Showing posts with label Wittgenstein (@backtolife_2023). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wittgenstein (@backtolife_2023). Show all posts

Monday, November 14, 2022

The World's Most Surveilled Cities

Do you live in one, or are you traveling to one? 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

"Safe and effective" targets vaccine hesitancy, specifically to wear down your very intelligent defenses

Do not think--stop it right now--that because the country identified in this clip wasn't named "America" or "the United States of America" or because your state and city were not mentioned in the context of vaccine hesitancy that your city and state governments didn't absolutely target this psychological roadblock so that they could destroy the vascular system of hundreds of thousands Americans.  

Remember, remember the 5th of November--well, that, too--but remember that the whole "safe and effective" campaign was specifically created to target everybody's fear and anxiety, specifically designed to wear down your very intelligent defenses, over a government vaccine rushed to market.  Judy Mikovits said,

effectiveness has always, always been a problem, manufacturers have always, always had to run "safe and effective" campaigns ad infinitum to bury vaccine hesitancy, hesitant because the vaccines are ineffective, non-effective, lack effectiveness, don't work, are bad for you, poisonous, they'll down right kill you.

Heed the messages coming out of the black community that has suffered greatly and periodically from government programs.  

Sunday, November 6, 2022


Do they want Amnesty or Amnesia? The police will absolutely will get away with this kind of crime.

Never forget. Never forget. Never forgive this. And hold the line

There are others.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Well, well, well . . . . Nattokinase degrades the spike protein floating in the blood and attached to the cell

You don't get any closer to a cure for COVID or for the toxic spike protein than Nattokinase.  And I was recommending this to everyone by June 2021.  Few listened, so I shipped a couple of small bottles via Amazon anyway.  Never heard back, whether they liked it or not.  So that was a sunk cost; at least now they know about it.  So as you take Nattokinase to degrade and neutralize the spike protein, be sure to take lots of melatonin to reverse some of the aging effects of the vaccine.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

W.E.F. Member, Jennifer Doudna on the deleterious effects of mRNA from 7 years ago

The speaker's name is Jennifer Doudna. , and she is a World Economic Forum acolyte.  I guess the competition at Berkeley is so fierce that it breeds the ethics right out of their thinking.  

There goes my respect for Pomona College.  Wikipedia explains that "She graduated from Pomona College in 1985 and earned a Ph.D. from Harvard Medical School in 1989."  The Personal Life" section of her Wikipedia bio was one of the strangest bios I'd ever read.  The tone of it suggests that her career was wide open, that she had very few impediments to any career choice she sought.  This just doesn't happen unless you're politically connected.  You just don't hop from university to university on a whim AND get your spouse a teaching position or a post-doc research position on a whim or the toss of a dime.  But not Jennifer Doudna and her spouses.  Wow, you don't get more politically connected than the Pope, 

In 2021, Pope Francis appointed Doudna, and two other female Nobel laureates Donna Strickland and Emmanuelle Charpentier, as members of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

Take a look for yourself, and tell me she didn't move in her career nonchalantly as if she knew there would be no challenge or resistance to any decision she would make in tandem with a spouse.  I've known couples trying to get teaching positions at the same high school, and the principal thwarted those efforts.  Yet here is Jennifer Doudna and her spouses and she just bounces around the country like she's on tour.  Just take a look at some of the phrases in the Wikipedia bio,

"both accepted faculty positions at Berkeley and moved there together," as though Berkeley kneeled at their feet in the hopes that they would sign on there.  "They both accepted . . . and "moved there together."  And as to her divorce from Tom Griffin, it was not due to disagreements, no.  It was due to Tom having broader interests: "but his interests were more broad and less focused on research than hers and they divorced a few years later."

Griffin wanted a bit more. "Griffin wanted to move to Boulder, Colorado, where Doudna was also interested in working with Thomas Cech."  It's like there's no cause and effect, no wrinkle, no detail of their lives whatsoever in this bio.  On the contrary, it's all washed over.  Is this what the World Economic Forum can do for you?  I guess fascists have to recruit from within.  I mean why would fascist organizations pave the way for someone whom they knew was antithetical to their viewpoints, values, and principles.  So this is what the world is made up of today?  Principles.  

Doudna's first marriage was in 1988 to a fellow graduate student at Harvard named Tom Griffin, but his interests were more broad and less focused on research than hers and they divorced a few years later. Griffin wanted to move to Boulder, Colorado, where Doudna was also interested in working with Thomas Cech. As a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Colorado, Doudna met Jamie Cate, then a graduate student; they worked together on the project to crystallize and determine the structure of the Tetrahymena Group I intron P4-P6 catalytic region. Doudna brought Cate with her to Yale, and they married in Hawaii in 2000. Cate later became a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Doudna followed him to Boston at Harvard, but in 2002 they both accepted faculty positions at Berkeley and moved there together; Cate preferred the less formal environment on the West Coast to his earlier experiences at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Doudna liked that Berkeley is a public university.