I’ve shared a lot of stories with you over the last few decades, but I've never shared mine.
— Kari Lake (@KariLake) September 30, 2022
Join me on my journey: https://t.co/XJKyq7uzXn
Please share this video! pic.twitter.com/doE6BXex2K
Friday, September 30, 2022
KARI LAKE: . . . I've never shared my story.
Pfizer CEO pulls out of testifying to EU Parliament COVID panel
Pfizer CEO pulls out of testifying to EU Parliament COVID panel
— Brook Jackson 💜 (@IamBrookJackson) October 1, 2022
What a coward. https://t.co/NLijZ5bNS5
The California exodus continues
The California exodus continues https://t.co/OGwfAa02wl
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 30, 2022
This legislation . . . strikes a big blow to [big tech's] bottom line
This legislation will not end the power of Big Tech to influence what information we can share, but it does strike a big blow to their bottom line, writes @ConnCarroll.
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) September 30, 2022
And it will allow conservative publishers to keep more of the revenues we produce.
Are White Dudes Hurricane Proof? Are White Dudes Recession Proof?
Happy Friday everyone and come and join us for our last livestream of September! -Mrs. Salty https://t.co/ikwnozLmqz. https://t.co/jb1fo9bn9G. https://t.co/AZ1h1lDJdS. https://t.co/Y5lmGMC0MY. https://t.co/MEjd9b0rzN
— Salty Cracker (@SaltyCracker9) September 30, 2022
40-ft container from Shanghai to Los Angeles has fallen by 74% from peak and is back to August 2020 levels
Unbelievable decline in shipping rates … cost to send 40-ft container from Shanghai to Los Angeles has fallen by 74% from peak and is back to August 2020 levels pic.twitter.com/GB40j4SatH
— Liz Ann Sonders (@LizAnnSonders) September 30, 2022
Easing bottlenecks? Try ‘collapsing.’
— Carl Quintanilla (@carlquintanilla) September 28, 2022
The number of ships waiting to get into Port of LA/Long Beach “has declined to only 6 .. It had peaked at 106 ships in Jan.”
(via JPMorgan) pic.twitter.com/p1tYZJViA5
Invasive "ankle-biter" mosquitos plaguing Southern Californians
Invasive "ankle-biter" mosquitos plaguing Southern Californians https://t.co/leWqYAQv9J
— CBS Los Angeles (@CBSLA) September 30, 2022
No word in this CBS piece about Bill Gates GMO mosquitos. Here are only worries are "yellow fever, dengue and Zika, but they haven't been linked to the West Nile Virus, which has been located in Los Angeles County in 2022."
While more invasive, Aedes are poor fliers, hence the "Ankle-Biters" nickname. Most Angelenos will have noticed that the majority of their bites are on their legs, since they hover above the ground.
Aedes have been known to transmit diseases like yellow fever, dengue and Zika, but they haven't been linked to the West Nile Virus, which has been located in Los Angeles County in 2022.
While irritating, officials don't consider the bloodsuckers to be an immediate cause for concern, and in the meantime are advising residents to stock up on bug spray and hope for cooler weather, as they traditionally stick around until the end of October.
Judge in Jones Case Tells Him He Can't Defend Himself and that the 1st Amendment Has No Relevance in this Procedure
Cheer up everybody. You can file a grievance against the presiding public serpent Barbara N Bellis, with the Judicial Review Council at: Judicial Review Council 505 Hudson Street, 1st Floor Hartford, CT 06106. 860-566-5424 Strange...no website to report this inferior group of public serpents. Your grievance alerts the public serpent's insurance company who will consider her (and all those involved in this sham) to great a liabilty. Judges have clearly published canons by which they're supposed to abide. The inferior court is riddled with the dregs of this profession and members of the BAR (British Accredited Registry).
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Well, well, well . . . . Nattokinase degrades the spike protein floating in the blood and attached to the cell
You don't get any closer to a cure for COVID or for the toxic spike protein than Nattokinase. And I was recommending this to everyone by June 2021. Few listened, so I shipped a couple of small bottles via Amazon anyway. Never heard back, whether they liked it or not. So that was a sunk cost; at least now they know about it. So as you take Nattokinase to degrade and neutralize the spike protein, be sure to take lots of melatonin to reverse some of the aging effects of the vaccine.
A suggestion that nattokinase which can be found in Japanese natto food can destroy the spike protein found on the surface of cells in a laboratory setting.
— Wittgenstein (@backtolife_2023) September 29, 2022
Source: Merogenomics. https://t.co/tIUgiRiQeh pic.twitter.com/CmHFhK3JxW
"And you know what, the average hospital bill is about $400,000 to $500,000 per COVID patient. Hospitals get 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill"
15 seconds
15 seconds
The speakers are Dr. Paul Marik [more here] and Steve Kirsch.
And you know what, the average hospital bill is about $400,000 to $500,000 per COVID patient. Hospitals get 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill.
5:30 If you don't go along with their protocol, you'll be terminated, and they'll find anyway to terminate you. And we should know, that there are probably financially incentives. If you're diagnosed with COVID, you get a bonus. If you're intubated, you get a bonus. If you prescribe this ridiculous drug, Remdesivir, which increases your risk of death, you get a 20% bonus. So there are enormous financial incentives for them
. . . just for prescribing a drug?
5:55 Yes, for prescribing Remdesivir, you get a 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill.
Who's paying that, the U.S. government? Yes, so these are Medicare patients. If you're a Medicare patient, you get a 20% bonus . . .
On the entire bill?
On the entire hospital bill . . . . And you know what, the average hospital bill is about $400,000 to $500,000 per COVID patient.
6:27 Wow, so we're talking a significant incentive for the hospital to say "follow the protocols."
6:35 Yes, there's a lot of small chain involved. And that's why they don't like troublemakers who are going to interfere with their bottom line. I mean the patient outcome, whether the patient lives or dies, is completely irrelevant. It's all about the bottom line and profiteering and making money.
7:02 So, a lot of people think that we should be incentivizing hospitals to save lives and that hospitals should get $100,000 if they saved a COVID life. If someone checked in and is suffering respiratory distress, and the hospital is able to save that patient, they should get like a $30,000 bonus. They should incentivize the outcomes that you want, right?
Boy, is that a telling remark!
7:26 Yes, so it's upside down. You actually get incentivized if patients die, which is completely opposite of the traditional Chinese Medicine. In fact, if patients did badly, these practitioners weren't paid. They weren't incentivized if they patient did badly. We actually have a system where the hospital actually profits when a patients gets intubated, going on a ventilator, and dying.
7:52 So, what woke you up, what made you realize that the vaccine that you were asked to take and that you willingly took, what caused you to shift from being a believer in the safety of the vaccine, of the COVID vaccine, to now speaking out against the COVID vaccine? What was the moment that did that, or did that happen over time?
8:14 Yeah, so when the vaccines came out, I was vaccinated in December 2020. Firstly, I had no option, because I would have been terminated. Secondly, at that time, I believed the narrative. What can I say? I am like most doctors who've been brainwashed and indoctrinated, so I did believe the narrative. And then with time, it took time, Pierre figured this out much quicker than me. I was still a little bit on the fence, but with time it became clear. First, we had no idea what's in these vials. We have no idea what's happening. They were inadequately tested and they lied to us, and it became clearer with time that this was one big massive lie, that they were neither safe, nor effective. And as more and more data came out, and we saw from the VAERS data and multiple databases that they had lied to us and then it became clear.
9:20 So was it the accumulation of data that you were observing and instead of just reading the conclusions of the paper, you were looking at the underlying data. And were you seeing that first
14:05. Like, can you practice medicine today? Did they take away your licenses, or what did they take away from you?
14:10. Yes, so you know, this all happened independently, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Brian Tyson, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Urso, it's not like we conspired together. We just independently came to the same conclusion. If you look at the data, there's no other conclusion to see. My end result was basically the hospital [Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in Norfolk, Virginia] terminated my career for good.
14:40. You can't go to any other hospital because you're essentially blacklisted at this hospital which means you can't get into any other hospital?
14:47. Yeah, so they reported me to the National Practitioner Data Bank, and once you get into the data bank as a devious, deviant, bad-actor doctor, it's almost impossible to get out of it. Also, they reported me to the Board, and then the Board of Medicine came up with their own concocted charges against me. So, this is the problem if you try to speak out, try and speak the truth. The Board of Medicine accused me of prescribing Ivermectin to a bunch of patients who were injured. The truth of it is I've actually been able to prescribe Ivermectin. Ever. And the patients they claimed I treated are non-existent patients, so that tells you how far the virginia Board of Medicine will go to accuse me of prescribing Ivermectin to non-existent patients. I mean I never wrote a scripp for anyone.
15:50. So how did those non-existent patients actually do? Did they show you the medical records of those patients?
15:58. No, no what they do is the same thing as sham peer review. They accuse you of a crime but they don't give you the evidence. So in my sham peer review they accused me of 7 outrageous charges but they were unable to provide any evidence, any evidence actually to support the charges that they made. One of the charges was that I forced a nurse to give a patient a medication to which the patient was allergic. Now, I mean can you imagine something that outrageous? They were unable to provide any evidence that I'd actually done such a thing but I was assumed guilty as charged and I had no legal representation, and based on these bogus charges they withdrew my hospital privileges.
16:48. Is there a public record of this so that the public can get this record and look at the name of the patient . . . and maybe it's redacted. Is there a way that this can be verified independently by a 3rd party or is it all done behind closed doors?
17:07. So, if it's done behind closed doors, i was never given the name of the patient. So believe it or not, I was accused of this crime but the name of the patient was never disclosed to me, nor was I given any information regarding the patient. And it's meant to be privileged and confidential but obviously I am not going to hide it because it's an outrage, it's immoral, it's evil. So, no, I have written a little story about this because it's an outrage. I have shared this story with a number of representatives in the Virginia Legislature who know about this. And Robert Malone knows about it too. He's actually . . . he's doing a book and in his book he's going to cover this whole nasty episode. But this thing, it's not unknown. I was ignorant and never knew about it, but if you actually look unto it there's this thing called sham peer review, it's well-known. And it's what hospitals do to get rid of doctors they consider to be troublemakers.
18:17. So there's no public record, no record at all of who your charges, who your patients were supposedly? And why did they not reveal to you the name of the patient who you prescribed the ivermectin to because that's your patient. There's no confidentiality there, so why would they not want to reveal that name to you?
18:40. That was the Board. The Board of Medicine
AMTRAK CEO Says he's following public health guideline not realizing that the CDC said vaccine was ineffective
.@Amtrak has a COVID vax mandate for employees. Today, I told Amtrak’s CEO their mandate is based on mysticism, disproven myths, and superstition. pic.twitter.com/02bu099oue
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) September 29, 2022
And to think that Putin is a moderate
We have no poet-statesman in the US, do we? When was the last time you heard any American politician refer to the United Stares as the Motherland?
Putin: Western elites have gone too far. It is Russia’s historical tradition and destiny to stop, by any means necessary, those who seek world domination. pic.twitter.com/ys8AOwVM2W
— Putin Direct (@PutinDirect) September 29, 2022
Dear Friends, the West has gone too far in its aggressive anti-Russia policy. We constantly hear threats directed at our country and people. Some irresponsible Western politicians are doing more than just speak about their plan to organize the delivery of long-range offensive weapons to Ukraine, which would be used to strike Crimea and other Russian regions. Such terrorist attacks, including with the use of western weapons, are already being carried out at border areas in the Belgorod Onlast and Kursk regions. NATO is conducting reconnaissance through Russia's southern regions in real time and with the use of modern systems, aircraft, vessels, satellites, and strategic drones. Washington, London, and Brussels are openly encouraging Kiev to move the hostilities to our territory. They openly say that Russia must be defeated on the battlefield by any means, and subsequently deprived of political, economic, cultural and any other sovereignty and ultimately plundered. They have even resorted to nuclear blackmail. I am referring not only to the Western-encouraged shelling of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, which poses a threat of a nuclear disaster, but also in the statements made by some high-ranking representatives of the leading NATO countries on the possibility and admissibility of using weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons, against Russia. I would like to remind those who make such statements regarding Russia that our country has different types of weapons as well, and some of them are more modern than the weapons NATO countries have. In the event of a threat to the territorial integrity of our country and to defend Russia and our people, we will certainly make use of all weapon systems available to us. This is not a bluff. The citizens of Russia can rest assured that the territorial integrity of our Motherland, our independence and freedom will be defended. I'll say this again--by all means available to us. Those who are using nuclear blackmail against us should should know that the wind rose [of nuclear fallout] can also blow in their direction. It is our historical tradition and the destiny of our people to stop those who seek global domination and threaten to split up and enslave our Motherland. Rest assured that we will do it this time as well. I believe in your support.
Anti-Aging Melatonin to the Rescue
Just published peer-review study found infection by SARS-CoV-2 regardless of disease severity to induce compromised lung physiology equivalent to 15 years of aging. https://t.co/BwPRNc5hta What is decreased in aging? Melatonin. https://t.co/5z8jAyQvCd Can MEL prevent C19 aging?
— Doris Loh (@DorissLoh) September 29, 2022
Be sure to get a second opinion on the anti-aging benefits of melatonin. Dr. Russel Reiter says,
I have a supply of melatonin with me at all times. If I have a stroke or heart attack, I'll immediately load up on melatonin. Based on what I know, I will take all the melatonin I can, as fast as I can.
DENMARK: Where babies sleep outside
Under supervision I get, but while the parents are out for a stroll or cafe and pastry at the local bistro? That don't compute.
Why can’t American cities be this safe? https://t.co/UP1A8fYpW7
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) September 29, 2022
PUTIN: “Why would I blow up my own pipes? I could simply shut them off..."
It is hard to make a lot of these details up.
— First Squawk (@FirstSquawk) September 29, 2022
Putin: “Why would I blow up my own pipes? I could simply shut them off … I am not against the citizens of Europe, it's your leaders who are against the citizens of Europe.”
— Andy Boreham 安柏然 (@AndyBxxx) September 29, 2022
"Biden was put in power by Davos to liquidate the US."
Biden's been a neocon for 40 years. Or have you not been paying attention. He was put in power by Davos to liquidate the US.
— Tom Luongo (Powell's a Baller) (@TFL1728) September 29, 2022
By those metrics he's one of the most successful presidents in history.
As to who destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines, it doesn't hurt to ask Cui bono?For those new to the conversation about the split at the top of the hierarchy, I've covered a lot of this in my podcast with a variety of guests.
— Tom Luongo (Powell's a Baller) (@TFL1728) September 29, 2022
It's an eighteen month conversation in talk and in print.
Start with Ep.75. https://t.co/H5Z6c5jBEs
The Malthusian Central Planners (Davos types) explicit goal is to have the rich countries in Europe use less energy.
— George Gammon (@GeorgeGammon) September 28, 2022
Would a Russian pipeline going offline help achieve this?
Weird everything we see today coincidentally benefits the global elite?
Probably nothing though…
And this.
Notice how she says “the sabotage action” and not “the alleged sabotage action.”
— George Gammon (@GeorgeGammon) September 28, 2022
I don’t care how much you hate Russia/Putin, and maybe it’s justified, but you can’t trust these people.
They lied about Covid, they lied about inflation, why wouldn’t they lie about Russia?
We'll be hearing more of these public hammerings by and among "world leaders" as the old financial order of the west dissolves.
ITALY - Well their new PM Giorgia Meloni certainly doesn’t hold back does she?
— Bernie's Tweets (@BernieSpofforth) September 28, 2022
Here’s her take on Macron, after he called the Italians disgusting. pic.twitter.com/qtJZS1r5xk
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Raised Skin Bumps, and How to Remove Skin Tags
Raised Skin Bumps: Pictures, Types, Causes, and Treatment https://t.co/dV7H0ZptO7 via @healthline
— Mike Walgenbach (@mwalgen44) September 29, 2022
Skin tags. I've seen these on diabetics and cancer patients. A friend is worrying about how they appear on the skin. How are these removed. Should they be removed surgically, and if so, will they grow back? Or, does a topical medical ointment that works? If not these options, can I recommend a friend a specific supplement that eliminates these from the skin?
Topicals do exist but the results don't sound convincing. They are apple cider vinegar, crushed garlic, banana peel (?, wow), vitamin E (makes sense), and tea tree oil. Hmm. Interesting.
This was interesting, a home kit surgical kit using freezing temperatures.
Freezing kits use cryotherapy (the use of extremely low temperatures) to destroy unwanted skin tissue.
“Benign lesions, like skin tags, require temperatures of −4°F to −58°F to destroy them,” Mokaya said.
She recommends looking for an OTC wart or skin tag removal kit that will reach the lowest temperature when used appropriately. Finally, Mokaya points out that removal creams and cryotherapy can cause irritation and contact dermatitis, but they can still be effective for short-term use.
DR. SUCHARIT BHAKDI: "God gave you an immune system that is perfect, and don't you humans ever think you can be a better conductor''
Dr Sucharit Bhakdi has a medical degree and is a Professor of Microbiology "God gave you an immune system that is perfect, and don't you humans ever think you can be a better conductor'' @drsabinehazan @IamBrookJackson @richardursomd #pfizer #moderna #mRNA pic.twitter.com/3wAn3dC9A7
— RefugeOfSinners (ROS) (@RefugeOfSinner5) September 28, 2022
The original publication of this interview was March 2022. Still informative. The above clip is taken from the full one-hour interview below.
This is a clip from our interview with Dr Sucharit Bhakdi. For the full interview, visit https://t.co/hdLf3wQe10
— RefugeOfSinners (ROS) (@RefugeOfSinner5) September 28, 2022
This is someone so inebriated by her sense of righteousness and superiority that she views dissent as an evil too dangerous to allow
This is the face of authoritarianism - even though it looks different than you were taught to expect. And it's the mindset of tyrants everywhere:
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) September 28, 2022
This is someone so inebriated by her sense of righteousness and superiority that she views dissent as an evil too dangerous to allow: https://t.co/kmG4zTgPwh
If You Censor Doctors, How Does That Improve Patient Trust?
Oh . . . Oh, I get it now. Yeah, the state of California wants to give its citizens fewer options in healthcare. Oh, how nice . . . .
Can the mistrust get any worse? pic.twitter.com/mbsEjJm8Nh
— Kelly DNP🩺 Faith Family Freedom (@kacrn91) September 28, 2022
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
"if [Scott Atlas] is using the U.S. data to make that assumption, he has no idea of the core of the fraud and the rot. That is corrupted data and it's used to fuel a narrative."
So, it's really about how this is not being talked about. And I don't really know when this censorship is going to change. I don't know what's going to make it . . . if a drop in life expectancy is not a story, our media has failed. Dr. Pierre Kory
Ep. 2209 What’s Causing All Those Excess Deaths? https://t.co/jSrazDgD8m
— Mike Walgenbach (@mwalgen44) September 28, 2022
Dr. Pierre Kory's website.
The FLCCC's Total19CriticalCare.
His Substack page.
And Twitter page.
This makes me weep.
The fraud committed to drive propaganda giving people a narrative to think a certain way or take a specific action temporarily kills my spiritual battle, my raison de etre. It's one thing to have a sense of the general fraud, but learning about the specific fraud committed by institutions that have traditionally been associated with helping people recover is almost too much. Initially. But new information helps to set new resoluteness. That is where we are at.
This talk is about excess deaths, but the reasfarcicvau surprised me. Yes, all roads point to the vaccines, but what paved the various roads was the censorship, and that censorship is ongoing. The censorship helped create the narrative that vaccines weren't all bad, that, in fact, they can save lives. They don't. They ruin lives, and then kill you.
WOODS: Trying to reconcile with this problem, namely this excess deaths problem that seems to be popping up in country after country.
KORY: The data is screaming from so many sources and so many countries with massive amounts of death, and it's just not talked about. And that's an extension of what I've seen in COVID, right? If it goes against the policies, and therefore the narratives, it's suppressed. And I could never imagine such censorship of such an important topic [excess deaths] that is so pervasive, that it's global. You know the communication media systems, and I've read one article that said that most of all media is owned by 1 of 6 companies, so there's this huge consolidation in media, and I don't know if they send out memos throughout those corporations, but the level of censorship is astonishing. And so on the topic you're asking me about, I mean I don't even know where to start.
I would say one of the most shocking and first explosions of data was when the CEO of One America, which is a 200-year-old life insurance company with $100 million in assets or even more, the CEO, J. Scott Davison, went out in public and gave an interview and said that they've had an unprecedented rise in life insurance claims from the ages of 18 to 64, so working age Americans, on a year-to-year basis that a 10% rise in that age group is a 1-in-200 year event. And he was reporting a 32 or 38% rise in life insurance claims of young working age people. And if you look, an investigative journalist did a follow-up on that CEO and reached out to that company, they were very forthcoming, and they were very communicative, and they even provided the journalists with a mortality chart from the CDC. From the CDC, you can see what the mortality was in 2019, 2020, and then 2021, at the end of Quarter 1, you see this sudden rise, a steep slope in mortality of 18-64 year-olds, and all you have to ask yourself is "What happened at the end of Quarter 1, 2021?" I have seen coverage of this issue, but the articles all bring up alternative explanations. I'm referring to the vaccination program. There's nothing else that could match that historic rise. It can't be deaths from alcoholism, addiction, and suicide: we've had those for years. I don't know why it would suddenly rise at the end of Quarter 1, 2021. I've seen people try to blame it on lockdowns. Lockdowns were largely over in most places. Especially in the U.S. We weren't locking down in 2021. So that's just life insurance.
There's another piece of data that is even more shocking: the life expectancy in the United States, this is census and publicly available data, it was 79-years-old in 2019. Average life expectancy of every American was 79 in 2019. Now, it's 76. Even a 1/10th or 2/10th change in the average life expectancy indicates a lot of deaths. Now, you have 3 years that have been shaved off of the pandemic. In 2020 and 2021 were massive, and yet the other thing to consider is how do you drop the average life expectancy from 79 to 76? It's not the dying off of the elderly. They would not impact that average very much. It has to be young people and very young people. This is an unprecedented change . . . really a barometer of the health of our country: 3 years average life expectancy and no one is talking about it? And then you can go into [the data sets for] the pilots and the athletes, cardiac arrest thing, out-of-work, you know, it's a scary idea that they vaccinated a whole generation of pilots and with the instance of heart disease, I mean it's really worrisome . . . what if they have an accident in the air. So, I think the bigger story is not about the data--you can pull data from anywhere. Even in the UK, in their publicly available health data, you can see the all-cause mortality in the vaccinated is far higher than the un-vaxxed. So, it's really about how this is not being talked about. And I don't really know when this censorship is going to change. I don't know what's going to make it . . . if a drop in life expectancy is not a story, our media has failed.
WOODS: As a non-expert, how am I to adjudicate when I haven't studied any of the relevant subjects, I have no credentials, and most of the people who have are telling me the opposite of what you're telling me, so why should I believe you over what they're telling me?
KORY: Here's my advice to that person. I totally appreciate that situation, because as a self-described expert . . . if you want to know what the truth is, you need to look at who is speaking that supposed truth. At this point in the pandemic, given the colossal and historic amounts of fraud, and the evidence of capture of the regulatory agencies, and the silencing of academia. No doctor can speak out against these policies. If they have concerns about theses vaccines, they will lose their job. Now you have California passing legislation that's going to punish and literally take away the license of a doctor who publicly disagrees with supposed scientific consensus. So, in that environment, I think you can only listen to those without a conflict of interest. What does that conflict of interest look like? If you're employed by a media organization, if you're employed by a healthcare agency, a hospital, or a university. Those are conflicts of interest because just by the way society is now structured they cannot speak freely. So whatever they say is going to be highly palatable to the narrative and to the policy. So for someone to speak freely, you need to listen to someone with no conflicts of interest, who is expert in the topic area or at least appears knowledgeable, they have to be able to debate, and to be able to share and cite data. The person who wrote that, should think about what the agencies are doing. The agencies are willing to share data. The problem is that it's actually corrupt data. And it's also on record with the New York Times, and other papers, that the CDC admits that they haven't been sharing and withholding data, and so I really do feel bad for the average citizens because you really do hear two very different conclusions, particularly on the vaccines--everything is rosy, it's "safe and effective," you can give it to pregnant people, and, yes, we think it's smart to give it to toddlers. And then on the other side, we are calling it a humanitarian catastrophe of massive deaths directly related to the vaccine, and I have a lot data to back that up. So, let's say you're looking for a neutral party. Recently, I've been giving the example of Denmark. So here in the United States we have gleefully vaccinated toddlers. Thankfully, very few parents are brining their toddlers in for a vaccine. I think it's something like less than [2%]. But look at Denmark. They do not recommend vaccination for anyone under 50. And they long ago banned Moderna for anyone over 30. And in this country, we don't care. Any of the vaccines are good for anybody. Denmark is the leader in the world for pulling back from this vaccine: they still offer the vaccines, but they're not pushing them; in fact, they've outlawed them for certain sectors of their society. We have to realize that it's a war of information.
The other side has mass powers of censorship. And really what's worse is propaganda. The ultimate source of all the propaganda and censorship, and I think it begins at the medical journal level. And I have a lot of evidence to show, particularly on the topic of Ivermectin, but you can apply it to the vaccines. In fact, vaccines are the converse of Ivermectin. So, these journals have suppressed the evidence of efficacy of Ivermectin, and Hydroxychloroquine, and at the same time they've suppressed the evidence of the toxicity of the vaccines. I think if it wasn't for the collusion of the medical journals rejecting positive studies of Ivermectin, retracting published studies of Ivermectin, so that the only thing that appears in the high-impact journals are trials where Ivermectin is tested with no significantly statistical benefits that are shown even though there are benefits. So the headlines race around the world that Ivermectin doesn't work, yet we know that there are 92 controlled trials with 125,000 patients in them and it shows repeatedly reduced death, hospitalization, time 'til recovery, time 'til virus clearance, yet if you just look at those high-impact journals, you would never know that. So, I'm calling that the fraud begins at the medical journal level because if you don't have that curated science, that really manipulated science that shows up in the journals, you can't launch these narratives. You can't launch a narrative that Ivermectin doesn't work because if they were really freely and openly publishing submissions of good quality that show benefits to any medicine, not just pharmaceutical products, you would have a much more balanced view of what's therapeutic here, but they don't do that. There are frightening papers, all on preprint servers, showing the massive toxicity of these vaccines. And you can just see it in VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. You don't even need a newspaper then. But I would also recommend that your friend, or the newspaper, ask themselves, why our health agencies, our government is not talking about VAERS? It was built to look for toxicity signals. They started skyrocketing within weeks of the rollout and they're at unprecedented levels. And we know that the only thing wrong with VAERS is its under-reporting factor. We've had almost 2 million adverse events, 40,000 deaths reported in the U.S., and that under-reporting factor is probably on a scale of 30x to 40x. I think it's pretty easy to tell who's lying and who's actively suppressing really important information, and I will tell you, it's all to one goal: it was to support the vaccine campaign. And when that started, that censorship, that ignoring, that curating, literature that gets published that only shows that they're "safe and effective," that was done with the noble lie, where they withhold information from you for your own good, so that it will prompt you to get vaccinated because they're afraid that if they show all the data, it would increase vaccine hesitancy. And vaccine hesitancy was known as probably one of the main barriers to the planned pandemic response in the simulation exercises that were done in the years leading up to the pandemic. You can look at the records, you can look at the documents. Vaccine hesitancy appears multiple times. They always had a plan to create a pandemic and to vaccinate the world, and their one worry was vaccine hesitancy. And in my experience, from where I sit, the two main things that would absolutely crush vaccine hesitancy is information about the efficacy of generic repurposed drugs, because if you know there's a safe, available alternative you will turn to that rather than the experimental vaccine. And the other thing that has been censored is any mention of the toxicity, and now it's farcical, like that spoof headline. I think it's somewhat funny but what I find terrifying are the real headlines where they literally try to explain these incredible amounts of sudden cardiac arrests, athletes on the field, the pilot issues, and all of the data screaming about all cause mortality, and then you see headlines about climate change being the cause of it. I've seen ridiculous ones that you would think are spoofs but they're real [headlines].
WOODS: Or you're sleeping on the wrong side.
KORY: Interesting connection is that you do see articles about this condition called, SADS, right, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. I happen to be somewhat of an expert in cardiac arrest as an ICU doctor for years I trained teams on how to respond to cardiac arrest and I've given lectures about the history of CPR, you know, the incidents of cardiac arrest in the community and they're nowhere near the numbers now. And so a really disturbing analogy is that with this vaccine campaign, suddenly we're seeing unprecedented numbers of people dropping dead--athletes, broadcasters, many of them are on television! Totally healthy people, they're at a podium, they collapse. They're at a broadcast desk, they collapse. They're at a wedding, they collapse. Even in the stands at football stadiums. I remember there was one game where I watched. There was one Saturday where they're all playing, there were 4 cardiac arrests: 2 on the field, 2 in the stands. And some of the coaches actually spoke out, and in their decades, they had never seen 2 cardiac arrests in a game on the same day, and then 2 others in the field. A number of games were stopped because people were arresting, and that's not a story? And so the thing about the SADS story is that there had been people for years . . . . Remember SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome? Well, that kind of started in the 80s and it tracks very well with the explosion of vaccines. So if you look at this weird syndrome called SIDS, which has happened to so many babies, and the system and the public Iiterature officially does not have a cause, I would argue that vaccines look like the cause of SIDS and I definitely know that the vaccines are the cause of SADS.
WOODS: I got to ask you that so many people want an answered and you hinted at it when you said it must be difficult to be a layman when on the one hand you've got propaganda 24 hours a day, "these things are safe and effective." And you have just the exact opposite coming at by people who are just as qualified and who seem just as passionate saying something really, really terrible is happening because of these very things that somebody just told you were safe and effective. And so what I want to know is somebody like Scott Atlas . . . I feel like Scott Atlas is a good guy. I had him on my show. I think he did a lot of good things and he stood up to a lot of idiots and took a huge amount of abuse, but he came on this show and said "that the data show that the vaccines do have an effect on lowering severe illness and death." He said "that's what the data shows."
KORY: He's wrong. He is wrong. He needs to share that data on which he's sharing that opinion. If you look at the granular public health data from any country that is transparently sharing--UK comes to mind, Israel comes to mind--for a long time per 100,000 more patients who were in the hospital were vaccinated than unvaccinated. So that's one data source that can very quickly refute what he said.
WOODS: It's just that we heard for so long that the unvaccinated are killing themselves in the hospital.
KORY: Thomas, let me finish because here's something that I can guarantee you he doesn't know and only a few people do, and I am one of them. Why am I one of them? I am an ICU doctor. Particularly in 2021, I was working in an ICU up until November 2021. And what I noticed, and I found very curious, was that nobody in the ICU was vaccinated. And you'd open up their chart and look at their medical record and right there under demographic--name, location, age--you saw their vaccination status, and there were two categories: one was VACCINATED, and the other was UNKNOWN. Everybody was UNKNOWN. So I'm sitting there with these two realities: seeing the data from other countries where the vaccinated are filling the hospital ICUs, and I am looking at the US and nobody in the ICUs was vaccinated. And I discovered what it was. The way they documented the vaccination status on the admission to the hospital was completely unprecedented. In the past, if you brought in a vaccine card, right, for your childhood vaccinations or you just got a vaccine and had a card, it was immediately entered into your record, and there would be a record there and anyone could look up your record and anyone could see the vaccine. During COVID in most of the major health systems, and I validated this with colleagues and other people I talked to in other large health systems is what happened with COVID when a patient arrived the hospital, they did take a history, they did ask if you were vaccinated. However, if you were vaccinated anywhere but in a system physician's clinic, guess where that information went? It went into the Nursing Admission note and that's where it stayed. It did not dhow up. It did not trigger a vaccination status and that is demonstrably now. I've talked to a number of nurses who've told me that in their systems the same thing was true. The vaccination status showed up in a Nursing Admission note and then on that first screen . . . it did not register vaccine. The only way to be vaccinated was if you got your shots in a clinic within that health system. In the entire year of working ICU in 2021, only one patient ever was admitted to my ICU with fully vaccinated status. Every single other one was UNKNOWN. if you look into their records, dig deep into the Nursing Admission note, you will find that they're vaccinated. So what I would tell Scott Atlas is that if he's using the U.S. data to make that assumption, he has no idea of the core of the fraud and the rot. That is corrupted data and it's used to fuel a narrative. Wouldn't you think, Thomas, if you're trying to propel a vaccine campaign, don't you think that it would be in your interest to not have the vaccinated show up in hospitals so that you could falsely present the vaccines as protective against outcomes and death? And I'm sorry. He's not aware of the depth of the fraud on that data.
WOODS: I'm just flabbergasted at the whole thing, and I'm somebody who's not exactly been naïve, you know, in the past about the way the world works. But I think anybody, no matter how cynical, has to be left aghast at what may, in fact, be happening here. There had to be some people who innocently believed what they were told within the medical establishment, and they were told that the experts say, "You got to give this thing to people, and it's going to save their lives and put an end to this thing." There had to be a lot of innocent people who didn't know any better. But on the other hand, innocent is a funny word. It was kind of their obligation to look into the information and not just take people's word for it.
KORY: I want to say I identify with you. I have to say that when the pandemic started, I had no knowledge of how controlled and corrupted the high-impact journal was. I always looked them throughout my career as an example of what the best science is and had always assumed that they would evaluate the merits of trials and only put the best quality and important trials. I didn't know that it's a completely censored environment. I didn't know that it's controlled by the pharmaceutical industry, and the depth of that control is absolutely terrifying. I did not know that 2 years ago. I will tell you where I started, Thomas. Up until the pandemic, I read the New York Times everyday, believed every word . . . I thought that the New York Times was the paper of record, literally the pinnacle of journalism, and if I wanted to get the straight dope, an accurate assessment of a situation, the New York Times would provide that for me. Just like what I now know about the journals, I had to learn that the New York Times writes narratives, and those narratives are in service of very powerful forces. I cannot read the New York Times. And how did I find that out, Thomas? I found that out because I became an expert on Ivermectin. And I had to watch lies, clear lies being written all over newspapers coming out of mouths of broadcasters, they were fed lies, mistruths, half-truths, and distortions. And what I saw was that there's no such thing any more as a science reporter. There's no such thing. They will present whatever science, however they want as long as it furthers a narrative, and once I started seeing that happening in the New York Times, I was terrified that the population believes this narrative that's just spewing from everywhere. That was my first awakening, Thomas, was that they lie. And then the next lie I had to witness was with the vaccines. And I just saw repeated lies, "safe and effective," "safe and effective." I saw newspaper articles well into 2021, which literally had this statement, "There's not been one proven death as a result of the vaccine." I would literally read that in the newspaper, knowing then at that times that many tens, if not, hundreds of thousands had died at that time.
With Prospects of Midterms Sagging, Dems Preach Violence Against Republicans and MAGA . . . a Mostly Peaceful Call to Arms, Be Reassured . . .
Democrats suffer from a terrible case of amnesia. Do they recall the 2020 Summer of Love, or Seattle's version of it, where their foot soldiers of Antifa and BLM performed a scorched earth policy in cities across America? Do they remember that . . . any of it?
Do they know who Kyle Rittenhouse is, or how he legally defended himself against attempted murderers on August 26, 2020? I'll bet that Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar know.
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 27, 2022
With midterms' prospects sagging, Dems preach violence pic.twitter.com/ayxJPICcon
Recently, a 41-year-old Democrat took the Democrats' message to heart and used his car to run down a teenager who was a Republican.
Remember during the Trump presidency how the Democrats and their political and Hollywood supporters came out with their call for violence? I do. I shocked when I heard Democratic Congressional Representative, Maxine Waters calling to harass and disturb any events by Republicans. Waters has served the same congressional district, District 43, since 1991. That's 31 years. It's not the presidents who run this country; it's the local politicians and the federal politicians who oversee them.
Waters denied it, of course.
Nancy Pelosi told an audience that there could be collateral damage for those who do not share "our" view.
What was the context for Pelosi's remarks? It was a reference to her economic policies and how some would be left out. But the term "collateral damage" is a military term for unintended consequences of weaponry.
that her preferred economic policies would entail "collateral damage" on certain groups.
Pelosi was going back and forth on climate change and its connection to job creation and prosperity with Paul Krugman, an economist and New York Times columnist. After finishing a sweeping discussion about those topics, Pelosi made the case that liberal policies would entail "collateral damage for some others who do not share our view" but ultimately help the country.
BREAKING REPORT: Jan. 6 Prisoner Ryan Samsel Purportedly BEATEN TIL HE LOST AN EYE – Tied to Chair for 12 Hours...
Didn't the FBI murder Trentadue because they mistook him for a real criminal?
BREAKING REPORT: Jan. 6 Prisoner Ryan Samsel Purportedly BEATEN TIL HE LOST AN EYE – Tied to Chair for 12 Hours...
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto)
September 27, 2022
He was beaten by a prison guard. CBS explains,
Samsel was "viciously and savagely" beaten by a corrections officer in the D.C. Correctional Treatment Facility after the guard zip-tied Samsel's hands.
Oh, I see, so they tied him down THEN beat him. Huh. Somebody should report this. What happened to "If you see something, say something"?
Pasqualini said she reported the alleged assault to jail officials, who told her they were conducting an internal investigation. She also reported it to the FBI which, she said, told her it was investigating, as well.
Oh, that is rich. An internal investigation PLUS a report to the FBI of a brutal crime committed by a federal corrections officer inside a federal prison in WASHINGTON, D.C, the federal capital, on a citizen arrested for being on federal property protesting a federal election.
Breaking in 2021. https://t.co/Qm1mnlBuCJ
— Mona (@AmericanEpilog) September 27, 2022
How do you like the U.S. government now?
I do wonder how the vaccine and pharmaceutical companies stack up against the lucre Ukraine's government got from us, you know, whether the billions in zero liability matches what Zelensky has received.
"As of today the United States gives us $1.5 billion every month"
— Jack Posobiec XLV (@JackPosobiec) September 27, 2022
- Volodymyr Zelenskyy on CBS
Monday, September 26, 2022
The Vandals in the White House Are in Favor of Mutilating Your Teenage Babies
The Biden administration just came out in favor of double-mastectomies for teenage girls and irreversible hormone blockers for kids.
— Justin Hart (@justin_hart) September 26, 2022
Take that to the polls with you. pic.twitter.com/qx1bAqyewB
GIORGIA MELONI: has been a member of the Aspen Institute since 2021 which collaborates with The Rockerfeller and Gates foundations
Just when I thought we'd had a real person on the political scene. Hope is eternal and naive. Though the pattern of a populist rising does seem apparent.
Italy 🇮🇹 Here is your Hero, New PM Georgia Meloni....Fighting the Globalist regime while supporting Digital ID, The Green Vax Pass and has been a member of the Aspen Institute since 2021 which collaborates with The Rockerfeller and Gates foundations ...Trust The 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙣 💣🔥👊 pic.twitter.com/eKj9kfkTP1
— 𝙍𝙄𝙎𝙀𝙈𝙀𝙇𝘽𝙊𝙐𝙍𝙉𝙀 (@riseupandresist) September 26, 2022
RISEMELBOURNE said in a tweet, "Google it yourself," so I did.
Google it yourself. It's 100%
— 𝙍𝙄𝙎𝙀𝙈𝙀𝙇𝘽𝙊𝙐𝙍𝙉𝙀 (@riseupandresist) September 27, 2022
2019, Giorgia Meloni: "We cannot remain neutral between freedom and tyranny."
Italy's first female prime minister at CPAC in 2019: "We cannot remain neutral between freedom and tyranny." pic.twitter.com/7OtdXn7GQ3
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 26, 2022
Animals Are Amazing
A 2 year old cow & her young calf were sold at market to 2 different farms. In the middle of the night the mother cow broke down a fence and walked 7 miles in an unfamiliar area to the farm where her calf had been sold. She was found the next morning, contently nursing her baby.. pic.twitter.com/miqNXm2JX8
— Angie KaranⓋ🌱🐾🌻 (@angie_karan) September 26, 2022
Fake Meat Can Cause Inflamed Kidney (Ouch!) Do What Chickens Do . . . Skip It
Rat-feeding study commissioned by Impossible Foods suggested its burger's key ingredient—genetically engineered SLH—caused rats to develop unexplained changes in weight gain + blood that can indicate onset of inflammation or kidney disease. https://t.co/cpI6PXDgaO
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) September 25, 2022
Chickens seem to know what's best for their biology. People can figure this out . . . right?
Chickens give their opinion of fake meat!!
— Dr. Urso (@richardursomd) September 25, 2022
It’s not food. https://t.co/sz83QoqUpC
41 PSYCHOLOGICAL HACKS? TOO MANY? HACK #3: Look into someone’s eyes when you don’t trust their answer
Some tried and true psychology hacks that actually work from Food Is In The House. Some you already know and are a practiced veteran. So if they work, keep on using them. ; -)
HACK #1: Use silence when in a verbal altercation
People get very uncomfortable with silence, and usually try to fill it with nervous rambling. So if you’re in a verbal altercation, someone is being rude and you’re not sure how to get the upper hand – just don’t say anything.
The other person will become more nervous by your silence, ramble (or yell) even more, and make themselves look worse in the process. You will come out looking like the mature and composed one, and they will most likely feel really silly once they’ve calmed down
Yes, making yourself appear more mature is always a winner, but it also depends on the topic. I would say think this technique works use this technique in a few situations: one, if you have an audience; two, if the person is rude; three, if they already have a reputation at work of being a complainer. The first two are key: rude and you have an audience. If it's just you and the other person, then I only if there is
HACK #2: How to tell who likes who the most
If you’re in a group of people who all know each other, like friends or colleagues, pay attention to who they look at when you’re all laughing. If someone is telling a funny story or a joke, people tend to automatically make eye contact with whomever they feel the closest to.
That one is good and definitely worth your attention. But bear in mind,
the opposite is also true. If everyone is laughing and you notice no one is making eye contact with you, chances are you’re the least popular of the group…
HACK #3: Look into someone’s eyes when you don’t trust their answer.
If you ask someone a question, and don’t like or understand their answer – look into their eyes and just pause instead of asking more questions. This will make them feel a little pressured, and they will then be compelled to explain or elaborate on whatever they just said.
HACK #4: Give yourself less choices when struggling to make a decision
We think we make better choices when we have as many options as possible, but plenty of research has proved the opposite is actually true. Too many options overwhelm and paralyze us, which makes us miserable.
Yeah, on this one, I have to disagree. We're all operating on limited information. More information can cloud the decision, but also more information allows us to make fewer bad decisions. Take the topic of price for example. If you know that one mechanic is charging you $500 for a brake job and another is charging you $350, more information here is better. When it comes to work decisions, the choice can be a challenge, particularly if you've got deadlines tied to choices. If you can't decide, then don't. Buy yourself some time. Say, "I will get back to you on that," and then on your own time, perhaps with someone you trust, invite someone to help you work through the decision, the risks, short and long term risks, the unseen risks as well. Some might complain that you're analyzing the decision too much. Tell them to get lost. It's not their decision, it's yours. It affects you. True, other will learn of your decision, so it will reflect on you. But I don't like the idea of reducing your choices just to make the decision making process easier. Easier in the short-term perhaps, but the long-term is always a factor with any decision. So keep that in mind.
HACK #5: How to ace that first date.
First dates? Oy. Not easy. I would say be kind. Demonstrate some excitement, fascination, and wonder with the event; that way, if things don't go well with your date, at least you can procure a great time for yourself. That's not to say to be narcissistic, it only means to create interest in things, people, and the time you spend.
This is true,
A psychological phenomenon known as “misattribution of arousal” means that people mislabel what’s getting them excited. So if you pick an exciting activity for a date, like an escape room or theme park, the excitement of the activity will rub off on your date’s impression of you.
HACK #6: Make someone rude become self-conscious.
Be careful that this attempt doesn't come off as pedantic or condescending. Most people who want to turn a moment into a teaching moment are obnoxious. But their recommended hack is hysterical. Check it out:
If someone is yelling at you, and you need them to stop immediately, just cut them off by saying “hey, I think you have something stuck in your teeth”. This will make them stop abruptly, and feel super self-conscious and awkward instead of angry at you. It will also most likely mean they excuse themselves to go find a mirror.
This trick should be used as a last resource, as it’s of course better to handle a situation like this with mature, calm communication.
Yeah, ya think?
HACK #7: Ask for a favor by saying "I need your help"
People enjoy feeling needed, and also hate feeling guilty. You can use this to your advantage, by being mindful of how you phrase asking for a favor. Instead of just saying “can you do this?”, start by saying “I need your help”
This makes the request more personal, and using the word “help” reduces the likelihood of them saying no. The more personal approach makes them feel needed, and denying giving help to someone is guilt inducing.
Oh, brother. Some of these really sound like psychological tips for high-schoolers. God help us. But maybe that's exactly where most people are: they're resolving protracted grievances experienced from high school years.
HACK #8: How to look confident at a party
This is a great tip for all you introverts out there. If you find mingling at parties super awkward, chances are you also look very uncomfortable and insecure. This will decrease the chance of people approaching you, and of you then actually having fun.
Okay, this reads more like a true hack:
One way to look more open, friendly, and confident in a situation like this, is to make sure you’re not holding your drink up by your chest. Instead, try to casually hold it down by your hip. Works like a charm!
HACK #9: Pretend to be open-minded to win people over.
I can't tell you how many times I'd heard people say, "Don't judge" or "Suspend judgment." Okay, for a certain age. And it's true that no one likes being prejudged, yet people the world over do it all the time.
It’s easier said than done to be open-minded, and most of us aren’t as accepting of different opinions as we’d like to think. But faking it also works.
HACK #10: Look at someone’s lips to show them you’re interested
We’re not saying you should intently stare at someone’s lips, that will make them feel uncomfortable. But a few glances once in a while, and letting them see you’re doing it, is a good way to signal your interest while on a date.
It depends on how you look at someone. You can look at someone with your words, with a certain attitude. In other words, look at someone with interest, attentive interest. Prolonged looks of any kind can turn your intention into its opposite. Some people don't like being stared at. In fact, staring is a sign of hostility, and that's not good for anyone.
There are a few more that you can check out for yourself. Keep reading, and best wishes with your rapport-building skills.