Thursday, September 5, 2024

Dr. Wakefield on the Mumps vaccine

Another example is mumps.  Let's take mumps.  The mumps vaccine does not work.  So what we are seeing is outbreaks of mumps around the world in populations who've received two, three, four doses of the mumps vaccine.  The mumps vaccine does not work, and why it doesn't work is another issue that we can go into and how Merck acted to cover that up is an issue of current interest.  But we don't need to go into that for the moment.  Mumps was historically contracted at around the age of five to seven by children who then developed lifelong immunity.  Mumps in children is a trivial disease.  It's acknowledged to be a trivial disease, and indeed the CDC and the Department of Health in the UK determined there was no need for a mumps vaccine because it was so mild and its complications were not serious.  But nonetheless, for commercial reasons, I believe a mumps vaccine was foisted on to the population and has been made mandatory for many.  Now because the vaccine does not work in enough people or for long enough, then what we see is the re-emergence of mumps in older populations, in teenagers and college students and the problems arise because moms is a much more serious disease in, for example, post-pubertal males, where they can develop testicular inflammation, orchitis, and sterility.  So a mumps vaccine that doesn't work is not only a useless vaccine, it's a dangerous vaccine because it destroys natural herd immunity, that is the exposure of individuals when the disease is mild and displaces it up to a susceptibility to disease at a time when the disease is severe or more severe.  So not only have we destroyed natural herd immunity to the mumps with vaccination, we have made mumps a much more dangerous disease than it was historically. 

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