on the receiving end of this, your specific instance of it, you can't trace it back.  There's no such . . .

06:19.  What are the instances like what is the company what are they trying to do and how do they run afoul . . . 

06:25.  All the crypto startups in the last 4 years the crypto thing got everybody got excited and like it just like stopped and the reason it stopped is because is because every crypto founder every crypto startup got d-banked personally and forced out of the industry or their company got debanked where they couldn't keep operating or they got prosecuted charged or they got threatened with being charged this is a fun twist the SEC has been trying to kill the crypto industry under fight this has been a big issue for us because we're the biggest crypto startup investor the SEC can investigate you they can subpoena you they can prosecute you they can do all these things but they don't have to do any of those things to really damage you all they have to do is issue you what is called a Wells notice and the wells notice is a notification that you may be charged at some point in the future it's like you are on notice that you might be doing something wrong and they might be coming after you at some point in the future terrifying yes the eye of Sauron is on you now trying to be a company with a Wells notice doing business with anybody else try to work with a big company try to get access to a bank try to do anything

07:36.   So that's when I support Dei initiatives.

07:39.  The SEC under Biden became a direct application of exactly, so DEI.  They did a lot with that, and then all the ESG stuff, and ESG is very malleable concept and they pile all kinds of new requirements into that.  So through this process, the SEC could basically just simply dictate what companies do with no accountability at all there's no oversight.  There are hearings where they get yelled at, but nothing ever changes.  Nothing ever happened in the hearing that changed anything.  It's just the raw application of power.

08:11.  And these are your friends that this has happened to?

08:13.  We had an employee who got debanked because he had "crypto" in his job title.  He was doing crypto policy for us, and his bank booted him because they did a screen across the . . . that's what they told us, they did a screen across there customer base because anyone with crypto became "Politically Exposed Person."

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

RICHARD GAGE: Scott Forbes was one of several WTC tenants who noticed strange activity in the towers right before 9/11

BUSINESS INSIDER: The average number of applications per job opening has soared in recent years, per BI

PETER ST ONGE: if we're talking 7 million illegals, there are at least 16 million Americans under the age of 35 who are out of the workforce


Left wing media, or is it left over media, is in full blown panic over mass deportation which is overwhelmingly supported by voters and therefore will happen.  Government funded NPR warns deportation will destroy the construction industry.  Fast Company says it will cripple California, which is already crippled in many ways.  The New York Times conjures a dystopia of Americans being forced to mow their own lawn and, brace yourself clean your own house.  So, is it true, will we have to clean our own hotel rooms?  Now nobody actually knows how many illegal workers there are.  That's kind of the point of being undocumented.  But the doom porn industry is clustering around an estimate of 6 million from a 2022 study.  Add at least another million or two, courtesy of Brandon.  Breaking it down, they estimate about a quarter to about a million and a half work in construction; another quarter in manufacturing, warehousing; yet another quarter in restaurant, retail, and hotels; and the final quarter in services from landscaping to picking fruit to janitors.  Note what all these jobs have in common is they are overwhelming lilo killed they take months or even a week to master.  This is not engineers and doctors.  This matters because even if we're talking 7 million illegals, there are at least 16 million Americans under the age of 35 who are out of the workforce.  They're not working.  They're not going to school. They're not doing anything.  Many are on government benefits.  Many others live with their parents.  According to the US Census Bureau, the percent of Americans who are 18 to 35 living with their parents just hit the highest since the Great Depression.  So why are they living with Mom and Dad at 30? Because entry level jobs pay peanuts when you are competing with illegals.  One large study in California found the average hourly pay is $30 for native born Americans.  For legal immigrants, it's $28 an hour, almost as good.  For green card holders, it's $24 an hour, and for illegals, it is $16 an hour, which just so happens to be California's minimum wage.  So why are illegals so cheap?  Because the vast majority are unskilled or even illiterate; that's why they could not get in legally.  Also because many are not paying taxes; they're undocumented after all.  Either way they bring the wages to the floor.  In other words, it's not that Americans won't do these jobs, it's that they won't do these jobs for minimum wage.  Keep in mind a lot of these jobs are hard work, so picking fruit in the hot sun, carrying slabs of sods sweating in a factory for minimum wage, there's no way to tempt basement dwelling 25-year-olds into the labor force.  Going back to the Doom p*** nobody is crippled because we don't lose the work the fruit is still picked the factory is still humming the hotel rooms Sparkle we simply do it with American workers who would otherwise be idle.  

The leftover media will keep pumping out deportation fear p*** and the economy will be just fine.  Blue collars will just have jobs that actually pay.  Yes, this will boost costs, but in return houses get cheaper.  Empty houses lower prices.  You'll be able to go to the hospital or find a specialist without waiting in line behind and illegal who has never paid a dime into Medicaid.  And, of course, government spending plunges as millions of welfare cases go home while millions  more get off Mom and Dad's couch and go to work.  

GREG GLASER: basically, the unvaccinated today are as healthy as children were in the 1950s before all the shots

The vitamin K shot has benzyl alcohol, which a baby's liver cannot handle, and it also has a spike of aluminum, which is also not good for a baby.  --Greg Glaser

I participated in a control group survey where we looked at the health of the genuinely unvaccinated children who have never seen a vaccine in their life and adults who've never received a vaccine.  Can you believe it, they're out there.  There are approximately 100,000 adults in America who've never received a vaccine in their entire life.

And that, by the way, means their pregnant mother wasn't vaccinated when they were in the womb and they didn't get the vitamin K shot or anything right at the time of birth, right?

Dr. Lee Merritt, you have done your homework, that is correct, and that's very important.  The vitamin K shot has benzyl alcohol, which a baby's liver cannot handle, and it also has a spike of aluminum, which is also not good for a baby.  And so what we did is we compared the health of these two groups, the our national data on people's illnesses, diabetes, heart disease, other forms of chronic illness that just make life really hard.  And we looked at the unvaccinated and compared that, and the unvaccinated are virtually entirely healthy for life. Their chronic illness rate among the children is approximately 2%; that means 98% of all children who are unvaccinated are healthy for life.  Like they don't have anything.  They don't have ADHD, diabetes, obesity, asthma, epilepsy, cancer.  We found zero of these things with the exception of some minor you find like maybe a little bit of ADHD but then it was just that one condition.  Whereas in the vaccinated group, you find that multiple children have many conditions and the conditions are severe.  And so the data was clear to us that the unvaccinated are the healthiest people on the planet.  And the way it made sense to me was that it looked at our national data from the 1950s, and it matched the unvaccinated.  Like basically, the unvaccinated today are as healthy as children were in the 1950s before all the shots.


The great "Telemaster" Danny Gatton pulled similar live antics and his 1991 Austin City Limits performance.  See the last 2/3 of the show.  I myself don't find these antics particularly interesting, though I like almost everything thT Roy Clark does.  Talk about a national treasure.  Original release of the Jimmy Dean Show ran frim 1963-1966 before it went into syndication 'til 1975.



Here's a short list of his work

DR. WILLIAM DAVIS: Wheat, grains, and sugar cause these LDL particles to form in the liver that lead to coronary heart disease . . .

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health, William Davis, 2011.  

Check out

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

JOHN BEAUDOIN: Ventilators is an 86% kill rate. And they did it to people whose vital signs were normal and they died

Direct accounting files, no, that's like the Holy Grail of evidence that nobody has, but I can go on the web and look at  Okay, go to and look for NCTAP, that's the COVID payout plan, and you'll find that Aluminant which is Parasitinib or Veklury, which is Remdedivir, has a 20% adder to the entire hospital bill.  If somebody goes in with a . . . I'll get to examples in a little bit, and you'll see.  I'll get to the real evidence, you'll see what I mean, it's . . . it's bad. They murdered a lot of people, more than a million people.  So the CARES Act I went through is basically a solicitation of fraud.  Walter E. Williams said it but probably also said by Thomas Sowell, Milton Friedman, "If you subsidize something, you'll get more of it."  And since they subsidized COVID being put on a death certificate would be put on a death certificate, thinking that somehow convincing the people [that] that's going to save people?  How is that going to save somebody, but that's what they did.  People being put on ventilators that's an 86% kill rate.  86% of people die that get put on ventilators.  And they did it to people whose vital signs were normal, and they died.

Dear President Trump, where are the Libertarians in your Admin? Okay, how about MAGA? MAHA? So it's 100% MIGA?

That large blimp kind of speaks for itself

PETER ST ONGE: That means DOGE and Trump are simply enacting the will of the Supreme Court, which the Rogue Biden Administration ignored.

The Department of Government Efficiency, DOGE, is going straight for the jugular for the exhaust ports on the Death Star. Last week, Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy co-wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal laying out their strategy for radically shrinking the federal government, the unelected occupying Army that Lords over our Fair Republic.  Beyond auditing the $500 billion in pure waste and fraud, there are two key parts.  First is two recent Supreme Court decisions that invalidated nearly the entire administrative state because it was not, in fact, passed by Congress, who is supposed to write all the laws not just the fun ones.  The second is the long-established precedent that the president can get rid of government workers who are not needed, a so-called "reduction in force."  Put them together and you get a beautiful three-step process: first, get rid of the unconstitutional regulation that renders the bureaucrats redundant so assess minimum Staffing needs and force reduce away then the leftover money reverts to Treasury to cancel out the leftover deficit, or dare we dream pay down debt if greedy Congress things can keep their paws to themselves.  I covered in a recent video how the Loper-Bright decision alone renders nearly every single Federal Regulation unconstitutional since just 50 of the tens of thousands of rules passed per year are actually authorized by Congress despite having the force of law.  The other 99% are unconstitutional.  That means DOGE and Trump are simply enacting the will of the Supreme Court, which the Rogue Biden Administration ignored.  So concretely how will this play out?  So DOGE will present Trump a list of regulations that overstep Congressional authority, meaning ones that involve major policy decisions without explicit Congressional authorization.  Trump can then instantly pause enforcement effectively nullifying the rule and then do a full review for formal rescission, getting rid of the rule, at which point if Congress really wants the rules, they are free to pass them in a law which they will not do for the same reason they never passed [it] in the first place.  So nullifying thousands of rules would Rocket Fuel the economy but it would also automatically render tens of thousands of bureaucrats redundant.  Trump being a good steward of the Treasury can then fire them, and given the federal workers earn six figures with gold-plated benefits twice the tax-paying plebs, that alone returns billions to taxpayers.  But that is just the beginning because the problem isn't the salaries; the problem is the regulations themselves and the control it gives.

So I've covered how regulations massively increase the cost of everything you buy.  To illustrate, Biden was proposing rules that would increase the cost of a washing machine by $200, a furnace by $500, an air conditioner by $1,000.  They've been piling this crap on for 40 years.  One study estimated regulations add $10,000 to the price of a car.  Gets worse.  A study by the National Association of Manufacturers estimated regulations add $30,000 to the cost of hiring a manufacturing worker.  They add $50,000 a year for small manufacturers.  So not only does that mean little guys cannot compete, it drives all of them to China.  All of that gone with the swipe of a pen.  

Historically waste and fraud efforts get bogged down in the details and end up cutting a few embarrassing programs and then they peter out.  This time looks very different.  Elon and Vivek have correctly identified the thermal exhaust ports of the Death Star and they are going in.

ERIC HUNLEY: The JFK Assassination Films with Robert Groden This may be the most important JFK video you will ever watch.

The most photographed crime in history.   --Robert Groden 

THERESA M. LONG: throughout the history of the Army, we have had all MDs/DOs; then, under Obama, we had a nurse; under Biden we had LTG Dingle, who had a BS in SOCIOLOGY...there you have it...least medically qualified "top Army doctor" during the most consequential…

R. Scott Dingle was the Surgeon General of the United States Army from 2019-2024.  His Wikipedia page reads, 

Raymond Scott Dingle is a retired United States Army lieutenant general who served as the 45th Surgeon General of the United States Army and Commanding General, United States Army Medical Command from 2019 to 2024. Dingle graduated from Morgan State University in 1988 with a Bachelor of Science in Sociology, and has Master's degrees in Administration from Central Michigan University, Military Arts and Science from the School of Advanced Military Studies, and in National Security Strategy from the National War College. At the time of his selection, Dingle was serving as Deputy Surgeon General and Deputy Commanding General (Support) of the United States Army Medical Command in Falls Church, Virginia. 

Nadja West had a BS in engineering.  Patricia Horoho was the nurse who served as Surgeon General under Obama.  

I think that the US had more deaths than any other country per capita . . . 

Because they had the most to gain, and the pharmaceutical industry pumped it all.  If you look at all those deaths, they are in Massachusetts, in New York, and New Jersey.  It's a Pharma bill.  Every one of those territories, it's like . . . I don't know if you ever seen that sort of libertarian video about iPencil [the 1958 essay by Leonard Read] how an economy works, right, like . . . .  So everything that is required to make a pencil if you look at just that analysis alone, the number of people that like you need to make the paint, to make the wood, to make the graphite, to make the rubber, to make the metal, it's a huge network of human interaction that makes the most remote things you never think about, including the coffee and donuts that are feeding the people at the mill that make the wood.  It's a huge network.  You go into Massachusetts, and the whole network of Massachusetts is tied into Moderna and Pfizer.  They're both headquartered there.  The testing companies, like Thermo, is from Massachusetts.  It is basically the COVID center economy of the world is in Massachusetts.  So they have the most deaths because everyone around them was in this mind virus of "COVID,  COVID, COVID.  We have to cure COVID," and they were tied to the economy of COVID, and that's why their outcomes are the worst.  Their fear got the best of them, and they went overboard with treating only this one thing while forgetting all their health care.  So they were motivated to exaggerate the deaths most in those counties and they did.  So John Beaudoin has the numbers.  He has hardcore data from the death records from Massachusetts.  He's a great . . . I highly recommend you having him on because he can walk you through the fraud that's going on with the death records in Massachusetts.  And you can see that they were putting down vaccine deaths as COVID  deaths.  And he can nail it because the death records are not protected by HIPAA and since they're not [protected or] detected by HIPAA, you can take all the information off the death record where the medical examiner doesn't mention the shot and then you can go find the same person in VAERS which doesn't have a name on it because it's anonymized but he de-anonymized VAERS through death records.

CALIN GEORGESCU: The problem is that all these oligarchs are connected to the pedophilia system

🇷🇴 The lead candidate for Romanians presidential elections said a year ago that the deep state, like Hillary Clinton, is a perophile system! 🗣️ Calin Georgescu: “The problem is that the UN agenda coincides with the Davos agenda. It is a global oligarchic system. They have power in Europe because they control all the people, chancellors, presidents, prime ministers, etc. The problem is that all these oligarchs are connected to the pedophilia system.“