Showing posts sorted by relevance for query DoD. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query DoD. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, June 4, 2023

NOW WE'RE GETTING SOMEWHERE: Lawsuit filed against the DOD by family of a 24-yo man killed by Pfizer-made-DOD designed, ordered, financed shot.

The correct defendants are named! Finally a case that does not bark up the “Pfizer-Pfizer-Pfizer” diversion tree, but goes for the head of the Monster via its important vital organ! The DOD and Austin (also Gen Perna who was formally COO of OWS) directed pharma to produce weapons whether the executives and underlings understood it or not is somewhat irrelevant, they were commandeered under the Defense Production Act.  --Sasha Latypova

This is a very important case to watch. The family of George Watts, Jr. a 24-year-old man who died from COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), the Chief Operating Officer of Operation Warp Speed at the time that George received 2 doses of Pfizer injections. 

Latypova continues, 

Ray Flores, the attorney filed the lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against the DOD and Lloyd Austin III in his official capacity as defense secretary.

The lawsuit alleges the DOD engaged in “willful misconduct” by continuing to exclusively allow distribution of the stockpiled version of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine that had been authorized for emergency use even after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted full approval to a different vaccine, Comirnaty.

The complaint states that the DOD engaged in ‘bait and switch’ fraud,” misleading the public that Comirnaty “approval” meant that the Emergency Use authorized injections were the same and thus “safe and effective”. The vast majority of the public, including health professionals today to not understand the distinction and do not know that the injections administered to the public are still only EUA. No approved versions have been made available. Also, very few people realize that both EUA and BLA versions are “countermeasures”.

The DOD did this despite being fully aware that drugs granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) cannot legally be marketed as “safe and effective” because the FDA standard for EUA is only that drugs “may be effective.”

As a result, the lawsuit alleges, George Watts Jr. was misled into taking the investigational vaccine which lead to his death from myocarditis.

The victim’s family went through the “correct” process, applying to the Countermeasures compensation fund and not receiving a response. To date, the fund paid out a whopping $8K in 3 claims. There is an autopsy conclusion that the victim was indeed killed by the shots. 

Sunday, February 12, 2023

PFIZER TO JUDGE: We did not defraud the government. We delivered the fraud that the government ordered.

His name is Todd Callender, U.S. Attorney out of Colorado.  His website is called  He cites the DoD's DMED, Defense Medical Epidemiology Database.

For the last year or so, we've been calling this whole episode military martial law for a reason. When I sued the DOD, HHS, and the FDA, we came to find that [the vax rollout] was a military operation.  Our DOD was the one perpetrating this genocide around the world in cahoots with other militaries around the world.  This was our DOD, not the troops, not the service members themselves, but it was our DOD who contracted Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, and AstraZeneca to do this. 

Clinical trials were never ordered.

FDA and Global regulators impersonated actual regulators so that you fall for the lie and go get injected.

Pfizer already invoked this as a defense in the Brook Jackson case in the U.S.  She's suing Pfizer under the False Claims Act that they defrauded the government.  Pfizer already filed a motion to dismiss the case.  It hasn't been dismissed yet.  Pfizer said,

We did not defraud the government.  We delivered the fraud that the government ordered. 

How does one stop the U.S. Dept. of Defense?  That's the question.  Vladimir Putin is trying to do that.  He's conducting a war crimes tribunals right now in the Donbass with evidence on how it was that these bioweapons were created because some of the components were created in Ukraine.  He's already captured the factories and some people and he has the ability to bring this case.  I imagine that he will cooperate with the Thai Royal family because the only way we're going to get through this is another military tribunal.  I think Bangkok 2.0 maybe is how this happens.  

Nullifying the contract is one thing, but they even have the jurisdiction, universal jurisdiction, crimes against humanity.  They have the ability to try Pfizer and their executives anybody else that helped for crimes against humanity.  All they have to do is get one general in their military to open a war crimes tribunal and they can extra-territorially apply these laws against anybody that was involved in it.  This is also a big deal.  

9:27. Government members are learning with us.  There are still good people in governments, in justice all over the world, who are awake, and are learning who are equally shocked at what's been going on. 

10:24. One of the reasons I sued the DOD was knowing full well when the order comes from the W.H.O., the military would be tasked with the enforcement of that, and that's . . . again, the DOD is now in control of public health in the United States.  And the word goes from Tedros Adhanom to the Secretary of Health of the United States, Xavier Becerra, where all constitutional rights are suspended and the military enforces that quarantine, that experimental treatment, that's why there was no informed consent.  It's a military operation.  Since we did that, hundreds of thousands U.S. service members stood up and said no.  It was them that stopped the DOD.  There is no esprit de corps in the U.S. military.  There isn't anybody that's going to enforce this, so even if there's such an order that comes out, I think you will find that it will be unenforceable because nobody in uniform is going to enforce that order.  We have the opportunity to opt out.  We gave the opportunity to take our planet back.  And this is planetary in every sense of the word. 

Friday, June 16, 2023

The PREP Act allows the government and the DoD to bypass the normal regulatory frameworks and consumer safeguards,


PREP Act was a law launched in 2002, and amended in 2005 that allows the HHS Secretary to issue a declaration to expand this liability shield for using unapproved medical interventions, devices, pharmaceuticals, all sorts of things, diagnostics, therapeutics, anything, using the Emergency Use Authorization essential to bypassing the normal regulatory frameworks and consumer safeguards, which are quite extensive today for very good reasons because we want to make sure that the medications are being used as safe.  So this is a shield essentially that the government uses and now, specifically, the DoD is using extensively to shield themselves and anyone that they hire for the task from any liability from using these poorly tested, untested, experimental, and completely black box, devices, and technologies.

8:50  Dr. Meryl Nass.  The Defense Department has been accustomed to doing whatever it wants and has a history of using untested products on soldiers.  In the Gulf War, they got a memorandum of understanding with the FDA that allowed them to use products that were unapproved and unevaluated by the FDA and at other times in the past also.  The DoD is kind of a law unto itself.  So for them, this was nothing new.  It was just happening on a larger scale.  It wasn't just 2 million soldiers, but it was also 134 million Americans.  But then this method was shipped out to the rest of the world, so 8 billion people.  

9:42  Polly Tommey.  Why have we called this program, "Willful Misconduct"?  What is the purpose behind that?  

9:48  Latypova.  I think it's because of the George Watts case v. Lloyd J. Austin, III, in other words, the DoD.  His estate is suing the Dept. of Defense for his death.  The only basis that we have to break this liability shield, a very extensive one, is based on willful misconduct.  So the case complaint was that the willful misconduct was essentially a bait-and-switch scheme that the Department of Defense and Health and Human Services, HHS, ran on the American public.  

11.  PREP provides blanket immunity for covered persons such as the DOD with a sole exception for willful misconduct the enumerated sovereign immunity for the United States and an agency such as the DOD (42 U.S.C. 247d-6d(f)) is unconstitutional since for closing all redress violates due process enshrined in the 5th Amendment and it's central promise and assurance that all levels of American government must abide by the law and provide fair procedures particularly in instances such as this where Mr Wash was "deprived of life."  The enumerated sovereign immunity for the United States and an agency such as the DOD has is also an unconstitutional taking in violation of the Fifth Amendment.  A "legal cause of action is property within the meaning of the Fifth Amendment." 

So, now we have a death of a civilian from disregard for safety and using this PREP Act liability shield, and his attorneys are stating that "Well because this was willful misconduct because knowingly the Department of Defense administered, distributed the experimental product while telling everyone it was FDA approved.  And that was the lie that they perpetrated on this young man who died as a result of it.  

11:00  Dr. Meryl Nass.  The way that the PREP Act is written, there are almost no requirements for safety or efficacy.  What it requires is that the FDA, and the FDA issues it, simply believe, with or without evidence, that the benefits are going to be greater than the risks.  But it does say that the FDA needs to disclose the known significant risks.  And the FDA did not do that.  So the FDA was hiding many of the known risks.  But the other thing that happened was a bait-and-switch.  So in August of 2021, the Federal government announced all these mandates but only at the time that FDA approved a license for the Pfizer vaccine.  So on August 23, the FDA issued a license for the Pfizer vaccine for adults, but none of that product was made available in the United States.  So every body continued to get the Emergency Use product with a huge liability shield and the only potential way to litigate against them was to prove willful misconduct which was they knew they were doing something wrong but they hid it.  So what we're saying is, yes, they knew that the product being administered to George Watt and to everybody else in the country was not licensed, but the FDA, the DoD, and the rest of the Federal government pretended that it was.  

12:32  Tommey.  And this is Children's Healt Care case, correct?  Yep.

And the reason you're on here is because your lawyer can't talk about it. 

12:50  Latypova.  I think it's a great case because, finally, in my opinion, a correct defendent is named, in other words, which is the DoD and Lloyd J. Austin, III, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, who were the head of the operation, while the pharmaceutical companies are complicit and knowingly administered poisons because they are experts and they understand exactly what they are doing and know what consumer safeguards have been subverted. But they are operating under the Department of Defense who was heading Operation Warp Speed, OWS, now it's been renamed to Acceleration of Countermeasures, another name but essentially the same thing.  

[Huh.  The federal government is notorious for renaming projects and programs.  Remember when the Iraq invasion was initially named Operation Iraqi Liberation with the acronym of O.I.L.?  They're always trying to show how clever they are when in reality they're stupid monsters.]

This was at the time that these shots were rolled out and relevant to George Watts' case this was headed by the Department of Defense, Chief Operation Officer was General Gustave F. Perna, reporting directly to President Trump.  Structurally, the same reporting system reporting to Biden.  The Dept. of Defense leadership represents about 2/3 of Operation Warp Speed, most of them without any health care experience.  So this was all orchestrated from there, using several legal framework of several laws, so the PREP Act is one of them.   But there are others, such as Public Health Emergency Declaration to begin with, and the Emergency Use Authorization

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Remember Donald Rumsfeld's press conference on 9/10/2001, where he announces the missing $2.3 trillion? As of today, there are $21 trillion, $20 trillion between 1998 and 2015 missing from DoD

As of today, there are $21 trillion, $20 trillion between 1998 and 2015 missing from DoD, and $1 trillion from HUD.  Coming into 9/11, we had been working with a reporter in Washington who was writing story after story about the missing money, and we had a huge spread out in "Insight Magazine," the cover story going to all the Congressional and Senate offices talking about what was then $3.3 trillion missing and demanding accountability, including who were the private corporations and banks running all those payment systems.  That Monday, the day before 9/11, Donald Rumsfeld gave a press conference at the DoD and he announced that the DoD was missing $2.3 trillion.  The next day, 9/11 happened.  James Corbett has a wonderful video called "9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money," where he describes how many of the offices that were blown up at the Pentagon and the World Trade Center related to securities and other financial operations very much connected to the money was disappearing.  In fact, we were told that the office at the Pentagon that was blown up, or one of the offices, was the location for the Offices of Naval Intelligences Research Group investigating the missing money.  And so the rest is history.  The PATRIOT Act had passed and then the DoD got huge appropriations and nobody really cared about the missing money.  What we've seen since 9/11 is the amount of money related to undocumentable adjustments, the black budgets and secret books have exploded.  One thing to understand is that it's not just money spent by government.  An increasing percentage of that money is spent by private corporations and banks that are publicly traded on the stock market and are running highly secret and classified governmental operations.  And so, you've got a direct connection or spigot between secret money and people making money in the stock market, and, of course, capital gains in the market in the real estate market, Polly, is the biggest source of capital gains.  

This was interesting: a missing money chronology.

Check out James Corbett's Show Notes for Episode 308, "9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money," dated September 11, 2015.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

So on January 18 [2021], they detect an issue. They do nothing and they kill 60 people at least . . . . After that occurrence, everything else should be considered intentional.

Manufacturers have safety signals in place.  So the signals regarding the unsafe nature of the vaccines were ignored, consistently ignored . . . .  These safety systems exists.  The manufacturers have these systems themselves and they monitor them, and most of the time they detect safety problems themselves.  The vast majority of product recalled are volunteered by the manufacturer.  With automobiles, you get messages from the car deal informing you that this model has a defective part.  Same system exists for the pharmaceutical products.   

8:27  And these systems exist at the federal, state, and county level.  Health authorities monitor and or pull products when there's a problem.   I found one news report in Orange County, California, the Health authority accidentally did their job and on January 18, 2021, which was just two weeks after the rollout of these shots in the United States, they detected a problem with the lot of Moderna, and they said that there were too many "allergic reactions. . . ." And it was reported in numerous news outlets, including CNN, but nothing happened.  And that lot was allowed to continue to be distributed all over the United States, until the end of March, until it ran out, and I counted in the VAERS system over 3,000 adverse events and 60 deaths.  So on January 18, they detect an issue.  They do nothing and they kill 60 people at least, we know that VAERS is under reported.  After that occurrence, everything else should be considered intentional.  And by the way, throughout the world.  This product is distributed throughout the world.  And wherever it's sold in every country, this should be noted by the regulators and nobody did anything.   

10:18  How did this fraud come about with these regulators playing the role of the regulator but they're not actual regulators?  They know, and they're just part of the theater.  I got my information from Katherine Watt, a private citizen and a deep and experienced researcher in legal matters.  She writes at Substack.  It's called Bailiwick News.  She calls it American Domestic Bioterrorism, but it's actually American International Bioterrorism program because it includes many other countries where these products are being distributed. So she revealed this whole scheme, which is actually quite simple.  The United States government and the Department of Defense are running this program.  The U.S. gov't, over many years--this goes back a decade--put in place three key pieces where they removed the regulations that we just discussed.  They removed the manufacturing practices requirements and all the safety monitoring requirements for what they called "countermeasures."  They call these things "countermeasures."  BTW, these vaccines are classified as "Countermeasures."  [Okay, what does that mean?] Countermeasures is a euphemism for weapons.  So the Department of Defense has the right to order these countermeasures, meaning weapons, from private manufacturers, meaning Pfizer, Moderna, and a whole bunch of their suppliers, there's like hundreds of companies that make this.  So these are Emergency Use Authorized, EUA, so no regulations apply to them, and this happens under public health emergencies.  So three things: 1) you have DOD other transactional authority where they contracted bribed manufacturers 2) they make countermeasures, and 3) which are Emergency Use Authorized, and this happens under Public Health Emergencies.  So when those conditions are met, no regulations apply whatsoever.  The only standard for releasing them or deploying them is the United States Health and Human Services, USHHS, had Alex Azar under the Trump Administration, and now currently it's Xavier Becerra.  It's up to that person's sole discretion to deploy these weapons.  If they feel that they may be effective.  That's it.  There's no other standard that applies.   

13:20  Are we talking about Operation Warp Speed, for example? Yes.  OWS is a DOD operation, with the DOD in charge of the entire operation.  Layers of U.S. government that designs, develops, and manufactures these products.  And Pharma is just suppliers.  They execute only orders.  But everything is designed, developed, and manufactured by DOD.  But the legal structure is, once they make these things, the HHS Secretary, Alex Azar, if he decides they may be effective, they're released on the market.  Notice that this is done by the DOD with their suppliers and network and so forth.  DOD is not regulated by FDA.  It's not regulated by "good manufacturing practices" or good "distribution practices," does not have to run clinical trials.  [I don't see how fraud goes undetected.]  The FDA's own website states that 

Consumers expect that each batch of medicines they take will meet quality standards so that they will be safe and effective.

So they expect a certain quality.  But the quality regulators were let off the hook for the COVID vaccine.  Huh.  

Does not have to demonstrate safety and efficacy.  BTW, for these products, no clinical trials are needed because HHS Secretary declares them to be "effective."  They don't have to be safe.  The decision to release them in the market to the American people is left to the sole discretion of the HHS Secretary, in this instance, it was Alex Azar.  The FDA plays no role here.  What FDA has been doing is acting, and playing theater, pretending to be a regulator, so they're impersonating a regulator, and they have no role to regulate these products.  And that's the fraud that has been committed on all of us.  [Among others, I would add.]  We also have leaked emails we see that the FDA pressured the European medicine Agencies to approve these things on specific schedule, and they created this whole panic, by saying, "Oh, my God, if we don't approve by Christmas 2020, the world will come to an end."  So they pushed the European regulators who are also quite aware.  I don't think they're amateurs and they probably investigated the legal structure of this scheme.  And they probably did the same in Australia and everywhere else where they pushed this garbage.  After all the evidence of reproductive healt damage, heart attacks, myocarditis, and nerve destruction, we go to the regulators to have a discussion, showing them the data, but the regulators refuse to look at the data and refuse to acknowledge them.  They tell us to go away, that it's been determined to be safe and effective.  They're acting.  They're pretending.  They're stalling everyone.  We keep going there only to learn that we're barking up the wrong tree. 

19:00  The main perpetrator here is the DOD.  The contracts of the players show that this scheme was planned.  In the U.S. about 400 contracts . . . for everything, vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, masks, swabs, test kits, staffing, logistics, everything related.  

Thursday, October 5, 2023

WESTALL: We used it in the Iraq War. CALLANDER: Yes, the Voice to Skull technology was used in Operation Desert Storm.

Thank you to Sarah Westall. October 02, 2023.

Todd Callender, attorney and activist, joins the program to warn listeners of the dangers of frequency weapons in the hands of nefarious actors. He also updates us on the lawsuits he filed against the Department of Defense. You can see more of his work on TruthHub at or on his channel directly at

From a legal perspective, this is really quite concerning because the powers that have granted unto themselves the right to destroy us from a legal perspective.  So when we filed suit, and when I say we I mean I filed the first suit, there were a dozen other lawyers right there behind me because we all had DOD clients and that's where the mandates started.  The courts responded the same way.  The Department of Justice who represents the DoD, I thought for sure I filed a temporary restraining order, and here is Lieutenant Colonel Teresa Long, flight surgeon in the Army, says that these are fulGHzm Polyethylene Glycol that's the base components to antifreeze.  Here you go DoD: you can't give people antifreeze in a shot.  It's never been done before.  And I thought, well, maybe they'll just stop this.  No, they didn't stop it: they fought harder.  To answer your question, we've been fighting with them for 2 years now, who the Department of Justice represents and we got thrown out of the 10th Circuit en banc, meaning that the entire 10th Circuit looked at her case because we did oral arguments in front of the 10th last November, November 18, 2022.

2:50. What Sharry Edwards talked about acoustics on 9/28/2023.  We're going to talk about the same thing.  He's got documents and a panel of doctors that he'. . . .  He has sued the Department of Defense and he still has some lawsuits with them he talks about some of the things that he's learned and some of the main outcomes of his lawsuits

4:00. There's a 5G warning going on.  Do you think it's legit?  Do you think we need to prepare?

5:00. I brought the W.H.O. and Pfizer into Cuba.  My family has tested vaccines over the last 20-30 years including mRNA shots cuz I'm the one seeing the clinical data coming back so for that reason when Lloyd Austin said that he was going to have all 1.4 million active duty service members take an experimental shot where all the test animals had died all at the same time.  Yeah, I couldn't stand by, so that's why I ended up suing the DoD and as a result of doing that we had something like 210,000 prospective plaintiffs in our plaintiff class with that came thousands and thousands of people looking for help.  And a whole lot of whistleblowers from the inside, not just from the DoD, but the government itself, not just the US government, various governments places around the world, even firsthand witnesses, some of who include FEMA whistleblowers, experts in the electronic warfare business either currently or passed; quite a few of them.  So this led me on this long journey, and we got a team of researchers by the way we created a company called Vaxx Choice and we created a repository of all the evidence that we were gathering along the way in the case against DOD and HHS it's called Vaxx Choice and we came to arrive at a certain conclusion that back in 1976 the Russians were way ahead of the US in terms of the electronic warfare.  We found a DIA, that's Defense Intelligence Agency declassified document that talked about the use of EMF electromagnetic frequency radiation to effectuate changes in people's bodies.  It's a weapon, so the Russian military was using it.  The US military started researching it and they've been usingit. 

WESTALL, 6:55. We used it in the Iraq War. 

7:00. Yes, the Voice to Skull technology was used in Operation Desert Storm.  All the Iraqis were dropping their weapons and surrendering to the nearest white person because they were told that Allah said put down your weapons.  So Voice to Skull technology is in fact one of those frequencies. So in the process of going against the dod in this weapon they created otherwise known as the COVID vaccine.  It was our DOD that created it by the way; it is a weapon, what stops them from using other weapons like electronic warfare, like 5G? Some of what We Came Upon were very strange scientific papers included things like studying things like what happens to lipid nanoparticles that control or that hold they're like little bombers that contain messenger RNA and synthetic DNA they release those contents into people's bodies which is what happened with the covid shots they genetically modified people.  So we're now looking at scientific papers that say use of an 18 GHz signal can cause these lipid nanoparticles to swell and release their contents.  It becomes effectively a remote detonation device, if you will, and in those little nanoparticles we found lots of scientific papers that talked about what kind of pathogens would be in there. These were not therapeutics,  Albeit, lipid nanoparticles have been used as carriers for cancer drugs.   . . . companies tested those.  But what we found were chimera pathogens, like Marburg, E Coli, Ebola, staphylococcus.  Both bacterial and viral at the same time.  So when you find patents in addition to scientific studies and the plausibility: we've got motive, we've got means, we've got opportunity.  Motive we know from the 1994 UN Cairo population that infected countries on this planet agreed to get rid of 7 billion people.  It's in the Agenda for the 21st Century, now known as Agenda 21.  Means: we have a 5G network all around us.  

9:00. Who all agreed to that? 

9:03.  The worlds' governments.  The United Nations effectively had a convention in Cairo, Egypt in 1994 after the review of Climate Accords, and in that convention subject to the result of Henry Kissinger's paper in 1974 or so on the overpopulated they agreed the world is overpopulated and they need to get rid of 7 billion people.  This is a convention amongst the UN nations.  And by the way, the UN has a Population Division, and they've had it since then.  There is actually a plan to depopulate the planet; you're in the middle of it, Sarah.  We're in the midst of their de-population plan.  So you got motive you got means, and whether that's the COVID shots, which are full of poisons; the nanoparticles with polyethylene glycol: that's the base components to antifreeze.  We found that in the shots.  And then you have the opportunity: we now have a 5G system. While we were all locked down locked in our houses.  What happened? Essential workers installed 5G platforms, mass; everywhere.  Not just regular 5G; these are the new and improved versions that have fazed the race, according to our electronic warfare people.  That means they'll use your devices effectively as targeting apparatus so it's not just that everybody's getting cooked with microwave oven frequencies but it's directed to people and we don't have to ask whether they would do this because it's already happened you might remember the protests in Canberra, Australia and those people got cooked Active Denial System microwave radiation. 

from Wikipedia,

(ADS) is a non-lethal directed-energy weapon developed by the U.S. military,[2] designed for area denial, perimeter security and crowd control.[3] Informally, the weapon is also called the heat ray.

10:40.  There's a lot of evidence to the years that people in different countries and I've done reports in many documentaries on DEW weapons, that they're just energy weapons that the government has.

10:50. They're not hiding it, Sarah. They brag about it.

10:55. It used to be much more accessible on the internet like you could search for it and you could find the top energy weapons that each country is using and then they'll go through discussing all these different energy weapons that used to be easily accessible now we've been locked down in our ability to learn.

11:12. In some respects but they've already told us that this is what they're going to do; they've already built the weaponry to do it; they've already launched a genocidal effort in humanity with the COVID shots.  They're all poisons; they're all designed to kill people.  Why would we not do that.  BTW, I've spent the last 3 years fighting the DoD in court, bailing people out of, some people call them hospitals, some people call them death camps, because they were literally getting paid to kill people. Do we really have to wonder?  They said they were going to depopulate.  And so on October 4th you got FEMA says that we're going to test it.  BTW, it's not just your regular old Emergency Broadcast System test.  This is everywhere all the time across the United States including Hawaii and Canada it's every spectrum of signal: it's your phone, it's your computer, it's your television, AM/FM radio

12:11. Is this the first time . . . that FEMA has ever done that?  

12:12.  The first time.  Yes, so why do they need every frequency, all at once, at the same time?  So there's your means and your opportunity. 

12:30. We can do things to protect ourselves we've got experts I'm a lawyer I'm not a doctor or a scientist we have scientists and medical people who will tell you what to do.  Dr. Gleaton, Colonel Peter Chambers, who is not only a medical doctor and a Green Beret but he is also the victim of an attack, an electronic attack that they call AHI, The Havana syndrome the Anomalous Health Incident.  

13:01.  Different universities were studying it when they zapped the Havana Embassy.

13:13. Colonel Chambers was zapped.  He was zapped on the southern border of the United States; worse, he was zapped in Washington DC.

13:22. I know a lot of people who have been directly targeted and I've done some interviews over the years but they feel so attacked and lonely because to be targeted people don't know really really how prevalent this is It's a future medical issue but most medical doctors aren't trained in the engineering.  I believe that frequency and how they are attacking us is the future of all medicine so medical doctors are not trained in it and to an engineering way of thinking.

14:20. Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet will testify effectively that the frequency ranges in the 5G spectrum can cause any malady known to man, and she said that 90% of the acute radiation poisoning symptomatology symptomatologys shares, it's the same, as though you were to have Ebola or Marburg, hemorrhagic fever.

14:50. Yeah, every frequency, every mineral has its own frequency.  If you're short on calcium you can take the frequency for calcium.  I have Sharry Edwards on all the time. She's able to hear 200 times more.  She came up with this whole new bio-acoustic medicine.  As amazing as Rife is that's a subset of what can actually be done.  Once you make up a map of frequencies that form the matrix of who we are, they can write the book.

16:24.  What I had come to find as part of the evidence that came out of the 5th Generation Warfare documents between China and the United States effectively, as always, are in a race, a weapons race.  Three digits to the right of a decimal point in terms of identifying  your frequency is enough for them to have understood each and every person individually.  So with the phased arrays and 5G, if you gave over your DNA taking your stupid COVID-19 PCR test and they digitized it they would have the capability to direct to you and nobody else because they've made it now three places to the right in terms of how finite and accurate it is how to identify beings .  We are all electrical beings.

17:55.   What was causing the lip and nanoparticles to swell was the modulating frequency.  It wasn't just one, but it was also pulsed.  The weapon systems  seem to be not just one frequency, they're multiple and they're pulsed.  It's not just one current or beam.

18:22. They've been studying these for decades they are so far ahead because they know what Sharry Edwards is teaching people and they understand the engineering; they've been studying that for decades.

18:37.  And they wrote it down.  See the patents: they've written it all down.  19:00. What can you do about it?  We have a lot of victims.  BTW, our law firm we have victims that have been targeted individuals at these fusion centers and these poor people have been playing for ages I don't know if you know Hope and Tevant we're targeted individuals and they had to flee to Morocco.  So we've asked our clients you know what is it that you do you've been plagued like this for 20 years what do you do to escape it, and we actually got some answers to that. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

LATYPOVA: Since 2005, all biolab facilities in Ukraine have been under the US Government and DOD control. For world peace reasons, of course, you understand.

You should read Sasha Latypova regularly.  

In today's article, titled, "World Exclusive: Everything You Wanted to Know About Biolabs in Ukraine, Now Revealed!"

Her subheading reads "DOD Operation Warp Speed, or OWS, confirms--pathogens are made in the labs.  It's okay when WE do it!  It's to save Grandma and for warfighter readiness . . . ."  You've got to love the dragon-sleighing sarcasm.

It's 2024 and we're still confused about COVID-19 origins, that is until now.  

Her article starts

Here is the document in question (in Ukrainian): the agreement between Ukraine and US, signed in August 2005that turns over the control of the Ukrainian biolabs that store and work with “pathogens” to the US government.  Link to auto English translation.  

This is just remarkable.  The US has contracted with Ukraine to make bioweapons since 2005, almost 20 years ago?  So, this would mean that the U.S. knew the source and origin of the bioweapon, COVID-19, since at least 2005.  Check out the wording in the contract.  

Desiring to implement the Agreement between Ukraine and the United States of America on Assistance to Ukraine in the Elimination of Strategic Nuclear Weapons, as well as the Prevention of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, signed on October 25, 1993, with subsequent amendments and additions (hereinafter referred to as the "Framework Agreement") in the part relating to the prevention of the proliferation of technologies, pathogens and knowledge that could be used in the development of biological weapons,

It's an agreement "on Assistance to Ukraine in the Elimination of Strategic Nuclear Weapons, as well as the Prevention of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, signed on October 25, 1993.  

So it's an agreement to create weapons of mass destruction that replace nuclear weapons? 

And what took place between 1993 and 2005?  
Despite this change of control over Ukrainian biolabs nearly 20 years ago, just a few days ago this information was presented on Twitter as earthshattering news (again, I must add): “Russian authorities assert that the bio-research initiatives undertaken by the US Defense Department in Ukraine necessitate a thorough legal review, including scrutiny by pertinent international organizations.” 

And for the necessary levity on the subject, Sasha writes, 

Putin found the Ukrainian Rada website, at last!

I have to admit that I took part in hero worship of Putin.  See here.  

Here's a summary of the 2005 Ukraine-US agreement on Ukrainian Biolabs:

Agreement between the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the U.S. Department of Defense: 
The agreement is a part of the Framework Agreement signed in 1993 between Ukraine and the United States of America on assistance to Ukraine in the elimination of strategic nuclear weapons and the prevention of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The agreement focuses on preventing the spread of technologies, pathogens, and knowledge that can be used in the development of biological weapons in Ukraine, especially at the facilities designated by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Assistance provided by the U.S. Department of Defense: 
The U.S. Department of Defense will provide free assistance to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in the amount of 15 million U.S. dollars, subject to the availability of funds allocated for this purpose. The assistance may include, but is not limited to, assistance for joint research into biology, identification and response to hazardous biological agents, and improved protection, control, and reporting of biological materials to reduce the risk of theft or unauthorized use of hazardous pathogens located at facilities in Ukraine. The U.S. Department of Defense may also provide other types of assistance by written agreement with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Obligations and responsibilities of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine: 
The Ministry of Health of Ukraine will use the assistance exclusively for the purpose of preventing the proliferation of biological weapons, and will not divert or transfer it to any other use or recipient. The Ministry of Health of Ukraine will facilitate verification and inspections by the U.S. Department of Defense of the materials, training, and services provided under the agreement. The Ministry of Health of Ukraine will also transfer copies of dangerous pathogens and information obtained from the Infectious Disease Surveillance Network to the U.S. Department of Defense for joint research in preventive, protective, and peaceful purposes.

All of this in exchange for $15 million. LOL. Major LOL! This is embarrassing. For comparison, Robert Malone got $20+M to conduct just one fake study… Who negotiated that deal? I hope they got a bit more cash since 2005. It appears they did: A contract for “infrastructure development” was awarded by DTRA (Defense Threat Reduction Agency, yes, that’s DOD), to Labyrinth Global Health, including a subaward for “COVID research” in Ukraine in 2019. According to Labyrinth’s website, it appears to be a “global consultancy” that facilitates “private-public partnerships” in various regions of the world = a conduit for the US Government and DOD capturing healthcare government agencies and any research/manufacturing facilities abroad with money and contracts, so that they are all “aligned” with the US global objectives. It is not clear what “covid research” in 2019 in Ukraine entailed, but judging from Labyrinth’s stated business activities, it does not appear to be making viruses/toxins, but rather “facilitating”, training staff, giving grants for propaganda papers, and market research/surveys about pandemic topics. In other words, teach the locals to brainwash themselves for the US/globalist purposes. Just to recap this article so far:

Since 2005, all biolab facilities in Ukraine have been under the US Government and DOD control. For world peace reasons, of course, you understand.

Next, let’s test your Biolab awareness. What do you think goes on at these dangerous, remote, secret locations? They obtain, store, grow, and experiment with deadly pathogens, right?

Do you mean like this? DOD press conference, March 5, 2020

Friday, May 24, 2024

LATYPOVA: This means that, for practical purposes, there is no private biopharmaceutical manufacturing industry in the U.S. It is all controlled by the government and specifically, by the DOD

 A very good read, I was extensively quoted in this article:

Latypova told The Defender that “mRNA is entirely funded and pushed on the market under military contracts and funding. It is represented as ‘defensive’ activity [to] skirt the Bioweapons Convention, [1975] which prohibits making offensive bioweapons.” According to Latypova, “The Pentagon came up with the cover story of ‘pandemic preparedness’ [to] fund on a large scale the making of biological poisons and related systems, including making them at scale.” As a result of this research, Gates has invested in companies actively pursuing mRNA technology — and continues to invest in those companies today. "“In 2020-2021, DOD spent $50 billion funding COVID products alone. This represents approximately 50% of the entire U.S. pharmaceutical industry spending on R&D per year. This means that, for practical purposes, there is no private biopharmaceutical manufacturing industry in the U.S. It is all controlled by the government and specifically, by the DOD,” Latypova said. Latypova told The Defender that, “mRNA technology can get around the Bioweapons Convention restrictions because it is a synthetic chemical drug, not a live pathogen.” Live pathogens are banned under the convention. Latypova also highlighted the role of Col. Matt Hepburn of DARPA, who she said helped mastermind the COVID-19 “pandemic preparedness and response” and DOD linkages with Big Pharma years before the pandemic."

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

DR. ROBERT MALONE was busy in 2020 writing COVID guidebooks and faking science with famotidine for $21M for DARPA. The OTA contracts for COVID countermeasures were issued by the DOD for about $50B back then.

Here is the direct link to Sasha Latypova's open letter to Dr. Robert Malone.  It is so worth the read.

I never knew you were also an OTA expert! That’s good to know. It would have been even better to know this right around 2020 when you were busy writing COVID guidebooks and faking science with famotidine for $21M for DARPA. The OTA contracts for COVID countermeasures were issued by the DOD for about $50B back then. It would have been great to have you utter some mention of it on Joe Rogan’s or Dark Horse podcast or some other high-profile social media venue to mislead Americans who all thought they were getting safe regulated pharmaceutical products and not unregulated, dangerous, liability-free EUA military countermeasures. Why didn’t you say anything back then? Why didn’t you say anything in the January 16 Doc Malik interview to disprove what I said about the OTA/COVID contracts? What evidence of OTA expertise can you offer other than an angry assertion that you have it? Why did you wait to claim you have expertise in this topic until non-OTA-experts, 
Katherine Watt and I found and reviewed the relevant law and the contracts, and until Debbie Lerman, a journalist and not previously an OTA expert, figured out why and how HHS “partnered” with the DOD to circumvent their respective OTA restrictions? Turns out that was necessary to order a massive volume of “prototypes and demonstrations” (unregulated chemical poison) and pretend these were regulated medicines for military and civilians. Did you know this in 2020?

Here is the chart that shows that the DoD was in charge of Operation Warp Speed, or OWS.  At the right, it reads, "In charge: NSC, DOD, BARDA."

And here is a pic of General Gustave Perna, the Chief Operating Officer of OWS.  We may want to ask ourselves, how do we allow ourselves to be ruled by idiots?