Sunday, March 31, 2024

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: when people say "You have nothing to hide." Yes, you do. You have your children to hide

If they can put a chip in your hand and implement a financial transaction control grid, it's not just that they can mandate a vaccine or cut you off from food, they can and will take your children.  --Catherine Austin Fitts

That's what you have to say when people say "You have nothing to hide."  Yes, you do.  You have your children to hide.  I'm serious about this.  If you look at the people who are running this operation, they are slavers.  They practice slavery.  They believe in slavery.  Slavery is the single most profitable business ever to date in the history of man on the planet.  They will take your children, not from everybody, but I assure you this . . . it's what I said when I wrote the introduction to the issue on sovereignty.  This fight is for all the marbles.  And I assure you, these guys can print money.  They don't need your money.  They want your land.  They want your gold.  And they want your kids.  Those are the real assets they're after.  

The Savannah Banana Baby Race

The Savannah Bananas

Saturday, March 30, 2024

After a terrorist's bomb in a barracks in Saudi Arabia killed 19 Americans in 1996, who got the multi-million dollar contract to rebuild?

A.  When George W. Bush started his first oil company, who helped fund it, Osama bin Laden's brother and brother-in-law?  True or False?

B.  After a terrorist's bomb in a barracks in Saudi Arabia killed 19 Americans in 1996, who got the multi-million dollar contract to rebuild?  The bin Ladens.  True or False?

C.  On the morning of September 11, 2001, who was in a meeting at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington?  George Bush, Sr., and Osama bin Laden's brother?  True or False?

Gage does point out that

1) The Bin Laden family had close business ties with the Bushes (CBC) 2) The CIA met with Osama Bin Laden 2 months before 9/11 (The Guardian) 3) The Bush admin shut down FBI investigations of the Bin Laden family’s terror ties (The Guardian)

YURI BEZMENOV: The highest art of warfare is not to fight at all but to subvert anything of value in your enemy's country, be it moral traditions, religion, . . .

The highest art of warfare is not to fight at all but to subvert anything of value in your enemy's country, be it moral traditions, religion, respect for your authority and leaders, cultural traditions, or anything.  Put white against black, old against young, wealth against poor, and so on.  It doesn't matter, as long as it disturbs society, as long as it cuts the moral fiber of a nation, it's good.  And then you just take this country when everything is subverted, when the country is disoriented and confused when it is demoralized and destabilized . . . 

I mean it's not like the LBGTQ doesn't already have a score of holidays to celebrate their lifestyles.   

JUSTIN LESLIE whistle blows on BOTH . . . Pfizer's premeditated atrocities and [PROJECT VERITAS's] withholding of life-saving information and millions of babies and children could have been spared this dangerous poison.

Justin Leslie is a former employee and a former
@Project_Veritas undercover agent. Like so many of these pharma employees, many are growing a biting conscience.

Here is Leslie's documentary, Project Whistleblower.  Wow!

AN AMISH FUNERAL: In regular America, it seems like this sense of family and community is what the people in charge are working hard every day to destroy.

INSTITUTIONAL COLLAPSE: OKME's office lost its accreditation in 2009 and has not retained it since. Oklahoma's Medical Examiner is ranked absolute last of all 50 states.

When my 18-year-old daughter was murdered by the mRNA injection on Nov 9, 2022. The Oklahoma Medical Examiner's Office stated to me, "We do not give preliminary results on autopsies." It took them 8 months to complete her report and even then, despite all the evidence supporting VITT (her actual cause of death), they listed her cause of death as "Unknown".  

The OKME's office lost its accreditation in 2009 and has not retained it since. Oklahoma's Medical Examiner is ranked absolute last of all 50 states. It's a freaking joke and I wouldn't trust a damn thing the OKME's office has to say. 

Guyanese President Irfaan Ali engaged in a tense exchange with a BBC journalist, Stephen Suckar

from NewsABPLive

Guyanese President Irfaan Ali engaged in a tense exchange with a BBC journalist during a segment on the BBC HardTalk show, where he addressed questions about Guyana's carbon emissions amidst plans for oil and gas extraction from its coast. In a viral video capturing the heated interaction, Ali halted host Stephen Sackur, questioning his authority to lecture on climate change and implying bias towards industrialized nations.

Sackur referenced reports indicating that oil and gas extraction could result in over two billion tonnes of carbon emissions from Guyana's coast. He pressed Ali about his attendance at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai.

Interrupting, Ali countered, saying, "Let me stop you right there. Did you know Guyana has a forest cover the size of England and Scotland combined? A forest that stores 19.5 gigatonnes of carbon. Forests that we have kept alive". 

Challenged about releasing carbon, Ali swiftly responded, "Does that give you the right to lecture us on climate change? I am going to lecture you on climate change because we have kept this forest alive that stores 19.5 gigatons of carbon that you enjoy, that the world enjoys." 

Wall Street Silver explains that, 

He didn't even give the right answer. The oil from Guyana is mostly going to western industrialized nations. Guyana doesn't even have a refinery. Without the demand from end users, there would be no oil extracted in Guyana.

Why isn't the BBC talking about the end users? How is any of that Guyana's responsibility?

Friday, March 29, 2024

Babies born to vaccinated mothers were born with no ears at Clovis Community

Clovis Community Hospital is located northeast of Fresno.  The nurse here explains how the hospital, by giving her friend Remdesivir instead of life-saving Ivermectin or Hydroxy-chloroquine, killed her friend, Lupe.  She also learned that babies being born to vaccinated mothers were being born with no ears.

California is the 4th ranked “stickiest” state (meaning if you were born there, you’re likely to never move out of state)

California is the 4th ranked “stickiest” state (meaning if you were born there, you’re likely to never move out of state).

Meaning that most of the people that leave the state are transplants from other states. Meaning that all the states that are complaining about “Californians moving in” are actually complaining about non-Californians who just happened to live in California before moving.

SNL celebrities try to tell people about the Clinton Whitewater scandal? 👀

Rockers sing a song to help explain Whitewater. Aired 03/19/94

MIKE BENZ: the ability to track, use free speech on the internet as a way to circumvent state control over media all around the world was seen as a way to be able to do what used to be done out of CIA station houses or out of embassies or consulates . . .

So it's the Soviet Union but with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  Oh, much better.

Depression is climbing in adults, but is higher in teens, per the recent report by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health + Axios

KAMALA HARRIS, I THINK: "They've had to fight much harder to survive in a white world, you know, filled with white devils"

Why is the FBI wasting time on this? This seems to be a 1st amendment issue if they are trying to intimidate and interfere with speech.


DR. JOHN MASON GOOD: “The science of medicine is barbarous jargon, and the effects of our medicines on the human system are in the highest degree uncertain, except that they have already destroyed more lives than war, pestilence, and famine combined.”

But be sure to check with your doctor. 

One of the primary factors contributing to mortality historically and persistently remains the practice of medicine.

“The science of medicine is barbarous jargon, and the effects of our medicines on the human system are in the highest degree uncertain, except that they have already destroyed more lives than war, pestilence, and famine combined.” — Dr. John Mason Good, author of The Study of Medicine in Five Volumes, The Book of Nature, A Physiological System of Nosology Thomas R. Hazard, Civil and Religious Persecution in the State of New York, 1876, Boston, p. 102.

JEB KINNISON: Performance Evaluations. Who is doing the evaluation? And what’s the purpose? The purpose is to defend the company against lawsuits primarily . . . for hundreds of thousands of dollars against the company.

Performance Evaluations.  

Who is doing the evaluation?  And what’s the purpose?  The purpose is to defend the company against lawsuits primarily.  Because of that external legal environment with labor laws and so forth, if a company fires someone there are any number of characteristics about that person that [the employee] can claim that they’re being discriminated against, that their firing was immoral or incorrect; then they could file a lawsuit for hundreds of thousands of dollars against the company.  And so performance evaluations are partly an effort by the company to determine who deserves to be promoted and who should go up by looking at everyone else’s evaluation of them but is mostly about establishing a record so that you can eliminate people that you think are the worst performers without running into a lawsuit issue.  So after several negative evaluations which are done by this long and complicated process, you have a record showing, “Oh, well, we’ve decided that this is not a good employee, so we fired them because of that, not because of their skin color, age, or whatever.”  The objection primarily is that it takes so much time.  You’re taking the decisions out of the hands of the managers who understand what their team members have done and can easily figure out how to reward them properly without the help of Performance Evaluations.  But because of the legal environment, all of the employees, the managers, and everyone else spend a great deal of time going through the motions of evaluating each individual employee. Then they get down to the meeting where they’re deciding what to do about them, the manager games the system essentially to get what they wanted in the first place.  So the entire exercise is a waste of everyone’s time.  No one enjoys it.  And just like deciding on salaries or budgets every year, it’s a huge part of a manager’s job performing Performance Evaluations.  Companies that experimented with eliminating them entirely and just letting the manager do what they think is right for the employees and for the company discover that the result is just as good, and no one has to spend the time on it.  And so the problem is the lawsuits.

WOODS: Well, now look, there's got to be a way, if these HR departments are doing such a terrible job, there's got to be a way to do an end-run around them. I mean, it's your own company. If I'm running a company and I've got some department that keeps bringing me terrible candidates, isn't there some way I can disrupt this or intervene? 

KINNISON: Exactly, of course, there is. And the reason why it doesn't happen very often is that it's a long-term thing. The HR department is there; it exists; it does what it's doing. If you want to change it, it's going to be a lot of work. It's going to be a lot of political trouble with people within the company. And why would you do that when everything seems to be working and it's fine? Well, the answer is if you don't do it, in the long run, your company will be hobbled. It's best if you start out with an HR head when you're growing as a company who has the attitude of getting the business going and reflects that in all of the people that he hires, so your HR department is not your internal enemy. That's the best thing. But if you're coming in to a large organization and you discover that HR is about socialjustice-warrior happy talk, and they're trying to make a social culture camp out of it, you need to do something, and you do that by changing your head of HR, giving that person the mission of setting a new culture for your HR, and working hard to keep people who've been programmed by labor activists and diversity activists from being important. That of course is difficult. You'll get a bad reputation. What was his name? T.J. Rodgers at Cypress Semiconductor is a fine example of someone in the '80s and '90s who resisted these efforts to make social justice the thing. And, of course, he got a reputation for it. He went really public with it. And it's one of the things you can do is to be a hard-nosed hard ass about certain things and just stick your ground and don't try to deflect and don't try to defend yourself from these accusations. Just say, 'This is what it is. We're a company that's trying to make money doing great products for people. We do more good in the world by doing that than by grooming our employees and making it a great place to work that people are happy with but they don't actually work very hard." If you get that kind of reputation, you will be attracting the kind of employees that you want. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

DR. STEVEN JONES explains how workers could have applied Nano thermite to the steel in the Twin Towers without realizing it. He was harassed, threatened and forced out of his job for his explosive 9/11 research… but he never backed down.

And here he reviews the bombing of the Pentagon.  Here is the Mark Gaffney article that Stevens references, called "Why Did the World’s Most Advanced Electronics Warfare Plane Circle Over The White House on 9/11?" 2007

And here Tucker Carlson interviews Dr. Jones but hijacks his report on Building 7.  Go to the 10:45 mark.  

I agree with Youngkin. Cannabis retail markets are not a net boon on society

Man with Cancer (Leukemia) 4 yrs prior was told he’d likely need a dangerous stem cell transplant. Colleague suggested IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate) with incredible anti-cancer properties. It worked!

Wow. The FBI reportedly sent agents to a woman’s house in Stillwater, Oklahoma to question her over her political beliefs that she posted on Facebook.


Homebuying costs are growing twice as fast as incomes, per Redfin

The fragrance in dryer sheets tanks your testosterone and disrupts other hormones

Sun-drying, or line-drying, is the best way to dry your clothes.  Vitamin D from the sun disinfects your clothes better than any man-made detergent or dryer sheet can.   

You're polluting your indoor air w/phthalates (found in the "fragrance"), which tank your testosterone. 😱

You're also enjoying some cancer-causing VOCs, including benzene. [VOCs are Volatile Organic Compounds]

The chemicals are designed to cling to your clothes & taken in through the skin too...😀

I never liked the feel of Bounce or any of the other dryer sheets, like Snuggle, Downey, and others.



DR. WILLIAM ROWLEY, 1805: noted that those who didn't conform to the already firmly established doctrine of vaccination would be labeled as "traitors."

Read this a couple of times even three times and you will get a stark realization as to the history of vaccination and other compulsory programs that your government has imposed on you 

Threatening parents who dare question vaccination or those who talk about injuries or worse that happen is part of the medical model that has been going on since the inception of vaccination. Case in point: William Rowley, MD wrote about this in his book “Cow-pox inoculation NO SECURITY against Smallpox,” published in 1805 – just a few short years after the fad of vaccination consumed the medical profession. Over 200 years, has anything changed?

1805--William Rowley, MD, cowpox inoculation NO SECuRITY against smallpox infection.

Dr. Rowley noted that those who didn't conform to the already firmly established doctrine of vaccination would be labeled as "traitors."   The prevailing social and political climate compelled the majority to adopt an "allegiance to vaccination."

“Besides deluding parents, threaten them unmercifully if they dare to disclose vaccination errors, and they remain silent under their sorrows. Others, through respect to their medical practitioners, will neither admit their own nor their doctor’s names to be published, for fear of giving offense. Others are cajoled and forced to say or do anything vaccination fallacy chooses to dictate.”

The quotation above comes from an 1868 book by British surgeon William Job Collins, MD, titled, Have You Been Vaccinated and What Protection Is It Against Smallpox?

Parents are bullied into poisoning their children. By whom, you may ask? By pediatricians.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

[RG911Team] This is a 1979 magazine ad from Pakistan Intl Airlines. Only advanced intelligence agencies and militaries could pull off such a complex operation

ELECTION FRAUD: Trump’s White House lawyer admitted to engineering a plan, with the help of top DOJ officials, to prevent any investigation into 2020 election fraud.

Contraceptive and Antiparasitic Drug Founds in Chick-Fil-A

Did you think that because the owner was an avowed Christian that you were getting something a little extra?  Turns out, you were right, you are getting a little something extra. 

[RG911Team] With the passing of Sen. Joe Lieberman, we should remember what he said about 9/11 . . .

BREAKING: Chaos at Paris' Charles de Gaulle Airport as migrants were set to be deported

The CARES Act was sold as an emergency for the people because of COVID: $90,000,000 for the Peace Corp; $13,000,000 to Howard University; $7,500,000 to the Smithsonian for additional salaries . . . .?

4 years ago today

was public enemy #1… all for requesting a recorded vote on the $2 TRILLION CARES Act. He was denied.

The bill was filled with nonsense like:

$7,500,000 to the Smithsonian for additional salaries $35,000,000 to the JFK Center for Performing Arts $25,000,000 for additional salary House of Representatives $3,000,000,000 upgrade to the IT department at the VA $315,000,000 for State Department Diplomatic Programs $95,000,000 for the Agency of International Development $300,000,000 for International Disaster Assistance $300,000,000 for Migrant and Refugee Assistance pg 147 $90,000,000 for the Peace Corp $13,000,000 to Howard University pg 121 9,000,000 Misc Senate Expenses pg 134 $100,000,000 to Essential Air carriers pg 162 $40,000,000,000 Responsibility to Workers Pg 164 $1,000,000,000 Airlines Recycle and Save Program pg 163 $25,000,000 to the FAA for administrative costs $492,000,000 to National Railroad Corporation 167 $25,000,000,000 for Transit Infrastructure pg 169 $3,000,000 Maritime Administration pg 172 $5,000,000 Inspector General pg 172 $2,500,000 Public and Indian Housing pg 175 $5,000,000 Community Planning and Development and on it goes to infinity....
But it was sold as an emergency for the people because of COVID. We saw inflation after because it was too much money chasing too few goods. We are printing ourselves into poverty. Hayek once said,
'Emergencies’ have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded – and once they are suspended it is not difficult for anyone who has assumed emergency powers to see to it that the emergency will persist.

He was correct.

"No Latin country permits mail-in voting . . ."

Obviously, there are other forms of fraud available to pollsters, but mail-in ballots only invites rampant corruption.   

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

medications were administered in excessive quantities, overriding the medical alert system. In 40 days, Danielle . . . was dead with heart failure and multiple organ failure from overdosing on Fentanyl and Remdesivir.

I certainly like this URL, DeathbyHospitalProtocol.   


of my only child by the white coat assassins of Northwell Health Hospital Glen Cove.

Danielle was worth more dead than alive for COVID-19 bonus payments money.  

Swept away humanity, the white coats turned from healers to killers. 

Danielle faced misfortune when doctors delayed her birth, leading to oxygen loss.  Sadly, 28 years later, the white coats falsely admitted in the hospital for COVID blood money and killed in 40 days.

My daughter's examine the ER was normal the two doctors sentenced my daughter to death by admitting her for hypoxia and sepsis those two doctors are: Heather Candice Meiselman, Internal Medicine, and Shari Tamara Andrews, MD, Emergency Medicine.  

"Daniela was nervous."

"Danielle was nervous because they were going to put on an IV Daniel is afraid of needles."

"Normal.  Danielle did not have sepsis on admission."

Danielle did not have shortness of breath."

"Danielle had CTA normal breath."

"Rebecca was with her daughter."

"Admission on 08/27/2021."

"No shortness of breath 5PO2-- 96%.  Danielle was nervous and did not want to go to the hospital."


PROBLEM: sepsis with acute hypoxia respiratory failure.

PLAN: treat as above.  Fever and tachypnea.  Meets severe sepsis criteria with hypoxia.

"Not true.  Dr. Meiselman admitted Danielle on false diagnosis normal temperature and white blood count."  

Danielle was pure love and known for her hugs and kisses.

Danielle had a heart of gold, pure and innocent.  She was telling the doctors and nurses "I love you," while they were killing her.

Danielle loved serving the elderly breakfast and lunch. 

They are not doctors or nurses, but white coat assassins for blood money, worse than street killers as they adorn their white coats smiling while they are poisoning you.  

Farzin Rahmanou, DO, Critical Care Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Internal Medicine

Syed Hassan Iqbal has removed all his images but I will find him.

Daniel deserved better.  She deserved to be heard, to be cared for, but instead she was failed by those who took an oath to heal.

This Edward Wansor, PA-C, said to me, "Her kidneys are working for now," never tried to save her.  Killed her in 40 days.

Remdesivir, Lorazepam, Ketorolac, Precedex, Morphine, Midazolam, Fentanyl Propofol, Cisatracurium, and Toxicillizumab with the explicit intention of causing her demise rather than allowing her to live.

Moreover, these medications were administered in excessive quantities, overriding the medical alert system.  In 40 days, Danielle . . . was dead with heart failure and multiple organ failure from overdosing on Fentanyl and Remdesivir.

My interview with Children's Health defense.  

Danielle had no medical conditions Danielle was very healthy and they killed her

His name is Farzin Rahmanou of Northwell Health Hospital take it over Glen Cove Hospital. She cried, "Mommy, don't leave me.  Mommy stay," and I waited until she fell asleep and I kissed her to run out and make sure I could come back because she had finally fell asleep.  But Daniel said she got sick because of the Remdesivir.  She went in with normal vitals, just a cough.  I was just a worried mommy.  And what they did to her was just destroy her body, destroyed. Daniel was on supplements and vitamins and hyperbaric oxygen at home chamber, and she had everything.  She was so strong and so healthy, but they doubled up and tripled up . . . .  And the PAs are also involved in killing her. 

Justice for Danielle: A Call for Accountability.  

Danielle's voice was silenced but her story must be heard.  No more lives should be lost to such cruelty and neglect.




New home prices have collapsed by 20% from peak. 📉 With the median sale price of a new house dropping from $497k in mid-2022 to barely over $400k today. Much faster decline than what occurred in 2008.

REPORT: There were no vehicles traveling on the Francis Scott Key Bridge when it fell into the ocean . . . . It has now been confirmed that the only people on the bridge when it collapsed was a pothole repair crew.

DR. PIERRE KORY: Prior to COVID, Gardasil was the worst vaccine unleashed upon America, and like now, its issues were covered up to sell more shots. Did you know if you already had HPV, Gardasil made you more likely to get cervical cancer?

Under normal conditions, markets are very fragile

Power failed on the Dali, but how does the vessel owner not have redundancies built in to prevent that?

As consumers, we forget about the logistics chain.  We go into a store to buy something.  

Goal is 2 years to rebuild.  Expect 5 years if it gets built by the federal government.  

The price of cocoa has surpassed more than $9,000 a ton for the first time ever, making it more expensive than copper, per Bloomberg.

DAVID SPADE: You know when I knew there was trouble when anyone that came to our country didn't have to get a vaccine. If you're telling me I can't go to work, but everyone coming in doesn't have to get one, I go . . .

Ship Lost Power Before Hitting Key Bridge in Baltimore by Sal Mercogliano

Thank you to Wejolyn.

To keep up to date with all things shipping, check out Sal Mercogliano.

Pharma industry pays 66% of the US congress, it pays presidents, it funds medical schools, universities, social media platforms, charities, scientific journals, doctors, major medical organizations, hospitals, & much of the news. They fund the FDA. They own the entire pipeline

Thanks to Wejolyn

US Fortune 500 companies are trying to maintain or lower their CPU (cost per unit). What they are doing is cutting corners. They are either cutting corners themselves or asking their manufacturers to do everything they can to cut costs no matter what. We can all see the end results in realtime.

"Currently, a U.S. company or citizen with plans to inject aerosols into the atmosphere is ONLY required to fill out a one-page form with the Commerce Department 10 days before they do,…

Virginia Bill To Allow Illegal Immigrants To Become Police Officers & Arrest American Citizens

Virginia Bill To Allow Illegal Immigrants To Become Police Officers & Arrest American Citizens

This bill allows “illegal aliens granted DACA to become police officers” The Black Vote knows it won’t stop there: “I want to know who was responsible for this piece of trash legislation that was gonna tell the migrants at the border, get ready to arrest Americans in the country legally.” “It passed the house. It passed the senate. It made it on to the governor's desk. What the **** is going on here? You couldn't tell us. You couldn't get the word out. So I guess we was going to just have a legal just show up in police uniform, and Americans was just supposed to take it. We are supposed to comply?” More about the bill from FEDERATION FOR AMERICAN IMMIGRATION REFORM: “While Senator McPike and Chief Newsham appear sympathetic to DACA recipients, they seem perfectly comfortable creating a situation in which illegal aliens can enforce U.S. law—and in doing so, can arrest and take into custody U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents. Furthermore, neither has fully explained how DACA beneficiaries can serve as police officers when federal law generally bars illegal aliens from possessing firearms. Representative John Macco (R-Ledgeview) wrote in support of his bill saying, “Simply, it is common-sense legislation that would allow local law enforcement agencies to hire diverse and qualified candidates. Ironically, the legislators pushing these bills talk about how these illegal aliens are “qualified” to become law enforcement officers. But, as mentioned above, illegal aliens are generally barred from possessing firearms. Moreover, to carry out their duties, officers must take an oath of office, which requires them to enforce the law and protect the constitutional rights of all in their community. DACA recipients cannot, in good faith, take this oath because they continuously reside in the United States in violation of the law. And, even if the illegal aliens who benefited from DACA were otherwise law-abiding, their illegal status could impede their efforts to enforce the law. State legislators pushing proposals to allow illegal aliens to become police officers are not only undermining the rule of law but also threatening public safety. The public must be confident that the officers sworn to protect them and uphold the law are upstanding citizens in the community. FAIR is working with state legislators to make sure these bills do not advance and to protect the integrity of law enforcement agencies across the country as we deal with the worst border crisis in history”

Planes, trains, and automobiles. Oh, and cargo ships and Baltimore bridges . . .

Monday, March 25, 2024

Decade of Deception, 2015

James Gourley, Steering Committee, explains that

Instead of convening a traditional jury panel, we decided to gather an international panel of prominent individuals who agreed to do what governments and major media outlets around the world have so far refused to do: look at the evidence objectively and decide whether it deserves wider attention.  In selecting panelists, we looked for two qualifications in an individual: someone who is one, highly credible, and two, open to objectively assessing the evidence.

Ferdinando Imposimato, Panelist, and honorary president of the Supreme Court of Italy.  As a former senior investigative judge, he presided over major terrorism cases, including political assassinations.  A former senator who served on the anti-mafia commission.  In three administrations, a former legal consultant to the United Nations on drug trafficking and the author, or co-author, of 7 books on international terrorism, state corruption, and related matters is also a grand officer of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy. 

5:30  Herbert Jenkins, a professor emeritus of psychology at McMaster University worked in major research laboratories before coming to McMaster in 1963.  An influence figure in both the psychology of learning and judgment and also in the development of new forms of interdisciplinary curricula that have been widely imitated in other Canadian universities.  He was awarded an honorary doctorate by McMaster University in 2009 in recognition of his impact in both fields. 

6:05  David Johnson is a Professor Emeritus of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Tennessee.  A fellow of the American Institute of Certified Planners.  He served on the staff of the Boston Redevelopment Authority, the Washington National Planning Commission, and the Regional Plan Association of New York.  A former Chair of the Planning Departments of Syracuse University and at Ball State University, he is also a past president of the Fullbright Association of the United States.  

6:35  Richard B. Lee, our 4th panelist, is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of  Toronto.  A Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, a foreign honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences.  He has served as the president of the Canadian Anthropology Society and the Canadian Ethnology Society and holds honorary doctorates from the University of Fairbanks, Alaska, and the University of Guelph.

James Gourley continues, 

7:00  Over the course of 4 days, the panel will listen to the evidence that has been collected over the last 10 years that contradicts the official government version of events.  Each witness will present an opening statement, and then answer questions

David Chandler is fantastic.  19 to 27:12

Jonathan Cole is excellent too.