Showing posts sorted by relevance for query melatonin dose. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query melatonin dose. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, May 21, 2022


I love her claim that melatonin is a more powerful antioxidant than glutathione, which is considered the master antioxidant.  Imagine the healing that could take place if you took both glutathione AND melatonin.  Be sure to open up that thread by clicking on Natural Immunity's Twitter link.  Melatonin benefits go beyond anticancer.  It keeps our skin healthy and youthful [through] two major mechanisms. It has antioxidant effects that neutralize oxidative damage from the sun, and by stimulating growth receptors in the skin.  NaturalImmunity goes on to say that 

Melatonin may have a profound effect on stroke & heart attack! 🙌 Take w/in 1st 2 hrs. Based on studies, if were me, I'd take ~2000mg, since oral bioavail is low (& that amt has been shown 2b safe). Then 100mg+ every hour or so for 24/48 hrs. (Not medical advice)!

Christopher Wark of Chris Beat Cancer interviews Dr. Russell J. Reiter.  A powerful interview here on how necessary darkness is for our circadian rhythms and our health.  Modern life with night lighting is fairly new in our evolution, disruptive of natural processes, and disease generating.  So embrace the darkness.  Be sure to check out the show notes in the link, "Chris Beats Cancer" above.  Here is a sampling from those notes:

Melatonin acts as an antiviral [37:24]
-How sunlight helps with the production of melatonin [44:35]
-Melatonin can reduce the likelihood of metastasis [50:45]

Clearly, the antioxidant action of melatonin is quite powerful as an anti-cancer compound. Bill Sardi included it in his nutritional compound regimen for cancer, in fact, 15-30mg of melatonin per night.  So there is credible consensus on the anti-cancer benefits of melatonin.

I have to say that any time I hear or read about the anti-aging benefits of melatonin, or any product, my ears perk up.  Antiaging means that you only slow down the aging process.  In some cases, it may be possible to reverse aging processes, like alopecia, or hair loss, this can be reversed with Rutin, Pumpkin Seed Oils, and B5.  This video, which I didn't have the time to watch all the way through, highlights that 1) Melatonin is an ancient molecule.  That's interesting, but what is the relevance of that?  What benefits are derived from its ancient characteristics?  2) It's found in bacteria and every organism between bacteria and mammalians.  Its structure has never changed throughout its evolution, what that means is that the structure of melatonin in bacteria is identical to the structure of melatonin in humans.  Whoa.  Now that is something, but what does that tell us?  That melatonin means life itself?  3) it is not toxic at any dose. 4) it exists in every species that is currently living or that has ever existed.  I mean what is not to like?  For optimal cellular physiology.  Melatonin exhibits in the blood circadian rhythm.  [7:38] "Melatonin is a very strong anti-cancer agent."  It influences the immune system, metabolism, gastro-intestinal function.   

Show Notes from Chris Beat Cancer

-How Dr. Reiter got into melatonin research [1:23]
-What melatonin does in the body [3:28]
-How blue light inhibits melatonin production [7:05]
-How melatonin is passed to the fetus and newborn [12:00]
-The anticancer benefits of melatonin [15:25]
-How pharmaceutical drugs suppress melatonin production [18:40]
-When should melatonin be taken during the day? [22:47]
-Does taking melatonin affect natural production? [24:36]
-Older people need more melatonin [29:20]
-How melatonin can reduce the impact of Covid-19 [31:15]
-The impact of alcohol and caffeine on melatonin production [34:45]
-Melatonin acts as an antiviral [37:24]
-How sunlight helps with the production of melatonin [44:35]
-Melatonin can reduce the likelihood of metastasis [50:45]

Monday, December 12, 2022


The presentation was given by Dr. Frank Shallenberger.  

PureBulk is the site for buying in bulk.  BTW, if you need to phone PureBulk just know that their hours are 7am to 3pm, PST.  They close early.  
He explains that people don't die from cancer; they die when the cancer metastasizes.  

He says that with prostate cancer melatonin is a slam dunk. Now he uses additional compounds but melatonin is the main one and he gives it in massive amounts. I just didn't hear a dose amount.  He does say that Professor Russel Reiter in studying mice, gave mice, WHO WERE BRED TO GET BREAST CANCER, large amounts of melatonin and they DID NOT GET BREAST CANCER.  So there's that.  But how much, how much?  Reiter has said previously that he takes upwards of 140mgs of Melatonin/day.  I'd say that if someone has cancer that you'd want to go a little higher.

7 anti-cancer mechanisms of melatonin:
1.  Direct Anti-neoplastic effect.
2.  Decreases cell proliferation at low doses.
3.  Direct cytotoxic effect occurs with higher doses.
4.  Stimulation of cell differentiation.
5.  Induction of apoptosis.
6. Anti-angiogenic.  
7.  A synergistic effect has been found in several types of cancer when it is administered in combination with chemotherapy.  Shocked that he would use chemotherapy.  

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Melatonin . . . dose-dependently reduced viral load/entry in mouse brains, inhibiting small cerebral vessels damage and brain inflammation

Friday, June 10, 2022

They gave mice a LETHAL dose of radiation, then (human-equiv of) 600mg Melatonin...👌 Protected them

Did you read that?  A lethal dose.  

It would stand to reason that melatonin would also protect against cancer.   

Friday, August 26, 2022

MELATONIN: anti-Covid, anti-inflammatory, radioprotective, anti-cancer, safe supplement when taken at high doses (100-2000mg).

Melatonin significantly decreased the virus levels in blood and brain . . . 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

SARS-CoV-2 can upregulate NLRP3 inflammasomes in the brain to induce neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinson's disease. Melatonin targets NLRP3 inflammasomes. Now you know why MEL is effective against brain fog and memory loss after C-19 infections

High dose melatonin is best for anti-oxidant powers and less for sleep inducement.  But if you're interested, you should read everything about amazing melatonin by Doris Loh.   

Thursday, November 3, 2022

"I feel awful taking the tiniest amount [of Melatonin]". When that happens, it is often a sign your mitochondria needs help from melatonin - A LOT of help, in fact

The AA is Ascorbic Acid, or vitamin C.   

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


George Hoyt Whipple discovered B-12 in 1934.  So knowledge of this nutritional compound is well known and well-studied.  B-12 is water soluble, plays a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, and basically interacts with the bacteria in your body to produce energy, described here:
Vitamin B12, also called cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin that has a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system via the synthesis of myelin (myelinogenesis),[1][2] and the formation of red blood cells. It is one of eight B vitamins. It is involved in the metabolism of every cell of the human body, especially affecting DNA synthesis, fatty acid and amino acidmetabolism.[3] No fungi, plants, or animals (including humans) are capable of producing vitamin B12. Only bacteria and archaea have the enzymes needed for its synthesis. Some substantial sources of B12 include animal products (shellfish, meat), fortified foods, and dietary supplements.[4][5] B12 is the largest and most structurally complicated vitamin and is produced industrially only through bacterial fermentation. This B12 is used for fortified foods and supplements. It has also been produced synthetically via vitamin B12total synthesis.
Yeah, the synthetic version of B-12, called cyanocobalamin, actually has cyanide in it.  You may want to steer clear of that one.  Methylcobabalmin is the preferred for of B-12.

Sardi published an article back on September 11, 2013, titled "The Incredible Shrinking (Mushy) Vitamin B-12 Deficient Brain."  It will alert you to the serious problems that result from a B-12 deficiency, and I say this as a guy who takes a supplement daily (with a B-12 dose of 320mcg; that exceeds a maintenance dose by 5000%.  I wonder what a therapeutic dose is).  His article starts with a citation to the Tufts University study on how a mild deficiency of B-12 speeds dementia.  Yikes.  In terms of numbers, what is a deficiency of B-12?  

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the brain of a 76-year-old patient with dementia. The brain has shrunk, and the ventricles, the fluid-filled spaces (dark brown) at the center of the brain, have become enlarged. Photo: BSIP/Photoresearchers Inc.
It's elusive.  According to the B-12 website (yes, there's a website dedicated just to vitamin B-12), he states that it is 7ug, whatever that is.  But there is a summary to the article, and that's here:
The daily requirement according to DGE: 3 µg.  
The daily requirement is not actually the necessary amount!
Current studies recommend an intake of 7-10 µg.
During stress, illness and pregnancy, a higher intake is required.
Vegans should take supplements. 
Okay, so it looks like you want to be maintaining, meaning taking on a daily basis, 3 µg So anything less than that, you risk becoming deficient and moving toward mild dementia.  So don't start down that road.  It's a lot easier to remember to take the methylcobalamin, B-12, than to try to rebuild the brain.  
Investigators at Tufts University display striking images of the human brain when it is deficient in vitamin B-12.  Brain scans show fluid-filled spaces as the center of a shrinking B-12 deficient brain—literally holes in the brain. 
The report starts
Being even mildly deficient in vitamin B-12 may put older adults at a greater risk for accelerated cognitive decline, an observational study from the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts suggests.  
Still, no numbers on how to measure "Being even mildly deficient . . . ."  

BENEFIT #1:  Delays and significantly slows the shrinkage of the brain.  Methylcobalamin, B-12 produces stunning benefits on the brain, on the heart, on the spine, and the muscles and nerves that run all through your body.  It slows brain shrinkage by 7 times of what is normal.  This should be a daily regimen for life.   
A prior study showed that high-dose B vitamins (800 mcg folic acid, 20mgs vitamin B6, 500 mcgs of B-12) slows the rate of shrinkage in the human brain, and more demonstrably (by 7 times) shrinkage of grey matter in the brain.
So here I've listed some of the benefits of B-12: Methyllcobalamin, B-12, Betaine Hydrochloride, and Benfotiamine.  But what causes brain shrinkage in the first place?  Is there a way to prevent shrinkage or avoid it altogether?  First, I would stay away from foods drain the B-12 stores from your body, things like coffee, alcohol, digestive disorders, pernicious anemia, injuries, and worst of all, stress.  Stress is a killer, especially chronic stress.  B-12 helps fight off the damaging effects of stress on the brain.  

BENEFIT #2:  B-12 revitalizes and restores brain, heart, and spinal energy.  Few things do all three.

BENEFIT #3:  B-12 restores your circadian rhythmsYou will get the best sleep of your life.  Nothing compares.  Plus, given all the other benefits of how it rebuilds the brain, spine, heart, blood vessels, tell me, what's not to like.  If your sleep is better, just think how less irritable you'll be the next day.  I got the best sleep I'd head in decades.   
Effects of vitamin B12 on performance and circadian rhythm in normal subjects.  Neuropsychopharmacology, 1996.
This preliminary study investigates effects of methyl- and cyanocobalamin on circadian rhythms, well-being, alertness, and concentration in healthy subjects. Six women (mean age 35 years) and 14 men (mean age 37 years) were randomly assigned to treatment for 14 days with 3 mg cyano-(CB12) or methylcobalamin (MB12) after 9 days of pre-treatment observation. Levels in the CB12 group increased rapidly in the first, then slowly in the second treatment week, whereas increase in the MB12 group was linear. Urinary aMT6s excretion was reduced by both forms of vitamin B12 over 24 hours with a significant decrease between 0700-1100 hours, whereas urinary excretion of potassium was significantly increased between 0700-1100 hours. Activity from 2300-0700 hours increased significantly under both forms of vitamin B12. Sleep time was significantly reduced under MB12 intake. In this group the change in the visual analogue scales items "sleep quality," "concentration," and "feeling refreshed" between pretreatment and the first week of treatment showed significant correlations with vitamin B12 plasma levels. Cortisol excretion and temperature were not affected by either medication. We conclude that vitamin B12 exerts a direct influence on melatonin. Only MB12 has a positive psychotropic alerting effect with a distribution of the sleep-wake cycle toward sleep reduction.

You already know what it looks like: fatigue because your circadian rhythms are ruined; poor appetite because you're eating fast food and coffee because you're trying to compensate for the deleterious disruption of your circadian rhythms.  Get the B-12.  Depression and numbness and tingling in the hands and or feet all for the same reason: disruption of your circadian rhythms that are built on your body's ability to coordinate its nerve and muscle and hormone functions properly.  You don't want to let these conditions go unanswered.  Get the B-12.  Take it throughout the day.  Take it daily.  It's at this point that most medical articles will say "so speak to your doctor promptly about treatment," but I would say, hey, your doctor doesn't know much about nutrition and even less about nutritional supplements, so instead of speaking with your doctor, consult the valuable articles and books by Bill Sardi.  

Bill Sardi points to two causes of B-12 deficiency: lack of absorption and H. Pylori bacterium.  The latter shuts down stomach acid and the former   
Lack of absorption of dietary and supplemental vitamin B-12 due to progressive inability to produce stomach acid is cited as a growing concern.  Therefore, it may be that widespread H. Pylori infection, which is prevalents in more than half of the US population, could be a parallel facto as H. Pylori shuts down production of stomach acid or hydrochloric acid. 
Lack of absorption is a serious problem for oldsters.  We might eat right but we're just not absorbing the nutrition that we need from a healthy diet.  
The academy estimates that between 10 percent and 30 percent of people older than 50 produce too little stomach acid to release B12 from its carrier protein in foods, and as the years advance, the percentage of low-acid producers rises.
Diabetics are at an added risk.
Another concern is that most often used anti-diabetic drug, metformin, depletes the body of vitamin B-12.  Metformin use has been associated with decliningmental function.


1.  Eat lean animal meats to get B-12 from food. 

Animal proteins, such as lean meats, poultry and eggs, are good sources of vitamin B-12. Because older adults may have a hard time absorbing vitamin B-12 from food, the USDAʼs 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that people over age 50 incorporate foods fortified with B-12 or supplements in their diets.
2.  Supplement with Betaine Hydrochloride to replenish stomach acid so that you can digest the foods above and get the needed B-12.  

The group studied did eat meats, so one of the reasons for them being deficient is due to low stomach acid at age 75 and above.  To remedy the problem of low stomach acid, then you'll need to supplement with Betaine Hydrochloride.  For low stomach acid, Sardi recommends the following:  
1) Follow an anti-H Pylori regimen;
2) Supplement your diet with zinc which is needed to make hydrochloric acid in the stomach. [I never heard of this before];
3) Take Betaine Hydrochloride with meals to provide supplemental acid source. 



If you're not getting enough B12 from the meats and eggs in your diet, supplement with this hydrochloric acid to help break down those proteins and other nutrients, like B-12

Betaine Hydrochloride.  

Mind Boosters: A Guide to Natural Supplements That Enhance Your Mind, Memory, and Mood, Ray Sahelian, 2000.  

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

STUDY SHOWS: Melatonin improves glucose homeostasis and rescues/regenerates damaged pancreas beta-cells. How is this possible?

Higher dose can be powerful.  If you're looking for larger doses, Pure Bulk came recommended.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Thursday, November 10, 2022

STUDY: 600mg human equivalent of Melatonin protected mice from Lethal radiation dose

Taking vitamin C before any procedure, like a dental procedure, also greatly improves outcomes. 

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Pathologist Ryan Cole explains the Harms caused by the spike protein including the reactivation other viruses because of immune suppression

Blaylock's protocol is good.  

Glutathione and Melatonin are a must along with vitamin D3.  FYI, when you increase the dose of  melatonin it then becomes a supreme antioxidant but does not increase its sleep inducement. 

Probiotics are a must: unsweetened yogurt.  

Prebiotics are a must: Resveratrol. 

If you took the vax, you'll need to take the supplements above to keep yourself and others healthy.  All vaccines shed: all of them.  And since these mRNA reverse transcriptase vaccines can disrupt your immunity, it means you've got to fight to maintain immunity.  And as your immunity is compromised, it means you'll be shedding toxic cellular debris along with the spike proteins themselves.  

The spike proteins cause clotting.  So you'll need to preserve circulation while you bust the clots.  Nattokinase dissolves fibrin clots and platelet clots.  Niacin, B3, is referred to as a "clot buster." 

Because the spike protein is the destructive agent in the body, you want to find ways that neutralize it, dissolve it, denature it.  The items I list above help in that regard.  

Ozone therapy is also another effective tactic. 

A Weston A. Price nutritionist, who goes by the tag Wejolyn on Twitter says

I think its the spike protein. And yes, I use medical ozone therapy regularly.

Dr. Shallenberger has come recommended. He practices out of Carson City, Nevada. Call him for a referral in your neighborhood. You can find him on YouTube and elsewhere. The blood of the vaccinated has been reported to be sluggish because the blood cells clump together which they generally don't do. This causes the loss of energy and fatigue. Ozone therapy rectifies this blood abnormality.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

HDIVC [High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C] + Ascorbic Acid + Melatonin

Thursday, September 28, 2023

High Dose Melatonin Regulates Phase Separation

Monday, August 1, 2022

Your brain has its own detoxification system

In all of these relentless and progressive neurodegenerative diseases, misfolded proteins that should not be there glom together in the brain. When these poorly folded protein chains clump together, they can basically start clogging the brain and impairing proper brain function. The brain has a natural system to remove waste, including misfolded proteins, called the glymphatic system.

Sleep disturbance is a co-factor for Alzheimer's disease?  A good-night's sleep is also part of the cure. 

Other peer-reviewed research, published in 2018 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has shown that just one sleepless night can cause a buildup of β-amyloid in the human brain. Researchers in Beijing have found that the β-amyloid peptide is strongly associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Disturbed sleep is a common symptom of both Alzheimer’s disease and ALS. (3) (4)

Key is to improve the glymphatic function. 

What they found was that genetically modified mice had compromised glymphatic systems. This suggested to the researchers that improving the brain’s glymphatic functioning could be a way to treat ALS.

One way to achieve this is sleep.  Side-sleeping is best. 

According to Wright, the glymphatic system is active mostly during non-REM sleep. In addition, he explained, the brain is best able to clear toxins—in rodents anyway—during side-sleeping.

In 2015 a team of scientists in New York used fluorescence microscopy and radioactive tracers to analyze the effect of sleeping positions on clearing β-amyloid from the brain.  

High quality sleep, side sleeping, eating foods, like fish oil, that are high in omega-3 fatty acids (which, according to 2017 research done by Chinese scientists, promotes amyloid-β clearance by improving glymphatic system functioning in mice), exercise, and drinking alcohol in moderation may also help.

Given that a good night's sleep helps remedy or prevent Alzheimer's, it would seem that high dose Melatonin would be in order.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Dr. Joseph Mecola has a new article out, titled "10 Ways to Live Longer."  According to Mercola, 
Centenarians are the fastest-growing segment of the U.S population, with numbers doubling every decade; by the year 2050, the number of people who will have reached the century mark is expected to pass 1 million.
This makes longevity topical.  Mercola cites the study conducted at the University of Arizona on centenarians.  
I liked the concept of alternating, or cycling, between high protein days and fasting.
It’s also important to cycle high and low protein intake. Ideally, combine protein restriction with fasting, followed by increased protein intake on strength training days.
Fasting 16 to 18 hours each day is ideal, as this allows your body to deplete the glycogen stores in your liver to a greater degree.
The benefits of fasting are the suppression of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and the activation of autophagy, both of which play a role in disease prevention and longevity.
But this cycling may not work for everyone since we've all got different metabolisms and different daily routines.  Some folks sit in a truck and drive all day.  Not much expenditure of energy there due to the sitting, so protein requirements won't be as great.  Others work in repetitive motion jobs.  Some in highly stressful environments.  So gauge for yourself what your protein requirements are but certainly make time for intermittent fasting in your day or week.  Like so many concepts that get great press or go viral, many of us, including myself, don't always question or examine the benefits of something.  The goal of fasting is fat burning.  Some like the keto diet, where your protein consumption is high.  I prefer to the more fatty diets, like cheese and butter.  I just like the effects on my energy with these foods and on my hormones.  I get immediate stress relief from these foods.  Mercola points out that  
Fasting 16 to 18 hours each day is ideal, as this allows your body to deplete the glycogen stores in your liver to a greater degree.
FYI, Resveratrol mimics calorie restriction, so even if you eat a regular two to three meals a day, if you consume Resveratrol, you're going to enjoy the benefits of calorie restriction without sacrificing anything in your day.  The most tested Resveratrol is Bill Sardi's Longevinex.  

Centenarians were interviewed.  Certain themes came up time and time again when asked to explain why they've lived so long.  In no particular order, these are the 10 most common reasons they gave for their long lives.  
1.  Keeping a positive attitude.
2.  Participating in moderate exercising like walking, gardening, swimming, etc.
3.  Living independently. Having a circle of friends.  I like Michael Malice's rejection of friends as being too loosely defined to be meaningful.  Not friends but associates, acquaintances, and allies.  Making these people an integral part of our lives and important decisions is a great achievement.  Finding them at work is also a benefit.  You can have work friends.  I mean isn't that where we find most friends to begin with?  
4.  Having faith/spirituality.
5.  Eating good food.  Don't mistake this command for eating rich foods.  Instead, focus on foods that increase circulation, like ginger, garlic, onions, Brussel sprouts, spinach, and broccoli.  If cooked right, you won't have to cringe at the thought of these foods.  With my morning omelet, I prepare broccoli with garlic and butter.  It's a terrific complement to a mere starchy breakfast of bacon, eggs, and toast or English muffin.  Does it take extra effort?  Oh, sure.  Nobody is going to peel the garlic for me.  
6.  Living clean (not smoking or drinking excessively).  For some, like myself, I cannot drink at all, even wine gives me headaches. 
7.  Having family to interact with.  You meaning having family to fight with?  LOL.  There are some family members that I love and get along with.  Others, not so much. 
8.  Being born with good genes.  I got some good genes, but not in the teeth department. 
9.  Staying mentally active and constantly learning.  Oh, yeah, this is a big one.  In fact, reading helps to build psychological resilience against the trauma of ritual abuse and m'fers. 

10.  Staying mentally active and never stop learning something new.  I find this to be the most important thing.  A couple of folks I know don't always like learning new things because of the traps or the utility of the thing learned.  Maybe it takes too much time, and that is definitely a factor.  Reading itself is the best way to learn new things.  One of the things that I like about the blockbuster HBO hit series Breaking Bad was when Jessie, tasked with buying all the ingredients for a cook, tells Walt that he had trouble getting any methylamine.  Walt's response was exquisite.  He doesn't panic or get upset but instead asks "What kind of trouble?"  That is the best way to approach most questions or problems.  Ask yourself what kind, for not all problems are life and death ones.  Well, I thought it was good.  

What about sleep?  Well, Mercola comments on that too.  
Getting adequate sleep is an important part of both mental and physical health. Too much or too little can lead to metabolic issues, as well as changes in mood and your ability to focus. Your circadian rhythm, which affects your sleep/wake cycle, holds implications for your brain, body temperature, hormones and cell regeneration among other things.  
Bill Sardi points out some more severe consequences of poor sleep 
Insomnia weakens the immune system, temporarily erases memories and impairs recall
Melatonin is an excellent sleep aid.  Actually, so is IP6.  I like the 1 milligram because you have more control over how much you take.  You can start out at 1mg, then work your way up to 2mgs or 3.  You'll find your limit or threshold or the most effective dose on your own.