Sunday, April 30, 2023

Marx Was Not an Economist, He Was a Theologian

"Women with cholesterol between 190 and 300, outlive women with lower cholesterol"

"Americans quite literally STOLE an entire oil tanker that was destined for China from Iran. The Iranians retaliated by doing the same in return."

Saturday, April 29, 2023

DEAR SENATOR JOE MANCHIN: You voted for 2 Biden DOJ nominees: Associate Attorney General (#3) Vanita Gupta, and Assistant Attorney General (Civil Rights) Kristen Clarke. Known radicals

Rockefeller Controlled the American Heart Association and Founded the American Cancer Society

Here is the full documentary.   

Property rights: the reality vs. the ideology of it

Here is the article by the same name by Alex Krainer, "Property Rights: The Reality vs. the Ideology of It," Alex Krainer, April 22, 2023. 

Croatia has no property taxes.  

Today, American taxpayers pay more taxes than medieval serfs and work a lot harder than medieval serfs.

Krainer is not supporting the communist system of private property.

Huge difference between ideology and actual practice.  

What's on the brochure doesn't correspond with the actual practice.  The West supports private property rights, and habeas corpus but in practice, the government will give itself a lot of leeway in how it executes its principles.  

Governments invoke emergencies in order to sidestep the legal strictures that protect the people from the government.  People say, "Oh, well, we can understand it because there was this emergency," well then the government can always invent emergencies in order to sidestep the legal strictures, and then people will little by little get used to more and more infringements upon their civil liberties and their rights, and then you find yourself a couple of generations down the road rather than paying zero income tax, you're paying 35 to 40%.  In Europe, it's close to 50%.  In some countries, it's more than that.  You find yourself paying property taxes on property that is supposedly your own.  And people don't question this as they should, because if you're obliged to pay property taxes on property that is supposedly yours, what happens, if for some reason, you're unable to meet the property taxes, you can't pay 

10:40  That happens all the time here in the United States.  Old people lose their 

10:50  People lose their houses, their land, and their houses.  Sometimes they lose houses owned by their family for generations.  And because their ability to pay taxes can't keep up with the pride bubbles, then they lose their property.  So what does this imply?  It implies that it was never yours.  You only enjoyed it with the indulgence of the government provided that you paid the tax.  

11:11  Paul Fitzgerald and Liz Gould, coming on my live show this Friday, they support Henry George's theory which is that there should be only 1 tax.  And that should be on land, and it should not go up [in price] with the improvement so that the value of the land itself with no improvements should be taxed and the only tax that anybody ever pays, saying that this would optimize economic performance.  

12:00  I don't know, but I think that income taxes and property taxes should be zero as they have been through most of human history.  I'm in Croatia now, but I normally reside in Monaco, and in Monaco there is no income tax.  I've lived in Monaco for 27 years.  I haven't declared my income even once in my life and nobody ever asked me how much money I make or I never had to sweat waiting for my tax returns.  

12:40  It's nobody's business really, is it?  That's the worst thing.  The worst thing about taxes is the violation of privacy.  The government claims the right to examine every single penny that's passed through everybody's hands because what I'm spending is income to somebody else.  So essentially the government demands the right to surveil every single economic transaction so they can tax it.  

13:05  Yes, it's absurd, because they kind of got the people to acquiesce to think, "Wow if we didn't have income taxes, how could the government even function?  How could they even make their money?"  Well, in Monaco, the government collects no income tax.  They tax businesses, and they tax them based on their profits.  It used to be in the United States as well.  And then, you know, if you look historically, personal income taxes even when they were introduced were a minuscule portion of the government tax receipts.  

Abby Grossman, who is suing Tucker Carlson for harassment, herself harassed Megyn Kelly. Megyn's choice of words fits

Our very own Chauncey Gardiner . . .

"There's another old saying, Senator. Don't piss down my back and tell me its raining"

Friday, April 28, 2023


George Kennan, U.S. Ambassador to Russia, was the architect of Russia's containment program.

The false kindness of condemning them to live in the most unimaginably horrible conditions on the streets is arguably modern American society's greatest cruelty (absent abortion).

Jane Roberts, wife of SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts, made $10.3 million placing lawyers at elite firms

How many million did you make this year, you know, after you paid taxes to your state and federal governments? 

Meet NBC News’ Brandy Zadrozny — The Woman In Charge of Doxxing and Destroying Trump Supporters

THIS READS LIKE ANY STATE IN THE U.S.: Is Lebanon broken? An economic collapse and failed politics, plus one of the highest numbers of refugees per capita in the world have left people to fend for themselves.

Thursday, April 27, 2023


TACOPINA: Your book says dispose of all men, right? CARROLL: It was satire, you understand?


The U.S. government is warring on Americans


Viewership in the 8:00pm ET slot on Fox News:

Poor Keith Obermann.

"revolutions always eat their children."

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

BREAKING: Seized bio lab in Sudan containing dangerous viruses, was funded by Fauci, Bill Gates, DOD & CDC.

Making war on China is a secondary concern. The primary concern is war on the people of the United States

the reason that the Biden Administration is on this war escalator is that they want to spring the trap door shut on the American people, . . . 

10:30  I think things are not meant to be improving; I think things are meant to be disimproving.

Published an article on the coming war on China, and this has nothing to do with China.  Making war on China is a secondary concern.  The primary concern is war on the people of the United States as well as the people of the collective West in general because it's very clear that there is no way and there can't be any rational reason to go to war on China because they can't prevail.  So it would be like me trash-talking Mike Tyson and then challenging him to a fight in the ring knowing that he's going to kill me straight away.  Why would I do that?  I think that the reason that the Biden Administration is on this war escalator is that they want to spring the trap door shut on the American people, and once you have the war, once you have the big emergency, it allows you to excuse away all the crises at home . . . no food in the supermarket, we're at war.  You're not getting your pension, blame the Chinese.  Can't get a bed in a hospital . . . shared sacrifice . . . .  And it also provides you with the smokescreen to deal with the opposition and dissident the quick and easy way.  You kind of usher in totalitarianism.  And people, even if they hate their leadership when there's a major war going on, they kind of close ranks behind the leadership.  And then if you have a different point to make, then you're immediately suspected of not being sufficiently patriotic.  You get accused of being an enemy sympathizer, and people in power get to consolidate that power and pretty much do away with anybody who is a potential obstacle to them.

13:13  I agree completely, Alex.  Davos has been setting up the United States to isolate us and to become the new Nazi Party.  The United States is going to become the new Nazi Party.  It's coming.   We're going to be the bad guys.  We're going to be the committers of all the war atrocities.  We're the only people trying to go to war.  We've installed these scratch-and-dent Neocons in order to provoke a war we can't win.  And then look at the way that we are portrayed in the media around the world.  We are portrayed as a country descending quickly into anarchy, all of our institutions are being undermined legally, economically, and politically.  We have octogenarian morons walking us, like the walking dead, toward war with Russia and China, which the American people do not want.  Why is all of this happening if these people are actually American patriots?  They're not.  I've been saying since the day after the Biden Administration took office, these people are vandals.  Their goal is to destroy the United States because you've not had any examples of classical liberalism surviving in a world where they want fucking total control because they're communists!  It's not fucking hard!  It's not. 

14:42  And further proof that this is the case, imagine if you were really serious about challenging China militarily . . . insanity . . . but that's completely inconsistent with the net-zero policy that they're pushing because if you're going to go to war, you're gonna have to ramp up your steel furnaces, going to have to develop your steel industry because no steel furnaces, no weapons.  You're not going to make tanks and Howitzers with solar panels and windmills, right?  Uncontrolled migrations, and the demoralizing attacks on the American people from all sides--the Antifas, the Black Lives Matter, the gender dysphoria, these crazed, violent LBGT people who suddenly decided that not only do you have to tolerate them but you have to celebrate them, or else we will hurt you.  And so, if you wanted to win the war, you wouldn't be demoralizing your own population in such heavy-handed ways across the spectrum.  And then if you look at what's happening in the streets of American cities--Oakland, San Francisco, Baltimore, Portland, Seattle, wherever you look, people doing drugs on the street.  It's awful.  And then when these reporters go there and talk to them, what do they say?  They ask them, "What's the solution?  How do we get out of this?"  And the people say, "The only solution is for the military to be on the streets.  Bring military to the streets."  So people . . . they're setting the stage to demoralize the people so badly that they say, "Give me a military dictatorship over this.  I'm all in for it."  So this is what they're doing.  They're not worried about the Chinese invading the United States.  They want to bring in a totalitarian dictatorship and take away all your freedoms, force you to use CBDCs, force you to have these vaccine passports, or whatever, and have absolutely no choice but to have 1 party in charge.  They're Bolsheviks.  They're total Bolsheviks, and this is what they're doing.  

17:35  On this side [Canada], I can't see past the Alberta election coming up, roughly May 29, Daniel Smith running against . . . .  I saw RFK is going to run against Biden.  Do you put any hope that he can defeat Biden?

18:20  The presidential election is not going to happen in any substantive manner.  We'll have a replay of 2016.  If there's a populous insurgent, he will be knee-capped by the party structure.  There's clearly a war going on between the Clinton wing and the Obama wing in the Democratic party.  That's about the only hope I really see.  Because they clearly don't want Kamala Harris.  That's evidence that Hillary Clinton is not going away, and other things like them getting rid of Marc Elias, that the DNC is no longer the lead counsel because Elias' last name might as well be Clinton.  So Clinton, so clearly, there's some kind of war going on there as well.  But again, Obama has always hated the United States, always.  He's always worked to destroy the United States.  Eight years that he's been in power, now 10 years that he's been in power, so I don't know.  More and more and more, same thing Alex just said, the time, now they're going after Jaime Dimond.  They can't go after Jerome Powell because he's ensconced until 2026.  The only way to get rid of Powell is to change the Fed's charter and bring it back under the auspices of the Treasury.  So who do you go after next?  You go after the most powerful banker that would be backing Powell's play.  This nuts and sluts campaign by tying Dimon to Epstein is clear that we're watching the Fed versus Davos, and seeing which banks in the United States are saying, "You know what?  That's enough. We may be evil, but fuck you, people.  You people are sick."  And to watch the Freedom Caucus or the alternative media spaces in this country NOT get this after 2 years, and just say, "No, they're corrupt, no, it's all one big club.  No, it's the Rothschilds."  NO!  It's all right there in front of you.  You're so gaslit by morons that you can't see it, and now you're going to carry water for the very people you say that you're fighting. And you're going to turn the Ron Paul wing of the Republican Party and of the Libertarian Freedom Caucus in the United States into the guys who are going to scream the hardest, "End the Fed!"  It's brilliant.  If I were 

BREAKING: Ukrainian secret service tried to kill Russia's President Vladimir Putin with a kamikaze drone on Sunday

EPIGENETICS: Our Bodies' Way to Change the Destiny Written in Our DNA by Moshe Szyf

As stress increases, the children develop more autism, they develop more metabolic diseases, and they develop more auto-immune diseases.  And when we map the methylation state, again you see the green genes becoming red as stress increases, the red genes becoming green as stress increases, an entire rearrangement of the genome in response to stress.  So if we can program genes if we are not just the slaves to the history of our genes but they can be programmed, can we de-program them?  Because epigenetic causes can cause diseases like cancer, metabolic disease, and mental health disease.  

Cocaine addiction is a terrible situation that can lead to death and to loss of human life.  We asked the question: can we reprogram the addicted brain to make that animal non-addictive anymore?  We used a cocaine addiction model that recapitulates what happens in humans.  In humans, you're in high school, some friends suggest you use cocaine, you take cocaine, and nothing happens, months pass by, something reminds you of what happened the first time, a pusher pushes cocaine, and you become addicted.  And your life has changed.  In rats, we did the same thing.  My colleague, Gal Yadid, he trains the animals to get used to cocaine, then for one month, no cocaine.  And then he reminds them of the party when they saw the cocaine the first time via cue of the colors of the cage when they saw cocaine and they go crazy.  They will press the lever to get cocaine until they die.  We first determined that the difference between these animals is that during that time when nothing happens, there's no cocaine around, and their epigenome is rearranged.  Their genes are remarked in a different way and when the cue comes, their genome is ready to develop this addictive phenotype.  So we treated these animals with drugs that either increased DNA methylation, which was the epigenetic mark to look at, or we decreased epigenetic markings.  And we found that if we increase methylation, these animals go even crazier, they become more craving for cocaine.  But when we reduce the DNA methylation, the animals are not addicted anymore.  We have reprogrammed them.  And a fundamental difference between the epigenetic drug 

"I healed my cancer = MEAT & good fats from healthy animals"


Promises, Promises


There are no more declarations of war by the U.S. because the U.S. prefers to gradually and persistently build up a war machine, even if it rakes 10 years to build, to avoid the press that they and pharma control, to avoid any large scale protests that might bring attention to their plans and schemes.  Given the U.S.' last two losing wars, Iraq (2003-2013) and Afghanistan (2001-2021), the U.S. no longer has any moral high ground or any military creds that it did coming out of WWII.  

Enter WWIII.  Yep, we've reached WWIII.  A war on multiple fronts.  And we've already witnessed and experienced geopolitical realignment, first, against the U.S. petro dollar with the BRICS aligning themselves against the West.  Then the Ukraine War, which was the beginning of WWIII.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

"All of you are executive editors of papers that broke the Pentagon, My Lai, and Watergate. Is this the same paper or not?"

Check out more of Jose Vega's great work. Check out his Twitter feed.

AOC, the dangerous and stupid authoritarian

"on the day of the marathon, Bobbi Gibb hid in the bushes and waited for the race to begin. When about half of the runners had gone past she jumped in"

"Even record ratings don't protect you if you're saying expressing dissent that alienates corporate pieties"

I mean can you name or point to a single network broadcaster who would dare criticize Blackrock and their greedy incentives in Ukraine when the censorship about that war has been an iron curtain?

"Biological Warfare Experiments on the American People" by Dr. Garth Nicholson

 This was something.  Thanks to Wejolyn.

"Biological Warfare Experiments on the American People" by Dr. Garth Nicholson. Here is his Facebook page.  He works for the Institute for Molecular Medicine in South Laguna Beach, CA.  Find more videos on Dr. Garth Nicholson

9:00  Chronic illness has multiple infections.  The longer they're sick, the more infections they collect.  The origin of this does not have to be the infection itself, the origin could be a chemical assault, or radiological assault which ends up suppressing the immune system.  Fibromyalgia syndrome causes very tender muscular points on the arm, joints, elbows, etc. which if pressed causes great pain.  You can have 16-20 trigger points on the body which are very sensitive.  Road Back Foundation is based upon . . . .  

Lyme Disease is a collection of different infections because the ticks that pass the disease onto individuals and into animals can contain anywhere between 4 to 10 infectious agents.  A person bitten by a tick can have a 1/2 dozen or more infectious agents which makes diseases like Lyme Disease difficult to diagnose and treat.  He'll come back to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, ALS, or Lou Gehrig's Disease.  

He taught medical school for 25 years.  They're not taught about the variety of interactions between multiple infections.  They're taught Infection A causes Disease A.  Polio virus causes Polio.  Multiple genetic backgrounds along with the different immune capabilities in recognizing those, different toxic inputs into individuals. These can be chemicals or a variety of other things, radiological, you name it, you may have different heavy metals, and so on.  All of these can get together and form very complex syndromes which are difficult to diagnose, difficult to describe because they're so broad in their different signs and symptoms.  And, in general, that's what we call a syndrome because it's very difficult to pin down with unique signs and symptoms.  So the key is here that these type of infections cause non-specific signs and symptoms that you cannot easily identify with a given infection or environmental insult.      

INCREDIBLE.  Nicolson's daughter served in the Persian Gulf War and came back very ill along with most of her platoon. Subsequently, both Drs. Garth and Nancy Nicolson became ill and their cat died from this mysterious illness. Only an antibiotic regimen helped his daughter, his wife, and himself. In an effort to spread the word to all veterans, Dr. Nicolson testified in front of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Illness and even agreed to an article in The National Enquirer. A highly respected scientist, Dr. Nicolson found the staff of the MD Cancer Institute in Texas being threatened by his work. Not wanting his colleagues to lose their government funding, he moved to California and set up the Institute of Molecular Medicine in Huntington Beach.

575,000 soldiers deployed to the Gulf War, February 23-29, 1991.  250,000 Americans troops deployed.

148 US soldiers KIA.  As of 2016, approx. 28,000 or more dead, a number that is not out in the press.  He obtained this number from the Assistant Undersecretary of Defense.

>7,000 delayed deaths to 1994.  This number is what the VA admitted to. 

>150,000 Gulf War Illness Patients as of 2016. 

UKNOWN: Transmission.  A subset of these patients can pass their illness on to their family members: transmission.


CHEMICALPBDEETPermethrin, Other OPs, Paint, CW.

RADIOLOGICAL: DU [Depleted Uranium] 235/238U, 90Sr, 60Co 

ENVIRONMENTAL: Fine sand, Smoke, Oil fumes.

BIOLOGICAL: Parasites, Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Toxins, BW.  He focused on the biological because the illness was transmitted to family members 6-8 months after they returned.  Only biological agents can be transferred to a family member after that period of time. 

The Signs/Symptoms of GWI closely parallel FMS, CFS [Chronic Fatigue], ME [Myalgic encephalomyelitis in the UK].  In GWI immediate family members closely resemble GWI. 

77% of GW veteran spouses showed same signs/symptoms of 

65% of their children were showing the same signs. 

Some co-workers.  For me, I did not experience any transmission from co-workers.  

Some healthcare workers.

GWI was officially denied that it could be transmitted.  They denied that it could be transmitted, so those working in VA referral services and VA hospitals, they have no options to care because the official position was that it can't be transmitted.  Children were developing Autism & ADHD.  Autistic Spectrum Disorders [20:11].  Devastating.  Heavy metals have been implicated in autism.  Not the only problem: remember in these chronic illnesses, there are often multiple diseases/infections, and multiple toxic stimuli that cause these infective syndromes.  Also, a genetic component that determines the course of the disease.   

5:10 mark in this presentation.


Neurobehavioral Disorders.

Fatiguing Illnesses

Autoimmune Diseases.

Respiratory Diseases

Rheumatic Diseases

Gastrointestinal Diseases.

Genitourinary Diseases.

Immunosuppressive Diseases.

Was Tucker Carlson the Audie Murphy of TV News?

Your American Values

Blackrock Sued Itself and Won!

Fox didn't 'cave' on this, these were all setups to create the orgy of evidence to take out someone who was a threat to the regime

Tucker calls the Federal government evil. Tucker said that the Treasury Secretary, meaning Janet Yellen, called for child sacrifice by encouraging women to get an abortion.  That was Janet Yellen,  not Margaret Sanger.

Pure and simple, Tucker's relentless criticism of the regime is what got him gone. 

Monday, April 24, 2023

National Chains "Opting Out" of Motherhood?

With Covid, they removed common sense and decades' worth of survival skills we knew and practiced since childhood. 

With lockdowns, they removed and threatened our ability to earn a living and support our families.

With masks, they denied our personalities, our ability to breathe properly, limited our field of vision, and children's ability to respond to facial expression and cues from parents and adult caregivers.

With vaccines, they threatened our jobs AND our bodies.  They threatened our life, our loved ones.  They threatened and removed our mobility, the comfort that our infirm elderly gain from a loving smile, a reassuring voice, and familiar touch.

They removed standard definitions for vaccine and inserted deceitfully something more general and meaningless. Then they appointed to government positions people who were incapable of defining a woman. Then they gave us trans Dylan Mulvaney to add insult to injury.  And now they want to take away Mother's Day celebrations at selected national chains.



it's at the 6-minute mark that AOC calls out Tucker Carlson claiming that he's inciting violence.  

Remember, the Left has always owned the media, always owned voter registration, always owned education, always owned abortion, and always owned the political game.  They're just taking it back. 

More than likely, however, it's not AOC who has pull with FOX, but instead their sponsors, PFIZER. 

"freshwater fish in the US is incredibly toxic"

RFK Jr. Vows to End the Chronic Disease Epidemic: "We Have the Sickest Generation in American History"

This makes me a little nervous.  What is the government doing getting involved in individualized medicine?  Does he not know about the Pharmaceutical-Military Industrial War Complex?  Has he ever heard of the Flexner Report that basically went after any alternative practitioner back in the 30s and 40s to shut down their practice and open up the exclusive avenue for palliative care?  He does.  I know he does.  You know he does.  So what the heck is a politician doing putting his nose in the waiting room at a doctor's office?  

1st: Dan Bognino. 2nd: Tucker Carlson. 3rd: Don Lemon. Who's Next?


MACRON: “We need to stop violence against women"

Arrest Midazolam Matt

You owe those who came before you a certain gratitude for their sacrifice. Don't be an ingrate

Once the government promises you something, telling you that you deserve it due to some historical trauma and they take their sweet time on delivering it to you . . . you should know that they're setting you up.  And it causes you to view any critics of that government promise as just hateful people, hating you for thinking that you were special enough in the first place to deserve, or entitled to, some special government program.  It's cruel because it's meant to be cruel.  


What's funny is that the west and the western press always define armed conflicts as defending democracy, either discussing democracy or bringing democracy to, or transitioning to democracy.   

From AP News:

Sudan’s top general on Friday declared the military’s commitment to a civilian-led government, an apparent bid for international support even as his forces battle a rival paramilitary group in a bloody power struggle that has derailed hopes for the country’s democratic transition.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Cops break into front door, kidnap father for piercing son's ear

Revolution is a bankruptcy of government.

Bill Fawell's 3 rules for a revolution:

1.  Revolution is a bankruptcy of government. 

2.  Everyone is invited to the revolution and attendance is mandatory.  

3.  Fear.

Should we start with the rules or start with the stages?  

Stage I began May/June 2015 when Trump and Bernie Sanders decided to run.  This opened the door for all of the discontent, whether it was focused and established, but it's more of a feeling with the people.  Economies are still good but the people start going to the new faces that offer a new way because deep down inside people feel that there is systemic failure.  There's something wrong  So they start looking for something wrong.  So when Trump and Bernie came out, that started Stage I.  

Stage II started when Stage I ended, and that's when Trump was elected. Interesting to note that that leader from Stage II is generally someone from outside of government. And they never dee it through.  They always get mooed [moved?] out.  And between Trump was elected and when he was sworn in, I watched on C-SPAN with a bunch of economists out east and he said, "It's not the government; it's the people in the government.  I'm going to bring in the right people, and we're going to make this government work." And there's no way in hell because the government is in systemic failure, it is bankrupt, and he needed to come in and clean house totally, talking about the swamp.  He didn't do that.  He left a lot of things going.  He left the bankruptcy running, and he paid for it.  I said right then . . . my head was in my hands and I said he's going to last one term, and that, in fact, is what happened.  Hook or crook, right or wrong, they're going to get rid of that guy.  

Stage III, the system still hasn't been resolved but now you've pushed aside the wrong group of revolutionaries and Stage III you have a group of organizations that just want to get rid of the other guy because they have their own idea of what they see as the way out during the revolution out of the bankruptcy.  They get together and they support one guy: in this case, it was Joe Biden.  And their first order of business was to get rid of him because he's going to fail because he's dealing with the same systemic failure that the Stage II leader, in our case, was Donald Trump, President Trump, he's just gotta go.  And when you start looking at the world and events knowing that, okay, Trump is not going to last, he's got 4 years at best.  And you look at Joe Biden and you say, hey, Joe's done.  

He was done before he even began to be honest with you.

Joe will be gone between the [midterm] election and Christmas [2022]. 

I agree.

They absolutely have to get rid of him because once Kamala takes over, she has to have a VP, and she has to get that VP confirmed by the House and the Senate before the Republicans takeover in January, so that's not a real big window.

"He threw a phony, contrived, absolutely fraudulent study that he manipulated and orchestrated to make that drug 'standard of care.' It is homicide"

Who's Bankrolling E. Jean Carroll's Rape Suit Against Trump? Just Some Trump-Hating Billionaire Named Reid Hoffman

Enter 79-year-old Elizabeth Jean Carroll, grifter #6,438. 

And Reid Hoffman, grifter. 

Saturday, April 22, 2023

History of the Left: People were killed for being on the Left. They were jailed for being on the Left, for making real and material and mortal sacrifices for a cause.

Mario Cuomo's 1984 Keynote address.  It attacked the Republican Party as the party of the rich, while affirming the Democratic Party as the party of the working class. 

To fill the void in the Democratic Party, they created a juggernaut to stop a class struggle mobilization from below like Bernie Sanders.

Woke politics to give a veneer of being progressive and cutting edge without making any sacrifices.

History of Left: People were killed for being on the Left.  They were jailed for being on the Left, for making real and material and mortal sacrifices for a cause.  What does it mean now? 

Judith Butler, 2020.  Says she's doing something real historic, right up there with the Paris Commune, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Spanish Civil War.  What does she do? She announces that her new pronouns are they/them.  O, that's a real act of martyrdom.  That's Christ being nailed to the cross.  It's so laughable what passes now for radical politics.  Radical politics is raking in tons and tons and tons and tons of cash.  

Ibram X gets $10 million dollars from Jack Dorsey.  

Barrack Obama gets $100 million dollars from Jeff Bezos.  

Van Jones gets $100 million dollars from Jeff Bezos.  

Black Lives Matter so-called leadership--they collected $90 million dollars tohe year of the George Floyd demonstration, i.e., the Summer of Love, 2020.  None of the activists saw one dime of it.  But Patrisse-KhanCullorso, one of the so-called leaders, she goes out and purchases 4 homes.  Another leader, Tamika Mallory, did a commercials for Cadillac.  

This is a bonanza!  This is a bonanza!  This is not sacrifice.  This is not what the Left used to stand for.  It's just making money.  Grifters!  There are grifters making money off of the cause on one hand, and then there are all these fake radical people pretending they are so cutting edge and so woke because they changed their pronouns or they drool over trans people.

US and NATO actions were so provocative, and affronted 30 years of Russian attempts at diplomacy, that Putin's invasion of Ukraine can be justified.

Russia's population is half that of the United States

Friday, April 21, 2023

"Did you know that nearly a third of American male-to-female transsexuals are veterans?"

It seems like a play to garner $.69 worth of additional power.   

Gotta lay off of that caffeine

🚨 Shocking Study: giving a child TYLENOL linked to Dramatic increase in Autism. Don't give Tylenol. Give Magnesium and Vitamin C

Lots of alternatives to aspirin or Tylenol.  Ginger opens up blood vessels.  Vitamin C opens up blood vessels.  These compounds dilate blood vessels.  And have other therapeutic benefits.  Cayenne pepper same thing.  In fact, many folks keep tablets of cayenne pepper in a first-aid kit.  

"Food has become politicized"

Thanks to Wejolyn

"Nobody's talking, because they don't want to talk about Hydroxychloroquine. They don't want to be political because their show is sponsored by pharmaceutical companies"

She mentions LA Clinical Trials and Ventura Clinical Trials early in the interview.  And she mentions IRB, which is Institutional Review Board.

Protocols are 300 pages.