Thursday, September 19, 2024

TIM WALZ’s CONNECTIONS TO CHINA with Diana West and Dave Collum

Complete interview. 

3:26. There was a certain skill set that I took to the problem of the anti-Trump conspiracy but for example, it is also the case and I've done some further research since that some of these players did all seem to run through Moscow before the fall of the Soviet Union or its early days.  That would be Nellie Ohr. 

Bruce Ohr.  Not sure of Bruce Ohr, but Nellie was there.
Nellie was the Russian fusion, Russian expert, kind of Christopher Steele opposite . . . Christopher Steele was there. Fiona Hill was there.  She's in the Post Red Thread research.  David the McCain Aid [David Foster Wallace?] he was there.  

Nina Jankowicz was there. 

4:24. Recently I was very shocked by this I found that Victoria Nuland has a thin Red Thread I wrote a piece on Substack yeah darling girl but she literally went to work after college I believe she went to Brown she left Brown and this would have been in the mid 80s she went to work on a Soviet fish processing trawler as her first job.  And it's very strange because of that that's not a very safe thing to do; you're going to have a dossier opened up on you.  I mean this was the '80s.

Yeah, that should keep you out of top-secret security clearance, right?

One would wonder about that.  You know, and I was very shocked.  I did not expect to find that but I did.  

5:06. Yeah, Tim Waltz who has huge Chinese connections.  Holy moly!  How did that happen?  

But think about how, where we are in terms of the country, its institutions, including the Democratic Party, which is supposed to be an American political party, in terms of thinking that's okay.  Not that long ago someone with his credentials would have been just, you know, "I'm sorry, dude, you're not going to make it into the big time."  It's amazing to me that there's no longer the survival reflex.  It's the survival reflex along with everything else that's been beaten out of us . . . 

5:48. Or they have taken over, or they have won. 

5:51. Yes I would say that is, that is the other part of the sentence . . .  

5:57.  So it's not just oblivion.  They have won.  You know, the campuses are 98% left leaning [I would say Bolshevik] right? They won that.  I don't know how you undo that.  People say, "How do you fix that?  With 98% left wing?  There's no obvious mechanism.

6:11. But that even goes down to the lower education system, elementary, middle school . . .

6:15. Daycare.  Daycare.  We are getting the kids freshman year. People say oh you guys are really screwing up the kids I got no the kids are arriving freshman year damaged they are one nudge away from being a Marxist.

6:30. And they were selected by the admissions offices.

6:34. Oh, I can't imagine what essays are being written to get in to Cornell now.  I cannot fathom.

6:39. You could select a different class if your admissions office chose to. I often think of what goes on in the admissions officer choosing these classes they've been taken over for sure and this predates the Frankfurt School I mean we didn't have to wait for Marcus to have this happen and the rest this is something that the Communists communist teachers organizations unions and so on you may have heard of Bella Dodd she was a very famous official, a Communist Party, teacher's union official out of New York who defected, went back to the Catholic Church, became very instrumental witness in probably the 1950s late 40s, 50s, explaining how these things are done.  The schools were already riddled with communist teachers.  There's a really interesting little moment when the Soviet Union . . . Interesting little moment of alliance between the Soviet Union and Nancy Germany before Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union 1941 so 1939 to summer '40, '41.  New York legislature did an investigation into authoritarian impulses what not in the schools and ended up with a report on the Communist infiltration in New York's Public Schools and colleges that is mind-blowing.  And this is 1941, so you've already got CCNY and the different colleges and high schools.  You've already got massive communist teacher infiltration going on, so it was already quite dense.

8:47. Communist is a strong word.  Would Marxists be more accurate?

8:50.  I think what they were looking at were Communist party members if I'm not mistaken.  I think they literally were looking at something very defined and remember back in the day it wasn't as a big deal to have a card being part of a Communist party it hadn't gone through all the other decades yet.  They used to get cards that had numbers, and I think that actually stopped when the House on Un-American Activities Committee began identifying Communist party members by their membership cards, and so they stopped issuing them.  I think that was a result of that.  

9:31  I'm going to guess your brief mention of McCarthy through unbelievable fire.  So you talk about McCarthy early in your first book, . . . 

9:37 The late great McCarthy

9:45  and I thought it was going to go seriously into McCharthy, and it didn't hardly touch on him, didn't even mention Roy Cohn, any of these guys, right, so it was in passing that McCarthy had it right, right?

9:52  Yeah, yeah, definitely. 

9:56  I'll bet you that your detractors used that for headline attacks, is that correct? 

10:03  Well, it is correct, I, and I am quite proud of this, I was called "McCarthy on Steroids."

10:12  You probably had three sentences in the book on McCarthy.  I mean it was really not a big part of the book.

10:21  It's a grounding place.  This is what I meant about Stan Evans' book about McCarthy [Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies, M. Stanton Evans, 2007.], which I really recommend; it will, I mean that really flipped my, I didn't really know anything Joseph McCarthy except what you might pick up from the vapors and the noxious references but I'd never made any kind of study of McCarthy, and then I read, I don't know how, I picked up M. Stanton Evans' book which in some ways should never have been written or published at that point and time, I mean it was over and done.  McCarthy was the demon child of American history.  He writes this book and it's amazing.  It's an amazing piece of detective work.  I mean he was a shoe-leather journalist.  Fantastic.  Basically, I thought that if you can do that with McCarthy, what else has been completely misrepresented, lie upon lie upon lie.  The other thing that also drew me in was at the time I was writing, I was a syndicated columnist, appeared on shows, and so on and this was post-9/11 times, and if you brought up Islam, and if you brought up Islam and if you  were critical of Islam, you got slammed as an islamophobe I used to write about this all the time many many columns devoted to Islam and Jihad and Dhimmitude, Islamic Law, all these things Europe I did a lot of reporting in Europe on islamization I was just wondering why can't we have a grown up conversation about Islam in this country and that book took a bit of shape from that debate believe it or not I was on the old Lou Dobbs show on CNN and it was right before Barack Obama was elected president the first time and I had some fairly mild comment I'd written about Obama's socialist policies in my column but I hadn't gotten it out on CNN and there was like this weight it's very hard to get the s word out I said I'm going to say it I'm going to say it so I'm sitting there the sound booth in Washington and it rolls around to me and I just well Lou will just have to wait and see if Senator Obama his if his policies would take the United States in his into a socialist Direction and you get the round Robin's on the pundits in this Hillary person comes on and he says Diana red beating went out a long time ago and blah blah blah and I thought red baiting I did have a chance to rebut and I did have a much better presentation on why I would think he could be socialist but the point is I didn't quite I knew red baiting vaguely but I had to go look it up and I had to figure it out and I realized that there's this correlation between Islamophobe to cut off debate, and red-baiting to cut off debate.  And then I was reading Stan Evans book about that time and that's when I started going back and ask when did this happen that we can't talk about Islam can't talk about communism and then I figured out it's before McCarthy and that was kind of the Genesis of the investigation

FOODBORNE ILLNESS CASES FROM DIFFERENT FOODS: Raw milk ~ 1,000 cases/year; Cooked rice ~ 63,000 cases/year; Turkey sandwiches ~ 120,000 cases/year; Leafy greens ~ 2.1 million cases/year

Donald Trump just said he is going to cap credit card interest rates at 10%.

Can he do that?  I thought that credit cards were issued by private banks that set the rate against the Fed rate. 

BREAKING: Governor DeSantis Moves Trump Assassination Case Under State Jurisdiction

BREAKING: Governor DeSantis Moves Trump Assassination Case Under State Jurisdiction This means that Ryan Routh can be prosecuted for attempted m*rder, not just federal charges. The Governor explained his rationale, saying, "In my judgment, it's not in the best interest of our state or our nation that the same federal agencies that are seeking to prosecute Donald Trump [are] leading this investigation, especially when the most serious, straightforward offense constitutes a violation of state law, but not federal law." DeSantis has directed state agencies "to move expeditiously and to provide full transparency to the public."

He emphasized that the public deserves to know the truth about the assassination attempt, stating, "In addition to holding the suspect accountable, the public deserves to know the truth about how this assassination came to be." 


From Price Controls to Mass Starvation by Peter St Onge

Read on Substack

From taxes to spending, Kamala is the most left-wing major party candidate since George McGovern -- who proposed a Universal Basic Income in 1972 and went on to win a single state.

But her most hare-brained scheme--so far--has been price controls, where she's to the left of McGovern, threatening to punish grocery stores for daring to charge more than their costs.

In fact, grocery stores make 1 to 2 pennies on the dollar, meaning they have to pass along costs that come straight from the Washington money printer.

That means price controls would, in short, break food. In a recent video, I mentioned how price controls have been tried many times, and each time they failed so spectacularly they were repealed. After much pain, suffering, and empty shelves.  

In a recent video, I mentioned how price controls have been tried many times, and each time they failed so spectacularly they were repealed. After much pain, suffering, and empty shelves.

When France tried, they got a black market that actually did price gouge. Even Venezuela repealed price controls in 2016 after food shortages and nationwide riots.

But what do price controls look like in reality. For that, I go to a great thread by Robert Sterling, a former M&A executive at one of the biggest food producers in America.

Robert walks us through a thirteen-step process from grocery price controls to widespread food shortages -- something we haven't seen in this country since the Great Depression when FDR also imposed price controls. 

So, first, government announces grocery stores can't raise prices even though inflation continues -- courtesy of the Fed and Wall Street. That means their costs keep going up, so those pennies of profit turn into losses. Like any business that's losing money, they shut down.

Of course, not all grocery stores are created equal -- small ones lack economies of scale, and while rich people buy high-margin vegetables and expensive cuts, the poor buy low-margin packaged foods.

So the small stores and the low-income stores go first.

You get food deserts, as people in urban centers or rural areas have to drive miles -- or take multiple buses -- to find food. And, ironically, you get more concentration, as the little guys drop out.

The survivors increasingly aren't even selling food. They shift shelf space to things that aren't price-controlled. Clothing, furniture, supplements.

Grocery stores start to look more like a Dollar Store, with a little food and a lot of junk.

As cities clear of food, you'd need police patrolling parking lots and armed escorts on delivery trucks -- perhaps you could even have government-run groceries like Chicago just announced.

The only way to save any grocery stores is to price-control their costs. Meaning food producers like Kraft, Heinz, Tyson, and Hormel.

Of course, again, Kraft's costs aren't being controlled -- their ingredients, wages, parts, and electricity. So now they're losing money.

Like groceries, they wind down, closing marginal factories and running out of equipment then not replacing it.  

As food producers downsize or go under, now you start getting actual shortages. And the only solution -- once again -- is price control the next level down. Farmers.

Which brings us to the final stage. Remember, farmers, too, are now forced to sell at a low price, yet their inputs like fertilizer or tractors are still going up.  They, too, go under.

You are now full Venezuela with the only alternative to starvation a complete government takeover of the food supply, centrally planned from farmer to grocer.

As Sterling puts it, "the government will struggle to operate one of the most complex industries on the planet. The entire food supply chain starts imploding."  

“Imploding” [means] starvation

It's very unlikely we'll get to starvation. For the simple reason that at some point the frog boils and the voters -- or rioters -- share their thoughts with policymakers.

That's exactly why price controls fail, from France to Venezuala.  Having said that, we managed it before under FDR.

Unfortunately, if the morons running Kamala's brain trust are dumb enough for price controls, they're dumb enough for a whole lot more.

Every week I write an article on the top stories in economics with regular deep dives into history like the Fall of Rome, the Weimar hyperinflation, or FDR’s Great Depression.