"Dr. Holtrop and AAP: “I Don’t Know” and “Just Following Orders” Are Not Acceptable Position for Pediatricians on Vaccine Contents and Vaccine Risk" https://t.co/SunmbW9yUx
— Jessica Rojas 🇺🇸💪 (@catsscareme2021) November 22, 2024I've not studied the actual mechanism of action.
And they also travel to different parts of the body, including the brain, correct?
The head pediatrician in Michigan has not studied mechanism of action for vaccines.
And they'll deposit the materials they gobble up there?
She is also unconcerned that vaccines leave deposits of aluminum in body organs, including the brain
Isn't it true for most package inserts for most vaccines report encephalitis are encephalopathy as a reported adverse event from vaccination?
I would have to look at all the package inserts to be able to say yes or no to that. It is possible, yes.
The head pediatrician in Michigan is not aware of serious adverse reactions from vaccines.
Do any of the vaccines in the childhood schedule contain multiple kidney cells?
I do not know.
Blood serum from cows?
I do not know.
Kidney pig cell cultures?
I do not know.
Gelatin from pigs and cows?
MRC-5 human diploid cells?
Those are specifics that I typically do not know.
The head Michigan pediatrician is unaware of vaccine ingredients including aborted fetal cell lines.
Are you aware that MRC-5 human diploid cells are cells cultured from the lung tissue of an aborted fetus?
I am aware that there are two vaccines out on the market the MMR and the VCV that have . . . that use a cell in the production of it uses cell line from aborted fetuses from 1962 and 1966 those are the only two aborted fetus tissue cell lines that were used.
Vaccines on the current CDC schedule using aborted fetal cell lines: Varicella; Hepatitis A, Hepatitis A & B combo; Hepatitis A & B
Isn't it true that there's actually recently been a new cell line, human cell line, from aborted fetal tissues that's been approved for use in vaccines.
I'm not aware of that.
And none of the aborted fetal tissue culture cell lines actually end up in the vaccine product?
The vaccine doesn't have cells in it.
The cellular pieces from the aborted fetal tissue?
That is potentially possible, yes.
Isn't it true that in fact there are more of that cellular debris in the MMR, for example, than there is actual antigen.
I don't know.
The head pediatrician in Michigan is not aware that vaccines contain DNA fragments that exceed safe limits set by FDA.
Isn't it true that the Havrix, hepatitis A vaccine, contains millions of fragments of human DNA?
It's possible. I don't know.
Isn't it true that Varivax (for Varicella) the chickenpox vaccine contains approximately 1 trillion fragments of human DNA?
Again, if Dr. Plotkin says it does, then I will agree.
Okay isn't it true that the 74 aborted fetuses have almost every piece of their bodies, including the skin, tongue, and heart, cut into little cubes to be used for culture?
I'm not aware of any studies that Dr. Plotkin, the specifics of any studies, that Dr. Plotkin did.
What principles and methods do you rely upon in reaching your opinion regarding vaccine safety?
I use the, again, the recommendations of the CDC, and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, and the American Academy of Pediatrics to form an opinion about the vaccine safety.
So your basis . . . so the principle in that is that you relied upon reaching your opinion regarding vaccine safety and vaccine efficacy are what the CDC recommends and your claim that you've seen some people die of some diseases that for which there are vaccinations? Is that correct?
The CDC uses safety and efficacy studies provided by the manufacturer of vaccines, not independent studies without conflict of interest.
That's the sum total, right?
And the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations.
The American Academy of Pediatrics is a professional association which solicits donations from pharmaceutical companies.
So when you're looking at a patient making a determination as to what vaccines they should receive, what family history factors are concerning to you?
One of the big family history factors that I would take into consideration is . . . is there a history of anybody who's immune suppressed.
Isn't it true that the only polio vaccine used in the United States is an activated polio vaccine that's injected into muscle?
It's an inactivated poliovirus vaccine.
Right, and it's injected into muscle tissue?
Versus what we used to be used . . .
Actually, it's not into the muscle tissue it's given subcu [subcutaneously] typically.
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